Any Dance - Raw Data

How to use any Dance, with or without HC useing the Give Rights Raw Data method.
This script uses a RawData method, for a RawData Tutorial: Click Here]

Packet Finder/Editor and ArtMoney
[For an ArtMoney Tutorial: Click Here]

1.) Load up The Packet Finder/Editor

2.) Start the Packet-Finder and go into an empty room

3.) First copy and paste the code that looks like this:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)
And place it in a blank notepad [or something similar]

4.) Now go to any room (Reload if the room is empty, this will make your ID different).

5.) Send the packet @o to the client to give yourself owner-rights (ClientSide) if you don't have rights already.

6.) Now smuggle the DanceID into Habbo (The ID must be VL64 encoded!)
DanceID:1 is HabHop (In VL64: I)
DanceID:2 is Rollie (In VL64: J)
DanceID:3 is Duck Funk (In VL64: K)
DanceID:4 is Pogo Mogo (In VL64: PA)
So if you wanted Pogo Mogo you would smuggle "PA"

7.) To do this you need the packet from earlier and you need to change the UserName like below:

for example:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)

8.) Next change the value A` to A] in ArtMoney
[You may error here though it is unusual, if you do just reload your packetlogger and start again]

9.) Now send the packet and "Give Rights" to the Habbo that appears, you should now be doing your desired dance.

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.