Freezing - Raw Data (v30 update)

How to freeze flames/water/lights/doors etc using the Give Rights Raw Data method.
This script uses a RawData method, for a RawData Tutorial: Click Here]

Packet Finder/Editor and ArtMoney.
[For an ArtMoney Tutorial: Click Here]

1.) Load up The Packet Finder/Editor.

2.) Start the Packet-Finder and go into an empty room.

3.) First copy and paste the code that looks like this:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)
And place it in a blank notepad [or something similar]

4.) Now enter the room with the item you want to freeze (Reload if the room is empty, this will change your ID), it can be anything from a Dragon to a ModeHatch.

5.) Now send the packet @o to the client to give yourself Owner-Rights if you do not already have them.
(Note: You require owner-rights to freeze doors/hatches/gates etc.)

6.) Now double-click the furni you wish to freeze and look inside your packetlogger, you should have a packet like below:

This means:

7.) Copy the ID and nothing else.

8.) Scroll to the bottom of the tutorial and look at the list to determin what you are freezing.

9.) Now write the packet as below:

for example:

The Letter that Length is detmined by is simple to work out (It uses B64 encoding):
Sting of 1 numbers = A [eg. ID is 1]
Sting of 2 numbers = B [eg. ID is 12]
Sting of 3 numbers = C [eg. ID is 123]
Sting of 4 numbers = D [eg. ID is 1234]
and so on.

10.) Now add this to your original packet to look a bit like below:

for example:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)

11.) Next change the value A` to AJ in ArtMoney
[You may error here though it is unusual, if you do just reload your packetlogger and start again]

12.) Finally send the packet and "Give Rights" to the Habbo that appears, the furni should now freeze.

N.) Some furni resets (this means it turns off) when you re-enter the room, The Doors/Non-resetting furni in the below list, do not however:

(RED means that it's been newly added)

The Non-resetting freeze items
This means as long as you don't double-click the furni, it will stay frozen
- Bubble Lamp
- Butterflies
- DJ Table
- Droppings
- Flashy Christmas Tree
- Geyser
- Habboween Cauldren
- Hot Tub
- Lava Lamp
- Life Support (blood)
- Life Support (ooze)
- Raven
- Snow Storm
- Tiki waterfall
- Toucan
- Venomous Habbolus
- Ballerina Penguin
- Beautiful Penguin
- Boxer Penguin
- Bunny Penguin
- Christmas Penguin
- Clown Penguin
- Cowboy Penguin
- Disco Penguin
- Emperor Penguin
- Executive Penguin
- Fluorescent Penguin
- Hockey Penguin
- Infected Penguin
- Luchador Penguin
- Magic Penguin
- Musketeer Penguin
- Ninja Penguin
- Pilot Penguin
- Pirate Penguin
- Punk Penguin
- Robot Penguin
- Skater Penguin
- Summer Penguin
- Sumo Penguin
- Superhero Penguin
- XC Penguin
Freeze using: AS12345678-O-

The stuff that resets each time you re-enter a room
This means that the freezing is not perminant
- Amber Lamp (Blue)
- Amber Lamp (Red)
- Amber Lamp (Yellow)
- BirdBath (Blue)
- BirdBath (Green)
- BirdBath (Red)
- BirdBath (White)
- Cake
- Camp fire
- Candle Box
- Candle Tray
- Creepy Crypt
- Dance Floor
- Dragon Lamp (Blue)
- Dragon Lamp (Black)
- Dragon Lamp (Bronze)
- Dragon Lamp (Gold)
- Dragon Lamp (Green)
- Dragon Lamp (Jade)
- Dragon Lamp (Purple)
- Dragon Lamp (Red)
- Dragon Lamp (Silver)
- Dragon Lamp (Sky)
- Electric Candles
- Flaming Barrel
- Gothic Ectoplasm Fountain
- Gothic Candelabra
- Grandfather's Clock
- Haunted Grave
- Heavy Duty Fireplace
- Icelantern
- Irori
- Japanese Lantern
- Laser
- Lodge Candle
- Lodge Fireplace
- Manhole
- Menorah
- Mode fireplace
- Moon Lamp
- Oil Lamp
- Party SpotLight
- Powered Fan (Blue)
- Powered Fan (Brown)
- Powered Fan (Green)
- Powered Fan (LightBlue: Habbo Wind Turbine)
- Powered Fan (Orange: Arabian Fan)
- Powered Fan (Purple: Dragon Skin Fan)
- Powered Fan (Pink: Superlove Fan)
- Powered Fan (Red: Festive Fan)
- Powered Fan (Yellow)
- Ray Gun
- Shishi Odishi
- Skull Candle
- Snake
- Snow Globe
- Red Candle
- Red Candles on a Plate
- The Brain
- Tiki Beach Torch
- Tiki Statue
- Tubmaster
- Victorian Street Light
- Water Garden
- Weird Science Machine
- White Candle
- White Candles on a Plate
- Wood TV
Freeze using: AS12345678-O-

Door Freezing
Open the door/hatch then send the freeze packet.
- Antique Drapery
- Area Door
- Area Door (Black)
- Area Door (Blue)
- Area Door (Green)
- Area Door (Yellow)
- Area Door (White)
- Candy Hatch
- Gothic Gate
- Greek Marble Gate
- Ice Castle Gate
- Iced Hatch
- Iced Hatch (White)
- Iced Hatch (Urban)
- Iced Hatch (Rural)
- Iced Shutter (White)
- Iced Shutter (Urban)
- Iced Shutter (Rural)
- Laser Gate (Gold)
- Laser Gate (Blue)
- Laser Gate (Black: Security Fence)
- Laser Gate (Red)
- Lodge Door
- Marquee (Red Dragon)
- Marquee (Green)
- Marquee (Yellow)
- Marquee (White)
- Maze Shrubbery Gate
- Mode Hatch
- Mode Hatch (Red)
- Mode Hatch (White)
- Sand Castle Gate
- Snowy Maze Gate
- Spaceship Door (Blue)
- Spaceship Door (Emerald)
- Spaceship Door (Monolith Black)
- Spaceship Door (Pink)
- Spaceship Door (Yellow)
- Spaceship Door (White)
Freeze using: AS12345678-o- (Small O)

SHOULD be freezable
Items i've either seen frozen before or that should be possible to freeze, i will update if i work out how to freeze them
- TeleDoor Telepoter
- English Telepoter
- Portaloo Telepoter
- Imperial Telepoter
- Wardrobe Telepoter
- One way Door

Totally Unfreezable
This means because of an extra randomly generated packet, they cannot be frozen serverside, you can still freeze them clientside
- HoloDice
- DiceMaster
- Crystal Ball
- Love Randomiser
- Wheel of Destiny

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.