handitem7=Water handitem6=Blackcurrant handitem45=Excited Moodi handitem9=Decaff handitem44=Test Tube handitem8=Regular handitem3=Carrot handitem47=Angry Moodi handitem2=Juice handitem46=Happy Moodi handitem41=Sumppi-kuppi handitem5=Milk handitem4=Ice-cream handitem13=Espresso handitem31=Pink Champagne! handitem14=Filter handitem15=Iced handitem1=Tea handitem16=Cappuccino handitem34=Kipperific! Yum Yum. handitem35=Pink Champagne! handitem10=Latte handitem36=Pear handitem50=Sparkling Bottle handitem11=Mocha handitem37=Apple handitem12=Macchiato handitem38=Orange handitem39=Pineapple Pizza handitem17=Java handitem18=Tap handitem19=Habbo Cola handitem101=Water handitem53=Espresso handitem30=Radioactive liquid handitem22=Lime Habbo Soda handitem23=Beetroot Habbo Soda handitem20=Camera handitem21=Hamburger handitem26=Calippo handitem27=Tea handitem24=Bubble juice from 1999 handitem25=Love potion handitem28=sake handitem100=Water handitem29=Tomato juice toolbar.icon.tooltip.messenger=Send messages to your friends toolbar.icon.tooltip.catalogue=Catalogue for shopping with your Credits and Pixels. toolbar.icon.tooltip.sounds=Toggle sounds on/off toolbar.icon.tooltip.friendlist.fr=You have friend request(s) pending! toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.home=Go to your home room toolbar.icon.tooltip.roominfo=Information of the room you are currently in toolbar.icon.tooltip.memenu=Dance, wave, use effects, show badges, change clothes and check your rooms toolbar.icon.tooltip.inventory=Your Furniture, Effects, Badges and Achievements toolbar.icon.tooltip.help=Help toolbar.icon.tooltip.settings=Settings toolbar.icon.tooltip.zoom=Zoom the room view in and out toolbar.icon.tooltip.navigator=Rooms and events toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.hotelview=Go to the Hotel view toolbar.icon.tooltip.friendlist=View and follow your friends chat.history.drag.tooltip=Drag this to display chat history chat.input.alert.flood=You're typing too fast, don't flood the room! - %time% seconds remaining soundmachine.notification.playing=Now playing %songname% by %songauthor% soundmachine.flash9.alert.title=Old Flash version soundmachine.flash9.link.title=Update latest Flash player soundmachine.flash9.alert.content=To be able to hear Trax songs, you need to update to latest Flash player version info.comingsoon.caption=The feature is not yet available! info.client.version=Version: %version% info.comingsoon.text=Coming Soon! help.cfh.topic.9=%name% is scripting hotel_merge.name_change.info.confirm=After confirmation you won't be able change your name again! report.user.error.nolist=You don't seem to have met any users during this play session. Please send a regular call for help instead. help.cfh.topic.8=%name% is sharing personal information. help.cfh.reply.title=Your call has been responded to as follows: help.cfh.topic.7=%name% is harassing me or others. help.cfh.topic.6=Other problem help.cfh.topic.5=Someone is trying to scam passwords help.button.habboway=Read the community guidelines >> help.tutorial.name.confirmation=Your Habbo name will be %name% for good. Are you sure you want to proceed? hotel_merge.name_change.confirm=Please confirm your new name: help.faq.title.urgent=Current issues help.tutorial.name.change_not_allowed=Sorry, but Habbo name changing is currently disablesd. Please try again later! help.tutorial.button.guidebot=Call a Guide bot help.faq.title.normal=FAQ Topics help.cfh.error.pending=Your previous call for help has not been answered yet. To make a new one you must delete the old message. help.cfh.error.abusive=Your previous call was abusive. You will not be able to send new calls for 10 minutes. help.tutorial.name.invalid=Name %name% is not valid for a Habbo name. Please think of something else.. help.tutorial.name.merge_hotel.down=We're currently having technical problems verifying new Habbo names. Please try again in a few minutes! help.tutorial.clickme=Click here! help.faq.categories.text=Browse FAQs by category: hotel_merge.name_change.current=Your current name is %name% help.tutorial.name.available=Habbo name %name% is free, so you can get it. help.button.faq.categorylist=Go back to list of categories help.tutorial.title=Welcome to Habbo Hotel! help.button.faq.next.entry=View the next issue: help.button.faq=Browse all FAQ topics >> help.cfh.topic.12=%name% is doing something crazy. help.cfh.button.send=Make a help request help.cfh.topic.10=%name% is doing something dumb. help.cfh.button.delete=Delete your pending calls for help. help.cfh.topic.11=%name% is doing something stupid. help.tutorial.name.short=Name you have chosen is too short! It must be between 3 and 15 characters long. hotel_merge.name_change.keep=No, I want to keep my current name help.faq.title.searchresults=Search results help.call.for.guide.bot=A guide bot can be called to help answer any questions you may have. hotel_merge.name_change.info.select=You can search for available names, and pick the one that is available. help.tutorial.button.changename=Change Name help.cfh.error.length=Please tell us what has happened. help.tutorial.name.taken=Habbo name %name% seems to be taken. Here are some other suggestions: help.button.habboway.url=http://%predefined%/groups/HabboWay hotel_merge.name_change.info.main=In preparation for the glorious Habbo.com relaunch, some users with name that conflicts between hotels have to change their name. You are one of these users. You can change your character name only once, so think carefully what name you want. help.button.faq.topiclist=Go back to list of topics link.help.habboway=http://%predefined%/groups/HabboWay help.tutorial.name.input=Type your new Habbo name here... help.window.title=Help hotel_merge.name_change.title=Name Change report.user.pick.user=Please pick the user you want to report from the list below: hotel_merge.name_change.title.select=Select help.faq.search.default=Type in keywords to search help.mainpage.topics.title=Known issues, read these first: help.tutorial.clothes.info=You can change your avatar looks with the avatar editor. First click your avatar head icon on the toolbar on the left, then the highlighted icon to be able to choose your new look. hotel_merge.name_change.pick=Yes, pick this one help.tutorial.button.changelooks=Change Looks help.button.cfh=Help report.user.pick.topic=Please choose what the user you're reporting has done. Also note that abusing the call for help system by sending false claims will not be tolerated. help.cfh.pick.topic=Choose a topic for your call that best matches your problem: help.info.cfh=Click here if you want to make a help request hotel_merge.name_change.change=Yes, I want to change my name help.faq.browse.topics=Click a topic to view questions: help.tutorial.info=Welcome to Habbo Hotel! Here are some tasks to help you get started. help.tutorial.button.nameok=I'm happy with name %name% help.button.call.guide.bot=Call guide bot report.user.list.entry=%name% in room %room% hotel_merge.name_change.info=Due to the hotel merge you need to change your name. Click the button below to proceed. help.cfh.input.text=Please give us more details about what has happened. help.cfh.topic.2=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address help.tutorial.name.changed=Your Habbo name is now changed to %name%! help.button.report.user=Report a user to moderators help.cfh.topic.1=Someone is bullying or being abusive help.tutorial.name.info=Your name can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and characters -=?!@:., help.info.report.user=Has someone been behaving abusively towards you? help.cfh.topic.4=Someone is blocking or being disruptive help.cfh.topic.3=Someone is asking for webcam contact or photos hotel_merge.name_change.title.confirm=Confirm help.cfh.sent.text=A moderator will investigate the situation and take appropriate action. Please check Service Updates on the FAQs for known technical problems. help.cfh.sent.title=Thanks for your call. help.tutorial.name.long=Name you have chosen is too long. It must be between 3 and 15 characters long. help.tutorial.guidebot.info=You can call a Guide bot to your own room from the Habbo Help menu by clicking the question mark on the left hand toolbar. Feel free to ask the robot any questions you might have, but remember, robot might not know everything. hotel_merge.name_change.check=Check hotel_merge.name_change.title.main=Change your name help.cfh.error.title=Your call for help was not sent! poll_offer_title=Poll poll_offer_window=Poll poll_thanks_title=Thanks! poll_alert_answer_missing=Please give an answer poll_cancel_confirm_short=Stop answering? poll_question_title=Question poll_cancel_confirm_long=Are you sure you want to stop answering the poll? You can't continue later. poll_question_number=Question %number%/%count% poll_offer_later=Later poll_cancel_confirm_title=Cancel poll generic.close=Close connection.server.error.desc=Sorry, received server error: %errorCode% generic.search=Search generic.cancel=Cancel generic.back=Back ads.roomad.tooltip=This is an advertisement. Clicking it will open another web page. connection.server.error.id.title=Server Error generic.alert.title=Notice! generic.ok=Ok pet.race.0.014=Whiffy Woofy pet.race.0.013=Mangy Mutt pet.race.0.012=Tawny Bleugh pet.race.0.011=Lappy Lassie pet.race.0.010=Furry McScottie pet.enrg.0=Tired pet.race.0.019=Tiny Terrier pet.race.0.018=Bushy Woofer pet.race.0.017=Speckled Sheepdog pet.race.0.016=Murmurin' Minimastiff pet.race.0.015=Pixie Poodle pet.enrg.5=Rabid pet.enrg.6=Active pet.enrg.7=Energetic pet.enrg.8=Lively pet.enrg.1=Slow pet.enrg.2=Sluggish pet.enrg.3=Lazy pet.enrg.4=Relaxed pet.enrg.9=Tireless pet.race.0.001=Habbo Husky pet.race.0.000=Yappy Yorkie pet.race.0.003=Rescue Bernard pet.race.0.002=Joe Cocker Spaniel pet.race.0.009=Hound of Hull pet.race.0.008=Springy Spaniel pet.mood=Happiness: infostand.pet.text.level=Level pet.race.0.005=Paws Forethought pet.race.0.004=Droopy of Pawford pet.race.0.007=Slobber Don pet.race.0.006=Stripy Setter pet.race.1.020=Caterwaul Kitty pet.race.1.023=Indoor Alley Cat pet.race.1.024=Cat Burglar pet.race.1.021=Fabulous Feline pet.race.1.022=Matted Moggy pet.mood.6=Ecstatic pet.mood.5=Joyful pet.mood.4=Happy widgets.pet.commands.help.title=Pet commands help pet.mood.3=Contented pet.hunger.0=Empty pet.mood.2=Blue pet.hunger.1=Hungry pet.mood.1=Depressed pet.hunger.2=Rumbling pet.mood.0=Miserable pet.hunger.3=Peckish pet.hunger.4=Satisfied pet.hunger.5=Full pet.hunger.6=Stuffed infostand.button.train=Train navigator.roomsettings.allowpets=Allow pets pet.nature=Nature: widgets.pet.commands.title=Pet commands pet.command.4=beg pet.command.15=follow left pet.command.5=play dead pet.command.16=follow right pet.command.2=down pet.command.13=nest pet.command.3=here pet.command.14=drink pet.command.11=play pet.command.8=stand pet.command.12=silent pet.command.9=jump pet.command.6=stay pet.command.7=follow pet.command.10=speak pet.race.5.009=Arctic Boar infostand.pet.text.experience=Experience pet.race.5.007=Devils Country Boar pet.race.5.008=Navy Boar widgets.pet.commands.description=Each pet has a level from 1 to 20. Every pet command gives the pet a bit of experience but makes the pet tired (reduces energy). Reaching higher levels will give your pet more commands and increase the likelihood the pet obeys you. Feeding the pet will also make your pet obey you better, and makes regaining energy much faster. pet.command.17=go to user pet.command.18=teleport pet.race.3.009=Royal Arsenal's best friend pet.race.3.007=Eastenders Betty pet.race.5.002=Baby Boar pet.race.3.008=Neighbours Audrey pet.race.5.001=Tasmanian Boar pet.race.3.005=Doon Squirrel hunter pet.race.5.000=Roman Boar pet.race.3.006=Lucy's Fred pet.race.3.003=Dee Mice killer pet.race.5.006=Frozen Boar pet.race.3.004=Holy Island Rabbit lover pet.race.5.005=Forest Boar pet.race.3.001=Working scottie pet.race.5.004=Transylvanian Boar pet.race.3.002=Carlisle Ratter pet.race.5.003=Freyjas Boar pet.race.3.000=Livingston's nightmare pet.race.4.002=Great Bear pet.race.4.003=Sunny Bear widgets.pet.commands.info.link=Pet commands help pet.race.4.000=Brown Bear pet.race.4.001=Polar Bear infostand.pet.text.nutrition=Nutrition pet.race.5.011=Fruit Boar pet.race.5.010=Sand Boar infostand.pet.text.energy=Energy pet.frnd.11=Devoted pet.frnd.10=Adoring pet.race.3.010=M's United pet pet.race.3.011=Northwests Loch Ness pet.enrg.11=Nutcase pet.enrg.10=Mad pet.race.1.000=Sleepy Siamese pet.race.1.002=Lesser Spotted Longhair pet.race.1.001=Purr-Sian pet.race.1.004=Soft-Toed Sneaker pet.race.2.010=Giggly Go-go pet.thirst.3=Not thirsty pet.race.1.003=Hidden Clause pet.race.1.006=Titchy Tiger pet.thirst.1=Parched pet.race.1.005=Cat Astroflea pet.race.2.011=Petty Petsuchos pet.thirst.2=Thirsty pet.hunger=Hunger: navigator.roomsettings.allowfoodconsume=Allow others' pets to eat food pet.race.1.008=Mad Mouser pet.race.1.007=Burmese Buddy pet.race.1.009=Scaredy Kat pet.thirst=Thirst: pet.age=Age: %age% days pet.frnd.9=Loyal pet.frnd.8=Loving pet.thirst.0=Gasping pet.frnd.7=Affectionate pet.frnd.6=Warm pet.frnd.5=Friendly pet.frnd.4=Calm pet.frnd.3=Cool pet.frnd.2=Suspicious pet.frnd.1=Angry pet.frnd.0=Hostile pet.race.2.009=Swampy Siamese pet.race.2.008=Indifferent pet.race.2.007=Pretty Pui Pui pet.race.2.006=Confused Croc pet.race.1.013=Felis Catus Allergicus pet.race.2.005=Galled Gator pet.race.1.012=Freckled Feral pet.race.2.004=Dirty Dundee pet.race.1.011=Egyptian Angora pet.race.2.003=Silly Sobek pet.race.1.010=Wannabe Wildcat pet.race.2.002=Nile Dile pet.race.1.017=Furry Friend pet.race.2.001=Krazy Krokodilos pet.race.1.016=Curiousity - The Return! pet.race.2.000=Endangered Albino pet.race.0.020=Patchy Pup pet.race.1.015=Haughty House Pet pet.race.0.021=Loyal Labrador pet.race.1.014=Bushy Bobtail pet.race.0.022=Schnitzel Snatcher pet.race.0.023=Dotty Dalmatian pet.race.0.024=Black-eyed Boxer pet.race.1.019=Bobcat Wailer pet.race.1.018=Trusting Tabby pet.command.1=sit pet.command.0=free room.error.cant_set_not_owner=You don't have rights to put furniture in here! room.error.pets.respectfailed=You can scratch other users pets once your account is %required_age% days old. Your account is now %avatar_age% days old. room.error.kicked=You were kicked out from the room. room.error.pets.selected_tile_not_free=You can not place your pet there, pick another tile. room.error.max_stickies=Only 50 stickies per room are allowed! room.error.max_soundfurni=You can only place one sound playing Furni per room. room.error.max_pets=Too many pets in the room! room.error.guide.already.exists=A guide bot already exists in your room! room.error.pets.forbidden_in_hotel=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this Hotel. room.error.pets.forbidden_in_flat=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room. room.error.pets.no_free_tiles=The space in front of you is not empty. Please move to another spot and try placing your pet again. room.confirm.pick_all=Do you really want to pick all furniture in the room? room.error.max_queuetiles=You can't fit more Habbo Rollers in this room! room.error.guide.not.available=All guide bots are in use at this time. Please try again later! room.error.cant_set_item=You cannot place this item here. error.title=Error! room.error.max_furniture=This room has the maximum amount of Furni. room.error.cant_trade_stuff=You cannot place this in someone else's room! poster_1002_desc=aw, bless... poster_36_desc=The Hotels girlband. Dream on! poster_2004_desc=irie! poster_24_desc=Following the star poster_2007_name=The Father Of Habbo poster_2_desc=Take pride in your veg! poster_3_desc=Smells fishy, looks cool poster_83_name=Pöllö huhuilee poster_32_name=Stocking poster_25_name=Reindeer Poster poster_16_name=Bars poster_20_name=Snowman Poster poster_24_name=Three Wise Men Poster poster_49_name=Large silver star poster_503_name=The Swiss flag poster_512_name=The Irish flag poster_58_name=Red Knots poster_2002_name=Urho Kaleva Kekkonen poster_2006_name=DJ Throne poster_505_name=The Maple Leaf poster_57_name=Calligraphy poster poster_509_desc=The flag of Jamaica poster_22_name=Winter Wonderland poster_52_desc=whack that ball! poster_511_name=The Dutch flag poster_1001_desc=even walls have ears poster_50_name=Bat Poster poster_523_desc=The flag of India poster_13_desc=Arty black and white poster_22_desc=A chilly snowy scene poster_15_desc=Marvellous mountains poster_511_desc=The flag of The Netherlands poster_33_name=Save the Panda poster_514_desc=Be proud to be in the Union! poster_50_desc=flap, flap, screech, screech... poster_10_name=Lapland Poster poster_2001_desc=Former servant of a great wizard! poster_53_name=Hockey Stick poster_42_name=Spiderweb poster_5_desc=Quacking good design! poster_1003_name=UK Map poster_35_name=The Habbo Babes 1 poster_518_desc=A fiery dragon for your wall poster_515_name=The Swedish flag poster_513_desc=Aussies rule! poster_2_name=Carrot Plaque poster_27_desc=Deck the halls! poster_522_desc=Land of the rising sun poster_1_name=Lady Lisa poster_14_name=Fox Poster poster_2000_name=Suomen kartta poster_21_name=Angel Poster poster_508_name=The Spanish flag poster_2003_name=Dodgy Geezer poster_521_name=Flag of Brazil poster_2001_name=Magic Carpet poster_1004_name=Eid Mubarak Poster poster_12_name=Lapland Poster poster_44_desc=Beware the curse... poster_506_name=The flag of Finland poster_48_desc=All that glitters... poster_520_desc=Every colour for everyone poster_58_desc=Wishing you luck poster_504_desc=The German flag poster_507_name=The French Tricolore poster_52_name=Hockey Stick poster_56_desc=Serious partying going on! poster_41_name=Habbo Golden Record poster_51_desc=2 points for every basket poster_61_name=Siva Poster poster_6_name=Abstract Poster poster_18_name=Butterfly Cabinet 2 poster_1002_name=Queen Mum Poster poster_501_name=Jolly Roger poster_11_name=Certificate poster_59_desc=Torch - it gives you some light poster_2005_desc=The Special Infobus Poster poster_37_name=The Habbo Babes 3 poster_23_desc=The jolly fat man himself poster_54_name=Hockey Stick poster_2007_desc=The legendary founder of the Hotel poster_30_desc=Pucker up poster_62_desc=We can't bear to lose them! poster_503_desc=There's no holes in this... poster_4_name=Bear Plaque poster_516_desc=Eng-er-land poster_1000_desc=The Noble and Silver Show poster_20_desc=A new use for carrots! poster_5_name=Duck Poster poster_2000_desc=Suomen kartta poster_500_desc=The UK flag poster_39_desc=The rock masters of virtual music poster_514_name=The EU flag poster_523_name=India Flag poster_17_name=Butterfly Cabinet 1 poster_26_desc=See that halo gleam! poster_62_name=Save The Panda poster_51_name=Basketball Hoop poster_502_desc=The US flag poster_2004_name=Rasta Poster poster_521_desc=Ordem e progresso poster_42_desc=Not something you want to run into poster_29_desc=10 x Gold Tinsel poster_7_desc=For emergencies only poster_8_name=Habbo Colours poster_500_name=Union Jack poster_16_desc=Added security poster_41_desc=For the best music-makers poster_9_desc=Do your bit for the environment poster_513_name=The Australian flag poster_12_desc=a beautiful sunset poster_506_desc=To 'Finnish' your decor... poster_23_name=Santa Poster poster_34_desc=Habbo-punk for the never-agreeing poster_18_desc=Beautiful reproduction butterfly poster_2003_desc=Would you trust this man? poster_43_name=Chains poster_30_name=Mistletoe poster_31_name=System of a Ban poster_2006_desc=He is the magic Habbo poster_2002_desc=Presidentin muotokuva poster_1006_name=Hoot Poster poster_38_desc=For really TOUGH Habbos! poster_6_desc=But is it the right way up? poster_2005_name=Infobus poster_47_desc=Twinkle, twinkle poster_19_name=Hole In The Wall poster_49_desc=All that glitters... poster_1005_name=Johnny Squabble poster_516_name=The English flag poster_46_name=Small gold star poster_512_desc=The flag of Ireland poster_10_desc=Beautiful sunset poster_53_desc=whack that ball! poster_509_name=The Jamaican flag poster_13_name=BW Skyline Poster poster_507_desc=The French flag poster_1006_desc=The eyes follow you... poster_8_desc=Habbos come in all colours poster_2008_desc=Once every four Habbo years! poster_7_name=Hammer Cabinet poster_46_desc=Twinkle, twinkle poster_517_desc=Where's your kilt? poster_28_desc=10 x Silver Tinsel poster_518_name=The Welsh flag poster_21_desc=See that halo gleam poster_515_desc=Waved by Swedes everywhere poster_2008_name=Habbo Leap Day Poster poster_35_desc=The Hotel's girlband. Dream on! poster_1003_desc=get the lovely isles on your walls poster_508_desc=The flag of Spain poster_510_name=The Italian flag poster_43_desc=Shake, rattle and roll poster_39_name=Screaming Furnies poster_27_name=Holly Bundle 3 poster_36_name=The Habbo Babes 2 poster_45_name=Skeleton poster_14_desc=A cunning painting poster_29_name=Gold Tinsel Bundle poster_61_desc=The Auspicious One poster_517_name=The Scottish flag poster_45_desc=Needs a few more Habburgers poster_11_desc=I obey the Habbo way! poster_44_name=Mummy poster_19_desc=Trying to get in or out? poster_47_name=Small silver star poster_26_name=Angel Poster poster_1_desc=Is she smiling? poster_55_name=Tree of Time poster_505_desc=The Canadian flag poster_33_desc=We can't bear to lose them poster_55_desc=Save our trees! poster_32_desc=Hung yours up yet? poster_520_name=The Rainbow Flag poster_34_name=Scamme'd poster_40_name=Bonnie Blonde poster_17_desc=Beautiful reproduction butterfly poster_504_name=The Bundesflagge poster_57_desc=chinese calligraphy poster_56_name=Disco Sign poster_522_name=Japan Flag poster_48_name=Large gold star poster_37_desc=The Hotels girlband. Dream on! poster_9_name=Rainforest Poster poster_501_desc=For pirates everywhere poster_1004_desc=Celebrate with us poster_59_name=Torch poster_25_desc=Doing a hard night's work poster_502_name=The Stars and Stripes poster_83_desc=Pöllö huhuilee, huhuu! poster_1000_name=Comedy Poster poster_54_desc=whack that ball! poster_15_name=Himalayas Poster poster_1001_name=Prince Charles Poster poster_4_desc=Fake of course! poster_40_desc=The one and only. Adore her! poster_28_name=Silver Tinsel Bundle poster_1005_desc=The muscly movie hero poster_38_name=Smiling Headbangerz poster_3_name=Fish Plaque poster_31_desc=Pure and unbridled nu-metal poster_510_desc=The flag of Italy widget.furni.trophy.title=Trophy widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.male=Boy widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.female=Girl widget.memenu.wave=Wave widget.memenu.settings.title=Modify your settings widget.memenu.news=News group.logo.url.template=http://%predefined%/habbo-imaging/badge-fill/%imagerdata%.gif widget.memenu.editavatar=Change Looks widget.memenu.vip.long=VIP %days%d %months%m widget.memenu.activeeffects=Activate and use effects widget.dimmer.info.off=Room dimmer is currently turned off. Turn it on to adjust the lighting of your room. widget.furni.clothingchange.editor.title=Furniture clothes editor widget.dimmer.button.apply=Apply to room widgets.chatinput.mode.shout=:shout widgets.memenu.effects.active.timeleft=%time_left% widget.memenu.dance.stop=Stop Dancing widget.memenu.myclothes=Change Looks widget.furni.info.url=http://%predefined%//help/6 widget.friendrequest.decline=Decline widgets.furniture.credit.redeem.value=This bag or bar contains %value% credits, you can redeem it now. widget.dimmer.button.on=Turn on widget.memenu.hc.join=Join HC! widgets.doorbell.info=Following users are ringing the doorbell: widget.memenu.settings.volume=Adjust the volume of sounds widget.memenu.effects.info=You don't have any active effects. Activate some or get more. widget.poll.title=Poll widget.dimmer.title=Room dimmer Controller widget.chatbubble.petrespect=%petname% was scratched! widget.chooser.user.title=Chooser widget.dimmer.info=Room dimmer effect is previewed in your room. Apply the effect to the room to make other users see it too. widgets.chatbubble.respect=%username% was respected! widget.memenu.moreeffects=Buy more widgets.chatinput.mode.speak=:speak widget.memenu.back=Back group.owner=Owner widget.memenu.dance=Dance infostand.button.whisper=Whisper group.room.link=Group's room: %room_name% >>> widget.memenu.settings=Settings group.admin=Administrator group.homepage=Group homepage >> widget.memenu.vip=VIP %days%d group.homepage.url=http://%predefined%/groups/%groupid%/id widget.memenu.clothes.add=Save outfits in the clothes editor and they'll appear here widget.friendrequest.accept=Accept widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.title=Select edited gender widget.memenu.dance2=Pogo Mogo widgets.doorbell.title=Doorbell widget.memenu.dance3=Duck Funk widget.memenu.hc=HC %days%d widget.memenu.dance4=The Rollie widget.memenu.clothes.info=Join Habbo Club to quickly choose outfits in this menu. widget.memenu.dance1=Dance widget.memenu.credits=%credits% Credits widget.dimmer.type.checkbox=Background only widgets.chatinput.default=Click here to chat... widget.chooser.furni.title=Furni widget.furni.present.open=Open the present group.member=Member widget.dimmer.tab.2=Preset 2 widget.dimmer.tab.1=Preset 1 widget.furni.ecotronbox.open=Open Box widget.dimmer.tab.3=Preset 3 group.window.title=Habbo Groups widget.friendrequest.from=Friend request from %username% widget.dimmer.button.off=Turn off widget.memenu.effects=My Effects widget.memenu.hc.long=HC %days%d %months%m widget.furni.present.title=Present widget.memenu.badges=My badges widget.furni.ecotronbox.title=Ecotron box widget.memenu.myrooms=My Rooms widgets.chatinput.mode.whisper=:tell widget.memenu.dance.clubinfo=Join Habbo Club to get more dance moves. widget.furni.present.hc=You got a subscription to Habbo Club! widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.info=Select which gender's clothes you want to edit. group.privileges=Privileges: %privileges% ads.interstitial.tooltip=This is an advertisement. Clicking it will open another web page. room.loading=Please wait while loading the room. help.cfh.closed.useless=Please note that the Call for Help system is for reporting genuine abuse issues or account queries. We ask that you don't use it rashly. help.cfh.closed.resolved=Thank you, your issue has now been resolved. mod.ban.title=You are banned! help.cfh.error.nomsg=You must write a description of what is wrong before sending a call for help. help.cfh.topic.106=Other Problem help.cfh.topic.105=Someone is being disruptive help.cfh.error.msgtooshort=The description you've written is too short. Please describe the issue in more detailed manner. help.cfh.topic.104=Someone is bullying or being abusive help.cfh.closed.abusive=Please do not abuse the Call for Help system. Misuse may lead to penalties against your account. mod.alert.link=More information >> mod.chatdisclaimer=Discussions in Habbo rooms may be monitored for moderation purposes help.cfh.topicwithharasser.106=Other Problem help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is blocking or being disruptive help.cfh.topic.101=Someone is being sexually explicit help.cfh.topicwithharasser.104=%name% is bullying or being abusive mod.alert.title=Message from Habbo Staff help.cfh.topicwithharasser.103=%name% is scamming help.cfh.topicwithharasser.102=%name% is sharing phone numbers or home address help.cfh.topic.103=Someone is scamming help.cfh.topicwithharasser.101=%name% is being sexually explicit help.cfh.topic.102=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address connection.login.name=Name connection.login.error.-3.desc=Authentication failed connection.error.id.title=Error opening.hours.disconnected=We're sorry but you have been disconnected from the Hotel. The Hotel will open again at %h%:%m%. We look forward to welcoming you back! connection.login.title=Sign in opening.hours.shutdown=The Hotel will shut down in %m% minutes. To avoid confusion, purchasing of furniture, Habbo Club and trading is disabled. Thank you for visiting and welcome back tomorrow! opening.hours.title=Hotel Maintenance opening.hours.closed=The Hotel has been closed and will be open to the public again at %h%:%m%. connection.login.useTicket=Use SSO Ticket connection.error.id.desc=Something went wrong when talking with the game server. Received error: %id% connection.login.login=Sign in connection.login.password=Password connection.login.error.-400.desc=Connecting to the server failed avatareditor.promo.showphones=Show supported phones avatareditor.save=Save changes avatareditor.promo.trial.title=Want more clothes? Get Habbo Club for 7 days & 5 Credits for £1.50! avatareditor.wardrobe.store=Click to store your outfit avatareditor.wardrobe.title=My Wardrobe avatareditor.generic.girl=Girl avatareditor.habboclub.title=Habbo Club Required avatareditor.promo.supportedphones=Habbo Club purchasing works on Virgin, Tesco Network, Vodafone UK, O2, T-Mobile, 3 and Orange phones avatareditor.promo.trial.instructions=1. Text "HABBO" to 78889.\n\n2. Enter the special code to the form below and press redeem. avatareditor.try.club.clothes.description=Try on Habbo Club clothing. avatareditor.invalidclubitems.moreinfo=Join the club avatareditor.invalidclubitems.title=Thanks for trying out the HC clothing avatareditor.wardrobe.choose=Click to choose a look avatareditor.promo.title=Want more clothes? Get Habbo Club for 31 days & 5 credits for £3! avatareditor.promo.moreinfo=More info avatareditor.generic.boy=Boy avatareditor.promo.redeem=Redeem my club avatareditor.habboclub.info=Habbo Club is required in order to be able to use the wardrobe. avatareditor.cancel=Cancel avatareditor.hotlooks.title=Hot Looks from the Hotel avatareditor.habboclub.link=Get Habbo Club Membership avatareditor.promo.supportedphones.title=Supported phones avatareditor.hotlooks.more=More Looks avatareditor.try.club.clothes=Try Habbo Club clothes avatareditor.title=Change Your Looks avatareditor.promo.instructions=1. Text "HABBO" to 78881.\n\n2. Enter the special code to the form below and press redeem. avatareditor.palette.2=Color 2 avatareditor.palette.1=Color 1 avatareditor.invalidclubitems.description=These clothing items and colors are for Habbo Club members only. Join the Habbo Club and enjoy these benefits today. Press ok if you want to remove the Club clothes. avatareditor.try.club.clothes.more=You can now try on Habbo Club clothes. Join Habbo Club and wear these clothes everyday. avatareditor.hotlooks.choose=Click to choose avatar.editor.character.update.url=http://%predefined%/profile/characterupdate fx14_desc=The future of transportation in pink. object_displayer_fx=%fx (%t) fx_2_desc=The future of transportation. fx_1_desc=Shine the light on me! fx_5_desc=Light the dark corners of your existence. fx_7_desc=Let the butterflies flap their wings. fx_9=Love fx_8=Fireflies fx_7=Butterfly effect fx_6=HRJP-3000 fx_5=Torch fx_4=Twinkle fx_3=UFO fx_2=Hover board fx_12_desc=Ice cold! fx_16_desc=Habbo Dragonfly microphone fx_1=Spotlight fx_11=X-Ray fx_bubbles=Forever blowing bubbles! fx_10=Flies fx_13=Ghost fx_12=Frozen fx_26_desc=totem_mix_desc fx_14=Pink hover board fx_15=Yellow hover board fx_16=Microphone fx_21_desc=Drive like lightning, crash like thunder! fx_17=UFO in pink fx_18=UFO in yellow fx_19=BluesMobile fx_9_desc=Love is in the air. fx_11_desc=X-Rayed fx_15_desc=As yellow as a submarine. fx15_desc=The future of transportation in yellow. fx_25_desc=totem_eagle_desc fx_18_desc=Unidentified yellow flying object. fx_23_desc=totem_man_desc fx_flare=Flares! fx_4_desc=Twinkle like the star you are. fx_6_desc=Habbo Rocket Jet Pack. fx_24=totem_merdragon_name fx_23=totem_man_name fx_22=BadMobile fx_21=RebelMobile fx_20=HelpMobile fx_8_desc=Light my fire fx_3_desc=Help, I'm being abducted. fx_14_desc=See the world on pink hover board. fx_27=Mighty Viking fx_25=totem_eagle_name fx_26=totem_mix_name fx_13_desc=Spooky fx_27_desc=Be a part of the How to Train Your Dragan tribe fx_22_desc=This is black sunshine! fx_19_desc=We're on a mission from god. fx_20_desc=How can I help? fx_explosion=Explosions fx14=Hover board fx15=Hover board fx_10_desc=Get a shower! fx_17_desc=Fly away with this UFO of love. fx_24_desc=totem_merdragon_desc catalog.marketplace.redeem.no_sold_items=You have no offers listed which have been sold. When you've posted something, check back here to see the offer status and get your credits. Use the Inventory window to put items up for sale. catalog.club.hc=Habbo Club redeem=Redeem catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.not_available=No data (need two days of trading to show graph) catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.remaining=You will have %remaining% in your Purse after purchasing this. catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.amount=You have %amount%. catalog.club.vip=VIP ctlg_spaces_preview=Preview catalog_selectproduct=Select an item catalog.choosecolour=Choose Colour catalog.club_gift.subscribe=Subscribe now to select this gift catalog.club.info.content=Get the Habbo Club membership you want, HC for less or VIP for more. catalog_giftfor=Gift recipient catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.none=Nothing catalog.redeem.dialog.button.exchange=Exchange ctlg_spaces_wall=Wall catalog.club_gift.months_required=Required: %months% months of membership catalog.gift_wrapping.cancel=Cancel catalog.voucher.empty.title=Voucher code missing catalog.recycler.button.recycle=Recycle catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.hc.hc=You are about to extend your subscription to Habbo Club. Glad to see you continue your subscription! catalog.chooseproduct=Choose Product catalog.club.buy.info=Check out the best Habbo Club membership deal for you! catalog.alert.external.link.desc=Link opens to a webpage catalog.alert.petname.short=Pet name is too short. catalog.marketplace.offer_count=Offers: %count% catalog.marketplace.offer.expired=This item was not sold purse_coins=Credits catalog.gift_wrapping.receiver_not_found.title=User not found catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.costs=%offer_name% costs %price%. recycler.info.closed=Recycler is closed at the moment. Please check back later to recycle your Furniture. ctlg_spaces_pattern=Pattern recycler.info.ready=Drag 5 items to the boxes below and click recycle. Recyclable items display a recyclable tag in your inventory. Check out the prizes and the instructions for recycling before you recycle. catalog.alert.external.link.title=Link to the website catalog.title=Catalogue catalog.alert.published.description=Something new has been added to the catalogue. catalog.club.buy.info.vip=Get your VIP subscription now and be the one with the coolest look, room, furniture and more! catalog.club_gift.select=Select buy_andwear=Buy and wear catalog.club.buy.header=Habbo Club recycler.alert.privateroom=You need to go to a private room to use the recycler. catalog.gift_wrapping.message=Gift tag message (include your Habbo name!) catalog.purchase_confirmation.gift=Buy as gift catalog.alert.notenough.pixels.title=Not Enough Pixels! catalog.marketplace.sort.3=Items most traded today first catalog.purse.pixelbalance=Pixels: %balance% >> catalog.marketplace.sort.2=Cheapest items first catalog.marketplace.sort.1=Most expensive items first catalog.marketplace.sort.6=Items with least offers available catalog.marketplace.sort.5=Items with most offers available catalog.marketplace.sort.4=Items least traded today first catalog.purchase.price.credits+pixels=%credits% credit(s) + %pixels% pixels catalog.club.price=%price% credits recycler.alert.timeout=You have to wait %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds before you can recycle again. catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_box=Pick a box catalog_typeurname=Please type your name cancel=Cancel catalog.club.button.buy=Buy catalog.club_gift.past_club=Your past HC length: %days% days catalog.marketplace.cancel_failed=Cancelling an offer failed recycler.prizes.odds.4=%odds% chances to get this one. Good luck! catalog.marketplace.offer.redeem=Get credits from sold offers recycler.prizes.odds.5=Dream on... you have only %odds% chance to get this. catalog.club.buy.confirm.price=Price: %price% credits catalog.alert.petname.long=Pet name is too long. ctlg_spaces_landscape=Landscape catalog.club.buy.info.hc=Still HC? Upgrade your subscription now to VIP or continue your existing HC membership! recycler.prizes.odds.1=You can always get one of these if all else fails. recycler.prizes.odds.2=You have %odds% chance to get one of these. recycler.prizes.odds.3=%odds% chances to get one of these. catalog.club.item.header.upgradehctovip=Upgrade HC to VIP catalog.club.buy.confirm.product=You're purchasing: %days% days of %club% catalog.gift_wrapping.price=Gift wrapping cost %price% credit. catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.vip.vip=You are about to extend your subscription to Habbo VIP Club. Glad to see you continue your subscription! catalog.alert.recycler.inventory=You have to pick up the furniture from the room to your inventory before you can put it in the recycler! catalog.voucher.empty.desc=You didn't seem to enter a voucher code catalog.club.buy.confirm=Subscription confirmation catalog.club.buy.header.upgrade=What is VIP upgrade? catalog.club_gift.club_missing=%days% more days of subsciption required catalog.club.buy.info.none=Get your membership now, get the best deal on HC or go for the ultimate VIP subscription! catalog.alert.notenough.credits.description=You don't have enough Credits to purchase this item! Click OK button below to see different ways of getting Credits. catalog.marketplace.offer.minutes=minutes recycler.alert.non.recyclable=This furniture is not recyclable. catalog.marketplace.offer.hours=hours catalog.marketplace.not_available_title=Purchase error catalog.club_gift.vip_missing.long=%months% months, %days% days of VIP required catalog.club.item.header=%months% month catalog.marketplace.confirm_higher_title=Price changed catalog.purse.club.join=Join HC >> catalog.purchase.price.pixels=%pixels% pixels catalog.club_gift.available=You have %amount% gift(s) available. Select from the list below! catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.trade_volume=Trade volumes during last %days% days catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.3=This voucher must be redeemed in Habbo Web. catalog.club.buy.remaining.vip=VIP remaining: %days% days catalog.club_gift.club_missing.long=%months% months, %days% days of subsciption required catalog.club.buy.header.none=HC or VIP? catalog.club_gift.past_vip=Your past VIP length: %days% days catalog.marketplace.operation_failed.topic=Problem with offer catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.1=Technical error! Irredeemable voucher code or the code has already been used. Please note that codes are always written in lower case and never include letters i, l, o, w. catalog.gift_wrapping.receiver=Receiver Habbo name catalog.marketplace.view_more=Item info catalog.club.buy.confirm.amount=Your subscription will last until: %day%/%month%/%year% catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.0=The code you entered is not valid, please check it and try again. catalog.club.buy.subscribe=Subscribe catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.price_development=Average sale price during last %days% days catalog.club_gift.vip_missing=%days% more days of VIP required catalog.marketplace.offer_details.trade_volume=Trade volume catalog.purse.clubdays=HC: %months%m %days%d >> catalog.marketplace.offer_details.back=Back to item list catalog.marketplace.offer.time_left=Time left: %time% catalog.club_gift.no_club=You are not a club member. Join Habbo Club now and you can select your free gift below. recycler.info.finished=Recycling is complete. You have made a great environmentally friendly decision. All the Recycled items you received have been made from old items which helps to save natural resources and reduce pollution. catalog.marketplace.offer_details.average_price=Average price in last %days% days: %average% credits catalog.marketplace.offer.price_own_item=Price: %price% credits catalog.page.specialeffects=Special Effects catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.credits+pixels=%credits% credit(s) + %pixels% pixels catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.hc.description=You have to be in the Habbo Club to be able to buy this. catalog.marketplace.no_items=No items found catalog.gift_wrapping.title=Customise your gift catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_color=Please choose a colour for the box, if available. catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.title=Voucher processed catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.description=Voucher process succeeded! Credit balance updated. catalog.alert.petname.chars=Name contained forbidden characters, try again. catalog.club.buy.link=Compare the benefits >> catalog.club_gift.confirm=Confirm selection catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.hc.vip.period=You're about to upgrade your existing Habbo Club subscription to the VIP Club. Cool! The upgrade will convert your remaining Club Subscription to VIP based on the price difference between the subscriptions, and then give you 10 credits worth of VIP. catalog.gift_wrapping.use_free=I don't want that, use free wrapping instead catalog.purchase.price.none=Free! shopping_asagift=Gift this to another user catalog.marketplace.offer.price_public_item=Price: %price% (Average: %average%) catalog.club_gift.past_club.long=Your past HC length: %months% months, %days% days catalog.alert.petname.bobba=Name contained forbidden words, try again. catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.buyasgift.checkbox=This is a gift for: catalog.club.buy.header.viporhc=HC or VIP? credits=Credits catalog.marketplace.items_found=Found %count% items catalog.purse.creditbalance=Credits: %balance% >> purse.redeem.code.failed_technical=The code you entered is not valid. Please remember that codes are always written in lower case and never include letters i, l, o, w. catalog.marketplace.search_price=Price between catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.pixels=%pixels% pixels catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.credits=%credits% credit(s) purse_youhave=You have catalog.club.buy.remaining.hc=HC remaining: %days% days catelog.redeem.dialog.readmore.description=Read more about coin sets >> catalog.marketplace.confirm_header=Confirm purchase catalog.alert.petname.length=Pet name is too long. catalog.purchase_confirmation.title=Confirm purchase catalog.purchase.price.credits=%credits% credit(s) catalog.marketplace.offer.sold=This item is sold catalog.page.club=Buy Habbo Club catalog.alert.purchaseerror.description=There was a problem processing your purchase. Please retry. catalog.purse.vipdays=VIP: %months%m %days%d >> catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.unknown.description=Sorry, but you are doing something illegal. catalog.redeem.dialog.title=Credit Exchange catalog.club.buy.remaining=HC remaining: %days% days ctlg_spaces_colour=Colour catalog.alert.published.title=Refresh your catalogue and open it again. catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_wrapping=Pick a wrapping catalog.club_gift.past_vip.long=Your past VIP length: %months% months, %days% days catalog.marketplace.search_name=Search by name... buy=Buy catalog.club.buy.header.hc=What is VIP upgrade? catalog.club.info.header=Habbo Club catalog.marketplace.offer_details.price_development=Price development catalog.marketplace.offer_details.offer_count=Offer count: %count% catalog.alert.notenough.pixels.description=You don't have enough pixels. catalog.gift_wrapping.give_gift=Give this gift catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_ribbon=Pick a ribbon catalog.marketplace.redeem.get_credits=%count% offer(s) have been sold. Click on Get credits to get your credits. Credits waiting: %credits% recycler.alert.trading=Recycling cannot begin while you are trading. Please close the safe trading box before recycling. catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.none.vip=You are about to subscribe to Habbo VIP Club. Cool! catalog.alert.petname.empty=Please enter a name for your pet! catalog.club.buy.confirm.before=You now have: %days% days of Habbo Club catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.none.hc=You are about to subscribe to Habbo Club. Cool! catalog.club_gift.not_available=No club gifts are available at the moment. Check back soon. recycler.prizes.category.1=Common catalog.page.club_gifts=Club Gifts catalog.club.buy.confirm.after=After upgrade: %days% days of VIP membership catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.title=Order Info catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.buyasgift.greetings.info=Type your greetings here (don't forget to put your name!): catalog.gift_wrapping.receiver_not_found.info=Please try again. catalog.marketplace.offer_details.price=Cheapest price: %price% credits catalog.club.buy.confirm.desc.hc.vip=You are about to subscribe to Habbo Club. Cool! catalog.marketplace.sort_order=Sort order purse_voucherbutton=Redeem Credits catalog.marketplace.confirm_higher_header=Someone already bough that! It is now available at a new price. catalog.club.buy.header.vip=VIP Club catalog.purchase_confirmation.cancel=Cancel catalog.alert.notenough.title=Not enough credits catalog.club.item.header.upgrade=%months% month upgrade catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.title=Error processing voucher purse_buy_coins=Buy Credits catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.description.furni=Voucher process succeeded! You got the following furniture: %productName%, %productDescription% catalog.marketplace.search_by_activity=By activity catalog.marketplace.confirm_title=Confirm recycler.prizes.category.2=Uncommon recycler.prizes.category.3=Arcane catalog.marketplace.search_advanced=Advanced recycler.prizes.category.4=Phenomenal recycler.prizes.category.5=Urban Legend catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.title=Sorry, this item cannot be bought. catalog.marketplace.offer.pick=Take back catalog.alert.purchaseerror.title=There was an error with your purchase. Try again. ctlg_spaces_floor=Floor catalog.purchase_confirmation.buy=Buy catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description=We could not process your voucher code. Please retry and check the spelling extra carefully. catalog.marketplace.search_by_value=By value catalog.club_gift.selectable=You can select this gift catalog.club_gift.days_until_next=Your next club gift is available in %days% days. catalog.comingsoon=(Coming soon) catalog.alert.notenough.creditsandpixels.description=You don't have enough credits and pixels to purchase this product. Click 'ok' to see different ways of getting credits. catalog.marketplace.confirm_price=Price: %price% coins catalog.marketplace.not_available_header=All the items of that type were sold already. infostand.button.trade=Trade infostand.button.kick=Kick widgets.memenu.effects.activate=Activate infostand.button.ignore=Shut up infostand.button.trade.tooltip.shutdown=Trading is disabled due to shutdown. infostand.text.petrespect=Been scratched: %count% infostand.button.petrespect=Scratch (%count%) infostand.text.petowner=Owner: %name% infostand.button.petkick=Kick infostand.button.friend=Ask to be a friend infostand.rent.expiration=Rent expires in %minutes% minutes widgets.memenu.effects.active.timeleft=%time_left% infostand.button.ban=Ban infostand.button.report=Report infostand.button.pickup=Pick up infostand.button.removerights=Remove rights infostand.button.move=Move infostand.button.trade.tooltip.tradingroom=This room is not a trading room! infostand.button.trade.tooltip.rights=You don't have trading enabled! infostand.button.respect=Give respect (%count%) infostand.text.realname=(%realname%) infostand.button.giverights=Give rights infostand.button.unignore=Listen infostand.text.handitem=Carrying: %item% infostand.text.xp=Monthly XP: %xp% infostand.button.rotate=Rotate friendlist.avatarpopup.lastaccess=Last visit: %last_access% friendlist.weblinkinfo=Link opened to web page friendlist.requests.norequests=No friend requests friendlist.tip.invite=Invite friends friendlist.tip.declineall=Decline all friendlist.friendrequestsent.title=Notice! friendlist.invite.summary=Inviting %count% people to this room. friendlist.tip.searchstr=Enter search friendlist.friends.offlinecaption=Offline Friends friendlist.error.friend_requests_disabled=Cannot send friend request, user is not accepting new friends. friendlist.followerror.offline=Your friend is offline. friendlist.followerror.hotelview=Your friend is currently not in any room, so you cannot follow him/her. friendlist.tip.search=Search users friendlist.tip.inbox=Minimail inbox friendlist.removefriendconfirm.userlist=Remove friends: %user_names%? friendlist.tip.mail=Send minimail friendlist.tip.decline=Decline friendlist.invite.emptyalert.text=Invite friends to this room: friendlist.invite.title=Invitation friendlist.listfull.text=Your friend list contains the maximum of %mylimit% Habbos, so you cannot add any more friends to the list. Members of Habbo Club can have up to %clublimit% friends in their list. friendlist.settings=Settings friendlist.invite.note=Make sure you can be followed. friendlist.request.declined=Declined friendlist.tip.compose=Send minimail friendlist.removefriendconfirm.title=Confirm remove friendlist.tip.im=Send a message friendlist.tab.friendrequests=Friend Requests friendlist.invite.emptyalert.title=Notice! friendlist.tip.home=Home page friendlist.search.otherscaption=Other Habbos (%cnt%) : friendlist.tip.addfriend=Send friend request friendlist.requests.dismissall=Decline all friendlist.invite.send=Send friendlist.tip.remove=Remove friend friendlist.listfull.title=Notice! friendlist.error.friendlistlimitofrequester=Cannot send friend request as their friend list is full. friendlist.tip.acceptall=Accept all friendlist.request.failed=Failed friendlist.friends=Friends friendlist.error.requestnotfound=Cannot send friend request, friend request was not found! friendlist.avatarpopup.online=Online friendlist.search.nofriendsfound=No friends found friendlist.followerror.prevented=Your friend has prevented others from following him/her. friendlist.alert.title=Notice! friendlist.search.friendscaption=Friends (%cnt%) : friendlist.tip.accept=Accept friendlist.tip.follow=Follow friendlist.search.noothersfound=No users found friendlist.tip.preferences=Edit categories friendlist.tip.tab.1=Your friends friendlist.error.friendlistownlimit=Cannot send friend request, your friend list is full. friendlist.tip.tab.3=Search for Habbos friendlist.tip.tab.2=Friend requests friendlist.friendrequestsent.text=%user_name% has been sent your Friend Request. (S)he will be added into your Friends List if (s)he accepts it. friendlist.followerror.notfriend=The user you tried to follow is not on your friends list anymore, so you cannot follow him/her. friendlist.request.accepted=Accepted friendlist.requests.acceptall=Accept all roomevent_type_9=Group Events roomevent_default_name=Event name.. roomevent_type_6=Grand Opening Events roomevent_type_5=Debates & Discussion Events roomevent_type_8=Job seeking Events roomevent_type_7=Dating Events roomevent_type_1=Party & Music Events interface_icon_events=Open the room event browser roomevent_invalid_input=You must give your event a name and a description. roomevent_type_2=Trading Events roomevent_type_3=Game Events roomevent_type_4=Habbo Guides' Events roomevent_not_available=Sorry, no events available roomevent_type_0=Hottest Events roomevent_create=Create roomevent_default_description=Come and check out my event! roomevent_quit=End event roomevent_browser_create=Host an event roomevent_host=Host: roomevent_type_10=Play and Production Events roomevent_type_11=Pet Events roomevent_edit=Edit roomevent_browser_title=Events roomevent_create_description=Describe your event roomevent_starttime=Started at: roomevent_create_name=Type the name of your event roomevent_default_desc=Event description.. messenger.notification.online=Your friend came online. messenger.notification.offline=Your friend went offline. messenger.error.busy=Your friend is busy. messenger.error.sendermuted=Your message was not sent because you are muted. messenger.error.notfriend=Receiver is not your friend anymore. messenger.invitation=Your friend sent you an invitation: messenger.minimail.tooltip=Send minimail to your friend messenger.moderationinfo=Sharing your password or personal details online is dangerous. The moderators might monitor these conversations for your safety. messenger.info=Choose a friend from your online friend list and send an instant message or an invite. messenger.followfriend.tooltip=Go to room your friend is currently in messenger.error.receivermuted=Your friend is muted and cannot reply. messenger.error.offline=Your friend is not online. messenger.title=Chat item_ad_url_ads_clwall1=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=7376__zoneid=2207__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.childline.org.uk item_ad_url_ads_mall_winmus=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall item_ad_url_ads_mall_winchi=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8274__zoneid=2607__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/theideaagency item_ad_url_ads_mall_winbea=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall item_ad_url_ads_mall_wincin=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall item_ad_url_ads_mall_winice=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall item_ad_url_ads_clwall3=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=7378__zoneid=2209__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.childline.org.uk item_ad_url_ads_clwall2=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=7377__zoneid=2208__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.idea.me.uk item_ad_url_ads_mall_winclo=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall item_ad_url_ads_mall_winspo=http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=8303__zoneid=2618__cb=a7f8c3d445__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habbomall hubu.info=Welcome to the Infobus! Check back regularly for the latest Infobus sessions on a range of topics including online safety, scams and using Habbo. In the meantime, you can access our FAQs on the link below: hubu.dialog.title=Infobus - Info hubu.info.link2=Habbo FAQs hubu.info.title=Infobus hubu.info.url1=http://www.habbo.co.uk/help hubu.info.url2=http://www.habbo.co.uk/help hubu.info.link1=Infobus Information navigator.embed.src= navigator.createroom.nameerr=Room name is mandatory! navigator.eventsettings.end=End navigator.thumbeditor.prevobj=Prev navigator.thumbeditor.caption=Edit Navigator room icon navigator.search.tags=...or select tag below navigator.undofavouritedeletion=Undo navigator.cannonaddfavourite.exists=This room is already in your favourites. room.queue.error.e1=This room is currently available only to Habbos participating to the event. navigator.roominfo.sethomeroom=Home navigator.navisel.visitedrooms=Room I've recently visited navigator.eventsettings.name=Event name navigator.roomsettings.roominfo=Room info navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.title=Confirm room deletion navigator.roomsettings.passwordismandatory=You must enter a valid password navigator.tags=Tags navigator.cannonaddfavourite.full=Your favourite list is full. room.queue.spectator.position=Your position in the spectator queue: %position% navigator.navisel.highestscore=Rooms with highest scores navigator.roomname=Room name navigator.roomsettings.nonuserchoosabletag=Reserved for staff use navigator.roomsettings.roomnameismandatory=You must enter a name for your room navigator.navisel.mainattractions=Main attractions navigator.createroom.hcpromo.link=Click here to read more >> navigator.favouritedeleted=Favourite %room_name% deleted! navigator.noroomsfound=No rooms found navigator.searchusers=Search users navigator.createroom.vippromo.link=More about VIP membership >> navigator.roomsettings.hide_walls=Hide room walls (VIP only) navigator.roominfo.makehome=Make home room navigator.navisel.wherearemyfriends=Rooms where my friends are navigator.ratingcaption=Rating: navigator.roomsettings.removeallflatctrls=Remove all navigator.banned.title=You are banned from this room. navigator.create=Create navigator.roomsettings.basiccaption=Basic room settings navigator.roomsettings=Room settings navigator.thumbeditor.selectpos=Define place: navigator.createroom.chooselayoutcaption=Choose room layout navigator.createroom.limitreached=You are not allowed to own more than %limit% rooms. navigator.password.info=This room is locked with a password. If you want to try to insert a password, you will be moved from this room. navigator.usercounttooltip.users=Amount users currently in this room navigator.notagsfound=No popular tags found navigator.tab.rooms=Rooms navigator.thumbeditor.objtab=Icons navigator.password.retryinfo=Wrong password. Please retry, or cancel entering the room. navigator.createroom.title=Room creation room.queue.link=Habbo Club members bypass the queue! Read more >> room.queue.error.title=Cannot enter room! navigator.eventsettings.desc=Event description navigator.title=Navigator navigator.password.button.try=Try password navigator.error.nosuchflat.message=Could not delete the room, since it doesn't exist or you are not the owner. navigator.thumbeditor.caption.bg=Select background image navigator.roominfo.clearhome=Remove home navigator.usercounttooltip.staticsearch=Amount of users in rooms that match this search navigator.roomsettings.doormode.password=Require a password to enter room navigator.frontpage.officialrooms=Official Habbo Rooms navigator.guestroomfull.text=Sorry, the room you tried to enter is full. navigator.thumbeditor.nextobj=Next navigator.roomsettings.toadvancedsettings=Advanced settings navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.1=Popular Rooms room.queue.back=Back to visitor queue navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.5=My Rooms navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.6=Favourite Rooms navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.4=Where are my friends? navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.9=Tag Search navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.8=Text Search navigator.roomsettings.unacceptablewords=Unacceptable words! navigator.password.title=Password navigator.tab.4=Search navigator.tab.2=Me navigator.tab.3=Friends navigator.createroom.chooselayout=Choose navigator.tab.1=Everyone navigator.eventstartedat=Started at: navigator.loading=Loading... navigator.usercounttooltip.friends=Amount of friends are in this room navigator.doorbell.button.ring=Ring doorbell navigator.roominfo.editevent=Edit event navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.message=Are you sure you want to delete %room_name%? Your Furni will return to your Inventory (except for stickie notes and wallpaper/ flooring). navigator.createroom.vippromo.text=Become a VIP and get even more room layouts! navigator.textsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms room.queue.spectator.position.hc=Your position in the HC spectator queue: %position% navigator.createroom.roomnameinfo=Room name room.queue.spectator.info=In spectator mode you can spectate the room. navigator.roominfo.removefromfavourites=Remove from favourites navigator.navibutton.4=Where Are They? room.queue.spectatormode=Change to spectator view navigator.navibutton.3=My Friends' Rooms navigator.navibutton.6=My Favourites navigator.navibutton.5=My Rooms navigator.createroom.tilesize=tiles navigator.createroom.create=Create room navigator.navibutton.2=Highest Score navigator.navibutton.1=Popular Rooms navigator.navibutton.7=Visited rooms navigator.navibutton.9=By Category navigator.roomsettings.allow_walk_through=Allow walking through people navigator.category=Category navigator.clearsearchresults=Clear results navigator.roominfo.clearhome.tooltip=This room is your Home Room. Click here to remove your Home Room setting. navigator.createevent=Create event navigator.tohotelview.tooltip=Exit current room. navigator.roominfo.addtofavourites=Add to favourites navigator.navisel.alllatestevents=Latest Events navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.info=Choose users from the list above and then click "remove" to take away their rights to this room. Click on Remove All to remove rights from all users. navigator.thumbeditor.bgtab=Background image navigator.editroom=Edit Room navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.caption=%cnt% users have rights to this room navigator.roomsettings.advancedcaption=Advanced room settings navigator.embed.caption=Embed this room room.queue.error.c=This room is for Habbo Club members only. In order to enter, you need to subscribe to Habbo Club. Check your Catalogue for details. navigator.createroom.error=Cannot create room navigator.search.info=Type your search words here... navigator.createroom.hcpromo.text=Join the Habbo Club with 15 credits and get more room layouts. navigator.error.nosuchflat.title=Could not delete room navigator.createroom.vippromo=VIP members can have more rooms! >> navigator.roomsettings.invalidconfirm=The passwords don't match navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.limitinfo=Showing first %cnt% users, most recently added users first. navigator.roomsettings.passwordconfirm=Re-type password: navigator.roomsettings.doormode.doorbell=Visitors have to ring the doorbell navigator.alllatestevents=Show all navigator.roomsettings.delete=Delete this room navigator.eventsettings.edit=Edit navigator.roomsettings.doormode=Access to this room: navigator.navisel.myrooms=Rooms owned by me navigator.eventsettings.editcaption=Edit event navigator.navibutton.11=Public Rooms navigator.navibutton.10=Front Page navigator.embed.copytoclipboard=Copy to clipboard navigator.frontpage=Front page navigator.thumbeditor.save=Save navigator.password.enter=Enter password navigator.eventsettings.nameerr=You must choose a name for your event navigator.ownedbystaff=Habbo staff navigator.navibutton.12=Events navigator.tagsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms matching %tag_name% navigator.removefavourite=Remove Favourite navigator.info.doorbell=Room door is locked. Owner may open the door from inside. navigator.roomsettings.desc=Add a description navigator.makefavourite.tooltip=Click here to add this room to your favourites list. room.queue.title=Room queue navigator.back=Back navigator.roomsettings.tobasicsettings=Basic settings navigator.eventsettings.descerr=Event description is mandatory navigator.info.password=Password is required when entering this room. room.queue.position.hc=Your position in the HC queue: %position% navigator.tab.search=Search navigator.doorbell.title=Doorbell navigator.thumbeditor.toptab=Top layer navigator.doorbell.waiting=The doorbell is ringing, waiting for someone to open the door... navigator.tab.special=Public navigator.roomsettings.doormode.open=Open, anyone can enter navigator.thumbeditor.caption.obj=Select image for the top navigator.roomsettings.save=Save settings navigator.doorbell.button.cancel.entering=Cancel entering the room navigator.guestroomfull.title=Cannot enter room! navigator.roomsettings.editthumbnail=Edit navigator icon navigator.maxvisitors=Maximum amount of visitors navigator.remove=Remove navigator.banned.text=Sorry, but the owner of this room has banned you. Therefore you cannot enter this room. Please try another room. navigator.navisel.myfriendsrooms=Rooms owned by my friends room.queue.position=Your position in the queue: %position% navigator.roominfo.makehome.tooltip=Set this room as your Home Room. You automatically enter your Home Room when you enter Habbo. navigator.roomrating=Rating: navigator.cannotcreateevent.title=Cannot Create event. navigator.favourite.tooltip=This room is in your favourites list. Click here to remove the room from the list. navigator.navisel.myfavourites=My favourite rooms navigator.favouritesfull.title=Cannot add favourite navigator.createroom=Create room navigator.doorbell.info=This room is locked. You need to ring the doorbell to enter. If you ring the doorbell, you will have to exit this room. navigator.rateroom=Rate this room navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.6=You already have an ongoing event in some other room. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.5=Room already has an event. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.4=Room event feature is currently disabled. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.3=The door of the room must be open to create an event. You can change the door mode in room settings. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.2=Only room owner can create events. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.1=You must be in a room to start an event. navigator.moreroomscaption=Want more rooms? navigator.usercounttooltip.populartag=Amount of users in rooms that have this tag navigator.roomownercaption=Owner: navigator.roomctg=Category: navigator.info.tradingallowed=Trading is allowed in this room. room.queue.button.exit=Exit queue navigator.favouritesfull.body=Your favourite list is full. You must remove some favourite rooms before adding more. navigator.thumbeditor.caption.top=Select image for the top navigator.doorbell.no.answer=No answer. navigator.roomsettings.password=Password for the room: navigator.tab.events=Events navigator.tab.me=Me navigator.navisel.popularrooms=Rooms with most visitors navigator.embed.info=The HTML code in below field allows you to embed this room to a web page. Copy the code to your clipboard to apply it to a web page. notifications.text.club_ending=You have %days% days left in your Habbo Club subscription. Go to the catalog to get some more! notifications.title.club_gift=Club gift notifications.broadcast.title=Message from the Hotel Manager notifications.text.respect.1=Respect! You were respected. facebook.story.achievement.caption={0} just unlocked an achievement badge in Habbo. notifications.text.respect.2=You now have %count% respect points. notifications.text.hcdays=You now have %count% days of Habbo Club left. notifications.button.achievement.close=Close notifications.text.petlevel=Your pet %pet_name% is now level %level%. notifications.text.buyfurni=%furni_name% bought and delivered to your inventory! notifications.button.achievement.post_to_facebook=Post to Facebook feed notifications.text.friend.online.realname=%user_name% (%real_name%) came online. notifications.text.achievement=Congratulations! You unlocked the %badge_name% Achievement! (%badge_desc%) notifications.text.receivedcredits=You received %count% credits. notifications.title.achievement=Achievement Unlocked! notifications.text.friend.offline=%user_name% went offline. notifications.text.recycle.ok=Recycling complete! You received a package with mystery content... notifications.text.club_gift=It's time to pick up your monthly club gift! notifications.text.petbought=You bought a pet as a gift. notifications.button.show_gift_list=Choose your gift notifications.text.vipdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of VIP Club remaining. notifications.text.achievement_facebook=%badge_desc% facebook.story.name=Breaking News From Habbo Hotel! notifications.text.clubdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of Habbo Club remaining. notifications.text.clubdays=You have %days% of Habbo Club remaining. notifications.text.vipdays=You have %days% of VIP Club remaining. notifications.text.pixels=%change% pixels received, you now have %count%. notifications.button.later=Not now notifications.text.friend.online=%user_name% came online. notifications.text.purchase.ok=You successfully purchased a %productName%! notifications.text.friend.offline.realname=%user_name% (%real_name%) went offline. notifications.text.club_gift.received=Club gift added to inventory. notifications.button.open_club_page=Get more notifications.text.petreceived=You bought a pet. notifications.title.club_ending=Habbo Club reminder inventory.effects.active=This effect is activated. Time left %timeleft%/%duration%. You have %itemcount% pieces of these. inventory.furni.item.wallpaper.desc=Set this to the current room inventory.marketplace.make_offer.min_price=Minimum price you can set for an offer is %minprice% Credit(s). inventory.marketplace.make_offer.expiration_info=Your offer will be visible to other users for %time% hours. inventory.trading.info.closed=Other user cancelled the trade. inventory.furni=Furniture inventory.effects=Effects inventory.effects.defaultdescription=You have no badges yet. When you get them this is where you can choose which ones to wear. inventory.achievements=Achievements inventory.marketplace.make_offer.final_price=The final sale price will include the marketplace commission of %commission% Credit(s), so the final price is %finalprice%. inventory.trading.warning.both_accounts_disabled=Trading is not in use for either of you, check your trading settings. inventory.furni.placetoroom=Place to room inventory.furni.item.landscape.desc=Set this to the current room inventory.trading.info.waiting=Waiting for other user to confirm the trade. inventory.furni.item.landscape.name=Landscape inventory.marketplace.no_credits.title=Out of credits! inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.title=Confirm Sale inventory.purse.creditbalance=Credits: %balance% inventory.trading.minimized.trade_in_progress=Trade in progress inventory.trading.warning.own_account_disabled=This account does not have trading in use. You can receive items from other users but cannot give them anything. Check your trading settings and make sure your email-address is activated. inventory.trading.modify=Modify trade inventory.furni.preview.tradeable_amount=You have this many items that can be traded inventory.pets.placetoroom=Place in room inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.info=Selling items in the marketplace costs %price% Credit / %count% advertisements. You have no ads left, so you'll need to pay %price% Credit to make an ad. After this payment, the next %free% ads will be free. inventory.trading.isoffering=is offering inventory.trading.you=You inventory.marketplace.no_credits.info=You need %price% Credit to purchase the right to make marketplace advertisements. inventory.marketplace.make_offer.average_price=Average price in last %days% days: %price% credits (%price_no_commission% without the commission). inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.cancel=Cancel inventory.badges.activebadges=Wearing inventory.marketplace.no_trading_pass.info=Sorry, you need a trading pass to make a marketplace offer. inventory.marketplace.no_credits.get_credits=Get Credits inventory.trading.info.add=Add items to box. inventory.trading.accept=Accept trade inventory.trading.other=Other inventory.marketplace.make_offer.title=Marketplace Offer inventory.trading.warning.other_not_offering=The other Habbo has not put anything into trade. This might be a scamming attempt! inventory.furni.item.song_disk_author="%name%" by %author% inventory.furni.item.wallpaper.name=Wallpaper inventory.badges.savebadges=Save settings inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.cancel=Cancel inventory.trading.notification.title=Trading Notification inventory.furni.preview.recyclable_amount=You have this many items that can be recycled inventory.purse.pixelbalance=Pixels: %balance% inventory.marketplace.sell=Sell in marketplace inventory.pets.forbidden=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room. inventory.marketplace.result.3=Marketplace is disabled. inventory.marketplace.result.2=Technical error occurred. Posting failed. inventory.marketplace.result.title.failure=Posting failed! inventory.marketplace.make_offer.cancel=Cancel inventory.marketplace.result.1=Posting the sales offer was successful! inventory.badges.clearbadge=Clear badge inventory.badges.inactivebadges=My badges inventory.marketplace.no_trading_pass.title=Marketplace inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.info=You are selling %furniname%. If someone buys this offer, you will receive: %price% Credit(s). inventory.trading.confirm=Confirm inventory.effects.inactive=This effect is not yet activated. One item last for %duration%, once activated. You have %itemcount% pieces of these. inventory.marketplace.result.4=Item was just added to Habbo catalogue. inventory.marketplace.no_credits.cancel=Close inventory.badges=Badges inventory.marketplace.result.title.success=Item posted! inventory.title=Inventory inventory.furni.tab.wall=Wall inventory.trading.offer=Offer inventory.furni.preview.not_tradeable=None of these items are tradeable inventory.furni.tab.floor=Floor inventory.furni.item.floor.desc=Set this to the current room inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.title=Out of advertisements inventory.furni.tab.pets=Pets inventory.trading.areoffering=are offering inventory.badges.defaultdescription=Here are your badges. Select the ones that you want to wear and then save the selection. inventory.marketplace.make_offer.price_request=Asking price: inventory.badges.wearbadge=Wear badge inventory.trading.info.confirm=These are the final offers. Please confirm the trade. inventory.marketplace.no_trading_privilege.info=Sorry, you are not allowed to make a marketplace offer. inventory.furni.preview.not_recyclable=None of these items are recyclable inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.ok=Confirm inventory.trading.warning.others_account_disabled=This user does not have trading in use. You can give him/her items but he can't give you anything in return. inventory.trading.countdown=Please wait... %counter% inventory.marketplace.no_trading_privilege.title=Marketplace inventory.marketplace.make_offer.post=Post item inventory.purse.clubdays=Habbo Club: %months%m %days%d inventory.pets.allowed=You can take your pets with you to this room. inventory.furni.item.floor.name=Floor inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.buy=Buy ads (%price% credit) inventory.trading.info.already_open=You are already trading with someone and you cannot start a new trade. inventory.trading.minimized.continue_trade=Continue inventory.marketplace.make_offer.max_price=Maximum price you can set for an offer is %maxprice% Credits. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver10=For receiving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_UK065=Food Critic badge_desc_HF1=I was a member of the Habbo Dream Team 2006! badge_desc_ACH_VipClub4=For 36 months of VIP Club membership. badge_name_UK067='2* Restaurant/Diner' badge_desc_ACH_VipClub5=For 48 months of VIP Club membership. badge_name_UK066='1* Restaurant/Diner' badge_name_DN2=Blue Fuel Flag badge_desc_ACH_VipClub2=For 12 months of VIP Club membership. badge_name_UK069=Creative Genius! badge_name_DN3=Green Fuel Flag badge_desc_ACH_VipClub3=For 24 months of VIP Club membership. badge_name_UK068='3* Restaurant/Diner' badge_name_DN4=Pink Fuel Flag badge_name_DN5=Red Fuel Flag badge_desc_ACH_VipClub1=For joining the VIP Club. badge_desc_AC6=Used the inner Angry Spirit Ape to find the Lost Tribe of Bensalem badge_name_DN1=Diner Expert badge_desc_AC5=Used the inner Spirit Squid to find the Lost Tribe of Bensalem badge_desc_AC4=Used the inner Spirit Eagle to find the Lost Tribe of Bensalem badge_name_UK070=Duck Cup 2010 badge_name_UK071=Dino Cup 2010 badge_name_UK072=Throne Cup 2010 badge_desc_ACH_Motto1=For editing your motto & letting us know how you're feeling. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_UK073=Carrot Cup 2010 badge_name_UK074=Nick Twisp badge_name_50S=MUZU VJ badge_name_TLB=Raceway Course badge_desc_ADM=Habbo Employees including London office staff. If their Habbo name has MOD in it, then they are Moderators. badge_name_UK078=Member of The Flock badge_name_UK077=Staying healthy badge_name_UK076=Anti-Zirkonian Fighter badge_name_ACH_HappyHour1=Happy Hour badge_name_UK075=Francois Dilinger badge_name_ACH_Student1=Habbo Student badge_name_UK079=Member of The Flock badge_name_UK080=Bling Cribs! Winner badge_name_UK081=Flag it badge_name_UK085=Bronze Safety Badge badge_desc_MDMWW=Awarded to everyone that had their room transformed into a Wacky Weekend Mega Deal. September 2009. badge_name_UK082=Block it badge_name_UK083=Zip it badge_desc_UK015=Dream it. Earn it. Live it on Habbo badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned1=Level 1 - For earning respect your first time. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_UK018=Awarded to winners of various Habboween events. October '09. badge_name_UK087=Gold Safety Badge badge_desc_UK012=Winner of Habbo Big Brother 2009 badge_name_UK086=Silver Safety Badge badge_desc_UK013=Finalist of Habbo Big Brother 2009. badge_name_UK089=Tribe Champion badge_desc_UK014=Contestant of Habbo Big Brother 2009. badge_name_UK088=Tribe Champion badge_name_UK093=Official Contestant badge_name_UK095=Alvin's Guitar Finder badge_name_UK096=Habwrecked 2010 badge_name_U02=Idea Agency competition winner! badge_desc_UK019=Awarded to Frankenstein Quest winners. October 2009. badge_name_U01=Idea Agency competition runner-up! badge_name_UK090=Friend of Night Fury badge_name_UK091=Official Contestant badge_name_KIR=Keep It Real badge_name_UK092=Official Contestant badge_desc_CAG=Winner in the Frederic Santini Comp - Atlantis. Sep 09. badge_desc_CAC=Landscape Room Winner 2008. badge_desc_SNW=Hall of Fame member. Awarded to the top 25 SnowStorm players. badge_desc_HQ004=Awarded to the top CSI Detectives. October 2009. badge_desc_HQ006=Awarded to the remaining CSI Detectives. October 2009. badge_desc_HQ005=Awarded to the runner up CSI Detectives. October 2009. badge_desc_HC5=Level 5 - For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 500 pixels. badge_desc_HC3=Level 3 - For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 300 pixels. badge_desc_UK006=A true ChildLine ambassador badge_desc_AC1=Initiated through the Totem bases of fire PINK badge_desc_HC4=Level 4 - For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 400 pixels. badge_desc_UK007=Official Wizard Detective badge_name_BTB=BattleBall HOF badge_desc_AC2=Initiated through the Totem bases of fire GREEN badge_desc_HC1=Level 1 - For joining the Habbo Club. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_UK004=Completed the first NHS quest and has 2/3 stars badge_desc_AC3=Initiated through the Totem bases of fire BLUE badge_desc_HC2=Level 2 - For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_UK005=Completed the first NHS quest and has 3/3 stars badge_desc_UK002=Paul Blart: Mall Cop quiz winner badge_desc_UK003=Completed the first NHS quest and has 1/3 stars. badge_desc_HQ001=Kitchen Survivor Competition winner. September 2009. badge_desc_UK001=Member of the Official Habbo Big Brother Press team 2009. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned8=Level 8 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned9=Level 9 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned6=Level 6 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned7=Level 7 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned4=Level 4 - For earning respect a further 50 times. Worth 50 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned5=Level 5 - For earning respect a further 100 times. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned2=Level 2 - For earning respect a further 5 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_UK009=Completed the first NHS quest and has 1/3 stars badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned3=Level 3 - For earning respect a further 10 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_UK008=Saved Habbo from a freak weather machine badge_desc_HJ5=Winner of the Harajuku Lovers quest badge_desc_HJ4=Member of the Cool Japan Quiz winning team badge_desc_HJ6=Attended the Harajuku Lovers Hub launch party! badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10=Level 10 - spending total of 2304 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_UKBD1=Habbo UK is 9! badge_name_PB2=Design Studio badge_name_U04=Champion 2009 badge_name_U03=Idea Agency competition winner! badge_name_U06=Habbo Raceway GP badge_name_DS7=Green Tea Elemental badge_name_U05=Habbo Raceway Course badge_desc_EXH=Hobba volunteer mod until 2006. badge_name_FRG=Ultimate Bobba Champ badge_desc_NWB=Hobbas were volunteer moderators. badge_name_FRE=Prehistoric World badge_desc_CY2=Awarded to owners of trials that MeiLing defeated. CNY 2009 badge_desc_CY3=Awarded to owners of trials that MeiLing failed. CNY 2009 badge_name_DS1=Grey Pixel Warrior badge_desc_HJ2=I'm an official Harajuku Lovers girl badge_desc_HJ3=Harajuku Lovers Baby badge_name_FRT=Raceway Champ badge_name_YAK=Black Dragon badge_name_ACH_AvatarTags1=5 words of wisdom badge_name_ACH_Motto1=Master of Words badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration10=Level 10 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 5 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned8=Been respected 766 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned9=Been respected 966 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned4=Been respected 66 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned5=Been respected 166 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned6=Been respected 366 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned7=Been respected 566 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned1=Been respected once. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned2=Been respected 6 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned3=Been respected 16 times. badge_name_BOT=Habbo Bot badge_name_KO1=Koala Face badge_desc_JF1=Awarded to everyone who had a room featured in the Oriental Express. October 2009. badge_desc_CL3=Idea Agency Golden brief winner! badge_desc_JF2=Awarded to everyone who opened a Sushi Parlour that was visited and endorsed by Kitsune. 2008 badge_desc_CL2=Idea Agency Silver brief winner! badge_desc_CL1=Idea Agency brief runner-up! badge_desc_UK071=Habbo Raceway Dino Cup Grand Prix Winner 2010. badge_desc_UK072=Habbo Raceway Throne Cup Grand Prix Winner 2010. badge_desc_UK070=Habbo Raceway Duck Cup Grand Prix Winner 2010. badge_desc_UK075=You are bold, contemptuous of authority and irresistible to women. badge_desc_UK076=Saved Habbo from those Aliens in the Attic badge_desc_UK073=Habbo Raceway Carrot Cup Grand Prix Winner 2010. badge_desc_UK074=You are an aspiring novelist, love classic prose, overly nice and polite to your elders. badge_desc_UK079=Friend of Maximum Ride badge_desc_UK077=Took the TeenLifeCheck 2010 badge_desc_UK078=Friend of Fang badge_name_RU3=SafeSid Competition Winner badge_desc_TWIQ1=Level 1 Badge awarded to trivia quest winners in Jacob's world. November 2009. badge_desc_TWIQ2=Level 2 Badge awarded to competition winners in Jacob's world. November 2009. badge_desc_TWIQ3=Level 3 Badge awarded to the Jacob grand final winner. November 2009. badges_name_UK027=Guy Fawkes Quest badge_desc_SF3=Awarded to Sci-Fi Captains. Roger that! August 2009. badge_desc_UK060=Member of the Habbo FRS Feb 2010 badge_desc_UK061=Won Percy Jackson's kick war badge_desc_UK062=Survived Percy Jackson's labyrinth badge_desc_UK063=Found the Bolt of Zeus for Percy Jackson badge_desc_UK065=Je sais que sur le bien manger. January 2010. badge_desc_UK066=My diner was rated 1* by the Undercover Eater! January 2010. badge_desc_UK067=My diner was rated 2* by the Undercover Eater! January 2010. badge_desc_UK068=My diner was rated 3* by the Undercover Eater! January 2010. badge_desc_UK069=Advertising is my future, after helping Tom & Sammy relaunch the Slice Of Life with funky advertising! January 2010. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10=People adore my pets! badge_name_ACH_EmailVerification1=True You badge_name_DT1=The Gallery badge_name_Z01=Habbo Model badge_name_Z02=Help Our Planet badge_name_Z03=Stop Pollution badge_name_Z04=Save Polar Bears badge_name_Z05=Habbo X Medal badge_name_Z06=Bronze Graffiti badge_name_Z07=Gold Graffiti badge_name_Z08=Silver Graffiti badge_name_Z09=Underage Festival badge_desc_UK095=Winner of the Squeakqual treasure hunt. badge_desc_UK096=Habwrecked 2010 Survivor. Congratulations. badge_desc_UK093=Member of the Killer Whale team (Habwrecked 2010) badge_desc_UK091=Member of the Jellyfish team (Habwrecked 2010) badge_desc_UK092=Member of the Shark team (Habwrecked 2010) badge_name_DSX=Tourist Expert badge_name_DU2=Silver Habbowealth badge_name_Z11=HBB Contestant badge_name_DU1=Gold Habbowealth badge_name_Z12=HBB Champion badge_name_DU3=Bronze Habbowealth badge_name_Z10=Underage Festival badge_name_Z15=Evil Bot Affair badge_name_Z16=Newspaper Affair badge_name_Z13=HBB Runner Up badge_name_Z14=Briefcase Affair badge_name_Z19=IGOR BUBBLING BEAKER badge_desc_UK090=Official friend of the dragons badge_name_Z17=Hairspray Talent badge_name_Z18=HPV badge_desc_UK085=Awarded for taking part in a Safety Competition. badge_desc_UK086=Awarded to runners up in a Safety Competition. badge_desc_UK087=Awarded to winners in a Safety Competition. badge_desc_UK080=I won the Bling Cribs! competition. February 2010. badge_desc_UK081=1/3 of the Click Clever, Click Safe Code badge_desc_UK082=3/3 of the Click Clever, Click Safe Code badge_desc_UK088=Creative hero like Hiccup badge_desc_UK089=Winner of the Dragon lava race badge_desc_SHA= badge_name_Z29=Blue Insider badge_name_Z28=Silver Insider badge_desc_HBA=Hobbas were volunteer moderators. badge_desc_MB1=Overall champions of Habbo Madball 2008. badge_name_Z25=IGOR GOGGLES badge_desc_MB2=Competition winners during Habbo Madball 2008. badge_name_Z24=IGOR EVIL SCIENTIST'S COAT badge_name_Z27=Road Trip Queen badge_name_Z26=Road Trip King badge_name_Z21=IGOR PINCERS badge_name_Z20=IGOR TEST TUBES badge_name_Z23=IGOR BUNSEN BURNER badge_name_Z22=IGOR HELMET badge_desc_UK036=My pet is pure pedigree (competition winner). November 2009. badge_desc_UK035=I support the Habbo Music Academy. November 2009. badge_desc_UK034=I took part in the HMA Sing-Song vote. December 2009. badge_desc_UK033=I contributed to the Official HMA Song. December 2009. badge_name_Z30=Pumpkin Design badge_desc_UK039=I make a polar bear really happy! December 2009. badge_desc_UK038=Member of the St Trinians School and gold finder badge_desc_UK037=Awarded to Britney Spears Birthday comp winners, December 2009. badge_desc_UK032=Supported The Chipettes in the Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel bands battle badge_desc_UK031=Supported Alvin and the Chipmunks in the Squeakquel bands battle badge_desc_UK030=Celebrated the bullyproof moment in Habbo, November 2009. badge_name_TWIC1=New Moon Badge: Cullens badge_name_TWIC2=New Moon Badge: Cullens badge_name_TWIC3=New Moon Badge: Cullens badge_name_Z39=Hotel For Dogs Maze Winner badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp10=Train your pets up at least 320 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_Z38=Hotel For Dogs 3* Resort Owner badge_name_Z37=Hotel For Dogs 2* Resort Owner badge_name_Z36=Hotel For Dogs 1* Resort Owner badge_name_Z35=Hotel For Dogs Quest Winner badge_name_Z33=It Doesn't Have To Happen badge_name_Z32=It Doesn't Have To Happen badge_name_Z31=HMF: Neon Artist badge_name_Z40=Habbo UK is 8! badge_name_Z41=Team Ducks Supporter badge_desc_UK025=Awarded to 1,000 winners of the Habboween Quest. October 2009. badge_desc_UK027=I stopped Guy Fawkes blowing up Habbo Parliament. November 2009. badge_desc_UK026=Winner of the Habboween Frights, Camera, Action! competition. October 2009. badge_desc_UK029=Competition winner in the bullyproof moment in Habbo, November 2009. badge_desc_UK028=Contestant in the Pixel Maze November 2009. badge_desc_FAN=Official Fansite representative. Check out the Official fansite rooms on the upper floors of the Habbo Mall. badge_desc_SB2=Bobbaschi gang member on the Streets Of Bobba September 2006. badge_desc_SB1=Bouncing Queens gang member on the Streets Of Bobba September 2006. badge_desc_SB4=Furnihilists gang member on the Streets Of Bobba September 2006. badge_desc_SB3=Shabbolins gang member on the Streets Of Bobba September 2006. badge_desc_SB5=Selected member of a Habbo Hood Group. September 2008 badge_desc_SB7=Winner of a Habbo Hood gang competition. September 2008 badge_name_XXX=Habbo eXpert badge_name_Z43=HABWrecked Contestant 2009 badge_desc_ACH_AvatarLooks1=For finally putting some fresh clothes on. Worth 50 pixels. badge_name_Z42=Team Otters Supporter badge_name_Z45=HAFTAS Winner 2007 badge_name_Z44=HABWrecked Winner 2009 badge_name_Z47=Bionicle Quest Winner badge_name_Z46=HAFTAS Winner 2009 badge_desc_MD1=Awarded to winners of the Meet Dave quiz competition. 2008. badge_name_Z49=Bionicle Quiz Winner badge_desc_MD2=Awarded to winners of the Meet Dave body building competition. 2008. badge_name_Z48=Bionicle Kick Wars Winner badge_desc_VA3=Awarded to competition winners during Valentine's 2008. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry1=Level 1 - For hanging out in 5 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_VA4=Habborella cruise ship staff Valentine's 2008. badge_desc_VA1=Awarded to the two superlove champions Valentine's 2006. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry3=Level 3 - For hanging out in 30 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_VA2=Awarded to competition winners during Valentine's week each year. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry2=Level 2 - For hanging out in 15 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_UK059=My submission to the Hotel Happenings newsie was bronze rated! badge_desc_UK058=My submission to the Hotel Happenings newsie was silver rated! badge_desc_UK057=My submission to the Hotel Happenings newsie was gold rated! badge_desc_UK056=I won a gong at the Official Habbo Awards. January 2010. badge_name_Z51=Zac Efron Fan badge_desc_AF1=You got pranked on April Fools Day 2009 badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry9=Level 9 - For hanging out in 160 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Spaceman. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration7=Level 7 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 2 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry8=Level 8 - For hanging out in 140 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Orion. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration6=Level 6 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for a year. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration5=Level 5 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 24 weeks. Worth 160 pixels. badge_desc_UK052=Got home safely in the Justin Case quest badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration4=Level 4 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 16 weeks. Worth 120 pixels. badge_desc_UK051=I helped revive Santa's broken heart and miserable mood in time for Christmas. December 2009. badge_desc_VA7=For making a really good Bollywood Movie. 2009. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry5=Level 5 - For hanging out in 60 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Globetrotter.Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration3=Level 3 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 8 weeks. Worth 90 pixels. badge_desc_UK050=I helped revive Santa's broken heart and miserable mood in time for Christmas. December 2009. badge_desc_VA8=For making a winning Bollywood Movie. 2009. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry4=Level 4 - For hanging out in 50 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Backpacker. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration2=Level 2 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 weeks. Worth 60 pixels. badge_desc_VA5=Awarded to paired Habbos during Valentine's each year. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry7=Level 7 - For hanging out in 120 Guest Rooms that you do not own .Gold digger. 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration1=Level 1 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 days. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry6=Level 6 - For hanging out in 80 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Out of towner. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_CO4=On the spot prize from the Mayor of Yukka Tree Hill. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver10=For giving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_CO5=Owner of a Yukka Tree Hill Village. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration8=Level 8 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration9=Level 9 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 4 years. Worth 200 pixels. slots_full=5 badges worn! badge_name_Z56=The Buzz Brain of Habbo badge_desc_BBBH2=Awarded to winners of the 'Big Ola' competition. November 2009. badge_name_Z59=History Buff badge_desc_BBBH1=Awarded to all who paid tribute to the Big Hand. November 2009. badge_desc_CO6=Villager at the largest village in Yukka Tree Hill. badge_name_Z58=Museum Security badge_name_Z57=Smithsonian Supporter badge_desc_UK049=I helped revive Santa's broken heart and miserable mood in time for Christmas. December 2009. badge_name_MMC= badge_desc_UK048=My screenie/alt was featured at Christmas! December 2009. badge_desc_UK045=My advert to Save The Piglets impressed the Hotel Management so much I won this Badge! January 2010. badge_desc_UK044=My Ice Kingdom was sub zero. December 2009. badge_name_Z63=Valued BETA tester badge_desc_UK047=My festive video was featured at Christmas! December 2009. badge_name_Z60=The Golden Tablet badge_desc_UK043=I took my quest to Facebook and smashed it, really! December 2009. badge_desc_UK042=I proved I have a kind heart, and gave generously. December 2009. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10=Have someone scratch your pet at least 750 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_HUB= badge_name_Z84=Alhambra Competition Winner badge_desc_ACH_TraderPass2=Level 2 - Achieved if you have been busy trading your stuff. Keep it up! badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5=Have someone scratch your pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_name_Z75=Realm Protectors badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding10=My pet is well fed badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6=Have someone scratch your pet at least 120 times to earn this badge. badge_name_Z76=My Precious badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7=Have someone scratch your pet at least 200 times to earn this badge. badge_name_Z77=HARD2BEAT Glowstick badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8=Have someone scratch your pet at least 300 times to earn this badge. badge_name_Z78=Ice Age Quest Winner badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1=Have someone scratch your pet at least 3 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2=Have someone scratch your pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_LC3=Completed the quest of Lemuria 02/09 badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3=Have someone scratch your pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4=Have someone scratch your pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9=Have someone scratch your pet at least 500 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_TraderPass1=Level 1 - Achieved by verifying your email, owning Habbo account for at least 3 days and being online at least 1 h. badge_desc_50S=Winner of the MUZU VJ Playlist competition. Enter now at /groups/MUZU badge_name_Z70=Realm Dwarf badge_name_Z74=Realm Wizard badge_name_Z73=Warrior of the Dark Lord badge_name_Z72=Realm Horse Lord badge_name_Z71=Orc of the Dark Lord badge_name_Z66=Charlie Girl Chic Competitor badge_name_Z67=Myth Bunnies Badge badge_name_Z64=Official BETA tester badge_name_Z65=Charlie's Best Friend badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver10=Want to go out with me? badge_name_Z68=The Dark Lord's Wraiths badge_name_Z69=Realm Elf badge_desc_HW1=Winning Director of a Habbowood movie. Habbowood ran in both 2006 and 2007. badge_desc_HW09A=Awarded to everyone who had their spooky activity featured. Habboween 2009. badge_desc_HW09C=Awarded to everyone who had their spooky video featured. Habboween 2009. badge_desc_HW09B=Awarded to everyone who had their spooky story featured. Habboween 2009. badge_desc_HW09E=Awarded to everyone who had their spooky tour story or room featured. Habboween 2009. badge_desc_HW09D=Awarded to everyone who had their spooky screenshot featured. Habboween 2009. badge_name_BE1=Official BETA tester badge_name_BE2=Valued BETA tester badge_desc_XM2=Elf Vs Reindeer Christmas 2005 badge_desc_XM1=Rasta Santa was awarded during Christmas 2005. He visited the hotel December 2006. badge_desc_XM4=Awarded to everyone who visited Habbo during December 2006. Happy Christmas! badge_desc_XM3=Reindeer Vs Elf Christmas 2005 badge_desc_XM9=For Arctic Maze survivors! badge_name_XM9=Arctic Snowballers! badge_name_XM4=Xmas Tree badge_name_XM3=Xmas Reindeer badge_desc_XMA=Penguin Competition winner 2008! badge_name_XM2=Xmas Elf badge_name_XM1=Rasta Santa badge_desc_BOT=I'm an automated worker at Habbo Hotel. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver10=Scratch anyone's pet at least 350 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_DK6=Camp Rock Winner 2008 badge_desc_ICEA3=Attended the Ice Age 3 DVD room launch badge_desc_DK5=Camp Rock Winner 2008 badge_desc_ICEA2=Winner of the Love Game or the Dino Race badge_name_NI5=Mythology World badges_tab_title=My badges badge_desc_TWIV1=Level 1 Badge awarded to trivia quest winners in Volturi's world. November 2009. badge_name_UKFB1=?! badge_name_FAN=Official Fansite Staff badge_desc_TWIV3=Level 3 Badge awarded to the Volturi grand final winner. November 2009. badge_desc_TWIV2=Level 2 Badge awarded to competition winners in Volturi's world. November 2009. badge_desc_HWB=Habboween competition badge. badge_desc_NI5=Winner in the Frederic Santini Comp - Mythology. Sep 09. badge_name_VIP=VIP Pass badge_desc_HX1=Host eXpert badge_desc_HX4=Game eXpert badge_desc_HX5=Gold Host eXpert badge_desc_HX2=Safety eXpert selected_badges=Currently wearing: badge_desc_HX3=Tech eXpert badge_desc_HX8=Gold Game eXpert badge_desc_HX9=X Leader badge_desc_HX6=Gold Safety eXpert badge_desc_HX7=Gold Tech eXpert badge_desc_VIP=Celebrity guests and special visitors. badge_name_BBBH1=Farewell Big Hand badge_name_BBBH2=The Brotherhood of the Hand badge_desc_BTB=Hall of Fame member. Awarded to the top 25 BattleBall players. badge_name_NEB=Official EPIC Party Host badge_name_NEC=HMF Golden Glitterball badge_name_NEJ=Flynn500 Winner badge_name_NEI=HMF: Neon Club Winner badge_name_TC1=BattleBall Champ badge_name_TC2=Wobble Squabble Champ badge_name_ACH_BasicClub2=Habbo Club member badge_name_TC3=SnowStorm Champ badge_name_ACH_BasicClub1=Habbo Club member badge_desc_RU3=SafeSid Competition Winner badge_desc_HO1=I'm a finalist in the 2009 Habbo Awards. (Temporary Badge) badge_name_ACH_BasicClub5=Habbo Club member badge_name_CNY01=CNY 2010 badge_name_ACH_BasicClub3=Habbo Club member badge_name_ACH_BasicClub4=Habbo Club member badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver4=Scratch anyone's pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver3=Scratch anyone's pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. bage_name_XMA=Christmas 2008 comp winner badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver6=Scratch anyone's pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver5=Scratch anyone's pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver2=Scratch anyone's pet at least 5 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_DN4=Roadtrip USA 5 Points 2008. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver1=Scratch anyone's pet at least 1 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_DN5=Roadtrip USA 10 Points 2008. badge_desc_DN2=Roadtrip USA 5 Points 2008. badge_desc_DN3=Roadtrip USA 15 Points 2008. badge_desc_DN1=Diner Room Winner 2008. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver8=Scratch anyone's pet at least 170 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver7=Scratch anyone's pet at least 110 times to earn this badge. badge_name_JF1=Oriental Express badge_name_JF2=Japanese Sushi badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver9=Scratch anyone's pet at least 250 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_RLX01=Awarded to all winners of Habbo Relax Competitions September 2009. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding2=My pet is well fed badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding3=My pet is well fed badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding4=My pet is well fed badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding5=My pet is well fed badges_desc_UK027=I stopped Guy Fawkes blowing up Habbo Parliament. November 2009. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding1=My pet is well fed badge_desc_HM1=Built a room for the Habbo Mall 2009 badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding9=My pet is well fed badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding8=My pet is well fed badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding7=My pet is well fed badges_window_title=Badges badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding6=My pet is well fed badge_name_LC3=Lemuria Adventurer badge_name_TWIV2=New Moon Badge: Volturi badge_name_TWIV3=New Moon Badge: Volturi badge_name_TWIV1=New Moon Badge: Volturi badge_desc_FRT=Raceway 2010 Champion of Champions, badge_desc_CNY01=Chinese New Year observation quest winner. badge_name_ACH_MGM1=Baby Shower badge_name_ACH_MGM2=Luau badge_name_ACH_MGM3=Block party badge_name_ACH_MGM4=Dance Party badge_name_ACH_MGM5=Slumber Party badge_desc_DS7=Elementals Vs Warriors 2007. badge_name_ACH_MGM6=Reunion badge_desc_FRG=Ultimate Bobba Wrestling Champion 2008. Kick Wars competition. badge_name_ACH_MGM7=Housewarming badge_desc_DS1=Warriors Vs Elementals 2007. badge_name_DK6=Camp Rock Guitar Green badge_name_ACH_MGM8=Ball badge_name_DK5=Camp Rock Guitar Blue badge_name_ACH_MGM9=Fiesta badge_desc_FRE=Winner in the Frederic Santini Comp - Prehistoric. Sep 09. badge_name_ACH_TraderPass2=Trader's Pass badge_name_ACH_TraderPass1=Trader's Pass badge_name_PIR=Pirate Necklace badge_name_ICEA3=Baby Dino badge_name_ICEA2=Ice Age 3 DVD Winner badge_name_RA5=Rare Crystal badge_name_RA4=Rare Beanstalk badge_name_TWIQ3=New Moon Badge: Jacob badge_name_TWIQ2=New Moon Badge: Jacob badge_name_TWIQ1=New Moon Badge: Jacob badge_name_SF002=Astro-Bar Winner badge_name_VA7=Small Shalimar badge_name_VA8=Large Shalimar badge_name_VA3=Habborella Cruise badge_name_VA4=Habborella Crew badge_name_VA5=Wedding Ring badge_desc_ACH_PetLover2=Own a total of 3 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover3=Own a total of 5 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_VA2=Valentine Heart badge_desc_ACH_PetLover1=Own 1 pet to earn this badge. badge_name_VA1=Superlove Heart badge_desc_ACH_PetLover8=Own a total of 45 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover9=Own a total of 60 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_XXX=Habbo eXperts are experienced Habbos who answer your questions on Habbo. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover6=Own a total of 25 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover7=Own a total of 35 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover4=Own a total of 10 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover5=Own a total of 15 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_PB2=Runway Design Studio winner. April 2010. badge_desc_DSX=Roadtrip USA Room Winner 2008. badge_desc_KO1=For creating the perfect Koala habitat. November 2008. badge_desc_SF002=Awarded to those that helped Artie with his Sci Fi Bar. September 2009 badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10=Online time X - F5 Tornado badge_desc_DT1=Awarded to winning Billboard Designs. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp6=Train your pets up at least 50 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp5=Train your pets up at least 30 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp4=Train your pets up at least 20 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp3=Train your pets up at least 10 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp9=Train your pets up at least 200 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp8=Train your pets up at least 130 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_DU3=Habbowealth Games 2005. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp7=Train your pets up at least 80 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp2=Train your pets up at least 5 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp1=Train your pets up at least 1 level to earn this badge. badge_name_NWB=Silver Hobba badge_desc_DU2=Habbowealth Games 2005. badge_desc_DU1=Habbowealth Games 2005. badge_name_HJ6=Harajuku Lovers Lil' Angel badge_name_HJ4=Harajuku Lovers Love badge_name_HJ5=Harajuku Lovers Music badge_name_HJ2=Harajuku Lovers G badge_name_HJ3=Designed Gwen Stefani an outfit with Harajuku Lovers badge_desc_U06=Winning a Habbo Raceway Grand Prix. badge_desc_U05=Having a Course featured in a Habbo Raceway Grand Prix. badge_desc_ACH_Student1=For being guided by a Habbo Guide and to be confused no more. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_ACH_Login8=Rotten tomato badge_name_ACH_Login9=Habbo Stayer badge_name_CY3=High Yin Yang badge_name_CY2=Low Yin Yang badge_desc_ACH_Name1=You have successfully erased your past. badge_desc_U02=Idea Agency Silver brief winner! badge_desc_U01=Idea Agency brief runner-up! badge_desc_U04=Habbo Raceway champion of champions 2009. badge_desc_U03=Idea Agency Golden brief winner! badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry10=Pilgrim badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp10=Pet whisperer badge_name_ACH_Login5=A Piece Of The Furniture badge_name_ACH_Login4=High Roller badge_name_ACH_Login7=Space dust on your shoes badge_name_ACH_Login6=Covered with moss badge_name_AP1=The HABprentice Finalist badge_name_ACH_Login1=Traveler badge_name_AP2=Official HABprentice Designer 2009 badge_name_ACH_Login3=Frequent Resident badge_name_ACH_Login2=Preferred Guest badge_desc_ACH_Graduate1=For completing your confusing Habbo newbie experience. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_RUN07=Fashion Blog badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub5=For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_BR071=1Goal badge_name_RUN05=I Have Style badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub3=For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_ACH_PetLover10=Zoo keeper badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub4=For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub1=For joining the Habbo Club. badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub2=For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_RUN04=Perfect Look badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry2=Running Room Raider badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry3=Ultimate Room Raider badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry4=Day tripper badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry5=Vacationer badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry1=Room Raider badge_desc_ACH_Login1=Level 1 - For logging in 5 days in a row. Try it if you dare. Worth 50 pixels. badge_name_HC5=HC Club membership V badge_name_HC3=HC Club membership III badge_name_HC4=HC Club membership IV badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry7=Traveler badge_desc_ACH_Login5=Level 5 - For logging in 35 days in a row. Amazing. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry6=House Guest badge_desc_ACH_Login4=Level 4 - For logging in 28 days in a row. Scary. Worth 150 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry9=Habitué badge_desc_ACH_Login3=Level 3 - For logging in 15 days in a row. Strange. Worth 120 pixels. badge_desc_KIR=Keep It Real competition winner. Don't forget to keep it 100% Habbo! badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry8=Sightseer badge_desc_ACH_Login2=Level 2 - For logging in 8 days in a row. Weird. Worth 80 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login9=Level 9 - For logging in 90 days in a row. Extraordinary. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login8=Level 8 - For logging in 80 days in a row. Sensational. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login7=Level 7 - For logging in 70 days in a row. Awesome. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login6=Level 6 - For logging in 60 days in a row. Phenomenal. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration1=10 % True Habbo badge_name_AR2=Alhambra Sword badge_name_AR1=Alhambra Genie badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration4=40 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration5=50 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration2=20 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration3=30 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration8=80 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration9=90 % True Habbo badge_name_DE013=Christmas Day Badge badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration6=60 % True Habbo badge_name_DE012=Christmas Cracker! badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration7=70 % True Habbo badge_name_GRR=Gorillaz Celeb Visit badge_name_SNW=SnowStorm HOF badge_desc_BE1=Helped shape the new Habbo June 2009 badge_desc_BE2=Helped shape the new Habbo June 2009 badge_desc_ACH_PetLover10=Own a total of 75 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_ATW=Globetrekker badge_name_HQ006=Urban CSI Bronze badge_name_HQ005=Urban CSI Silver badge_name_ACH_Name1=New Identity badge_name_HF1=Golden Football Boot badge_name_HQ001=Kitchen Survivor badge_name_HQ004=Urban CSI Gold badge_name_RLX01=Relax Comp Winner badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver10=I've shared my love badge_desc_TLB=Raceway Course creator 2010. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding3=Give your pets at least 1400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding2=Give your pets at least 600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding1=Give your pets at least 200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_MTV01=Member of the MTV EMA 2009 Group. badge_desc_RA5=I bought the Rare Crystal Patch. May 2010. badge_name_USP=Medieval World badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding7=Give your pets at least 25400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_RA4=I bought the Rare Beanstalk. March 2010. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding6=Give your pets at least 12600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding5=Give your pets at least 6200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_SU1=Low Tiki Mana badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding4=Give your pets at least 3000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver6=For giving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_SU3=High Tiki Mana badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver7=For giving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_name_SU2=Medium Tiki Mana badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver8=For giving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding9=Give your pets at least 102200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver9=For giving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding8=Give your pets at least 51000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_WBL=Hall of Fame member. Awarded to the top 25 Wobble Squabble players. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver1=For giving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver3=For giving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver2=For giving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver5=For giving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver4=For giving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_CO6=YTH Champion Villager badge_desc_ACH_MGM10=Level 10 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 18. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_PIR=Arrr! Pirate competition winner May 2006. badge_name_CO4=YTH Prize Winner badge_name_CO5=YTH Village Owner badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry10=Level 10 - For hanging out in 200 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Time traveler. Worth 40 pixels. badge_name_AF1=April Fools Day 2009 badge_desc_UK08=2/3 of the Click Clever, Click Safe Code badge_name_ST4=Cosmetics Specialist badge_name_ST3=Energy Analyst badge_name_ST2=Digital Designer badge_name_ST1=Sound Engineer badge_name_ST6=Climate Scientist badge_name_ST5=Sports Technologist badge_name_WTM=Safe Surfer badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver10=Wealthy badge_desc_YAK=Awarded for competitions during Japanese Sushi campaign. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned10=Level 10 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 400 pixels. badge_desc_FR005=I read the Hotel Happenings Newsletter, every Tuesday! Do you? badge_name_EXH=Hobba Medal badge_remove=Clear badge_name_HC2=HC Club membership II badge_name_HC1=HC Club membership I badge_desc_WAR=Awarded for attending the Peace Protest in 2008 or responding correctly to the Peace Poll. badge_name_HBA=Gold Hobba badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned10=Been respected 1166 times. badge_desc_RUN05=My Style Photo, Runway Winner April 2010 badge_desc_RUN04=Awarded to winners of the Perfect Look game. Runway April 2010. badge_desc_NEI=HMF:Neon Epic Party Winner badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver2=Like me a bit more badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver3=Cherish me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver1=Greet me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver6=Donate me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver7=Value me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver4=Adore me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver5=Respect me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver8=Be wild about me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver9=Be hooked on me badge_name_ACH_VipClub3=VIP member badge_desc_WH8=You received the cure to the virus Habboween 2008 badge_name_ACH_VipClub2=VIP member badge_desc_WH7=Awarded to competition winners during Habboween 2008. badge_name_ACH_VipClub5=VIP member badge_name_ACH_AvatarLooks1=Looks that Kill badge_name_ACH_VipClub4=VIP member badge_desc_WH4=Habboween competition /event winner. badge_desc_WH3=Habboween competition /event winner. badge_desc_WH6=Awarded to competition winners during Habboween 2008. badge_desc_WH5=Musically gifted Habbo! badge_desc_NEB=HMF:Neon Fan Club Winner badge_desc_NEC=Official HMF:Neon Best New Artist Supporter badge_name_HM1=Mall Builder badge_desc_WH1=Habboween competition /event winner. badge_desc_WH2=Habboween competition /event winner. badge_desc_RUN07=Awarded to the winning Runway Fashion Bloggers. April 2010. badge_name_ACH_VipClub1=VIP member badge_desc_EC2=Won a Love The Earth event badge_desc_EC4=Trying to make Habbo a greener place badge_desc_EC5=Loved The Earth and bought a tree for a friend badge_desc_TC3=SnowStorm Challenge involved being in the top 20 highscores for 15 weeks in a row! badge_desc_TC2=Wobble Squabble Challenge involved being in the top 20 highscores for 15 weeks in a row! badge_name_ACH_MGM10=Prom badge_desc_TC1=BattleBall Challenge involved being in the top 20 highscores for 15 weeks in a row! badge_wear=Wear badge_save=Save badge_name_CL2=Idea Agency competition winner! badge_name_CL1=Idea Agency competition runner-up! badge_name_HO1=Habbo Awards Finalist badge_name_CL3=Idea Agency competition winner! badge_name_UKZ=Fashion Designer badge_desc_UKZ=Awarded to fashion designers during Fashion Week 2008. badge_desc_UKY=Awarded to Quest Guild members. You must submit a Quest to enter the guild. badge_desc_UKX=Winner at the St Trinian's Quiz competiton 2008. badge_name_UKV=Gold Rollercoaster badge_name_UKW=Silver Rollercoaster badge_name_UKX=St Trinian's Quiz badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed10=Battle Royal X badge_name_UKY=Quest Guild badge_name_UK045=Leg Of Pork? badge_name_UKR=St Trinian's Head Girl badge_name_UK044=Ice Quest Task Winner badge_name_UKS=Perfect Prefect badge_name_UK043=Ice Quest Task Winner badge_name_UKT=Candy Floss badge_name_UK042=Ice Quest Task Winner badge_name_UKU=Theme Park Clown badge_name_UK049=Gold Santa Hat badge_name_UKN=HAFTAs Award badge_name_UK048=Festive Picture Winner badge_name_UKO=Habbo Seeker badge_name_UK047=Festive Video Winner badge_name_UKP=Perfect Prefect badge_name_UK046=Woof Woof! badge_name_UKQ=St Trinian's Head Boy badge_name_ACH_PetLover7=Pet shop keeper III badge_desc_UKJ=Dark is Rising sign of wood. 2007. badge_name_ACH_PetLover6=Pet shop keeper II badge_desc_UKK=Fantastic Four Bronze Medallion. 2007. badge_name_ACH_PetLover9=My herd is bigger than yours badge_desc_UKH=Dark is Rising sign of stone. 2007. badge_name_ACH_PetLover8=Pet shop keeper IV badge_desc_UKI=Dark is Rising sign of water. 2007. badge_name_ACH_PetLover3=I'll soon have a kennel II badge_desc_UKN=Awarded to winners of the 2007 HAFTAs where rooms were built based on films. badge_name_UK051=Bronze Santa Hat badge_name_ACH_PetLover2=I'll soon have a kennel I badge_desc_UKO=Awarded to anyone who successfully collected all Dark Is Rising Badges. 2007 badge_name_UK052=0800 Reverse badge_name_ACH_PetLover5=Pet shop keeper I badge_desc_UKL=Fantastic Four Silver Medallion. 2007. badge_name_ACH_PetLover4=I'll soon have a kennel III badge_desc_UKM=Fantastic Four Gold Medallion. 2007. badge_name_UK050=Silver Santa Hat badge_desc_UKR=Winner of St Trinians Head Girl competition. badge_desc_UKS=Winner of the St Trinians perfect prefect competition. badge_desc_UKP=Winner of the St Trinians perfect prefect competition. badge_desc_UKQ=Winner of St Trinians Head Boy competition. badge_desc_UKV=Theme Park team competition champion. 2008 badge_desc_UKW=Theme Park team competition winner. 2008 badge_desc_UKT=Theme Park creative competition winner. 2008 badge_desc_UKU=Theme Park entertainment winner. 2008 badge_desc_UK9=Japanese quest winner 2007. badge_desc_UK8=NSPCC campaign badge. Stop Bullying. Full stop. badge_name_UK8=NSPCC badge_name_UK9=Japanese Statue badge_name_UK6=Billboard Designer badge_name_UK7=Quest Builder badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver4=Scratch scratch! badge_desc_UKA=Battle of the Resorts Summer 2007 badge_name_UK4=Habbo Council badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver3=Pat pat! badge_name_ACH_PetLover1=Can I keep him? badge_name_UK5=Comic Creator badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver2=Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours badge_desc_UKC=Habbo submitted news stories. badge_name_UK056=Habbo Awards '09 badge_name_UK2=Always Salon Champ badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver1=I like your pet! badge_desc_UKB=Murder mystery play writing competition winner 2007. badge_name_UK3=Frank Bus badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver8=Pet lover IV badge_desc_UKE=Dark is Rising sign of bronze. 2007. badge_name_UK058=Hotel Happenings Article Badge badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver7=Pet lover III badge_desc_UKD=Adventure Story competition winner 2007. badge_name_UK057=Hotel Happenings Article Badge badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver6=Pet lover II badge_desc_UKG=Dark is Rising sign of fire. 2007. badge_name_HX8=Habbo eXpert badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver5=Pet lover I badge_desc_UKF=Dark is Rising sign of iron. 2007. badge_name_HX9=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UK059=Hotel Happenings Article Badge badge_name_HX7=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UKM=Fantastic4 Gold badge_name_HX6=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UKL=Fantastic4 Silver badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver9=Pet lover V badge_name_HX5=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UKK=Fantastic4 Bronze badge_name_HX4=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UKJ=Wood Sign badge_name_HX3=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UK060=Habbo Fire & Rescue Service Member badge_name_UKI=Water Sign badge_name_HX2=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UK061=Demi-god Athena badge_name_UKH=Stone Sign badge_name_HX1=Habbo eXpert badge_name_UK062=Demi-god Poseidon badge_name_UKG=Fire Sign badge_name_UK063=Demi-god Zeus badge_name_UKF=Iron Sign badge_name_UKE=Bronze Sign badge_name_UKD=Adventure Story badge_desc_UK2=The sole champion of the Always Salon in 2006. badge_name_UKC=Habbo Journalist badge_desc_UK3=Frank Bus moderator. badge_name_UKB=Play Writer badge_desc_UK4=Habbo Council member. The Habbo Council postponed all future meetings from June 2006. badge_name_UKA=Summer Resort badge_desc_UK5=Habbo comic creator. Comics were displayed on the homepage for 2 weeks during 2007. badge_name_ACH_RespectGiven1=Nice as pie! badge_desc_UK6=Billboard design winner. Billboards were displayed in the Gallery Cafe for 2 weeks during 2007! badge_desc_UK7=Awarded to experts at creating their own quests. badge_name_UK029=bullyproof badge_name_UK028=Pixel Maze 2009 badge_name_UK027=Guy Fawkes Quest badge_name_UK026=Frights, Camera, Action! badge_name_UK025=Exorcist Quest badge_name_OL1=Habbolympic Gold badge_name_OL2=Habbolympic Silver badge_name_OL3=Habbolympic Bronze badge_desc_UKBD1=Nine cheers! I wished Habbo Hotel a happy birthday, 17/1/2010 badge_name_UK030=bullyproof badge_desc_ACH_HappyHour1=For spending a Happy moment in Habbo! Log in on Happy Hour to receive this achievement. Worth 100 pixels. achievements_desc=Achievements are tasks that you can do in Habbo Hotel. For each Achievement you receive a badge and some pixels badge_name_UK039=Beware Of The Bear! badge_name_UK036=Barking Mad! badge_name_UK035=Habbo Music Academy badge_name_UK038=St Trinians Alumni badge_name_UK037=Britney Fan badge_name_UK032=The Chipettes badge_name_UK031=Alvin and the Chipmunks badge_name_UK034=I Love Music badge_name_UK033=Music Mogul badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver1=Nice one badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver2=Well heeled badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver3=Prosperous badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver4=Well off badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver5=Made of money badge_desc_AP3=A winner or runner-up in the HABprentice: Designer Edition tasks badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver6=Stinking rich badge_desc_AP2=The HABprentice: Design Edition Boardroom Table Member badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver7=Loaded badge_desc_AP1=The HABprentice Boardroom Table Member badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver8=Generous one badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver9=Rolling in it badge_name_EC5=Official Habbo Tree-Planter badge_name_EC4=HabboSphere Contributor badge_name_UK001=Habbo Big Brother Press badge_name_EC2=Melting Ice Caps Survivor badge_name_UK004=Star 2 badge_name_UK005=Star 3 badge_name_CAG=Atlantis World badge_name_UK002=Habbo Mall Cop badge_name_UK003=Star 1 badge_name_HUB= badge_name_UK008=Flint's Meatballs badge_name_UK009=Star 1 badge_name_UK006=ChildLine Champion badge_name_UK007=Skulduggery Pleasant's Asst. badge_desc_Z84=I won a competition during the Alhambra Weekend! January 2010. badge_name_CAC=Landscape Expert badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed10=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_OL2=Awarded to members of the 2nd Habbolympic team 2008. badge_desc_OL1=Awarded to members of the 1st Habbolympic team 2008. badge_name_UK012=HBB 09 Winner badge_desc_AR2=Alhambra Prize Winner 2008 badge_name_UK013=HBB 09 Runner Up badge_desc_AR1=Alhambra Prize Winner 2008 badge_desc_OL3=Awarded to members of the 3rd Habbolympic team 2008. badge_name_UK014=HBB 09 Contestant badge_name_UK015=Official Fame Talent badge_name_UK018=Habboween Event Champion badge_name_UK019=Frankenstein Quest badge_name_AC6=The Angry Spirit Ape badge_name_AC2=Bensalem Tribe Member badge_name_AC3=Bensalem Tribe Member badge_name_AC4=The Spirit Eagle badge_name_AC5=The Spirit Squid badge_name_AC1=Bensalem Tribe Member badge_desc_Z68=He sees all, and I search for him badge_desc_Z69=Friend of the Realm's natural wonders badge_desc_Z66=Entered an ultimate sleepover room to Charlie badge_desc_Z67=Awarded to Myth Bunny winners. March 2010. badge_desc_Z64=Helped shape the new Habbo June 2009 badge_desc_GLF=Level 6 - The hunter - stalks down the answers. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z65=Charlie Girl Chic Sleepover competition winner badge_desc_GLE=Level 5 - The clever one - is swift of thought and foot. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLD=Level 4 - The digger one - has information you cannot find. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_HWB=Evil Smile badge_desc_Z63=Helped shape the new Habbo June 2009 badge_desc_GLC=Level 3 - The one who will not let you sink under pressure. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z60=Built a Museum room to house a replica tablet badge_desc_GLB=Level 2 - The loving one - Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLA=Level 1 - The speedy one - Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLK=Level X - The eXperienced one with the knowledge to show the way. badge_desc_GLI=Level 9 - The sharp eyed one - flying to your aid from afar. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLJ=Level 10 - The old and wise one - loyal, with a heart of gold. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLG=Level 7 - The strong one - the one you can depend on. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLH=Level 8 - The friendly one - kind and always there. Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_HW1=Habbowood Director badge_desc_ATW=Globetrekker competition winner. Country room is in our Globetrekker Tour Guide 2008. badge_desc_Z77=Winner of a Celebrity Visit competition from HARD2BEAT Records. badge_desc_Z78=Found Scrat's nut - it was big! badge_desc_Z73=Fights for the Dark Lord of the Realm badge_desc_Z74=Magical fighter of the Realm badge_desc_Z75=A protector of the Realm badge_desc_Z76=The One Ring to rule all other Realm builders badge_desc_ACH_AvatarTags1=For tagging yourself with 5 tags. Use your words wisely. Describe yourself for a wicked match! Worth 50 pixels. badge_desc_Z70=Mines in the Realm for riches badge_desc_Z71=Henchman of the Dark Lord badge_desc_Z72=The Rohirrim, horse lord fighter badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp9=Animal trainer III badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp5=My pets know some tricks badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp6=My pets know a trick or two badge_name_ADM=Habbo Staff badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp7=Animal trainer I badge_name_HW09E=Spooky Tour badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp8=Animal trainer II badge_name_HW09D=Spooky Screenshot badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp1=My pet knows a trick! badge_name_HW09C=Spooky Video badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp2=My pet knows a trick or two! badge_name_HW09B=Spooky Story badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp3=I play with pets badge_name_HW09A=Spooky Activity badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp4=My pet is tougher than yours badge_desc_USP=Winner in the Frederic Santini Comp - Medieval. Sep 09. badge_desc_WTM=Way too much information! badge_desc_ACH_EmailVerification1=For activating your email address and for making it easier to return your password. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed8=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed9=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z41=HABWrecked Ducks Fan 2009 badge_desc_ACH_RespectGiven1=For giving respect 100 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_Z40=I celebrated Habbo UK's 8th birthday, 17/1/2009 badge_desc_Z43=HABWrecked Contestant 2009 badge_desc_Z42=HABWrecked Otters Fan 2009 badge_desc_Z45=HAFTAS Winner 2007 badge_desc_Z44=HABWrecked Overall Winner 2009 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed1=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z47=I showed the guile of a Bionicle glatorian! badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed2=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z46=HAFTAS Winner 2009 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed3=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z49=I showed the intelligence of a Bionicle glatorian! badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed4=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_Z48=I showed the strength of a Bionicle glatorian! badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed5=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed6=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed7=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver1=For receiving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver2=For receiving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver3=For receiving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver4=For receiving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver5=For receiving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver6=For receiving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_WBL=Wobble Squabble HOF badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver7=For receiving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver8=For receiving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver9=For receiving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_Z51=Winner of a 17 Again competition badge_desc_Z58=Official Habbo Museum security guard badge_desc_TWIC2=Level 2 Badge awarded to competition winners in Cullen's world. November 2009. badge_name_MB1=Madball Red Card badge_desc_Z57=Attended the Smithsonian Centre launch - May 2009 badge_desc_TWIC1=Level 1 Badge awarded to trivia quest winners in Cullen's world. November 2009. badge_name_MB2=Madball Yellow Card badge_desc_Z56=I've got the biggest brain in all of Habbo! badge_desc_Z59=Master of the history quest badge_desc_TWIC3=Level 3 Badge awarded to the Cullens grand final winner. November 2009. badge_name_MDMWW=Wacky Weekend badge_desc_Z21=You have reached LEVEL3. October 2008. badge_name_WAR=Peace Protest 2008 badge_desc_Z20=You have reached LEVEL5. October 2008. badge_desc_MMC= badge_desc_Z27=Road Trip USA Queen badge winner. Awarded to anyone who exchanged 25 Fuel Points. 2008 badge_desc_Z26=Road Trip USA King badge winner. Awarded to anyone who exchanged 25 Fuel Points. 2008 badge_desc_Z29=Awarded to The Insiders prank competition winners. October 2008. badge_desc_Z28=Awarded to The Insiders poll and quest winners. October 2008. badge_desc_Z23=You have reached LEVEL2. October 2008. badge_desc_Z22=You have reached LEVEL6. October 2008. badge_desc_Z25=You have reached LEVEL1. October 2008. badge_desc_Z24=Official evil scientist! Maximum level. October 2008. badge_name_SB7=Habbo Hood Big Flame badge_name_ACH_Graduate1=The Graduate badge_desc_Z32=I took a stand against knife crime badge_desc_Z31=Official Habbo Music Festival Artist badge_desc_Z30=Awarded to all winners and runners up of the pumpkin design competition. October 2008. badge_desc_Z39=Tracked the scent and made it to the Hotel badge_desc_Z38=Hotel For Dogs 3* Resort Owner badge_name_MD1=Meet Dave Quiz badge_name_SB1=Bouncing Queens badge_desc_Z37=Hotel For Dogs 2* Resort Owner badge_name_MD2=Meet Dave Body badge_name_SB2=Bobbaschi badge_name_ACH_Login10=Phoenix badge_desc_Z36=Hotel For Dogs 1* Resort Owner badge_name_SB3=Shabbolins badge_desc_Z35=Friday's Official Friend badge_name_SB4=Furnihilists badge_name_SB5=Habbo Hood Small Flame badge_desc_Z33=Play Director and Reviewer extraordinaire badge_desc_ST3=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_name_WH7=Virus Blood badge_desc_ST4=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_name_WH8=HABBOTICS Pharm. badge_desc_ST5=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_name_WH5=Purple Guitar badge_desc_ST6=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_name_WH6=Virus Ooze badge_name_WH3=Vampire Fangs badge_desc_GRR=The Gorillaz visited Habbo in 2005! badge_name_WH4=Smelly Brain badge_name_WH1=Evil Eye badge_name_WH2=Evil Smile badge_desc_Z09=Competition winner at the Habbo Underage Festival 2008. badge_name_MTV01=MTV EMA 2009 badge_desc_Z08=2nd place in the Step Up 2 The Streets dance competition. badge_desc_UKFB1=What is this Badge going to be used for? badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4=Online time IV - Blizzard badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote4=Noteworthy badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5=Online time V- Haze badge_desc_Z01=Habbo Fashion Week 2008 competition winner. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2=Online time II - Drizzle badge_desc_Z02=Earth week competition winner. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3=Online time III-Dust Devil badge_desc_Z03=Earth week competition winner. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8=Online time VIII- Meso Cyclone badge_desc_Z04=Earth week competition winner. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9=Online time IX-Tornado badge_desc_Z05=Habbo eXperts were volunteer helpers between 2006 and 2008. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6=Online time VI- Jet Stream badge_desc_Z06=3rd place in the Step Up 2 The Streets dance competition. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7=Online time VII- Cyclone badge_desc_Z07=1st place in the Step Up 2 The Streets dance competition. badge_desc_SU1=Lvl1 Tiki Competition winner. Lowest award. Summer 2008. badge_desc_SU3=Lvl3 Tiki Competition winner. Highest award. Summer 2008. badge_desc_SU2=Lvl2 Tiki Competition winner. Middle award. Summer 2008. badge_name_SHA= badge_desc_Z19=You have reached LEVEL4. October 2008. badge_desc_BR071=I support 1Goal. Education for all. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1=Online time I-Thunderstorm badge_desc_Z13=Runner Up of Habbo Big Brother series1 in July 2008. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2=Level 2 - spending total of 3 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_Z14=My Spy Family quest 2 winner. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3=Level 3 - spending total of 8 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_Z11=Contestant of Habbo Big Brother series1 in July 2008. badge_desc_Z12=Winner of Habbo Big Brother series1 in July 2008. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1=Level 1 - spending total of 1 hour in hotel. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_Z17=Hairspray The Musical talent show competition winner! 2008 badge_desc_Z18=Against cervical cancer campaign supporter. badge_desc_Z15=My Spy Family quest 1 winner. badge_desc_Z16=My Spy Family quest 3 winner. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding10=Give your pets at least 204600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8=Level 8 - spending total of 576 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9=Level 9 - spending total of 1152 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6=Level 6 - spending total of 144 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ST2=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_desc_Z10=Competition winner at the Habbo Underage Festival 2008. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7=Level 7 - spending total of 288 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ST1=You need Science and Maths skills for this job! badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4=Level 4 - spending total of 16 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5=Level 5 - spending total of 48 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_FR005=Hotel Happenings Fan badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration10=100% True Habbo badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed2=Battle Royal II badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed3=Battle Royal III badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed4=Battle Royal IV badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed5=Battle Royal V badge_desc_ACH_MGM9=Level 9 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 16. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 180 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM8=Level 8 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 14. For For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 170 pixels. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed1=Battle Royal I badge_desc_ACH_MGM4=Level 4 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 6. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 130 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM5=Level 5 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 8. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 140 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM6=Level 6 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 10. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 150 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM7=Level 7 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 12. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 160 pixels. badge_name_GLB=Bambi achievements_tab_title=Achievements badge_desc_ACH_MGM1=Level 1 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 2. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 50 pixels. badge_name_GLA=Bunny badge_desc_ACH_MGM2=Level 2 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 3. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 55 pixels. badge_name_GLD=Badger badge_desc_ACH_MGM3=Level 3 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 4. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 60 pixels. badge_name_GLC=Otter badge_name_GLF=Lynx badge_name_GLE=Fox badge_name_GLH=Bear badge_name_GLG=Buffalo badge_name_GLJ=Owl badge_name_GLI=Eagle badge_name_GLK=Head Guide (Wolf) badge_desc_ACH_Login10=Level 10 - For logging in 100 days in a row. Breathtaking. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9=My pets get all the love VIII badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7=My pets get all the love VI badge_desc_DE012=I won a live event or game this Christmas. December 2009. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8=My pets get all the love VII badge_desc_DE013=I logged in on Christmas Day and gave feedback for next year! December 2009. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6=My pets get all the love V badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5=My pets get all the love IV badge_name_SF3=Sci-Fi Captain Badge badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4=My pets get all the love III badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3=My pets get all the love II badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2=My pets get all the love I badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed9=Battle Royal IX badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1=Someone likes my pet badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed8=Battle Royal VIII badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed7=Battle Royal VII badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed6=Battle Royal VI nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_2/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_0_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_cafe_gold/0_name=Kultakahvila nav_venue_chill/0_name=The Idea Agency Zen Garden nav_venue_skylight_lobby_name=Skylight Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_0/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_4/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_desc=For the accomplished Snow Stormers. nav_venue_star_lounge_desc=Is there a VIP visitor in the hotel? nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_4/0_desc= nav_venue_median_lobby/0_desc=Chat with Radio 1 DJ's Aled and Max, Sun 22nd Nov from 9pm. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_5_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_bb_arena_3_name=Battle Ball Keskitaso nav_venue_bb_arena_2_name=Battle Ball Amatöörit nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_3_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_club_mammoth_name=Club Mammoth nav_venue_bb_game/0_name=Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_5/0_desc= nav_venue_the_dirty_duck_pub/0_desc=Grab a stool and hear Dave and Sadie talk about the good old days... nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_19/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_6/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_13/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_10/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_12/0_desc= nav_venue_chill_name=Zen Garden nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_7_name=Competitie Battle Ball 8 nav_venue_park/0_name=NHS Advice Infobus nav_venue_sunset_cafe_ii/0_desc=Catch the action from the stormy Island live! Join the Group at www.habbo.co.uk/groups/Habwrecked for the latest gossip. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_12/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_7_name=Beginners Battle Ball 8 nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_2/0_desc= nav_venue_welcome_lounge/0_name=Hotel Reception nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_6/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_3_name=Competitie Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_sw_arena_amateur_name(0)=SnowStorm Amatöörit nav_venue_club_massiva_desc=Strut your funky stuff! nav_venue_sw_arena_expert_name(0)=SnowStorm Expertit nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_desc=Yes, take a load of snowballs and hit the enemy Teams. Easy, isn't it? nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_1/0_desc= nav_venue_netcafe/0_desc=Meet celebs for exclusive chats by joining habbo.co.uk/groups/in4merz nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_5_name=Beginners Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_ii_name=Rooftop Rumble II nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_8/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_1_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_13/0_desc= nav_venue_theatredrome_easter_name=Theatredrome Easter nav_venue_sw_arena_intermediate_name=Playing intermediate game nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_2/0_desc= nav_venue_orient_name=Club Orient nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_8/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_2_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_8_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_sw_arena_expert_name=Playing expert game nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_1/0_desc= nav_venue_beauty_salon_general_name=Beauty salon nav_venue_theatredrome/0_desc=Perform your latest master piece, or simply catch the latest gossip. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_7_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 8 nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_4/0_desc= nav_venue_gate_park/0_desc=Follow the path... nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_11_name=Competitie Battle Ball 12 nav_venue_welcome_lounge_iii/0_desc=You'll always get a warm welcome here nav_venue_gate_park/0_name=Imperial Park nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_2_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_9_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 10 nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_4/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_2_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_park/0_desc=Visit the park and the infamous Infobus to get information on the HPV vaccination. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_12_name=Beginners Battle Ball 13 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_9_name=Beginners Battle Ball 10 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_8_name=Beginners Battle Ball 9 nav_venue_bouncer_room_4_name=Experts Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_branded_name=Mount Olympus nav_venue_club_massiva/0_name=Club Massiva nav_venue_club_massiva/2_name=Dancefloor nav_venue_habbo_lido/0_desc=Splish, splash and make a dash in your bathing suits. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_6_name=Competitie Battle Ball 7 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_19/0_desc= nav_venue_emperors_name=Emperor's hall nav_venue_hallway_name=Hallway nav_venue_old_skool_name=Old Skool Habbo nav_venue_club_mammoth/0_desc=Habbo's most exclusive parties happen here, with regular celebrity visitors. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_4_name=Beginners Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_theatredrome_name=Theatredrome nav_venue_tv_studio/0_name=MuchMusic HQ nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_10/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_3_name=Beginners Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_eric's_eaterie/0_desc=Join Billy for a bite to eat and some office gossip in the HABprentice nav_venue_space_cafe/0_desc=The food here is out of this world. nav_venue_cafe_ole_name=Cafe ole nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_15/0_desc= nav_venue_floatinggarden_name=Floating Garden nav_venue_orient/0_desc=Become a superstar VJ with MUZU and win your Habbo on a billboard in this club. nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_3_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_rooftop/0_desc=One of the highest points in Habbo Hotel! nav_venue_branded/0_desc=How To Train Your Dragon is out in cinemas nationwide on 31st March. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_0/0_desc= nav_venue_hallway_ii_name=Hallway II nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_6_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 7 nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_16/0_desc= nav_venue_hallway_ii/0_desc=Taking you to the far reaches of Habbo Hotel nav_venue_bb_lobby_free_3/0_desc=Meet friends and play BattleBall: Rebound! nav_venue_basement_lobby_name=Basement Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_14_name=Competitie Battle Ball 15 nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_6/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_0_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_3_name=Experts Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_floatinggarden/0_desc=The next trading ship is due this evening. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_3_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_hallway/0_desc=Roam the heart of Habbo Hotel. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_3/0_desc= nav_venue_club_massiva/1_name=Chill-out Room nav_venue_theatredrome_habbowood/0_desc=Home to the Habbowood Gala and HAFTA Awards! nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_6_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_sun_terrace_name=Sun Terrace nav_venue_bouncer_room_0_name=Battle Ball Competitie Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_4_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_ice_cafe_name=Bebo Xmas Cafe nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_6/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_club_massiva/2_desc=Make all the right moves nav_venue_bb_lobby_free_2/0_desc=Meet friends and play BattleBall: Rebound! nav_venue_club_massiva/1_desc=Strut your funky stuff nav_venue_bb_lobby_free_0/0_desc=Meet friends and play BattleBall: Rebound! nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_7_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_0/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_7/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_club_massiva_name=Club Massiva nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_5_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_5_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_dusty_lounge/0_name=Dusty Lounge nav_venue_bb_arena_1_name=Battle Ball Aloittelijat nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_0_name=Expert nav_venue_sunset_cafe_name=Sunset Cafe nav_venue_theatredrome_halloween_name=Theatredrome Habboween nav_venue_bouncer_room_2_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_1_name=Experts Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_9_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_snowwar_lobby/0_desc=Snow Storm LobbyCome and be a Snow Stormer! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_13_name=Competitie Battle Ball 14 nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_1/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_lido_name=The Teen LifeCheck Lido nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_1/0_desc= nav_venue_ice_cafe/0_desc=Win some fantastic prizes in our Bebo Christmas comp! nav_venue_basement_lobby/0_desc=For low level hanging nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_13_name=Beginners Battle Ball 14 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_4/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_8_name=Competitie Battle Ball 9 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_11_name=Beginners Battle Ball 12 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_9/0_desc= nav_venue_$unit.name$/0_desc=Roam more of the hotel's corridors nav_venue_picnic/0_desc=Find and discuss the latest Fairytale in our collection. nav_venue_eric's_eaterie_name=Eric's Eaterie nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_2_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_5/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_8/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_6_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_habbo_lido_ii_name=Habbo Lido II nav_venue_rooftop_rumble/0_desc=Wabble Squabble your bum off in our cool rooftop hang out nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_6/0_desc= nav_venue_sport_name=Power Gym nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_10_name=Beginners Battle Ball 11 nav_venue_habbo_lido_ii/0_desc=Pool is open for swimming and diving! nav_venue_sw_arena_amateur_name=Playing amateur game nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_16/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_0/0_desc= nav_venue_sunset_cafe_ii/0_name=Habwrecked 2010 Live nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_3_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_1_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_library/0_name=The Library nav_venue_tv_studio_name=MuchMusic HQ nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_6_name=Beginners Battle Ball 7 nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_desc=For the William Tells and Robin Hoods of Snow Storming. nav_venue_tv_studio/0_desc=Will you reach the final of the biggest brains in Habbo competition? nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_9/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_3/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_skylight_lobby/0_desc=This was the Habbo Big Brother Lounge during series 1 (2008) nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_9_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_tv_studio_nike/0_desc= nav_venue_theatredrome_xmas/0_desc=Perform your latest masterpiece! nav_venue_pizzeria/0_desc=Pizza; food of the hungry! nav_venue_snowwar_lobby_name=Snow Storm Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_7/0_desc= nav_venue_the_chromide_club_name=SUPERSUPER Club nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_4/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_0/0_desc=Meet friends and play SnowStorm! nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_6_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_14/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_1_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_main_lobby_name=Main Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_desc=Amateur battle ball! nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_1_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_5/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_4_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_8/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_1/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_6/0_desc= nav_venue_sun_terrace/0_name=Phonebrain Sun Terrace nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_3_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_star_lounge_name=Star Lounge nav_venue_tearoom/0_name=Chinese Tea Room nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_1_name=Beginners Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_3/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_6_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sunset_cafe/0_name=Sunset Cafe nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_1_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_desc=Come and play. It's free! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_0_name=Tournament nav_venue_sw_arena_intermediate_name(0)=SnowStorm Keskitaso nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_2/0_desc= nav_venue_the_den/0_desc=Chill out in this stylish student! nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_0/0_desc= nav_venue_sun_terrace/0_desc=Grab a sunbed and top up that tan whilst plotting your mobile business genius! nav_venue_habbo_cinema/0_name=Habbo Cinema nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_0/0_desc= nav_venue_picnic/0_name=Fairytale Gardens nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_0_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_name=Rooftop Rumble nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_desc=Practice improves a Snow Stormer's aim... Ops, missed! nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_1_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_1_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_theatredrome_valentine/0_desc=Home of Ralph (wannabe panda in training) nav_venue_space_cafe_name=The Space Cafe nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_9/0_desc= nav_venue_netcafe_name=The In4merz Lounge nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_0/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_10/0_desc= nav_venue_rooftop_name=Rooftop Cafe nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_8/0_desc= nav_venue_welcome_lounge_ii/0_desc=You'll always get a warm welcome here nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_5_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_4_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_desc=Expert battle ball! nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_2_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_2_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_ballroom_name=Ballroom nav_venue_the_den_name=The Den nav_venue_orient/0_name=MUZU.TV Night Club nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_18/0_desc= nav_venue_cafe_ole/0_desc=Relax with friends over one of Marias specialty coffees nav_venue_the_dirty_duck_pub_name=The Dirty Duck Pub nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_4_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_pizza/0_desc=Pizza Palace nav_venue_median_lobby_name=BBC bullyproof Lounge nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_4/0_desc= nav_venue_bouncer_room_3_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_ballroom/0_desc=Forget Beijing, check out Habbo's very own Olympic Stadium! nav_venue_sw_arena_beginner_name=Playing beginner game nav_venue_tearoom/0_desc=Try the tea in this Mongol cafe - it is to die for darlings! nav_venue_sw_arena_tournament_name=Playing a tournament game! nav_venue_sport/0_name=The Battle of the Bands School Gym nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_6/0_desc= nav_venue_hotel_kitchen_name=Hotel Kitchen nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_8_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 9 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_desc=Beginner battle ball nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_5/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_floatinggarden/0_name=The Great Port Of Habbo nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_0_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_17/0_desc= nav_venue_tv_studio_general/0_desc=Suosikki rules! Musaa, leffoja ja staroja! nav_venue_pizza_desc=Tunnelmallinen pizzapaikka kiireettömään nautiskeluun. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_11/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_arena_free_name=Playing free for all game nav_venue_library/0_desc=Fill yourself with information and lose yourself in literary worlds. nav_venue_beauty_salon_loreal_name=Beauty salon nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bouncer_room_1_name=Beginners Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_6/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_1_name=Competitie Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_pizzeria_name=Slice of Life nav_venue_theatredrome_xmas/0_name=Theatredrome nav_venue_sunset_cafe/0_desc=Cocunut cocktails at sunset, is there a better cafe to hang out in Habbo Hotel? nav_venue_cafe_gold_name=The Oasis nav_venue_habburger's_name=Habburgers nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_2/0_desc=Todellisille lumisotureille. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_0/0_desc= nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_ii/0_desc=Duel on the floats or chill by the waterfall. nav_venue_sw_arena_beginner_name(0)=SnowStorm Aloittelijat nav_venue_theatredrome_xmas_name=Habbo Awards 2009 Ceremony nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_4/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_5_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_7_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_11/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_desc=Intermediate battle ball! nav_venue_bb_arena_0_name=Battle Ball kaikille nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_5_name=Competitie Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_park_name=Habbo Gardens nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_4_name=Experts Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_12/0_desc= nav_venue_hotel_kitchen/0_desc=Beware the flying knives! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_12_name=Competitie Battle Ball 13 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_5_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_welcome_lounge_name=Hotel Reception nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_0_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_9/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_main_lobby/0_desc=The heart of Habbo Hotel nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_3_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_chill/0_desc=Find your moment of zen in the Idea Agency's chilled out space. nav_venue_hallway/0_name=Hallway nav_venue_theatredrome_easter/0_desc=Easter is Eco! Now sing the environmentally friendly song. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_6/0_desc= nav_venue_star_lounge/0_desc=Celebrities favourite hang out nav_venue_bb_lobby_5_name=Battle Ball Kaikille nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_3/0_desc= nav_venue_hallway_ii/0_name=Hallway II nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_9_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_branded_desc=The home of the gods. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is out in cinemas on Feb 12. nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_7_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_8/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_15/0_desc= nav_venue_theatredrome_halloween/0_desc=Habboween 2008 starts right here, right now! Ready? nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_3_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_club_massiva/0_desc=Rest your dancing feet! nav_venue_tearoom_name=Chinese Tea Room nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_10_name=Competitie Battle Ball 11 nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_7/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_cinema/0_desc=Also Showing: "Kick Warz 8 - This time I'll ban!" nav_venue_picnic_dudesons/0_desc=Duudsoneiden sponssaama oma Ranchi - www.extremeduudsonit.com nav_venue_netcafe/0_name=The In4merz Lounge nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_13/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_9/0_desc= nav_venue_pizza_name=Slice of Life nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_0_name=Beginner nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_11/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_9/0_desc= nav_venue_club_mammoth/0_name=Club Mammoth nav_venue_bb_arena_4_name=Battle Ball Expertit nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_desc=Play battle ball tournament! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_2_name=Competitie Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_5_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_beauty_salon_general/0_desc=Come for treatments on behalf of Chic by Charlie Girl nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_0_name=Amateur nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_14/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_7/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_4/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_9_name=Competitie Battle Ball 10 nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_1/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_2_name=Experts Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_theatredrome_valentine_name=Theatredrome Valentine nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_14/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_1_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_4_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_dusty_lounge/0_desc=Home of the Habbo Archives! nav_venue_gate_park_name=Imperial Park nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_8_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_14_name=Beginners Battle Ball 15 nav_venue_branded/0_name=The House of Hiccup nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_8/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_kattoterassi/0_desc=When push comes to shove... nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_0_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_beauty_salon_loreal/0_desc=No Pixel Surgery. nav_venue_dusty_lounge_name=Dusty Lounge nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_7_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_3/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sport/0_desc=Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel is out on DVD and Blu-ray on April 12. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_0_name=Intermediate nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_1/0_desc= nav_venue_cafe_gold/0_desc=Receive and discuss the latest safety tips and tricks. nav_venue_the_chromide_club/0_desc=Hang out with the fabulous guys and gals from Super Super Magazine! nav_venue_sw_arena_free_name(0)=SnowStorm - kaikki kaikkia vastaan nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_4_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_4_name=Competitie Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_8_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_18/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_9/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_0/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_desc=For stand-alone Tournaments. nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_4_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_4/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_free_1/0_desc=Meet friends and play BattleBall: Rebound! nav_venue_habburger's/0_desc=Get food here! nav_venue_habbo_lido/0_name=The Lido nav_venue_space_cafe/0_name=The Space Cafe nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_0/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_cinema_name=Habbo Cinema nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_2_name=Beginners Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_8/0_desc= nav_venue_old_skool/0_desc=A set of rooms inspired by the original and legendary Mobiles Disco, the progenitor of Habbo nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_17/0_desc= nav_venue_welcome_lounge/0_desc=You'll always get a warm welcome here nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_2_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_2_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_7/0_desc= nav_venue_emperors/0_desc=Debate and engage another Bionicle Glatorian into battle before stepping into the Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_9/0_desc= nav_venue_theatredrome_deli/0_desc=Join in all the fun of the fair!