Swimsuit to Guest Room (v30 Update)

How to add a swimsuited Habbo into a private/guest room.

Packet Finder/Editor.

1.) Load up the Packet Finder/Editor.

2.) Go into a public room (Lido or RoofTop Rumble).

3.) Change your clothes to a swimsuit and you should see some coding like below:

These are what each code means:

4.) Now go into a guest room with no one in and send this data as RoomIDNumber 0 (H)

5.) Your Habbo will have no body and just be a floating head with a shadow.

N.) The weird thing is, if you click a Male floating head, the Habbo has breasts, whereas if you click a Female floating head it becomes flat chested.

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.