Hex Pets

A tutorial on how to make a pet any colour.

ArtMoney and 20credits.
[For an ArtMoney Tutorial: Click Here]

1.) Load up ArtMoney and Habbo and go into a guest room.

2.) On Habbo open the "Catalogue" and go to the pets page.
(Do NOT close the catalog or move pages.)

3.) Now go on ArtMoney and search:

4.) When it has finished click the "Green Arrow"

5.) Select all (Ctrl + A) then set the value to a colour hex code such as #000000 (Black)
(Hex colour table can be found HERE

6.) Then go back on Habbo and cycle through the pets until you find your colour.

N.) if your colour's not there press on a different section of the catalog and then back onto pets and cycle through again it can take quite a while but if you've done it right it will ALWAYS work.

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.