toolbar.icon.tooltip.messenger=Send messages to your friends toolbar.icon.tooltip.catalogue=Catalog for shopping with your Coins and Pixels toolbar.icon.tooltip.sounds=Toggle sounds on/off have friend request(s) pending! toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.home=Go to your home room toolbar.icon.tooltip.roominfo=Information of the room you are currently in toolbar.icon.tooltip.memenu=Dance, wave, use effects, show badges, change clothes and check your rooms toolbar.icon.tooltip.inventory=Your furniture, effects, badges and achievements toolbar.icon.tooltip.settings=Settings toolbar.icon.tooltip.zoom=Zoom the room view in and out toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom=Go to your home room toolbar.icon.tooltip.navigator=Rooms and events toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.hotelview=Go to the Hotel view toolbar.icon.tooltip.friendlist=View and follow your friends chat.history.drag.tooltip=Drag this to display chat history chat.input.alert.flood=You're typing too fast, don't flood the room! - %time% seconds remaining soundmachine.notification.playing=Now playing %songname% by %songauthor% soundmachine.flash9.alert.title=Old Flash version latest Flash player soundmachine.flash9.alert.content=To be able to hear Trax songs, you need to update to latest Flash player version info.comingsoon.caption=The feature is not yet available! info.client.version=Version: %version% info.comingsoon.text=Coming Soon! report.user.error.nolist=You don't seem to have met any users during this play session. Please send a regular call for help instead. confirmation you won't be able change your name again! help.cfh.closed.resolved=Thank you, your issue has now been resolved. help.cfh.topic.9=%name% is scripting help.cfh.topic.8=%name% is sharing personal information. help.cfh.topic.7=%name% is harassing me or others. help.cfh.topic.6=Other help.cfh.topic.5=I was scammed, but Habbo name changing is currently disablesd. Please try again later! help.cfh.error.abusive=Your previous call was abusive. You will not be able to send new calls for 10 minutes. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.106=Other Problem help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is blocking or being disruptive help.cfh.topicwithharasser.104=%name% is bullying or being abusive %name% is not valid for a Habbo name. Please think of something else.. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.103=%name% is scamming help.cfh.topicwithharasser.102=%name% is sharing phone numbers or home address help.cfh.topicwithharasser.101=%name% is being sexually explicit hotel_merge.name_change.current=Your current name is %name% help.tutorial.clickme=Click here! name %name% is free, so you can get it. help.tutorial.title=Welcome to Habbo Hotel! the next issue: help.button.faq=Browse all FAQ topics >> help.cfh.button.send=Make a help request help.cfh.button.delete=Delete your pending calls for help first. can search for available names, and pick the one that is available. help.faq.title.searchresults=Search results guide bot can be called to help answer any questions you may have. help.tutorial.button.changename=Change Name help.cfh.error.msgtooshort=The description you've written is too short. Please describe the issue in more detail. help.button.habboway.url=http://%predefined%/groups/HabboWay help.button.faq.topiclist=Go back to list of topics report.user.pick.user=Please pick the user you want to report from the list below: in keywords to search help.mainpage.topics.title=Known issues, read these first: hotel_merge.name_change.pick=Yes, pick this one help.cfh.closed.abusive=Please do not abuse the Call for Help system. Misuse may lead to penalties against your account. report.user.pick.topic=Please choose what the user you're reporting has done. Also note that abusing the call for help system by sending false claims will not be tolerated. help.cfh.pick.topic=Choose a topic for your call that best matches your problem: help.cfh.topic.101=Someone is being sexually explicit help.cfh.topic.103=Someone is scamming help.cfh.topic.102=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address help.faq.browse.topics=Click a topic to view questions: to Habbo Hotel! Here are some tasks to help you get started. help.tutorial.button.nameok=I'm happy with name %name% report.user.list.entry=%name% in room %room% guide bot help.cfh.input.text=Please give us more details about what has happened? name can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and characters - =?!@:. help.cfh.sent.text=A member of community staff will investigate the situation and take appropriate action. Please check Service Updates on the FAQs for known technical problems. help.cfh.sent.title=Thanks for your call. hotel_merge.name_change.check=Check can call a Guide bot to your own room from the Habbo Help menu by clicking the question mark on the left hand toolbar. Feel free to ask the robot any questions you might have, but remember, robot might not know everything. help.cfh.error.title=Your call for help was not sent! help.cfh.reply.title=Your call has been responded to as follows: help.button.habboway=Habbo Way: How to play Habbo according to the Habbo Way >> hotel_merge.name_change.confirm=Please confirm your new name: Habbo name will be %name% for good. Are you sure you want to proceed? help.faq.title.urgent=Current issues help.tutorial.button.guidebot=Call a Guide bot help.faq.title.normal=FAQ Topics help.cfh.error.pending=Your previous call for help has not been answered yet. To make a new one you must delete the old message.'re currently having technical problems verifying new Habbo names. Please try again in a few minutes! help.faq.categories.text=Browse FAQ's by category: help.button.faq.categorylist=Go back to list of categories help.cfh.topic.12=%name% is doing something crazy. help.cfh.topic.10=%name% is doing something dumb. you have chosen is too short! It must be between 3 and 15 characters long. help.cfh.topic.11=%name% is doing something stupid. hotel_merge.name_change.keep=No, I want to keep my current name help.cfh.topic.106=Other Problem help.cfh.topic.105=Someone is blocking and being disruptive help.cfh.topic.104=Someone is bullying or being abusive help.cfh.error.length=Please tell us what has happened. name %name% seems to be taken. Here are some other suggestions: preparation for the relaunch of some users with name that conflicts between hotels have to change their name. You are one of these users. You can change your character name only once, so think carefully what name you want. your new Habbo name here... help.window.title=Help hotel_merge.name_change.title=Name Change can change your avatar looks with the avatar editor. First click your avatar head icon on the toolbar on the left, then the highlighted icon to be able to choose your new look. help.tutorial.button.changelooks=Change Looks help.button.cfh=Help hotel_merge.name_change.change=Yes, I want to change my name here if you want to report a help request help.cfh.closed.useless=Please note that the Call for Help system is for reporting genuine abuse issues. to the upcoming Hotel relaunch you need to change your name. Click the button below to proceed. Habbo name is now changed to %name%! help.cfh.topic.2=Someone is sharing personal information a user to moderators help.cfh.topic.1=Someone is bullying me or others someone been behaving abusively towards you? help.cfh.topic.4=Someone is asking for me to send pictures help.cfh.topic.3=Someone asked me to go to Cam hotel_merge.name_change.title.confirm=Confirm you have chosen is too long. It must be between 3 and 15 characters long. hotel_merge.name_change.title.main=Change your name poll_offer_title=Poll poll_offer_window=Poll poll_thanks_title=Thanks! poll_alert_answer_missing=Please give an answer poll_cancel_confirm_short=Stop answering? poll_question_title=Question poll_cancel_confirm_long=Are you sure you want to stop answering the poll? You can't continue later. poll_question_number=Question %number%/%count% poll_offer_later=Later... poll_cancel_confirm_title=Cancel poll generic.close=Close connection.server.error.desc=Sorry, received server error: %errorCode% connection.server.error.title=Server Error generic.cancel=Cancel generic.back=Back ads.roomad.tooltip=This is an advertisement. Clicking it will open another web page. Error generic.alert.title=Notice! generic.ok=Ok pet.race.0.014=Whiffy Woofy pet.race.0.013=Mangy Mutt pet.race.0.012=Tawny Bleugh pet.race.0.011=Lappy Lassie pet.race.0.010=Furry McScottie pet.enrg.0=Tired pet.race.0.019=Tiny Terrier pet.race.0.018=Bushy Woofer pet.race.0.017=Speckled Sheepdog pet.race.0.016=Murmurin' Minimastiff pet.race.0.015=Pixie Poodle pet.enrg.5=Rabied pet.enrg.6=Active pet.enrg.7=Energetic pet.enrg.8=Lively pet.enrg.1=Slow pet.enrg.2=Sluggish pet.enrg.3=Lazy pet.enrg.4=Relaxed pet.enrg.9=Tireless pet.race.0.001=Habbo Husky pet.race.0.000=Yappy Yorkie pet.race.0.003=Rescue Bernard pet.race.0.002=Joe Cocker Spaniel pet.race.0.009=Hound of Hull pet.race.0.008=Springy Spaniel pet.mood=Happiness: pet.race.0.005=Paws Forethought pet.race.0.004=Droopy of Pawford pet.race.0.007=Slobber Don pet.race.0.006=Stripy Setter pet.race.1.020=Caterwaul Kitty pet.race.1.023=Indoor Alley Cat pet.race.1.024=Cat Burglar pet.race.1.021=Fabulous Feline pet.race.1.022=Matted Moggy pet.mood.6=Ecstatic pet.mood.5=Joyful pet.mood.4=Happy commands help pet.mood.3=Contented pet.hunger.0=Empty pet.mood.2=Blue pet.hunger.1=Hungry pet.mood.1=Depressed pet.hunger.2=Rumbling pet.mood.0=Miserable pet.hunger.3=Peckish pet.hunger.4=Satisfied pet.hunger.5=Full pet.hunger.6=Stuffed infostand.button.train=Train navigator.roomsettings.allowpets=Allow pets pet.nature=Nature: commands pet.command.4=beg pet.command.15=follow left pet.command.5=play dead pet.command.16=follow right pet.command.2=down pet.command.13=nest pet.command.3=here pet.command.14=drink pet.command.11=play pet.command.8=stand pet.command.12=silent pet.command.9=jump pet.command.6=stay pet.command.7=follow pet.command.10=speak pet.race.5.009=Arctic Boar pet.race.5.007=Devils Country Boar pet.race.5.008=Navy Boar pet has a level from 1 to 20. Every pet command gives the pet a bit of experience but makes the pet tired (reduces energy). Reaching higher levels will give your pet more commands and increase the likelihood the pet obeys you. Feeding the pet will also make your pet obey you better, and makes regaining energy much faster. pet.command.17=go to pet.command.18=teleport pet.race.3.009=Royal Arsenal's best friend pet.race.3.007=Eastenders Betty pet.race.5.002=Baby Boar pet.race.3.008=Neighbours Audrey pet.race.5.001=Boar of Baskerville pet.race.3.005=Doon Squirrel hunter pet.race.5.000=Roman Boar pet.race.3.006=Lucy's Fred pet.race.3.003=Dee Mice killer pet.race.5.006=Frozen Boar pet.race.3.004=Holy Island Rabbit lover pet.race.5.005=Forest Boar pet.race.3.001=Working scottie pet.race.5.004=Transylvanians Boar pet.race.3.002=Carlisle Ratter pet.race.5.003=Freyjas Boar pet.race.3.000=Livingston's nightmare pet.race.4.002=Great Bear pet.race.4.003=Sunny Bear commands help pet.race.4.000=Brown Bear pet.race.4.001=Polar Bear pet.race.5.011=Fruit Boar pet.race.5.010=Sand Boar pet.frnd.11=Devoted pet.frnd.10=Adoring pet.race.3.010=M's United pet pet.race.3.011=Northwests Loch Ness pet.enrg.11=Nutcase pet.enrg.10=Mad pet.race.1.000=Sleepy Siamese pet.race.1.002=Lesser Spotted Longhair pet.race.1.001=Purr-Sian pet.race.1.004=Soft-Toed Sneaker pet.race.2.010=Giggly Go-go pet.thirst.3=Not thirsty pet.race.1.003=Hidden Clause pet.race.1.006=Titchy Tiger pet.thirst.1=Parched pet.race.1.005=Cat Astroflea pet.race.2.011=Petty Petsuchos pet.thirst.2=Thirsty pet.hunger=Hunger: navigator.roomsettings.allowfoodconsume=Allow others' pets to eat food pet.race.1.008=Mad Mouser pet.race.1.007=Burmese Buddy pet.race.1.009=Scaredy Kat pet.thirst=Thirst: pet.age=Age: %age% days pet.frnd.9=Loyal pet.frnd.8=Loving pet.thirst.0=Gasping pet.frnd.7=Affectionate pet.frnd.6=Warm pet.frnd.5=Friendly pet.frnd.4=Calm pet.frnd.3=Cool pet.frnd.2=Suspicious pet.frnd.1=Angry pet.frnd.0=Hostile pet.race.2.009=Swampy Siamese pet.race.2.008=Indifferent pet.race.2.007=Pretty Pui Pui pet.race.2.006=Confused Croc pet.race.1.013=Felis Catus Allergicus pet.race.2.005=Galled Gator pet.race.1.012=Freckled Feral pet.race.2.004=Dirty Dundee pet.race.1.011=Egyptian Angora pet.race.2.003=Silly Sobek pet.race.1.010=Wannabe Wildcat pet.race.2.002=Nile Dile pet.race.1.017=Furry Friend pet.race.2.001=Krazy Krokodilos pet.race.1.016=Curiousity - The Return! pet.race.2.000=Endangered Albino pet.race.0.020=Patchy Pup pet.race.1.015=Haughty House Pet pet.race.0.021=Loyal Labrador pet.race.1.014=Bushy Bobtail pet.race.0.022=Schnitzel Snatcher pet.race.0.023=Dotty Dalmatian pet.race.0.024=Black-eyed Boxer pet.race.1.019=Bobcat Wailer pet.race.1.018=Trusting Tabby pet.command.1=sit pet.command.0=free room.error.cant_set_not_owner=You don't have rights to put furniture in here! room.error.pets.respectfailed=You can scratch other users pets once your account is %required_age% days old. Your account is now %avatar_age% days old. room.error.kicked=You were kicked out from the room. room.error.pets.selected_tile_not_free=You can not place your pet there, pick another tile. room.error.max_stickies=Only 50 stickies per room are allowed! room.error.max_soundfurni=You can only place one sound Furni per room room.error.max_pets=Too many pets in the room! guide bot already exists in your room! room.error.pets.forbidden_in_hotel=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this Hotel. room.error.pets.forbidden_in_flat=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room. room.error.pets.no_free_tiles=The space in front of you is not empty. Please move to another spot and try placing your pet again. room.confirm.pick_all=Do you really want to pick all furniture in the room? room.error.max_queuetiles=You can't fit more Habbo Rollers in this room! guide bots are in use at this time. Please try again later! room.error.cant_set_item=You cannot place this item here. error.title=Error! room.error.max_furniture=This room has the maximum amount of Furni. room.error.cant_trade_stuff=You cannot place this in someone else's room! poster_1002_desc=aw, bless... poster_36_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on! poster_2004_desc=Every little thing is gonna be alright poster_24_desc=Following the star! poster_2007_name=The Father of Habbo poster_2_desc=take pride in your veg! poster_3_desc=smells fishy, looks cool poster_83_name=Pöllö huhuilee poster_32_name=Shiva Poster poster_25_name=Reindeer Poster poster_16_name=Bars poster_20_name=Snowman Poster poster_24_name=Three Wise Men Poster poster_49_name=Large silver star poster_503_name=The Swiss flag poster_512_name=The Irish flag poster_58_name=Chinese Red Knots poster_2002_name=Urho Kaleva Kekkonen poster_2006_name=DJ Throne poster_505_name=The Maple Leaf poster_57_name=Chinese Calligraphy poster_509_desc=The flag of Jamaica poster_22_name=Winter Wonderland poster_52_desc=Hockey Stick poster_511_name=The Dutch flag poster_1001_desc=even walls have ears poster_50_name=Bat Poster poster_523_desc=The flag of India poster_13_desc=skyscrapers in arty black and white poster_22_desc=A chilly snowy scene poster_15_desc=marvellous mountains poster_511_desc=The flag of The Netherlands poster_33_name=Save the Panda poster_514_desc=Be proud to be in the Union! poster_50_desc=flap, flap, screech, screech... poster_10_name=Lapland Poster poster_2001_desc=Perinteinen ryijy, kasvivärjättyä villaa poster_53_name=Hockey Stick poster_42_name=Spiderweb poster_5_desc=quacking good design! poster_1003_name=UK Map poster_35_name=The Habbo Babes 1 poster_518_desc=A fiery dragon for your wall poster_515_name=The Swedish flag poster_513_desc=Aussies rule! poster_2_name=Carrot Plaque poster_27_desc=Deck the halls! poster_522_desc=The flag of Japan poster_1_name=Ancestor Poster poster_14_name=Fox Poster poster_2000_name=Suomen kartta poster_21_name=Angel Poster poster_508_name=The Spanish flag poster_2003_name=Carlos poster_521_name=Flag of Brazil poster_2001_name=Seinävaate poster_1004_name=Eid Mubarak Poster poster_12_name=Skyline Poster poster_44_desc=Beware the curse... poster_506_name=The flag of Finland poster_48_desc=All that glitters... poster_520_desc=Every color for everyone poster_58_desc=Choose your blessing! poster_504_desc=The German flag poster_507_name=The French Tricolore poster_52_name=Hockey Stick poster_56_desc=Do the hustle! poster_41_name=Habbo Golden Record poster_51_desc=2 points for every basket poster_6_name=Abstract Poster poster_18_name=Butterfly Cabinet (blue) poster_1002_name=Queen Mum Poster poster_501_name=Jolly Roger poster_11_name=Certificate poster_59_desc=Torch - it gives you some light poster_2005_desc=Infobus poster_37_name=The Habbo Babes 3 poster_23_desc=Ho Ho Ho! poster_54_name=Hockey Stick poster_2007_desc=The legendary founder of the hotel poster_30_desc=Pucker up poster_503_desc=There's no holes in this... poster_4_name=Bear Plaque poster_516_desc=Eng-er-land poster_1000_desc=The Noble and Silver Show poster_20_desc=A new use for carrots! poster_5_name=Duck Poster poster_2000_desc=Suomen kartta poster_500_desc=The UK flag poster_39_desc=The rock masters of virtual music poster_514_name=The EU flag poster_523_name=The flag of India poster_17_name=Butterfly Cabinet poster_26_desc=Hung yours up yet? poster_51_name=Basketball Hoop poster_502_desc=The US flag poster_2004_name=Rastaman Poster poster_521_desc=Ordem e progresso poster_42_desc=Not something you want to run into poster_29_desc=A touch of festive sparkle poster_7_desc=for emergencies only poster_8_name=Habbo Colors Poster poster_500_name=Union Jack poster_16_desc=high security for your room poster_41_desc=For the best music-makers poster_9_desc=do your bit for the environment poster_513_name=The Australian flag poster_12_desc=skyscrapers at night poster_506_desc=To 'Finnish' your decor... poster_23_name=Santa Poster poster_34_desc=Habbo-punk for the never-agreeing poster_18_desc=beautiful reproduction butterfly poster_2003_desc=Carlos, diskotappaja poster_43_name=Chains poster_30_name=Mistletoe poster_31_name=System of a Ban poster_2006_desc=The legendary DJ himself! poster_2002_desc=Presidentin muotokuva poster_1006_name=Jack-o-Lantern poster_38_desc=Power and fury for reeeally tough Habbos! poster_6_desc=but is it the right way up? poster_2005_name=Infobus poster_47_desc=Twinkle, twinkle poster_19_name=Hole In The Wall poster_49_desc=All that glitters... poster_1005_name=Johnny Squabble poster_516_name=The English flag poster_46_name=Small gold star poster_512_desc=The flag of Ireland poster_10_desc=a beautiful sunset poster_53_desc=Hockey Stick poster_509_name=The Jamaican flag poster_13_name=BW Skyline Poster poster_507_desc=The French flag poster_1006_desc=The eyes follow you... poster_8_desc=Habbos come in all colors poster_2008_desc=Got Frog? poster_7_name=Hammer Cabinet poster_46_desc=Twinkle, twinkle poster_517_desc=Where's your kilt? poster_28_desc=A touch of festive sparkle poster_518_name=The Welsh flag poster_21_desc=See that halo gleam! poster_515_desc=Waved by Swedes everywhere poster_2008_name=Habbo Cola Poster poster_35_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on! poster_1003_desc=get the lovely isles on your walls poster_508_desc=The flag of Spain poster_510_name=The Italian flag poster_43_desc=Shake, rattle and roll poster_39_name=The Screaming Furnies poster_27_name=Holly Garland poster_36_name=The Habbo Babes 2 poster_45_name=Skeleton poster_14_desc=a truly cunning design poster_29_name=Tinsel (gold) poster_517_name=The Scottish flag poster_45_desc=Needs a few more Habburgers poster_11_desc=award, charter or the Habbo Way - you decide poster_44_name=Mummy poster_19_desc=Trying to get in or out? poster_47_name=Small silver star poster_26_name=Stocking poster_1_desc=a touch of history poster_55_name=Tree on the beach poster_505_desc=The Canadian flag poster_33_desc=We can't bear to lose them poster_55_desc=Tree on the beach poster_32_desc=Om Shanti - peace to all poster_520_name=The Rainbow Flag poster_34_name=Scamme´d poster_40_name=Bonnie Blonde poster_17_desc=beautiful reproduction butterfly poster_504_name=The Bundesflagge poster_57_desc=With a steady hand and a focused mind. poster_56_name=Disco Sign poster_522_name=The flag of Japan poster_48_name=Large gold star poster_37_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on! poster_9_name=Rainforest Poster poster_501_desc=For pirates everywhere poster_1004_desc=Celebrate with us poster_59_name=Torch poster_25_desc=Doing a hard nights work poster_83_desc=Pöllö huhuilee, huhuu! poster_502_name=The Stars and Stripes poster_1000_name=Comedy Poster poster_54_desc=Hockey Stick poster_15_name=Himalaya Poster poster_1001_name=Prince Charles Poster poster_4_desc=fake of course! poster_40_desc=The one and only. Adore her! poster_28_name=Tinsel (silver) poster_1005_desc=The muscly movie hero poster_38_name=Smiling Headbangers poster_3_name=Fish Plaque poster_31_desc=Pure and unbridled nu-metal poster_510_desc=The flag of Italy widget.furni.trophy.title=Trophy widgets.memenu.effects.activate=Activate widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.male=Boy widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.female=Girl widget.memenu.wave=Wave widget.memenu.settings.title=Modify your settings group.logo.url.template=http://%predefined%/habbo-imaging/badge-fill/%imagerdata%.gif widget.memenu.editavatar=Change Looks %days%d %months%m widget.memenu.activeeffects=Activate and use effects dimmer is currently turned off. Turn it on to adjust the lighting of your room. widget.furni.clothingchange.editor.title=Furniture clothes editor widget.dimmer.button.apply=Apply to room widgets.chatinput.mode.shout=Shout! Dancing widget.memenu.myclothes=Change Looks widget.friendrequest.decline=Decline bag or bar contains %value% Coins, you can redeem it now. ads.roomad.tooltip=This is an advertisement. Clicking it will open another web page. widget.dimmer.button.on=Turn on widget.memenu.hc.join=Join HC! users are ringing the doorbell: widget.memenu.settings.volume=Adjust the volume of sounds don't have any active effects. Activate some or get more. widget.poll.title=Poll widget.dimmer.title=Room dimmer Controller widget.chatbubble.petrespect=%petname% was scratched! widget.chooser.user.title=Chooser dimmer effect is previewed in your room. Apply the effect to the room to make other users see it too. widgets.chatbubble.respect=%username% was respected! widget.memenu.moreeffects=Buy more widgets.chatinput.mode.speak=Speak widget.memenu.back=Back group.owner=Owner infostand.button.whisper=Whisper's room: %room_name% >>> widget.memenu.settings=Settings group.admin=Administrator group.homepage=Group homepage >> %days%d group.homepage.url=http://%predefined%/groups/%groupid%/id widget.memenu.clothes.add=Save outfits in the clothes editor and they'll appear here widget.friendrequest.accept=Accept widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.title=Select edited gender widget.memenu.dance2=Pogo Mogo widgets.doorbell.title=Doorbell widget.memenu.dance3=Duck Funk widget.memenu.hc=HC %days%d widget.memenu.dance4=The Rollie Habbo Club to quickly choose saved outfits in this menu! widget.memenu.dance1=Dance widget.memenu.credits=%credits% Credits widget.dimmer.type.checkbox=Background only widgets.chatinput.default=Click here to chat... widget.chooser.furni.title=Furni the present group.member=Member 2 1 3 group.window.title=Habbo Groups widget.friendrequest.from=Friend request from %username% off widget.memenu.effects=My effects widget.memenu.hc.long=HC %days%d %months%m widget.furni.present.title=Present widget.memenu.badges=My badges widget.furni.ecotronbox.title=Ecotron box widget.memenu.myrooms=My Rooms widgets.chatinput.mode.whisper=Whisper Habbo Club to get more dance moves! widget.furni.present.hc=You got a subscription to Habbo Club! which gender's clothes you want to edit. group.privileges=Privileges: %privileges% ads.interstitial.tooltip=This is an advertisement. Clicking it will open another web page. room.loading=Please wait while loading the room. soundmachine.notification.playing=Now playing %songname% by %songauthor% soundmachine.flash9.alert.title=Old Flash version latest Flash player soundmachine.flash9.alert.content=To be able to hear Trax songs, you need to update to latest Flash player version help.cfh.closed.useless=Please note that the Call for Help system is for reporting genuine abuse issues or account queries. We ask that you don't use it rashly. help.cfh.closed.resolved=Thank you, your issue has now been resolved. mod.ban.title=Account Status: Banned help.cfh.error.nomsg=You must write a description of what is wrong before sending a call for help. help.cfh.topic.106=Other Problem. help.cfh.topic.105=Someone is blocking and being disruptive. help.cfh.error.msgtooshort=The description you've written is too short. Please describe the issue in more detailed manner. help.cfh.topic.104=Someone is bullying or being abusive. help.cfh.closed.abusive=Please do not abuse the Call for Help system. Misuse may lead to penalties against your account. information >> mod.chatdisclaimer=Discussions in Habbo rooms may be monitored for moderation purposes help.cfh.topicwithharasser.106=Other Problem. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is blocking or being disruptive. help.cfh.topic.101=Someone is being sexually explicit. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.104=%name% is bullying or being abusive. mod.alert.title=Message from Habbo Staff help.cfh.topicwithharasser.103=%name% is scamming. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.102=%name% is sharing phone numbers or home address. help.cfh.topic.103=Someone is scamming. help.cfh.topicwithharasser.101=%name% is being sexually explicit. help.cfh.topic.102=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address. connection.server.error.desc=Sorry, received server error: %errorCode% connection.login.error.-3.desc=Authentication failed Error connection.login.title=Login opening.hours.disconnected=We're sorry but you have been disconnected from the Hotel. The Hotel will open again at %h%:%m%. We look forward to welcoming you back! connection.server.error.title=Server Error opening.hours.shutdown=The Hotel will shut down in %m% minutes. To avoid confusion, purchasing of furniture, Habbo Club and trading is disabled. Thank you for visiting and welcome back tomorrow! opening.hours.title=Hotel Maintenance opening.hours.closed=The Hotel has been closed and will be open to the public again at %h%:%m%. connection.login.useTicket=Use SSO Ticket went wrong when talking with the game server. Received error: %id% connection.login.login=Sign In connection.login.password=Password connection.login.error.-400.desc=Connecting to the server failed supported phones changes more clothes? Try out Habbo Club for 7 days with 5 Coins. to store your outfit avatareditor.wardrobe.title=My Wardrobe avatareditor.generic.girl=Girl avatareditor.habboclub.title=Habbo Club Required Club purchasing works with Sprint PCS, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Nextel, T-Mobile®, Boost, Cellular One by Dobson Cellular Systems, & U.S. Cellular phones out Habbo Club: 1. Text "HABBO" to 25584.\n\n2. Enter the special code to the form below and press redeem. on Habbo Club clothing. avatareditor.invalidclubitems.moreinfo=Join the club avatareditor.invalidclubitems.title=Thanks for trying out the HC clothing avatareditor.wardrobe.choose=Click to choose a look more clothes? Get Habbo Club for 30 days & 15 coins for $5 info avatareditor.generic.boy=Boy my club Club is required in order to be able to use the wardrobe. avatareditor.cancel=Cancel avatareditor.hotlooks.title=Hot Looks from the Hotel Habbo Club Membership phones avatareditor.hotlooks.more=More Looks Habbo Club clothes avatareditor.title=Change Your Looks Text "HABBO" to 25584.\n\n2. Enter the special code to the form below and press redeem. avatareditor.palette.2=Color 2 avatareditor.palette.1=Color 1 avatareditor.invalidclubitems.description=These clothing items and colors are for Habbo Club members only. Join the Habbo Club and enjoy these benefits today. Press ok if you want to remove the Club clothes. can now try on Habbo Club clothes. Join Habbo Club and wear these clothes everyday. avatareditor.hotlooks.choose=Click to choose avatar.editor.character.update.url=http://%predefined%/profile/characterupdate fx14_desc=The future of transportation in pink. object_displayer_fx=%fx (%t) fx_2_desc=The future of transportation. fx_1_desc=Shine the light on me! fx_5_desc=Light the dark corners of your existence. fx_7_desc=Let the butterflies flap their wings. fx_9=Love Birds fx_8=Fireflies fx_7=Butterfly effect fx_6=HRJP-3000 fx_5=Torch fx_4=Twinkle fx_3=UFO fx_2=Hover board fx_12_desc=Ice cold! fx_16_desc=Habbo Dragonfly microphone fx_1=Spotlight fx_11=X-Ray fx_10=Flies fx_13=Ghost fx_12=Frozen fx_26_desc=totem_mix_desc fx_14=Pink hover board fx_15=Yellow hover board fx_16=Microphone fx_21_desc=Drive like lightning, crash like thunder! fx_17=UFO in pink fx_18=UFO in yellow fx_19=BluesMobile fx_9_desc=Love is in the air. fx_11_desc=X-Rayed fx_15_desc=As yellow as a submarine. fx15_desc=The future of transportation in yellow. fx_25_desc=totem_eagle_desc fx_18_desc=Unidentified yellow flying object. fx_23_desc=totem_man_desc fx_4_desc=Twinkle like the star you are. fx_6_desc=Habbo Rocket Jet Pack. fx_24=totem_merdragon_name fx_23=totem_man_name fx_22=BadMobile fx_21=RebelMobile fx_20=HelpMobile fx_8_desc=Light my fire fx_3_desc=Help, I'm being abducted. fx_14_desc=See the world on pink hover board. fx_27=vikingeffect_name fx_25=totem_eagle_name fx_26=totem_mix_name fx_13_desc=Spooky fx_27_desc=vikingeffect_desc fx_22_desc=This is black sunshine! fx_19_desc=We're on a mission from... fx_20_desc=How can I help? fx14=Hover board fx15=Hover board fx_10_desc=Get a shower! fx_17_desc=Fly away with this UFO of love. fx_24_desc=totem_merdragon_desc catalog.marketplace.redeem.no_sold_items=You have no offers listed which have been sold. When you've posted something, check back here to see the offer status and get your coins. Use the Inventory window to put items up for sale. Club redeem=Redeem catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.not_available=No data (need two days of trading to show graph) catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.remaining=You will have %remaining% in your Purse after this purchase. catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.amount=You have %amount%. ctlg_spaces_preview=Preview catalog_selectproduct=Select an item catalog.choosecolour=Choose Color catalog.club_gift.subscribe=Subscribe now to select this gift the Habbo Club membership you want, HC for less or VIP for more. catalog_giftfor=Gift recipient catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.none=Nothing ctlg_spaces_wall=Wall catalog.club_gift.months_required=Required: %months% months of membership catalog.gift_wrapping.cancel=Cancel catalog.voucher.empty.title=Voucher code missing catalog.recycler.button.recycle=Recycle are about to extend your subscription to Habbo Club. Glad to see you continue your subscription! catalog.chooseproduct=Choose Product out the best Habbo Club membership deal for you! opens to a web page catalog.alert.petname.short=Pet name is too short. catalog.marketplace.offer_count=Offers: %count% catalog.marketplace.offer.expired=This item was not sold purse_coins=Coins catalog.gift_wrapping.receiver_not_found.title=User not found catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.costs=%offer_name% costs %price%. is closed at the moment. Please check back later to recycle your Furniture. ctlg_spaces_pattern=Pattern an Eco-warrior. Recycle your worthless stuff and be rewarded with a random prize. Check out the prizes and instructions for recycling. Drag 5 items into the boxes below and click recycle! to the website catalog.title=Catalog catalog.alert.published.description=Something new has been added to the catalog. your VIP subscription now and be the one with the coolest look, room, furniture and more! buy_andwear=Buy and wear Club recycler.alert.privateroom=You need to go to a private room to use the recycler. catalog.gift_wrapping.message=Greeting message as gift catalog.alert.notenough.pixels.title=Not Enough Pixels! catalog.marketplace.sort.3=Items most traded today first catalog.purse.pixelbalance=Pixels: %balance% >> catalog.marketplace.sort.2=Cheapest items first catalog.marketplace.sort.1=Most expensive items first catalog.marketplace.sort.6=Items with least offers available catalog.marketplace.sort.5=Items with most offers available catalog.marketplace.sort.4=Items least traded today first catalog.purchase.price.credits+pixels=%credits% Coin(s) + %pixels% Pixels Coins recycler.alert.timeout=You have to wait %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds before you can recycle again. catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_box=Pick a box catalog_typeurname=Please type your name cancel=Cancel catalog.club_gift.past_club=Your past HC length: %days% days catalog.marketplace.cancel_failed=Cancelling an offer failed recycler.prizes.odds.4=%odds% chances to get this one. Good luck! catalog.marketplace.offer.redeem=Get Coins recycler.prizes.odds.5=Dream on... you have only %odds% chance to get this. %price% Coins catalog.alert.petname.long=Pet name is too long. ctlg_spaces_landscape=Landscape HC? Upgrade your subscription now to VIP or continue your existing HC membership! recycler.prizes.odds.1=You can always get one of these if all else fails. recycler.prizes.odds.2=You have %odds% chance to get one of these. recycler.prizes.odds.3=%odds% chances to get one of these. HC to VIP're purchasing: %days% days of %club% catalog.gift_wrapping.price=Gift wrapping cost %price% coin. are about to extend your subscription to Habbo VIP Club. Glad to see you continue your subscription! catalog.alert.recycler.inventory=You have to pick up the furniture from the room to your inventory before you can put it in the recycler! catalog.voucher.empty.desc=You didn't seem to enter a voucher code confirmation is VIP upgrade? catalog.club_gift.club_missing=%days% more days of subsciption required your membership now, get the best deal on HC or go for the ultimate VIP subscription! catalog.alert.notenough.credits.description=You don´t have enough Coins for this. Click 'ok' to see different ways of getting Coins. catalog.marketplace.offer.minutes=minutes recycler.alert.non.recyclable=This furniture is not recyclable. catalog.marketplace.offer.hours=hours catalog.marketplace.not_available_title=Purchase error catalog.club_gift.vip_missing.long=%months% months, %days% days of VIP required month catalog.marketplace.confirm_higher_title=Price changed HC >> catalog.purchase.price.pixels=%pixels% Pixels catalog.club_gift.available=You have %amount% gift(s) available. Select from the list below! catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.trade_volume=Trade volumes during last %days% days catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.3=This voucher must be redeemed in Habbo Web. remaining: %days% days catalog.club_gift.club_missing.long=%months% months, %days% days of subsciption required or VIP? catalog.club_gift.past_vip=Your past VIP length: %days% days catalog.marketplace.operation_failed.topic=Problem with offer catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.1=Technical error! Cannot redeem voucher. Please note that codes never include the following letters: i, l, o, w. Please enter code without spaces. catalog.gift_wrapping.receiver=Receiver name catalog.marketplace.view_more=Item info subscription will last until: %month%/%day%/%year% catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description.0=The code you entered is not valid, please check it and try again. catalog.marketplace.offer_details.chart_title.price_development=Average sale price during last %days% days catalog.club_gift.vip_missing=%days% more days of VIP required catalog.marketplace.offer_details.trade_volume=Trade volume catalog.purse.clubdays=Habbo Club: %months%m %days%d >> catalog.marketplace.offer_details.back=Back to item list catalog.marketplace.offer.time_left=Time left: %time% catalog.club_gift.no_club=You are not a club member. is complete. You have made a great environmentally friendly decision. All the Recycled items you received have been made from old items which helps to save natural resources and reduce pollution. catalog.marketplace.offer_details.average_price=Average price in last %days% days: %average% coins catalog.marketplace.offer.price_own_item=Price: %price% Coins Effects catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.credits+pixels=%credits% Coin(s) + %pixels% Pixels catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.hc.description=You have to be a member of Habbo Club to be able to buy this. catalog.marketplace.no_items=No items found catalog.gift_wrapping.title=Customize your gift catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_color=Choose a color for the box catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.title=Voucher processed catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.description=Voucher process succeeded! Coin balance updated. catalog.alert.petname.chars=Name contained forbidden characters, try again. the benefits >> catalog.club_gift.confirm=Confirm selection're about to upgrade your existing Habbo Club subscription to the VIP Club. Cool! The upgrade will convert your remaining Club Subscription to VIP based on the price difference between the subscriptions, and then give you 10 Coins worth of VIP. catalog.gift_wrapping.use_free=I don't want that, use free wrapping instead catalog.purchase.price.none=Free! shopping_asagift=Gift this to another user catalog.marketplace.offer.price_public_item=Price: %price% (Average: %average%) catalog.club_gift.past_club.long=Your past HC length: %months% months, %days% days catalog.alert.petname.bobba=Name contained forbidden words, try again. catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.buyasgift.checkbox=This is a gift for: or VIP? credits=Coins catalog.marketplace.items_found=Found %count% items catalog.purse.creditbalance=Coins: %balance% >> purse.redeem.code.failed_technical=Technical error! Cannot redeem voucher. Please note that codes never include the following letters: i, l, o, w. Please enter code without spaces. catalog.marketplace.search_price=Price between catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.pixels=%pixels% Pixels catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.price.credits=%credits% Coin(s) purse_youhave=You have remaining: %days% days catelog.redeem.dialog.readmore.description= catalog.marketplace.confirm_header=Confirm purchase catalog.alert.petname.length=Pet name is too long. catalog.purchase_confirmation.title=Confirm purchase catalog.purchase.price.credits=%credits% Coin(s) catalog.marketplace.offer.sold=This item is sold Habbo Club catalog.alert.purchaseerror.description=There was a problem processing your purchase. Please retry. catalog.purse.vipdays=VIP: %months%m %days%d >> catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.unknown.description=Sorry, but you are doing something illegal. catalog.redeem.dialog.title=Coin Exchange remaining: %days% days ctlg_spaces_colour=Color catalog.alert.published.title=Refresh your Catalog and open it again. catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_wrapping=Pick a wrapping catalog.club_gift.past_vip.long=Your past VIP length: %months% months, %days% days catalog.marketplace.search_name=Search name buy=Buy is VIP upgrade? Club catalog.marketplace.offer_details.price_development=Price development catalog.marketplace.offer_details.offer_count=Offer count: %count% catalog.alert.notenough.pixels.description=You don't have enough Pixels. catalog.gift_wrapping.give_gift=Give this gift catalog.gift_wrapping.pick_ribbon=Pick a ribbon catalog.marketplace.redeem.get_credits=%count% offer(s) have been sold. Click on Get Coins to get your Coins. Coins waiting: %credits% cannot begin while you are trading. Please close the safe trading box before recycling. are about to subscribe to Habbo VIP Club. Cool! catalog.alert.petname.empty=Please enter a name for your pet! now have: %days% days of Habbo Club are about to subscribe to Habbo Club. Cool! catalog.club_gift.not_available=No club gifts available recycler.prizes.category.1=Common Gifts upgrade: %days% days of VIP membership catalog.purchase.confirmation.dialog.title=Order Info your greetings here (don't forget to put your name!): try again. catalog.marketplace.offer_details.price=Cheapest price: %price% Coins are about to subscribe to Habbo Club. Cool! catalog.marketplace.sort_order=Sort order purse_voucherbutton=Redeem Coins catalog.marketplace.confirm_higher_header=Someone already bough that! It is now available at a new price. Club catalog.purchase_confirmation.cancel=Cancel catalog.alert.notenough.title=Not enough Coins month upgrade catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.title=Error processing voucher purse_buy_coins=Buy Coins catalog.alert.voucherredeem.ok.description.furni=Voucher process succeeded! You got the following furniture: %productName%, %productDescription% catalog.marketplace.search_by_activity=By activity catalog.marketplace.confirm_title=Confirm recycler.prizes.category.2=Uncommon recycler.prizes.category.3=Arcane catalog.marketplace.search_advanced=Advanced recycler.prizes.category.4=Phenomenal recycler.prizes.category.5=Urban Legend catalog.alert.purchasenotallowed.title=Sorry, this item cannot be bought. catalog.marketplace.offer.pick=Take back catalog.alert.purchaseerror.title=There was an error with your purchase. Try again. ctlg_spaces_floor=Floor catalog.alert.voucherredeem.error.description=We could not process your voucher code. Please retry and check the spelling extra carefully. catalog.marketplace.search_by_value=By value catalog.club_gift.selectable=You can select this gift catalog.club_gift.days_until_next=Your next club gift is available in %days% days. catalog.comingsoon=(Coming soon) catalog.alert.notenough.creditsandpixels.description=You don't have enough Coins and Pixels. Click 'ok' to see different ways of getting Coins. catalog.marketplace.confirm_price=Price: %price% Coins catalog.marketplace.not_available_header=All the items of that type were sold already. infostand.button.kick=Kick widgets.memenu.effects.activate=Activate Effect infostand.button.ignore=Shut up is disabled due to shutdown. infostand.text.petrespect=Been scratched: %count% infostand.button.petrespect=Scratch (%count%) infostand.text.petowner=Owner: %name% infostand.button.petkick=Kick infostand.button.friend=Ask to be a friend expires in %minutes% minutes minutes left infostand.button.ban=Ban infostand.button.pickup=Pick up infostand.button.removerights=Remove rights infostand.button.move=Move room is not a trading room! don't have trading enabled! infostand.button.respect=Give respect (%count%) infostand.text.realname=(%realname%) infostand.button.giverights=Give rights infostand.button.unignore=Listen infostand.text.handitem=Carrying: %item% infostand.text.xp=Monthly XP: %xp% infostand.button.rotate=Rotate friendlist.avatarpopup.lastaccess=Last visit: %last_access% friendlist.weblinkinfo=Link opened to web page friendlist.requests.norequests=No friend requests friendlist.tip.invite=Invite friends friendlist.tip.declineall=Decline all friendlist.friendrequestsent.title=Notice! friendlist.invite.summary=Inviting %count% people to this room. friendlist.tip.searchstr=Enter search friendlist.friends.offlinecaption=Offline Friends friendlist.error.friend_requests_disabled=Cannot send friend request, user is not accepting new friends. friendlist.followerror.offline=Your friend is offline. friendlist.followerror.hotelview=Your friend is currently not in any room, so you cannot follow him/her. users friendlist.tip.inbox=Minimail inbox friendlist.removefriendconfirm.userlist=Remove friends: %user_names%? friendlist.tip.mail=Send minimail friendlist.tip.decline=Decline friendlist.invite.emptyalert.text=Invite friends to this room: friendlist.invite.title=Invitation friendlist.listfull.text=Your friend list contains the maximum of %mylimit% Habbos, so you cannot add any more friends to the list. Members of Habbo Club can have up to %clublimit% friends in their list. friendlist.settings=Settings friendlist.invite.note=Make sure you can be followed. friendlist.request.declined=Declined friendlist.tip.compose=Send minimail friendlist.removefriendconfirm.title=Confirm remove a message Requests friendlist.invite.emptyalert.title=Notice! friendlist.tip.home=Home page Habbos (%cnt%) : friendlist.tip.addfriend=Send friend request friendlist.requests.dismissall=Decline all friendlist.invite.send=Send friendlist.tip.remove=Remove friend friendlist.listfull.title=Notice! friendlist.error.friendlistlimitofrequester=Cannot send friend request, your friends friendlist is full! friendlist.tip.acceptall=Accept all friendlist.request.failed=Failed friendlist.friends=Friends friendlist.error.requestnotfound=Cannot send friend request, friend request was not found! friends found friendlist.followerror.prevented=Your friend has prevented others from following him/her. friendlist.alert.title=Notice! (%cnt%) : friendlist.tip.accept=Accept friendlist.tip.follow=Follow users found friendlist.tip.preferences=Edit categories friends friendlist.error.friendlistownlimit=Cannot send friend request, your friend list is full! for Habbos requests friendlist.friendrequestsent.text=%user_name% has been sent your Friend Request. (S)he will be added into your Friends List if (s)he accepts it. friendlist.followerror.notfriend=The user you tried to follow is not on your friend list anymore, so you cannot follow him/her. friendlist.request.accepted=Accepted friendlist.requests.acceptall=Accept all roomevent_type_9=Group Events roomevent_default_name=Event name.. roomevent_type_6=Grand Openings roomevent_type_5=Debates & Discussion roomevent_type_8=Jobs roomevent_type_7=Dating roomevent_type_1=Parties & Music interface_icon_events=Open the room event browser roomevent_invalid_input=You must give your event a name and a description. roomevent_type_2=Trading roomevent_type_3=Games roomevent_type_4=Habbo Guides roomevent_not_available=Sorry, no events available roomevent_type_0=Hottest Events roomevent_create=Create roomevent_default_description= roomevent_quit=End event roomevent_browser_create=Host an event roomevent_host=Host: roomevent_type_10=Performance roomevent_type_11=Help Desk roomevent_edit=Edit roomevent_browser_title=Events roomevent_create_description=Describe your event roomevent_starttime=Started at: roomevent_create_name=Type the name of your event roomevent_default_desc=Event description.. friend came online. messenger.notification.offline=Your friend went offline. messenger.error.busy=Your friend is busy. messenger.error.sendermuted=Your message was not sent because you are muted. messenger.error.notfriend=Receiver is not your friend anymore. messenger.invitation=Your friend sent you an invitation: messenger.minimail.tooltip=Send minimail to your friend messenger.moderationinfo=Sharing your password or personal details online is dangerous. The moderators might monitor these conversations for your safety. a friend from Your online friend list and send an instant message or an invite. messenger.followfriend.tooltip=Go to room your friend is currently in messenger.error.receivermuted=Your friend is muted and cannot reply. messenger.error.offline=Your friend is not online. messenger.title=Chat for visiting the Info Bus. We're closed right now. For information on when the bus may be open in the future please visit hubu.dialog.title=Info Bus navigator.embed.src= navigator.createroom.nameerr=Room name is mandatory! navigator.eventsettings.end=End navigator.thumbeditor.prevobj=Prev navigator.thumbeditor.caption=Edit Navigator room icon select tag below navigator.undofavouritedeletion=Undo navigator.cannonaddfavourite.exists=This room is already in your favorites. room.queue.error.e1=This room is currently available only to Habbos participating to the event. navigator.roominfo.sethomeroom=Home navigator.navisel.visitedrooms=Rooms I've recently visited name navigator.roomsettings.roominfo=Room info navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.title=Confirm room deletion navigator.roomsettings.passwordismandatory=You must enter a valid password navigator.tags=Tags navigator.cannonaddfavourite.full=Your favorite list is full. room.queue.spectator.position=Your position in the spectator queue: %position% navigator.navisel.highestscore=Rooms with highest scores navigator.roomname=Room name navigator.roomsettings.nonuserchoosabletag=Reserved for staff use navigator.roomsettings.roomnameismandatory=You must enter a name for your room navigator.navisel.mainattractions=Main attractions here to read more >> navigator.favouritedeleted=Favorite %room_name% deleted! navigator.noroomsfound=No rooms found navigator.searchusers=Search users about VIP membership >> navigator.roomsettings.hide_walls=Hide room walls (VIP only) navigator.roominfo.makehome=Make home room navigator.navisel.wherearemyfriends=Rooms where my friends are navigator.ratingcaption=Rating: navigator.roomsettings.removeallflatctrls=Remove all navigator.banned.title=You are banned from this room. navigator.create=Create navigator.roomsettings.basiccaption=Basic room settings navigator.roomsettings=Room settings navigator.thumbeditor.selectpos=Define place: navigator.createroom.chooselayoutcaption=Choose room layout navigator.createroom.limitreached=You are not allowed to own more than %limit% rooms. room is locked with a password. If you want to try to insert a password, you will be moved from this room. navigator.usercounttooltip.users=Amount of Habbos currently in this room navigator.notagsfound=No popular tags found navigator.thumbeditor.objtab=Icons navigator.password.retryinfo=Wrong password. Please retry, or cancel entering the room. navigator.createroom.title=Room creation Club members bypass the queue! Read more >> room.queue.error.title=Cannot enter room. navigator.eventsettings.desc=Event description navigator.title=Navigator navigator.password.button.try=Try password navigator.error.nosuchflat.message=Could not delete the room, since it doesn't exist or you are not the owner. background image navigator.roominfo.clearhome=Remove home navigator.usercounttooltip.staticsearch=Amount of Habbos in rooms that match this search navigator.roomsettings.doormode.password=Requires a password to enter room navigator.frontpage.officialrooms=Official Habbo Rooms navigator.guestroomfull.text=Sorry, the room you tried to enter is full. navigator.thumbeditor.nextobj=Next navigator.roomsettings.toadvancedsettings=Advanced settings navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.1=Popular Rooms room.queue.back=Back to visitor queue navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.5=My Rooms navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.6=Favorite Rooms navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.4=Where are my friends? navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.9=Tag Search navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.8=Text Search navigator.roomsettings.unacceptablewords=Unacceptable words! navigator.password.title=Password navigator.createroom.chooselayout=Choose navigator.eventstartedat=Started at: navigator.loading=Loading... navigator.usercounttooltip.friends=Amount of friends are in this room navigator.doorbell.button.ring=Ring doorbell navigator.roominfo.editevent=Edit Event navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.message=Are you sure you want to delete %room_name%? All the furniture (excluding wallpaper, floor, landscapes and stickie notes) will be sent to your Habbo inventory. navigator.createroom.vippromo.text=Become a VIP and get even more room layouts! navigator.textsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms room.queue.spectator.position.hc=Your position in the HC spectator queue: %position% navigator.createroom.roomnameinfo=Room name spectator mode you can spectate the room. navigator.roominfo.removefromfavourites=Remove from favorites navigator.navibutton.4=Where Are They? room.queue.spectatormode=Change to spectator view navigator.navibutton.3=My Friends' Rooms navigator.navibutton.6=My Favorites navigator.navibutton.5=My Rooms navigator.createroom.tilesize=tiles navigator.createroom.create=Create room navigator.navibutton.2=Highest Score navigator.navibutton.1=Popular Rooms navigator.navibutton.7=Visited rooms navigator.navibutton.9=By Category navigator.roomsettings.allow_walk_through=Room blocking Disabled navigator.category=Category navigator.clearsearchresults=Clear results navigator.roominfo.clearhome.tooltip=This room is your Home Room. Click here to remove your Home Room setting. navigator.createevent=Create event navigator.tohotelview.tooltip=Exit current room. navigator.roominfo.addtofavourites=Add to favorites navigator.navisel.alllatestevents=Show all users from the list above and then click "remove" to take away their rights to this room. Click on Remove All to remove rights from all users. navigator.thumbeditor.bgtab=Background image navigator.editroom=Edit Room navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.caption=%cnt% users have rights to this room navigator.roomsettings.advancedcaption=Advanced room settings navigator.embed.caption=Embed this room room.queue.error.c=This room is for Habbo Club members only. In order to enter, you need to subscribe to Habbo Club. navigator.createroom.error=Cannot create room your search words here... navigator.createroom.hcpromo.text=Join the Habbo Club with 15 Coins and get more room layouts. navigator.error.nosuchflat.title=Could not delete room navigator.createroom.vippromo=VIP members can have more rooms! >> navigator.roomsettings.invalidconfirm=The passwords don't match navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.limitinfo=Showing first %cnt% users, most recently added users first. navigator.roomsettings.passwordconfirm=Re-type password: navigator.roomsettings.doormode.doorbell=Visitors have to ring the doorbell navigator.alllatestevents=Show all navigator.roomsettings.delete=Delete this room navigator.eventsettings.edit=Edit navigator.roomsettings.doormode=Access to this room: navigator.navisel.myrooms=Rooms owned by me navigator.eventsettings.editcaption=Edit event navigator.navibutton.11=Official Rooms navigator.navibutton.10=Front Page navigator.embed.copytoclipboard=Copy to clipboard navigator.frontpage=Front page navigator.password.enter=Enter password navigator.eventsettings.nameerr=You must choose a name for you event navigator.ownedbystaff=Habbo staff navigator.navibutton.12=Events navigator.tagsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms matching %tag_name% navigator.removefavourite=Remove Favorite door is locked. Owner may open the door from inside. navigator.roomsettings.desc=Add a description navigator.makefavourite.tooltip=Click here to add this room to your favorites list. room.queue.title=Room queue navigator.back=Back navigator.roomsettings.tobasicsettings=Basic settings navigator.eventsettings.descerr=Event description is mandatory in required when entering this room. room.queue.position.hc=Your position in the HC queue: %position% navigator.doorbell.title=Doorbell navigator.thumbeditor.toptab=Top layer navigator.doorbell.waiting=The doorbell is ringing, waiting for someone to open the door..., anyone can enter navigator.thumbeditor.caption.obj=Select image for the top settings navigator.doorbell.button.cancel.entering=Cancel entering the room navigator.guestroomfull.title=Cannot enter room! navigator.roomsettings.editthumbnail=Edit navigator icon navigator.maxvisitors=Maximum amount of visitors navigator.remove=Remove navigator.banned.text=Sorry, but the owner of this room has banned you. You cannot enter this room. navigator.navisel.myfriendsrooms=Rooms owned by my friends room.queue.position=Your position in the queue: %position% navigator.roominfo.makehome.tooltip=Set this room as your Home Room. You automatically enter your Home Room when you enter Habbo. navigator.roomrating=Rating: navigator.cannotcreateevent.title=Cannot Create event. navigator.favourite.tooltip=This room is in your favorites list. Click here to remove the room from the list. navigator.navisel.myfavourites=My favorite rooms navigator.favouritesfull.title=Cannot add favorite navigator.createroom=Create room room is locked. You need to ring the doorbell to enter. If you ring the doorbell, you will have to exit this room. navigator.rateroom=Rate this room navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.6=You already have an ongoing event in some other room. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.5=Room already has an event. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.4=Room event feature is currently disabled. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.3=The door of the room must be open to create an event. You can change the door mode in room settings. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.2=Only room owner can create events. navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.1=You must be in a room to start an event. navigator.moreroomscaption=Want more rooms? navigator.usercounttooltip.populartag=Amount of Habbos in rooms that have this tag navigator.roomownercaption=Owner: navigator.roomctg=Category: is allowed in this room. room.queue.button.exit=Exit queue navigator.favouritesfull.body=Your favorite list is full. You must remove some favorite rooms before adding more. image for the top answer. navigator.roomsettings.password=Password for the room: navigator.navisel.popularrooms=Rooms with most visitors HTML code in below field allows you to embed this room to a web page. Copy the code to your clipboard to apply it to a web page. notifications.text.club_ending=You have %days% days left in your Habbo Club subscription. Go to the Catalog to get some more! notifications.title.club_gift=Club gift notifications.broadcast.title=Message from the Hotel Manager notifications.text.respect.1=Respect! You were given a respect point. facebook.story.achievement.caption={0} just unlocked an achievement badge in Habbo. notifications.text.respect.2=You now have %count% respect points. notifications.text.hcdays=You now have %count% days left of Habbo Club. notifications.button.achievement.close=Close notifications.text.petlevel=Your pet %pet_name% is now level %level%. notifications.text.buyfurni=%furni_name% bought and delivered to your inventory! notifications.button.achievement.post_to_facebook=Post to Facebook feed (%real_name%) came online. notifications.text.achievement=Congratulations! You unlocked the %badge_name% Achievement! (%badge_desc%) notifications.text.receivedcredits=You received %count% coins. notifications.title.achievement=Achievement Unlocked! notifications.text.friend.offline=%user_name% went offline. notifications.text.recycle.ok=Recycling complete! You received a package with mystery content... notifications.text.club_gift=It's time to pick up your monthly club gift! notifications.text.petbought=You bought a pet as a gift. notifications.button.show_gift_list=Choose your gift notifications.text.vipdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of VIP Club remaining. notifications.text.achievement_facebook=%badge_desc% News From Habbo Hotel! notifications.text.clubdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of Habbo Club remaining. notifications.text.clubdays=You have %days% of Habbo Club remaining. notifications.text.vipdays=You have %days% of VIP Club remaining. notifications.text.pixels=%change% Pixels received, you now have %count%. notifications.button.later=Not now came online. notifications.text.purchase.ok=You successfully purchased a %productName%! notifications.text.friend.offline.realname=%user_name% (%real_name%) went offline. notifications.text.club_gift.received=Club gift added to inventory. notifications.button.open_club_page=Get more notifications.text.petreceived=You bought a pet. notifications.title.club_ending=Habbo Club reminder effect is activated. Time left %timeleft%/%duration%. You have %itemcount% pieces of these. inventory.furni.item.wallpaper.desc=Set this to the current room inventory.marketplace.make_offer.min_price=Minimum price you can set for an offer is %minprice% Coin(s). inventory.marketplace.make_offer.expiration_info=Your offer will be visible to other users for %time% hours. user canceled the trade. inventory.furni=Furniture inventory.effects=Effects inventory.effects.defaultdescription=You have no badges yet. When you get them this is where you can choose which ones to wear. inventory.achievements=Achievements inventory.marketplace.make_offer.final_price=The final sale price will include the marketplace commission of %commission% Coin(s), so the final price is %finalprice%. is not in use for either of you, check your trading settings. inventory.furni.placetoroom=Place to room inventory.furni.item.landscape.desc=Set this to the current room for other user to confirm the trade. inventory.marketplace.no_credits.title=Out of coins! inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.title=Confirm Sale inventory.purse.creditbalance=Coins: %balance% in progress account does not have trading in use. You can receive items from other users but cannot give them anything. Check your trading settings and make sure your email-address is activated. trade inventory.furni.preview.tradeable_amount=You have this many items that can be traded inventory.pets.placetoroom=Place in room items in the marketplace costs %price% Coin / %count% advertisements. You have no ads left, so you'll need to pay %price% Coin to make an ad. After this payment, the next %free% ads will be free. offering need %price% Coin to purchase the right to make marketplace advertisements. inventory.marketplace.make_offer.average_price=Average price in last %days% days: %price% credits (%price_no_commission% without the commission). inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.cancel=Cancel inventory.badges.activebadges=Wearing, you need a trading pass to make a marketplace offer. inventory.marketplace.no_credits.get_credits=Get Coins items to box. trade inventory.marketplace.make_offer.title=Marketplace Offer other Habbo has not put anything into trade. This might be a scamming attempt! inventory.furni.item.song_disk_author="%name%" by %author% inventory.badges.savebadges=Save settings inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.cancel=Cancel Notification inventory.furni.preview.recyclable_amount=You have this many items that can be recycled inventory.purse.pixelbalance=Pixels: %balance% inventory.marketplace.sell=Sell in marketplace inventory.pets.forbidden=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room. inventory.marketplace.result.3=Marketplace is disabled. inventory.marketplace.result.2=Technical error occurred. Posting failed. inventory.marketplace.result.title.failure=Posting failed! inventory.marketplace.make_offer.cancel=Cancel inventory.marketplace.result.1=Posting the sales offer was successful! inventory.badges.clearbadge=Clear badge inventory.badges.inactivebadges=My badges inventory.marketplace.no_trading_pass.title=Marketplace are selling %furniname%. If someone buys this offer, you will receive: %price% Coin(s). inventory.effects.inactive=This effect is not yet activated. One item last for %duration%, once activated. You have %itemcount% pieces of these. inventory.marketplace.result.4=Item was just added to Habbo catalog. inventory.marketplace.no_credits.cancel=Close inventory.badges=Badges inventory.marketplace.result.title.success=Item posted! inventory.title=Inventory inventory.furni.preview.not_tradeable=None of these items are tradable inventory.furni.item.floor.desc=Set this to the current room inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.title=Out of advertisements offering inventory.badges.defaultdescription=Here are your badges. Select the ones that you want to wear and then save the selection. inventory.marketplace.make_offer.price_request=Asking price: inventory.badges.wearbadge=Wear badge are the final offers. Please confirm the trade., you are not allowed to make a marketplace offer. inventory.furni.preview.not_recyclable=None of these items are recyclable inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.ok=Confirm user does not have trading in use. You can give him/her items but he can't give you anything in return. wait... %counter% inventory.marketplace.no_trading_privilege.title=Marketplace item inventory.purse.clubdays=HC: %months%m %days%d inventory.pets.allowed=You can take your pets with you to this room. ads (%price% coin) are already trading with someone and you cannot start a new trade. inventory.marketplace.make_offer.max_price=Maximum price you can set for an offer is %maxprice% Coins. badge_desc_ACH_VipClub4=For 36 months of VIP Club membership. badge_desc_ACH_VipClub5=For 48 months of VIP Club membership. badge_desc_ACH_VipClub2=For 12 months of VIP Club membership. badge_desc_ACH_VipClub3=For 24 months of VIP Club membership. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed6_HHCA=Battle Royal VI badge_desc_ACH_VipClub1=For joining the VIP Club. badge_name_UK070=Golden Duck Badge badge_desc_JFF_HHAU=Habbofest 08 badge_name_IT029=Spring Appreciation Badge badge_name_WD2_HHSG=Wedding Bells badge_desc_ACH_MGM5_HHCA=Level 5 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 8. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 140 pixels. badge_name_UK078=Member of The Flock badge_name_ACH_Login8_HHCA=Rotten tomato badge_desc_VA3_HHSG=Awarded to winners of Habborella competitions during Valentines '08. badge_name_ACH_HappyHour1=Happy Hour badge_name_ACH_Student1=Habbo Student badge_name_UK079=Member of The Flock badge_desc_KO1_HHAU=Australia Campaign 08 badge_name_US0G_HHCA=Yarrr! badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver6_HHCA=For giving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_GM3_HHCA=Email Verification Campaign badge_desc_GLH_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_JF1_HHCA=I hung out with Kitsune and Tanuki, Ninja Style 08! badge_name_UK094=St. Patrick's Day badge_name_ACH_BasicClub4_HHCA=Habbo Club Member badge_desc_CY2_HHSG=Chinese New Year 2009. For Habbos who are striving to attain balance. badge_desc_JF1_HHAU=Japanese Campaign 08 badge_desc_GLH_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_KO1_HHCA=Celebrating the Koala in Habbo badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry10_HHCA=Pilgrim badge_desc_SF7_HHSG=Given to the engineers of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_ACH_Graduate1_HHCA=The Graduate badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned4_HHCA=Level 4 - For earning respect a further 50 times. Worth 50 pixels. badge_desc_UK079_HHCA=Friend of Maximum Ride badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote9=Level 9 - For gathering an additional 300 votes on stage. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote8=Level 8 - For gathering an additional 300 votes on stage. Gives you 60 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote7=Level 7 - For gathering an additional 200 votes on stage. Gives you 40 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote5=Level 5 - For gathering an additional 180 votes on stage. Gives you 40 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote6=Level 6 - For gathering an additional 200 votes on stage. Gives you 40 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote3=Level 3 - For gathering an additional 50 votes on stage. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote4=Level 4 - For gathering an additional 100 votes on stage. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote1=Level 1 - For gathering a vote on stage. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_KO2_HHCA=Eucalyptus Badge badge_desc_EXB=Bamaloo's Office Comp '09 badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote2=Level 2 - For gathering an additional 20 votes on stage. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry9_HHCA=Level 9 - For hanging out in 160 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Spaceman. Worth 30 pixels. badge_name_SGR_HHCA=Red Rose badge_desc_SF6_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Navigator in Space, July 09 badge_desc_GLF_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_U04=Habbo 500 Race Winner badge_name_U06=Sparkplug Roberts Fan badge_name_U05=SpeedDemon Fan badge_desc_EXH=For loyal service on! badge_desc_EXE=You truly are Executive material! badge_desc_KO2_HHAU=Australia Campaign 08 badge_desc_NWB=Newbie Hobba badge_name_USE_HHCA=Smilla badge_desc_GLC_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_Login10_HHCA=Level 10 - For logging in 100 days in a row. Breathtaking. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_NZB=Joined official NZ group badge_name_KO2_HHAU=Eucalypt Badge badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration10_HHCA=Level 10 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 5 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_1goal_HHSG=I believe everyone should have the chance to go to school, and the 1Goal campaign can help make that happen. badge_desc_EVB=Here's to a healthy, happy life! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding5_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver2_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 5 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_TraderPass1_HHCA=Achieved by verifying your email, having your Habbo for at least 3 days and being online at least 1 h. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_SB7_HHAU=Flaming Skulls 3 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver3_HHCA=For giving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9_HHCA=Level 9 - spending total of 1152 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_UK078_HHCA=Member of The Flock badge_name_KO1=Furry Koala Face badge_name_KO2=Eucalyptus Leaf badge_desc_DN2_HHSG=Awarded to faithful supporters of the Jocks, during the great Diner Races of 2008. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1_HHCA=Someone likes my pet badge_name_VA012=Split-Up! badge_name_VA013=HBH Game Winner badge_name_VA010=HBH Cheaters badge_name_VA011=The Daily Crush badge_name_EAS04_HHCA=Garden Show Host badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed1_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_GLB_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_Z02_HHCA=Burning Earth badge_desc_UK070=Hosted a and merge party! May 2010 badge_desc_AC6_HHCA=My spirit animal is loyal, loud and rowdy! badge_desc_SFH_HHSG=Given to the science officer of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_UK079=Friend of Maximum Ride badge_desc_UK078=Friend of Fang badge_name_VA014=HBH Perfect Date badge_name_EAS04_HHAU=Gardener's Badge badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4_HHCA=Level 4 - spending total of 16 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_XMB_HHAU=Christmas Campaign 08 badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration2_HHCA=20 % True Habbo badge_name_XMAS0_HHCA=Holiday Gamer badge_desc_EAS03_HHSG=This Habbo's certainly cultivated their passion for plants. Easter 2010. badge_desc_FF2=Given to those who supported Luna in The Streets of Bobba. badge_desc_VA010_HHAU=Valentines 2010 badge_desc_GLB_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10=People adore my pets! badge_name_VA7_HHSG=Bolly Badge (Lvl 2) badge_name_VA012_HHCA=Split-Up! badge_name_1goal_HHSG=1Goal badge_name_VA9_HHCA=Bolly-Heart badge_name_SF7_HHAU=Engineer Badge badge_name_KR1=100% Habbo badge_name_VA012_HHAU=Cheaters Competition badge_desc_UK094=Kiss me, even if I'm not Irish! March 2010 badge_name_XM9_HHSG=Snowball Badge badge_desc_VA010_HHCA=The Heartbreak Hotel Project, February 2010 badge_name_HQ003_HHCA=Executive Chef badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned9_HHCA=Been respected 966 times. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote3_HHCA=Level 3- For gathering 50 votes on stage. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ADM_HHSG=This badge marks the Habbo Office Staff and Moderators! badge_desc_US0L_HHCA=Maker of awesome movies, Habbo Academy 2010 badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding4_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_ACH_Student1_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_XMB_HHCA=Holidays 08 Event Winner badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1_HHCA=Online time I-Thunderstorm badge_name_HQ003_HHAU=Kitchen Survivor badge_desc_ACH_Name1_HHCA=You have successfully erased your past. badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp5_HHCA=My pets know some tricks badge_desc_CAG_HHCA=I got it on the card, the Habbo scratch card... Jan 09. badge_desc_UK039=Given to the Top 3 in each Awards 2009 category. badge_name_AC7_HHSG=The Avian Tribal Badge badge_desc_UK032=Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 badge_desc_UK031=Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 badge_name_AC1_HHSG=Tribal Brand badge_name_ACH_PetLover9_HHCA=My herd is bigger than yours badge_name_HW09C_HHCA=Hween Videographer badge_desc_US8_HHAU=Suits vs Slobs 08 badge_name_SF1_HHCA=Captain - Level 1 badge_desc_FAN=For those Official Fansite owners out there. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote10_HHCA=Level 10- For gathering 300 votes on stage. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_TLB_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who are ready to fix anything - whether it's the hotel or the clogged drainpipe. badge_name_HW09C_HHAU=Habboween 09 Movie Badge badge_desc_HC5_HHCA=Level 5 - For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 500 pixels. badge_name_SF1_HHAU=Captain Badge badge_name_UK046_HHCA=Best In Show badge_name_RLX01_HHAU=Relax Badge badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration7=Level 7 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 2 years. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration6=Level 6 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for a year. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration5=Level 5 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 24 weeks. Gives you 160 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration4=Level 4 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 16 weeks. Gives you 120 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration3=Level 3 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 8 weeks. Gives you 90 pixels. badge_desc_UK050=Spirit of the Seasons 2009 Room comp. winner! badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration2=Level 2 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 weeks. Gives you 60 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration1=Level 1 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 days. Gives you 30 pixels. badge_desc_HX4_HHAU=X Game Std badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver10=For giving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration8=Level 8 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 years. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_CO6_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who should have an organic farm of their own during a trip to the countryside in 2009. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration9=Level 9 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 4 years. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_DN1_HHSG=Diner Sign badge_name_ACH_Login5_HHCA=A Piece Of The Furniture badge_desc_UK045=Part of a winning Save the Pigs video. December 2009 badge_desc_HX4_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_desc_UK046=Won the Lavish Loft room competition December 2009 badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3_HHCA=Online time III-Dust Devil badge_desc_HC5_HHAU=Level 5 - 48 months membership. Gives you 500 pixels. badge_desc_XMAS0_HHCA=I got Holiday game! Dec 09 badge_name_SHA_HHSG=SuperHobba badge badge_desc_DU1_HHSG=Given to the grand winner of the Habbolympics during 2006 & 2007. badge_name_SFH_HHCA=Science Officer - Level 2 badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5=Have someone scratch your pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6=Have someone scratch your pet at least 120 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7=Have someone scratch your pet at least 200 times to earn this badge. badge_name_WD2_HHCA=Wedding Bells badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8=Have someone scratch your pet at least 300 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1=Have someone scratch your pet at least 3 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2=Have someone scratch your pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3=Have someone scratch your pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4=Have someone scratch your pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9=Have someone scratch your pet at least 500 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_50S=Thanks for supporting Fozzie's team! badge_desc_NLE=Trax Competition Winner badge_desc_NLD=Trax Competition Winner badge_name_PIG01_HHCA=Boar of Baskerville badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver10=Want to go out with me? badge_desc_NLC=Trax Competition Winner badge_desc_DN2_HHAU=Diner Campaign 08 badge_name_WH7_HHSG=Virus Clipboard (Blood) badge_desc_FLA=1800 Reverse Dance Comp 09 badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry7_HHCA=Traveler badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp4_HHCA=My pet is tougher than yours badge_desc_XM3_HHCA=Where are all the other reindeer? badge_desc_NEC_HHAU=Habbofest '09 Overall Winner badge_desc_WH4_HHSG=Given to winners during the Habboween 2006 campaign. badge_desc_HW09D_HHSG=This Habbo's always prepared for anything: alien invasions, ghost hunting, and toilet breaks. badge_desc_RLX01_HHSG=This badge identifies a Habbo beginning on his spiritual journey by catching a bull. badge_desc_XM3_HHAU=Christmas Comp Winner 07 badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding6_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_MRG04=Remembering my Habbo roots! badge_desc_XM2=It's all about DJ-Bling! badge_name_PIG01_HHAU=Boar of Baskerville badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed8_HHCA=Battle Royal VIII badge_desc_XM1=It's all about Rasta Claus! badge_desc_MRG00=A stranger is a friend you have yet to meet! badge_desc_XM4=Celebrate the Holidays with this 2006 Xmas badge. badge_desc_KO1_HHSG=Mysterious marsupials from 'mazing Down Under badge_desc_MRG01=Remembering my Habbo roots! badge_desc_XM3=Where are all the other reindeer? badge_desc_MRG02=Remembering my Habbo roots! badge_desc_XM6=Christmas Campaign 07 badge_desc_XM5=Christmas Campaign 07 badge_desc_XM7=Christmas Campaign 07 badge_desc_PIR_HHCA=Arrrrr... a real Pirate! badge_desc_XM8=Christmas Campaign 07 badge_desc_XM9=pwn'd a Staff member at SnowStorm during xmas '08 badge_desc_XMA=Two eyes made out of coal... pixel coal badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver3_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_XMC=It's like the one from 2006... just... colder. badge_desc_NO2=Prince Caspian Competition 08 badge_name_JF5_HHCA=Green Dragon badge_name_LAT=La Trobe University badge_name_VA011_HHAU=Smooch Badge badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver10=Scratch anyone's pet at least 350 times to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote6_HHCA=Famous badge_name_HW09B_HHCA=Hween Journalist badge_desc_ACH_VipClub5_HHCA=For 48 months of VIP Club Membership. badge_desc_GLF_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_NEC_HHCA=Member of Habbo Canada's Best Dance Crew '08! badge_name_XM8_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Bob badge_name_LBB=Queen of Habboween badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned1_HHCA=Level 1 - For earning respect your first time. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_NLC_HHSG=Trax Bronze badge_desc_XMAS2_HHCA=I shared a winning Holiday Moment, December 09 badge_name_SGR_HHSG=Rose badge_name_HW09B_HHAU=Habboween 09 Keyboard Badge badge_desc_GLF_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned9_HHCA=Level 9 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_KO2_HHSG=Awarded to supporters of the Koala Liberation Front, for the November 2008 Collectable, Australian Koala badge_desc_HW09C_HHCA=I caught the paranormal on tape.... Habboween 09. badge_name_MRG04=Habbo Australia badge_name_MRG02=Habbo USA badge_desc_U05_HHSG=For Habbos who love burning rubber (tires, that is). Given to winners of the daily Habbo Races. badge_name_MRG00=Friendship Bracelet badge_name_VA011_HHCA=Daily Crush badge_name_MRG01=Habbo Canada badge_desc_XMAS2_HHAU=Christmas '09 Competition Winner badge_name_VIP_HHAU=VIP badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver7_HHCA=Loaded badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry6_HHCA=Level 6 - For hanging out in 80 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Out of towner. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_SU3_HHSG=Mana Level 3 badge_name_DS4_HHCA=Hyperspace badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration7_HHCA=70 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp10_HHCA=Pet whisperer badge_name_DS4_HHAU=Hypersphere Comp Winner badge_desc_DN2_HHCA=I took the test and yes, I am a Jock! Diner 08. badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver4_HHCA=Well off badge_name_VIP_HHCA=VIP Guest badge_desc_UK046_HHCA=My pet is also addicted to Habbo! badge_name_AC8_HHCA=Tribe Squid badge_desc_CNY03_HHCA=I'm a Tiger, Hear me Roar! CNY 2010 badge_desc_EAS03_HHCA=I LOVE my best friend forever! Easter 2010 badge_name_ACH_BasicClub2=Habbo Club member badge_name_ACH_BasicClub1=Habbo Club member badge_desc_FW1=Furni Wars yuppies who championed the Pura cause! badge_desc_FW2=Marks a member of the Furni Wars Indie tribe badge_name_GLA_HHAU=Bunny badge_desc_XMB_HHSG=For Habbos with the ho-ho-hottest Xmas 2008 spirit! Only winners of the toughest Xmas 2008 competitions were awarded this badge. badge_name_NEB_HHAU=Silver Disco Ball badge_name_EAS04_HHSG=Gardener Badge badge_name_ACH_BasicClub5=Habbo Club member badge_name_ACH_BasicClub3=Habbo Club member badge_name_ACH_BasicClub4=Habbo Club member badge_desc_UK094_HHCA=Kiss me, even if I'm not Irish! March 2010 badge_desc_CO6_HHCA=I was a Line-Dancing Troupe Finalist, May 09! badge_desc_SFH_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Science Officer in Space, July 09 badge_name_LE1=Lego Banana badge_name_LE2=Lego Dynamite badge_desc_AC6_HHSG=Given to those who have completed the Vision Quest and named the Ape as their spirit animal. badge_desc_KO2_HHCA=Koala competition winner badge_desc_DU2_HHCA=Silvery and shimmering, just like me! badge_name_HQ003_HHSG=Gold Chef Badge badge_name_NEB_HHCA=Silver Discoball badge_desc_AC9_HHCA=I am a member of Tribe Ape, June 09 badge_name_WH3_HHAU=Habboween Fangs badge_name_ADM_HHSG=Habbo staff badge_name_XM9_HHAU=Snowball badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver1_HHCA=For receiving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_name_XM9_HHCA=Snowball badge_desc_EAS03_HHAU=Easter Quest 2010 badge_name_GLA_HHCA=Bunny badge_desc_DU2_HHAU=Commonwealth 06 badge_name_LC7=The Lost City Level 2 badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp3_HHCA=I play with pets badge_name_LC8=The Lost City Level 3 badge_desc_HW09C_HHAU=Movie Testimonial Winner badge_name_LC3=Iku-Turso Badge badge_name_TEO=The Emo Oranges badge_name_TLB_HHSG=The Handyman badge_name_LC6=The Lost City Level 1 badge_name_LC1=Leviathan Badge badge_desc_CNY03_HHAU=Chinese New Year 2010 badge_name_HOP03_HHAU=Bronze Medal badge_name_SF1_HHSG=Captain - Level 1 badge_name_HW09D_HHSG=Surveillance Badge badge_desc_WAR_HHAU=Global Peace Gathering 08 badge_name_HF1_HHCA=Golden Shoe badge_name_THA=The Habbo Awards badge_desc_FR9=Habbofest 08 badge_name_WH3_HHCA=Vampire badge_desc_FR7=This badge is worn by all Official Auctioneers. 100% scam-free auctions, all the time! badge_name_SHA_HHCA=Super Hobba badge_name_DN1_HHAU=Jocks Team Winner badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry1_HHCA=Room Raider badge_desc_Z63_HHCA=For giving valuable and helpful feedback to Staff and Techies during Beta Testing, June 09. badge_name_DN1_HHCA=Diner 08 badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver8_HHCA=Generous one badge_desc_Z63_HHAU=Thanks for the feedback! badge_name_HOP03_HHCA=Bronze Medal badge_name_GLH_HHCA=Bear badge_desc_HX4_HHSG= badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp2_HHCA=My pet knows a trick or two! badge_name_ACH_BasicClub2_HHCA=Habbo Club Member badge_name_GLH_HHAU=Bear badge_desc_CO6_HHAU=Habbo's Hootenanny badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry9_HHCA=Habitué badge_desc_ACH_PetLover2=Own a total of 3 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover3=Own a total of 5 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover1=Own 1 pet to earn this badge. badge_name_SHA_HHAU=do not use badge_desc_ACH_PetLover8=Own a total of 45 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_HF1_HHAU=Golden Shoe badge_desc_ACH_PetLover9=Own a total of 60 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover6=Own a total of 25 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover7=Own a total of 35 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover4=Own a total of 10 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_WAR_HHCA=I believe that Peace is possible! badge_name_SG1_HHSG=Bronze Habbo of the Month badge_desc_ACH_PetLover5=Own a total of 15 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_PB1=Pink vs Black Campaign 07 badge_desc_PB2=Pink vs Black Campaign 07 badge_name_XM2_HHAU=The-Bling Supporter badge_desc_DU1_HHAU=Commonwealth 06 badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2_HHCA=Level 2 - spending total of 3 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_RU3_HHSG=Fig Leaf badge_desc_RA3_HHSG=Given to Habbos who have managed to coax the Beanstalk to grow in their gardens. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed4_HHCA=Battle Royal IV badge_desc_TWIC3_HHCA=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan, 09 badge_desc_HW1_HHSG=Given to all successful Directors and other winners of Habbowood '06 & '07 competitions. badge_name_HOP02_HHAU=Silver Medal badge_name_HHL_HHCA=HHL badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration9_HHCA=90 % True Habbo badge_name_SFE_HHSG=Medic Level 2 badge_desc_DSX_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_XMAS1_HHSG=This Habbo's getting ready to make their naughty and nice lists. badge_desc_CAH_HHCA=For successful entrepreneurs! badge_name_XMA_HHSG=Snow Smiley Badge badge_desc_DU1_HHCA=Shiny and golden, just like me! badge_desc_TWIC3_HHAU=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan badge_desc_HX9_HHSG= badge_desc_ACH_VipClub3_HHCA=For 24 months of VIP Club Membership. badge_desc_ACH_Graduate1=For completing your confusing Habbo newbie experience. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_HOP02_HHCA=Silver Medal badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote5_HHCA=Level 5- For gathering 180 votes on stage. Worth 40 pixels. badge_name_NEE_HHCA=Talk Show Host badge_name_VIP_HHSG=VIP badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry2=Running Room Raider badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry3=Ultimate Room Raider badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry4=Day tripper badge_desc_DS7_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won a competition during Donnie Santini's Space Explore in Planet Yggdrasil. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver8_HHCA=For giving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry5=Vacationer badge_desc_ACH_Login4_HHCA=Level 4 - For logging in 28 days in a row. Scary. Worth 150 pixels. badge_name_HX8_HHAU=Gold Habbo X Game badge_name_RA3_HHAU=Beanstalk Badge badge_desc_AC2_HHAU=Habbo's 5th Birthday Group Member badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry1=Room Raider badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp2_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 5 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_JKR=The Dark Knight - Joker badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry7=Traveler badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry6=House Guest badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding7_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry9=Habitué badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry8=Sightseer badge_name_USG_HHCA=Sinister badge_name_SU3_HHCA=Tiki badge_name_AC8_HHSG=The Teuthida Tribal Badge badge_name_HX8_HHCA=Game X badge_name_AR2=Scimitar Snake badge_name_AR1=The Genie badge_name_DS4_HHSG=DS Battle badge_desc_AC2_HHCA=I created a FIERY Maze in honour of the April 09 collectible. I am HOT! badge_name_SNW=Snow Storm Hall of Fame badge_name_GLI_HHSG=Eagle badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed8_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_SOS=SOSO Badge badge_name_HUB_HHAU=Hubu-badge badge_name_RA3_HHCA=Gigantic Beanstalk badge_name_RUN06_HHAU=Level 1 Designer Badge badge_name_COL_HHAU=Cool Badge badge_name_SU3_HHAU=Mana 3 badge_name_AU5=Birthday Badge badge_name_AU4=Afro Quacks badge_name_AU1=Rock on! badge_name_AU3=Pixelmason's Union badge_name_AU2=Blue Bohos badge_name_AUB=AU Group Member badge_desc_NEC_HHSG=Awarded to the first place winner of the Super Club competitions during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_desc_AU1_HHAU=Streets of Bobba Campaign 07 badge_name_HX2_HHSG= badge_desc_DSX_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_desc_AU1_HHCA=Monsters of Habbo fest 07 badge_desc_Z02_HHCA=The Earth is burning up, do something! Earth Hour, 2010 badge_name_HW09B_HHSG=Keyboard Badge badge_name_BTB_HHSG=Hall of Fame: BattleBall badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned4_HHCA=Been respected 66 times. badge_name_SMC=Top Chef badge_name_SF7_HHSG=Engineer - Level 1 badge_name_COL_HHCA=COOL badge_name_BBBH1_HHSG=Goodbye Big Hand badge_name_SU1=Tiki Level 1 badge_desc_HW09B_HHCA=I write about the paranormal.... Habboween 09. badge_name_SU3=Tiki Level 3 badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote1_HHCA=Unknown Star badge_name_SU2=Tiki Level 2 badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry8_HHCA=Level 8 - For hanging out in 140 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Orion. Worth 30 pixels. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed10_HHCA=Battle Royal X badge_desc_WBL=To show that you are a true master of Wobble Squabble. badge_name_GLA_HHSG=Bunny badge_name_STA=Sound The Alarm badge_name_EC4_HHAU=Nature Quest 3 badge_name_AF1=April Fool! badge_name_DU3_HHAU=Bronze Duck badge_name_OL2_HHSG=Habbolympics Silver badge_desc_WD0=Attended the 2009 Official Wedding Party badge_desc_WD1=Wedding Planner 2009 badge_desc_WD2=Winner of a Wedding 2009 competition! badge_desc_MB1_HHCA=Madball 08 badge_desc_DS5_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_name_EC4_HHCA=Nature Quest Day 3 badge_desc_GF1=Hot or Not Competition Winner badge_name_AI6=Make Over Comp. Winner badge_desc_RU3_HHAU=Safety campaign January '09 badge_desc_SGD_HHSG=Given to Habbos who took part in the detective hunt for the missing coach during Madball Cancelled!. badge_name_AI5=Habbo Fansites badge_name_AI4=Habbo American Idol Winner badge_name_AI3=Habbo American Idol Top 12 badge_name_AI2=Press Badge badge_name_AI1=Hollywood Guru badge_name_AI0=Music Guru badge_desc_Z05_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who were members of the Habbo X team when the Habbo X program closed. badge_desc_PHF=This Habbo's from the Philippines, the land of the Banaue Rice Terraces and adobo. badge_name_USL_HHCA=Year of the Rat badge_name_SS2=SnoSho 09 badge_name_DU3_HHCA=Bronze Medal badge_desc_PIG01_HHAU=Quest winner 2010 badge_desc_FR005=Habbo hosts who sparkle to life in front of an audience as a chosen official event host is awarded this badge. badge_desc_HW09B_HHAU=Believe It Or Not Winner badge_name_GLC_HHSG=Otter badge_desc_DS5_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding7_HHCA=Give your pets at least 25400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp6_HHCA=My pets know a trick or two badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10_HHCA=People adore my pets! badge_name_Z01_HHCA=Room of the Month badge_desc_RU3_HHCA=Let's Talk About Bobba, 09 badge_desc_SFA_HHSG=Given to security officers of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_DS7_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_WAR=I believe that Peace is possible! badge_desc_CNY03_HHSG=A Tiger Master. Finished training in record speed. A champion for all tiger wannabes. badge_desc_FR019=5 Coin Room Winner badge_desc_RUN06=Need a Runway Show done? I'm your Habbo! May 2010 badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned10=Been respected 1166 times. badge_desc_RUN05=Style is my name. Fashion is my game. Runway 2010 badge_desc_PIG01_HHCA=I saved Puffin's pet pigs from the Boar of Baskerville, March 2010 badge_desc_RUN04=Habbo Runway 2010 badge_desc_RUN03=This Habbo's a legend in the fashion world. Runway 2010. badge_name_RUN08_HHCA=Winning Catwalk Director badge_desc_RUN02=Winner of the Habbo Runway competition for USA. May 2010. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration1_HHCA=Level 1 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 days. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_RUN01=I was selected one of 15 US Fashion Designers for Habbo Runway 2010. badge_desc_ACH_MGM9_HHCA=Level 9 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 16. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 180 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub4_HHCA=For 36 months of Habbo Club Membership. badge_desc_GA1=You're looking at a hardcore gamer, baby! badge_desc_VIP_HHAU=Habbo VIP Guests badge_name_HW09D_HHAU=Habboween 09 Security Badge badge_desc_HX2_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_desc_WH8=This badge was earned from correctly answering the final question to the Habboween 2008 Virus Quest! badge_desc_WH7=You are one of 5 Large Vampire Castle Room competition Finalists from Habboween 2008 badge_name_WH5_HHCA=Heavy Metal Guitar badge_desc_WH4=Got their story published for Habboween 2006 badge_desc_WH3=Winning room designer for Habboween 2006 badge_desc_WH6=You are one of 5 Small Vampire Castle Room competition Finalists from Habboween 2008 badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding3_HHCA=Give your pets at least 1400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_WH5=For hosting a kickin' party for Habboween 2006 badge_desc_VIP_HHCA=A Very Important Person! badge_name_GRR_HHSG=Gorillaz badge_desc_WH3_HHAU=Habboween Campaign 06 badge_name_HQ002_HHSG=Silver Chef Badge badge_name_AU001=SOSO WW badge_name_AU000=SOSO 09 badge_name_AU003=5th Birthday Winner's Badge badge_name_AU002=5th Birthday Badge badge_desc_HX2_HHAU=X Safety Std badge_name_AU009=YAP Ambassador 2010 badge_name_XMB_HHAU=Snowman Badge badge_name_AU008=Rock the Schools 2010 badge_name_BBBH2_HHCA=Brotherhood of Hand badge_desc_WH1=I can sees your feets badge_name_AU005=Habbofest 2010 badge_desc_RUN07=Runway Competition - 2nd Place badge_name_AU004=Prezzie Expert badge_desc_RUN08=I was voted best Runway Show director of Habbo, May 2010. badge_name_AU007=Boost Mobile Surf Sho 2010 badge_desc_RUN09=Moving the Habbo fashion industry forward! May 2010. badge_name_AU006=The Ultimate Tribute Band badge_desc_NEA_HHSG=Awarded to the third place winner of the Super Club competitions during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_desc_Z63_HHSG=This Habbo made a significant contribution to Habbo Beta testing, and has picked up colour along the way. badge_name_HW09D_HHCA=Hween Photographer badge_desc_WH3_HHCA=I attended Quoth The Ravin' badge_name_TWIV1_HHCA=Volturi Quest badge_name_SW1=Spiderwick badge_name_AM6=Jigoku Shoujo Kikuri Flower badge_name_WH6_HHCA=Diagnosis Slime badge_name_AM4=Jigoku Shoujo Death Mark badge_name_AM5=Jigoku Shoujo Enma Ai Eye badge_name_WH3_HHSG=Fangs badge_name_AM3=Jigoku Shoujo Kikuri badge_name_AM2=Jigoku Shoujo Straw Doll badge_name_AM1=Jigoku Shoujo Butterfly badge_name_ACH_MGM10=Prom badge_name_ADM_HHAU=Habbo Staff badge_name_ACH_MGM5_HHCA=Slumber Party badge_name_MTV01_HHSG=MTV EMA 2009 badge_name_HQ009_HHSG=Team Brothers badge_name_TWIV3_HHSG=Volturi Arms 3 badge_name_HWB_HHSG=HabboWeen badge_name_BBBH2_HHAU=Brotherhood of the Hand badge_desc_SFF_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Medical Officer in Space, July 09 badge_name_ACH_Login6_HHCA=Covered with moss badge_desc_WAR_HHSG=Given to Habbos who supported the Warchild Peace Gathering in September 2008, and pledged to support world peace. badge_name_JF1_HHSG=Katana badge_name_TWIV1_HHAU=Level 1 Volturi Badge badge_name_WH6_HHAU=Goo Diagnosis Badge badge_desc_ACH_AvatarLooks1_HHCA=For finally putting some fresh clothes on. Worth 50 pixels. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed10=Battle Royal X badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1_HHCA=Level 1 - spending total of 1 hour in hotel. Worth 30 pixels. badge_name_RU3_HHAU=Let's Talk About Bobba badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7_HHCA=Online time VII- Cyclone badge_desc_GNO=You never know where you might find one of these cute Garden Gnomes! badge_desc_RUN02_HHCA=Winner of the Habbo Runway competition for Canada. May 2010. badge_name_BTB_HHAU=BattleBall Commemorative badge_name_SHB_HHSG=Dragon Badge badge_desc_GLH_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_TWIC3_HHSG=Exclusively for the ultimate New Moon fan. badge_name_JF3_HHCA=Red Dragon badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub1_HHCA=For joining the Habbo Club. badge_desc_CY2_HHCA=Dragon Court Protégé, CNY 09. badge_desc_XXX_HHSG=eXperienced Habbos who served as guides for new Habbos. badge_desc_VA9_HHCA=A Bollywood Valentine's, 09 badge_desc_HW1_HHCA=I am a Habbowood movie producer. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver7_HHCA=For giving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_name_XMA_HHCA=Happy Snowball badge_name_TWIC2_HHAU=Level 2 Cullens Badge badge_name_XMB_HHCA=Snowman badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver4_HHCA=Scratch scratch! badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5_HHCA=Level 5 - spending total of 48 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_HappyHour1=For spending a Happy moment in Habbo! Log in on Happy Hour to receive this achievement. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_desc_HW1_HHAU=Habbowood Top Director badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry5_HHCA=Level 5 - For hanging out in 60 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Globetrotter.Worth 15 pixels. badge_name_RUN08_HHAU=Level 3 Designer Badge badge_desc_ACH_MGM7_HHCA=Level 7 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 12. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 160 pixels. badge_name_SFE_HHCA=Medical Officer - Level 2 badge_desc_HX9_HHAU=X Leader badge_name_CAA_HHCA=OPP badge_desc_VA3_HHCA=I boarded the Habborella, Valentines 08 badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned3_HHCA=Level 3 - For earning respect a further 10 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_GLG_HHSG=Buffalo badge_desc_ACH_Graduate1_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_NO032=Crystal Creation Badge badge_name_NEE_HHSG=Neon Entertainer (Silver) badge_desc_HF1_HHCA=Habbo Soccer World Cup 06 badge_name_GLI_HHCA=Eagle badge_desc_OL2=Your strength was proven to earn you this Silver Badge. badge_desc_OL1=Your strength was proven to earn you this Gold Badge. badge_desc_SFA_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Security Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_OL3=Your strength was proven to earn you this Bronze Badge. badge_desc_VA3_HHAU=Valentines Campaign 08 badge_name_HX7_HHAU=Gold Habbo X Tech badge_name_AC6=Angry Ape Animal Spirit badge_name_AC8=Lost Tribe Mariners Level 2 Badge badge_name_AC9=Lost Tribe Sapiens Level 2 Badge badge_name_AC2=Ancient Fire Green badge_name_AC3=Ancient Fire Blue badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp4_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 20 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_AC4=Eagle Animal Spirit badge_desc_HF1_HHAU=Habbaroos Soccer Campaign badge_name_AC5=Squid Animal Spirit badge_name_AC1=Ancient Fire Red badge_name_ACC=Lost Tribe Sapiens Level 3 Badge badge_name_ACB=Lost Tribe Mariners Level 3 Badge badge_name_COL_HHSG=Cool Badge badge_desc_1goal_HHAU=Education For All! badge_desc_GLF=Level 6 - The hunter - stalks down the answers. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 600 pixels. badge_desc_RUN02_HHAU=Fashion Design Comp Local Winner badge_desc_GLE=Level 5 - The clever one - is swift of thought and foot. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 285 pixels. badge_desc_GLD=Level 4 - The digger one - has information you cannot find. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 90 pixels. badge_desc_GLC=Level 3 - The one who will not let you sink under pressure. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 34 pixels. badge_name_ACA=Lost Tribe Avians Level 3 Badge badge_desc_GLB=Level 2 - The loving one - makes you wanna help others. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 32 pixels. badge_name_SF7_HHCA=Engineer - Level 1 badge_desc_GLA=Level 1 - The speedy one - simple facts and information. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 15 pixels. badge_desc_GLK=Awwwooo! We're the lead Habbo Guides. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! badge_desc_GLI=Level 9 - The sharp eyed one - flying to your aid from afar. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 920 pixels. badge_desc_GLJ=Level 10 - The old and wise one - loyal, with a heart of gold. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 1000 pixels. badge_desc_GLG=Level 7 - The strong one - the one you can depend on. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 660 pixels. badge_desc_GLH=Level 8 - The friendly one - kind and always there. For being a Habbo guide - Here to help. Gives you 735 pixels. badge_desc_GM4=This Ruby means you verified your email way back in the day! badge_desc_GM2=This Emerald means you verified your email way back in the day! badge_name_HX2_HHCA=Safety X badge_desc_GM3=This Sapphire means you verified your email way back in the day! badge_desc_ACH_VipClub2_HHCA=For 12 months of VIP Club Membership. badge_name_RU3_HHCA=Figleaf Shield badge_desc_GM1=This Diamond means you verified your email way back in the day! badge_name_OL2_HHCA=Habbolympics Silver badge_name_HX2_HHAU=Habbo X Safety badge_desc_DSX_HHSG=Given to the first 20 Habbos to submit all-correct answers for Donnie Santini's Monolith Quest. badge_desc_ACH_AvatarTags1=For tagging yourself with 5 tags. Use your words wisely. Describe yourself for a wicked match! Gives you 50 pixels. badge_name_GLI_HHAU=Eagle badge_name_BTB_HHCA=BB Hall of Fame badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp7_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 80 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_ADM=Habbo Staff badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4_HHCA=My pets get all the love III badge_desc_GWA=You were a part of the Global Warming Awareness party. badge_desc_EXH_HHCA=Hobba Service Medal badge_name_AR1_HHAU=Jinn Genie badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed8=Level 8 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or the game of Battle Ball 280 times. Gives you 220 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed9=Level 9 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or the game of Battle Ball 360 times. Gives you 280 pixels. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver9_HHCA=Pet lover V badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry1_HHCA=Level 1 - For hanging out in 5 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed1=Level 1 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or for the game of Battle Ball. Gives you 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed2=Level 2 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or for the game of Battle Ball 5 times. Gives you 30 pixels. badge_name_EC4_HHSG=Nature Level 3 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed3=Level 3 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or for the game of Battle Ball 20 times. Gives you 50 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed4=Level 4 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or for the game of Battle Ball 50 times. Gives you 80 pixels. badge_name_SFI_HHSG=Scientist Level 3 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed5=Level 5 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or for the game of Battle Ball 100 times. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed6=Level 6 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or the game of Battle Ball 160 times. Gives you 120 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed7=Level 7 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or game of Battle Ball 200 times. Gives you 150 pixels. badge_name_VA2_HHCA=I LOVE U badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver1=For receiving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver2=For receiving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_JF1_HHCA=Katana badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver3=For receiving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver4=For receiving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_OL2_HHAU=Habbolympics Silver badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver5=For receiving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver6=For receiving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver7=For giving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver8=For giving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver9=For giving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_name_AR1_HHCA=Djinn badge_desc_HQ005_HHSG=This Habbo is almost there, if not for their girth and inability to climb stairs. They're very good at stakeouts. badge_name_ACH_AvatarLooks1_HHCA=Looks that Kill badge_desc_RU3_HHSG=Let's Talk About Bobba safety champion! badge_name_VA2_HHAU=Valentines Badge badge_name_ACH_BasicClub3_HHCA=Habbo Club Member badge_name_XMAS0_HHSG=Christmas Bauble 1 badge_name_HUB_HHCA=Hubu badge_name_HX7_HHCA=Tech X badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned6_HHCA=Been respected 366 times. badge_desc_PIG01_HHSG=Awarded to sleuths who were brave enough to confront the mystery behind the Boar of Baskerville. badge_name_GLC_HHCA=Otter badge_name_SB7=Ultimate Streets of Bobba Lieutenant badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration6_HHCA=60 % True Habbo badge_name_VA7_HHCA=Bolly-Love badge_name_DU3_HHSG=Bronze Habbolympian badge_desc_SFA_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_name_NEC_HHSG=Neon Mirrorball (Gold) badge_desc_Z05_HHCA=Honouring the Xes of Habbo CA badge_name_SB5=Ultimate Streets of Bobba Muscle badge_name_SB6=Ultimate Streets of Bobba Elite badge_name_ACH_MGM4_HHCA=Dance Party badge_name_HQ009_HHCA=Mansion Builder badge_name_GRR_HHCA=Gorillaz badge_desc_GM1_HHCA=Email Verification Campaign badge_name_SGF=Singapore Flag badge_name_HQ002_HHCA=Sous Chef badge_name_SGD=detective/spy themed badge badge_name_SGB=Shohoku Jersey badge_name_SGC=Habbo Photog badge_name_SGA=Slam Dunk Basketball badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4=Online time IV - Blizzard badge_name_WH5_HHSG=Electric Guitar badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5=Online time V- Haze badge_name_SG9=Habbo Awards badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2=Online time II - Drizzle badge_name_SG8=Wobble Squabble - Bronze badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3=Online time III-Dust Devil badge_name_SG7=Wobble Squabble - Silver badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8=Online time VIII- Meso Cyclone badge_name_SG6=Wobble Squabble - Gold badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9=Online time IX-Tornado badge_name_SG5=Hip Hop Band badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6=Online time VI- Jet Stream badge_name_SG4=test for Elkah badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7=Online time VII- Cyclone badge_name_SG3=Gold Habbo of the Month badge_name_SG2=Silver Habbo of the Month badge_name_SG1=test for Elkah badge_name_SFM=Frozen Ice Princess badge_name_SFL=Frozen Ice Prince badge_name_SFK=Special Forces Kedo badge_desc_PIG01=For helping solve the disappearance of Penelope the Pig. badge_desc_NEJ_HHCA=I got the Spring Break balance, chilling and partying! March 2010 badge_name_SHA=Super Hobba badge_name_HQ002_HHAU=Kitchen Survivor badge_name_SHB=Shabboline badge_name_GRR_HHAU=Gorillaz badge_name_GLC_HHAU=Otter badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1=Online time I-Thunderstorm badge_desc_HX9_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_desc_HX2_HHSG= badge_name_HX9_HHCA=X Leader badge_name_SGU=Create2010 badge_name_SGQ=Habbo Writer badge_name_SGR=I <3 Mom! badge_name_XMB_HHSG=Snowman Badge badge_name_SGN=PP Commemorative Badge badge_name_AC7_HHCA=Tribe Eagle badge_desc_SFF_HHSG=Given to the medic of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_name_VA3_HHSG=Habborella Rope Heart Badge badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding8_HHCA=Give your pets at least 51000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp10_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 320 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_HW09C_HHSG=Video Evidence Badge badge_desc_VA011_HHSG=For Habbos who always keep an eye out for Mariah and Fabio's love games. Valentines' 2010. badge_name_RLX01_HHSG=Zen Student badge_name_HQ009_HHAU=Brother vs. Brother badge_name_HX9_HHAU=Habbo X Team Leader badge_name_GLF_HHCA=Lynx badge_name_SFC=Security Officer Level 3 badge_name_SFD=Medical Officer Level 1 badge_name_SFE=Medical Officer Level 2 badge_name_SFF=Medical Officer Level 3 badge_name_SFG=Science Officer Level 1 badge_name_SFH=Science Officer Level 2 badge_name_KH2=Kappa Habbo Gamma badge_name_SFI=Science Officer Level 3 badge_name_GLF_HHAU=Lynx badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9=My pets get all the love VIII badge_name_SFA=Security Officer Level 1 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7=My pets get all the love VI badge_name_SFB=Security Officer Level 2 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8=My pets get all the love VII badge_name_SF4=Navigator Level 1 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6=My pets get all the love V badge_name_SF3=Captain Level 3 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5=My pets get all the love IV badge_name_SF6=Navigator Level 3 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4=My pets get all the love III badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp8_HHCA=Animal trainer II badge_name_SF5=Navigator Level 2 badge_name_JF1_HHAU=Katana Badge badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3=My pets get all the love II badge_name_SF8=Engineer Level 2 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2=My pets get all the love I badge_name_SF7=Engineer Level 1 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1=Someone likes my pet badge_name_SF9=Engineer Level 3 badge_name_TWIV1_HHSG=Volturi Arms 1 badge_name_WH6_HHSG=Virus Clipboard (Goo) badge_desc_US8_HHSG=Given to winners of Portaloo Dreams and Potty Dreams in 2007. badge_name_SF2=Captain Level 2 badge_name_SF1=Captain Level 1 badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp9_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 200 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_EC2_HHCA=Nature Quest Day 1 badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver3_HHCA=Prosperous badge_name_JF2_HHCA=Sushi badge_name_EAS03_HHAU=Staring Bush Badge badge_name_RM1=The List badge_name_RM2=The List badge_name_CO5_HHCA=Country Lovin' badge_name_RM0=The List badge_name_CHF_HHCA=Chef Boyardee badge_desc_HW09F_HHSG=Thought you've seen it before? This Habbo's probably beat you to it. They'll investigate anything from ants to aliens. badge_name_SNW_HHCA=SS Hall of Fame badge_desc_MDMWW_HHSG=This Habbo's a whiz at creating Habbo deals. Just don't go up against them when you're playing Monopoly. badge_desc_RUN02_HHSG=This Habbo's already making waves in the fashion world! Runway 2010 badge_desc_GLA_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_TC2_HHAU=Wobble Squabble Badge badge_name_RLX03_HHCA=Enso badge_name_ACH_Login9_HHCA=Habbo Stayer badge_name_SNW_HHAU=SnowStorm Commemorative badge_name_AF1_HHCA=April Fools badge_name_ACH_BasicClub1_HHCA=Habbo Club Member badge_desc_VA4_HHCA=I was a Habborella Bachelor/Bachelorette badge_name_TWIC3_HHSG=Cullen Crest 3 badge_desc_HQ005_HHCA=Streetsmart and fearless, reporting from the mean streets of Habbo, Oct 09 badge_desc_BR015_HHAU=Habbo Film Awards 2010 badge_desc_OL1_HHCA=My Team won the GOLD medal of Habbolympics 08! badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry6_HHCA=House Guest badge_desc_DN1_HHAU=Diner Campaign 08 badge_desc_SFI_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Science Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned1=Level 1 - For earning respect your first time. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover10_HHCA=Own a total of 75 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_SFM_HHCA=Space Hero badge_desc_HQ004=Jury Member 2009 badge_desc_HQ003=Executive Chef - Kitchen Survivor Winner badge_desc_HQ006=Solved Superhero Crime 2009 badge_desc_HQ005=Provided Detailed Eyewitness Account 2009 badge_desc_HQ008=I'm with Franz! badge_desc_HQ007=I'm with Hans! badge_desc_HQ009=Found a long lost memory from Hans and Franz. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote2_HHCA=Hidden Talent badge_name_WAR_HHCA=PEACE badge_name_BTB=Battleball Hall of Fame badge_desc_HQ002=Line Cook - Kitchen Survivor Event Winner badge_desc_HQ001=Sous Chef - Kitchen Survivor Finalist badge_name_RM4=The List badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned8=Level 8 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_RM3=The List badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned9=Level 9 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned6=Level 6 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver3_HHCA=Cherish me badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned7=Level 7 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned4=Level 4 - For earning respect a further 50 times. Gives you 50 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned5=Level 5 - For earning respect a further 100 times. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned2=Level 2 - For earning respect a further 5 times. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned3=Level 3 - For earning respect a further 10 times. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_VA4_HHAU=Valentines Campaign 08 badge_name_SFM_HHAU=S.O.S. badge_desc_HQ009_HHSG=We don't want Herbert and Hansel to fight. All we need is love, brotherly love, love is all we need. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed9_HHCA=Battle Royal IX badge_desc_SF4_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_desc_HOP02_HHSG=Given to members of the Snow Queen team, who won second place in the 2010 Winter Habbolympics. badge_desc_XM5_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Smilla's badge badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9_HHCA=My pets get all the love VIII badge_desc_DS0_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who gained 6 or more Habbo Points during November 2006. badge_name_US8_HHSG=Toilet Paper badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver4_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_EHR_HHSG=I turned off my lights in support of Earth Hour 2009! badge_desc_ACH_HHCA=What ever could this be? badge_desc_SB6_HHSG=Awarded for Streets of Bobba 2008, this badge is the mark of the 'middle management' of each gang. badge_desc_EC2_HHSG=This Habbo is a sapling in green ways. You're on the right path! Given out during Love the Earth 2009. badge_name_DU1_HHAU=Gold Duck badge_desc_CNY01_HHSG=A Tiger Trainee initiate. Learning to pounce stealthily. Must practise roaring. badge_desc_SF4_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Navigator in Space, July 09 badge_desc_RA4_HHAU=Rare Beanstalk 2010 badge_desc_HW09E_HHCA=I hunted down the ghosts ...Habboween 09. badge_desc_XMA_HHSG=Awarded as a prize to Habbos who took part in the frosty fun of selected Xmas 2008 competitions. badge_desc_CY2=Chinese New Year 2009 badge_desc_CY3=Chinese New Year 2009 badge_desc_CY1=Chinese New Year 2009 badge_desc_XXX_HHCA=Habbo eXperts were volunteer helpers between 2006 and 2008 badge_desc_BR015_HHCA=I would rock the red carpet! Habbo Academy 2010 badge_desc_ACH_MGM4_HHCA=Level 4 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 6. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 130 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration10=Level 10 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 5 years. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_VA5_HHSG=Habborella Ring Badge badge_name_ACH_VipClub2_HHCA=VIP Member badge_name_EAS03_HHCA=BFF badge_desc_HW09E_HHAU=Competition Winner badge_desc_XXX_HHAU=Habbo X badge_name_BOT=BOT badge_desc_SMC_HHSG=Awarded to winners of the Foodies and Friends competitions. badge_desc_HX7_HHAU=X Tech (G) badge_desc_UST_HHSG=For Habbos who won the Room of the Week weekly competition with their room designing skills. badge_name_IT2=Gold Cup badge_desc_DN3_HHAU=Diner Campaign 08 badge_name_CAE_HHCA=Poppy badge_name_IT8=Pop Band badge_name_RU1=Patriot Star badge_name_IT3=Silver Cup badge_name_IT4=Bronze Cup badge_name_IT6=One Habbo, One World badge_name_VA3_HHAU=Habborella Winner badge_desc_ESW_HHCA=I am a member of the Habbo Movie Maker Guild! badge_name_RU3=NoBobba Badge badge_name_RTS=Rock The Schools badge_desc_ACH_Login7_HHCA=Level 7 - For logging in 70 days in a row. Awesome. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_NLD_HHSG=Trax Silver badge_name_TWIV2_HHAU=Level 2 Volturi Badge badge_name_ACH_PetLover8_HHCA=Pet shop keeper IV badge_desc_TWIQ1=Level 1 Wolfpack Badge badge_desc_TWIQ2=Level 2 Wolfpack Badge badge_desc_TWIQ3=Level 3 Wolfpack Badge badge_name_RS9=Rock the Schools badge_name_NWB_HHCA=Newbie Hobba badge_name_VA3_HHCA=I LOVE U badge_desc_GLG_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_GLF_HHSG=Lynx badge_desc_SFM_HHSG=This Habbo is fit to entertain royalty, as demonstrated during Princess Milla's visit from the Froggerton galaxy. badge_desc_ACC_HHCA=I am an Elite Member of Tribe Ape, June 09 badge_name_LC8_HHCA=Lost City Explorer badge_name_SF6_HHCA=Navigator - Level 3 badge_name_Z01=Habbo Spotlight badge_name_NWB_HHAU=Silver badge badge_name_Z02=Burning Earth badge_name_Z05=Former Habbo X Badge badge_desc_TWIQ1_HHSG=This Habbo's running in a wolf pack with their own tribe. badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned2_HHCA=Level 2 - For earning respect a further 5 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_MH2_HHCA=Producer 666 badge_desc_NEH_HHCA=Best Night Club Flyer, Neon 08! badge_desc_DN3_HHCA=I took the test and yes, I am a Nerd! Diner 08. badge_desc_RA5_HHSG=Have you figured out what this weird crystal thing is? 'Cos we haven't got a clue yet. badge_desc_NEJ_HHSG=Hosts of the best parties in Habbo. First used for the Habbo Awards 2009 After Parties. Distinctly not twinkies. badge_desc_RUN05_HHSG=This Habbo doesn't follow trends - they set them. Runway 2010. badge_desc_ACC_HHAU=Vision Quest '09 badge_desc_HX7_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_desc_GLK_HHSG=Wolf Guides - The pack leaders of the Guides, these Habbos are the go-to people for questions about Guides! badge_name_TWIV2_HHCA=Volturi badge_desc_GLG_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed9_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_HOT_HHSG=Hot Badge badge_desc_HX8_HHSG= badge_desc_MB1=You are the ultimate fan! badge_desc_MB2=You alone are the #1 ultimate soccer fan. badge_name_ACH_PetLover5_HHCA=Pet shop keeper I badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver1_HHCA=Nice one badge_name_HUB_HHSG=InfoBus badge badge_name_TWIC1=Cullens Badge Lv 1 badge_name_TWIC2=Cullens Badge Lv 2 badge_name_TWIC3=Cullens Badge Lv 3 badge_name_NEC_HHCA=Golden Discoball badge_name_Z39=Hotel For Dogs Quest badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp10=Train your pets up at least 320 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_Z38=Hotel 3 Bone Rating badge_name_Z37=Hotel 2 Bone Rating badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 200 times to earn this badge. badge_name_Z36=Hotel 1 Bone Rating badge_name_Z35=Hotel For Dogs Maze badge_name_S10=Ancient Middle Kingdom badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver4_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover9_HHCA=Own a total of 60 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_HOP03_HHSG=Given to members of the Geek Squad team, who won third place in the 2010 Winter Habbolympics. badge_desc_OL1_HHAU=Habbolympics Campaign 08 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver2_HHCA=For giving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_RR9=WWE Badge badge_name_EC2_HHAU=Nature Quest 1 badge_desc_Z64_HHAU=Habbo Beta Tester '09 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed4_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry2_HHCA=Level 2 - For hanging out in another 15 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver5_HHCA=For receiving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels badge_desc_VA3=Come aboard the Habborella. badge_name_AR1_HHSG=Djinn badge_desc_VA4=We are your cruise ship staff. badge_desc_VA1=You won a Valentine Love Event! badge_desc_VA2=You were struck in the heart with a Love Angelz arrow. badge_desc_VA9=You earned this badge by winning a event-game during the Shalimar 2009 campaign badge_desc_VA7=You earned this badge by winning in the Movie Competition during the Shalimar 2009 campaign badge_desc_VA8=You earned this badge by winning one of the Scene writing comps. during the Shalimar 2009 campaign badge_desc_VA5=The old Ball and Chain! badge_desc_VA6=For Habbos who are only beginning to learn how to love during Valentines 2009. Requires much instruction. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_name_SFI_HHCA=Science Officer - Level 3 badge_desc_BBBH2=Winner of the Big Hand Memorial video competition. We'll miss you Big Hand! badge_desc_BBBH1=I saw the end of Old Habbo! badge_name_ACH_EmailVerification1_HHCA=True You badge_desc_Z64_HHCA=For helping to test out Habbo Beta, June 09. badge_name_NEC_HHAU=Gold Disco Ball badge_name_JF2_HHAU=Sushi Badge badge_name_Z63=Habbo Beta Lab Rat Color badge_name_XMAS1_HHCA=Holiday Host badge_name_CY1_HHSG=Yin & Yang Badge Level 1 badge_desc_SFI_HHSG=Given to the science officer of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_name_TWIC3_HHCA=Ultimate Cullen badge_desc_LBB_HHAU=SOB 07 Winner badge_desc_LC8=Winner of Investigate the Crash Site and/or Treasure of The Guardians badge_desc_LC7=For winning The Lost City Room Competition and/or the Infinite Treasure Hunt Game. March 2009 badge_name_Z76=Newlywed badge_desc_LC6=For winning one of The Lost City events. March 2009 badge_desc_LC3=Reward for completing Secret of Lemuria Quest badge_desc_LC1=Reward for completing the Bensalem Quest! badge_name_YAK_HHCA=Grey Dragon badge_name_SNW_HHSG=Hall of Fame: SnowStorm badge_name_RLX03_HHSG=Enso badge_name_JF2_HHSG=Sushi badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding2_HHCA=Give your pets at least 600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_USH_HHCA=s3000 badge_name_Z67=Myth Bunnies Badge badge_name_AF1_HHSG=April Fools 2009 badge_name_Z64=Habbo Beta Lab Rat Grey badge_desc_70S=Thanks for supporting Fushiku's team! badge_desc_YAK_HHCA=I am a Ninja badge_name_WAR_HHSG=Warchild Peace badge_name_CAD_HHCA=Sasquatch badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 750 times to earn this badge. badge_name_NEA_HHSG=Neon Mirrorball (Bronze) badge_desc_HW09F_HHAU=Ghost Hunter Winner badge_desc_HQ009_HHCA=I helped build Franz's luxury apartment, January 10. badge_desc_LE2=Blow it up skyhigh! For Habbo's Power Miners. badge_desc_LE1=Habbos who helped the Lego Power Miners investigate Habbo received this banana to keep them going. badge_name_HQ004_HHSG=Police Chief badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver6_HHCA=Stinking rich badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver9_HHCA=Rolling in it badge_desc_CAA_HHCA=Ontario Provincial Police, InfoBus badge_desc_HX5_HHSG= badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed5_HHCA=Battle Royal V badge_desc_HQ009_HHAU=Competition Winner! badge_name_SFM_HHSG=Cryo Badge badge_desc_AU007=Surf Sho Room Competition badge_desc_AU006=Habbofest 2010 badge_desc_SF4_HHSG=Given to the navigators of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_ACH_Login10_HHCA=Phoenix badge_desc_AU008=An education in Rock & Roll badge_desc_EC2_HHCA=I completed the Day 1 Nature Quest! Loving the Earth, April 09 badge_desc_DK8=Exclusively for Habbos who have proven that they're the top runway designers during Fashion Forward week 2009. badge_desc_EHR_HHCA=I switched off my lights for Earth Hour, March 09. badge_name_US8_HHAU=Slobs Supporter badge_desc_TWIQ1_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Quest 2 Winner badge_desc_JF2_HHSG=Awarded to winners of Kitsune's Sushi Parlour Competitions. badge_desc_AU000=SOSO 09 Comp Winner badge_desc_AU001=SOSO Web Warrior badge_desc_AU002=Habbo's 5th Birthday Group Member badge_desc_VA5_HHCA=I got hitched during Valentines 08 badge_name_HC3_HHSG=HC III badge_desc_AU003=Habbo's 5th Birthday Comp Winner badge_desc_Z01_HHCA=My room was voted best room of the month. badge_desc_AU004=I solved the Prezzie Quest, Xmas 09 badge_desc_AU005=Habbofest '10 Competition Winner badge_desc_TWIV1=Level 1 Volturi Badge badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver10_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 350 times to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver5_HHCA=Respect me badge_desc_XMA_HHCA=I hosted a Holiday Party, Xmas 08! badge_desc_DJ1=Given to Habbos who answered 6-10 questions correctly in the Nokia DJ-XXXtreme Challenge. badge_desc_DJ3=Given to Habbos who answered 16-20 questions correctly in the Nokia DJ-XXXtreme Challenge. badge_desc_EC2_HHAU=Love the Earth 09 badge_desc_DJ2=Given to Habbos who answered 11-15 questions correctly in the Nokia DJ-XXXtreme Challenge. badge_desc_HX6_HHAU=X Safety (G) badge_desc_TWIV3=Level 3 Volturi Badge badge_desc_TWIV2=Level 2 Volturi Badge badge_desc_VA5_HHAU=Valentines Campaign 08 badge_name_EAS03_HHSG=Flower Power 3 badge_desc_ACH_Login1_HHCA=Level 1 - For logging in 5 days in a row. Try it if you dare. Worth 50 pixels. badge_desc_RA3_HHAU=Beanstalk Quest Winner 2010 badge_desc_EHR_HHAU=Lights out for Earth Hour badge_name_XM7_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Archibald badge_name_VA5_HHAU=Shotgun Wedding badge_desc_LBB_HHCA=Habboween, October 07 badge_name_TWIC3_HHAU=Level 3 Cullens Badge badge_name_U05_HHSG=Flaming Wheels badge_desc_HW09E_HHSG=This badge is awarded to Habbos who have exhibited the ability to see ghosts, like the one that's right behind you... badge_name_VA5_HHCA=Married badge_desc_RA3_HHCA=I am proud owner of the Beanstalk Rare, March 2010 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver5_HHCA=For giving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels. badge_name_JF5=Ninja badge_desc_SFM_HHCA=On a space quest for PrincessHabbeia, August 09 badge_name_JF4=Ninja badge_name_NWB_HHSG=Silver Hobba badge badge_name_LC8_HHSG=Crab Badge Lvl 3 badge_desc_GLK_HHCA=Awwwooo! We're the lead Habbo Guides. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! badge_desc_DN3_HHSG=Awarded to faithful supporters of the Geeks, during the great Diner Races of 2008. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver8_HHCA=For giving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_name_JFF=Jeffoo's Foo Fighters badge_desc_RA5_HHAU=Owner since 2010 badge_name_SGN_HHSG=Habbo Journo badge_name_CAL_HHCA=Turkey Gobbler badge_desc_ACC_HHSG=Given to warriors who have successfully defended the honour of to the Simian Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes trials. badge_name_SFA_HHSG=Security - Level 1 badge_name_IT029_HHCA=Fan of Spring badge_name_SMC_HHCA=Master Chef badge_desc_GLG_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_SF4_HHSG=Navigator - Level 1 badge_name_HOT_HHCA=HOT badge_desc_SFD_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_name_HW09E_HHAU=Habboween 09 Ghost Badge badge_desc_WH3_HHSG=Habboween 2006 badge_desc_DN5=You represented the Greasers during the Diner Race. badge_desc_DN2=You represented the Jocks during the Diner Race. badge_desc_CAK_HHCA=Proud to be Canadian, eh! badge_desc_DN3=You represented the Geeks during the Diner Race. badge_desc_SMC_HHCA=I am a Culinary Artisan! badge_desc_DN1=You were a part of the winning Diner Race team. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver3_HHCA=My pets get all the love II badge_name_JF1=Katana badge_name_JF2=Sushi Master badge_name_JF3=Ninja badge_desc_SFM_HHAU=Cryogenic Campaign '09 badge_name_RE2=Reach Out! Winner badge_name_RE1=Reach Out! Staff badge_desc_SFD_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Medical Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_RA5_HHCA=I purchased a Rare Crystal Patch in May 2010 badge_desc_RLX01=Attended an event or game at Habbo Relax. badge_desc_RLX03=You know kung fu? I know feng shui. badge_desc_TC2_HHSG=Given to the top Wobble Squabblers for the Astro competition. badge_desc_RLX02=Found enlightenment through friendship. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding2=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding3=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding4=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_TWIC1_HHSG=This Habbo won in the New Moon quest during Bella's birthday. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding5=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding1=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_TWIQ1_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_desc_GLK_HHAU=Wolf Badge badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2_HHCA=Online time II - Drizzle badge_name_TWIV2_HHSG=Volturi Arms 2 badge_desc_DKA=Given to special Habbos who set trends, not follow them during Fashion Forward 2009. badge_desc_JF3_HHCA=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_desc_DK9=For Habbos who are ready to skyrocket to fame during Fashion Forward week 2009. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding9=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding8=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding7=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding6=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_HX6_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_name_TWIV2=Volturi Badge Lv 2 badge_name_TWIV3=Volturi Badge Lv 3 badge_name_HOT_HHAU=Hot Badge badge_name_TWIV1=Volturi Badge Lv 1 badge_desc_RUN05_HHCA=Style is my name. Fashion is my game. Runway 2010 badge_desc_NEH_HHSG=For loose-lipped Habbos who participated in club promotions and PR during Neon Campaign 2008. badge_desc_SB6_HHAU=Ultimate Streets of Bobba 08 badge_desc_DS0=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_SF2_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Captain in Space, July 09 badge_desc_DS6=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_SG5_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won a competition or event during the Project Habboway campaign. badge_desc_US0G_HHCA=A pirate I was meant to be!, Sept '09 badge_desc_DS5=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_DS7=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_DS2=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_DS1=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_name_GM1_HHCA=Diamond badge_desc_DS4=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_DS3=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_HX8_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_name_BBBH1_HHAU=The Big Ola '09 badge_name_ACH_TraderPass1=Trading pass badge_name_UST_HHSG=Room Of The Week badge_desc_AWSM1_HHSG=This Habbo received the most number of Thumbs Up trophies, which makes them the most popular Habbo on the block. badge_desc_DK007=Thanks for participating in Earth Hour 2010! badge_desc_AR2_HHSG=Awarded to winners of Alhambra competitions. badge_desc_LC1_HHSG=For brave and bold Habbos who ventured into the deep and discovered the name of the Unknown Artefact. badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver9_HHCA=For giving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_name_RA5=Crystal Patch badge_name_RA3=Beanstalk Mystery Badge badge_name_RA4=Gigantic Beanstalk badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration3_HHCA=30 % True Habbo badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_HW09B_HHSG=Habbos who own this badge can definitely spin a good ghost story. Up to you to decide if it's true or not. badge_name_AUW=DOH's badge_desc_HX8_HHAU=X Game (G) badge_name_TWIQ3=Wolfpack Badge Lv 3 badge_desc_DK009=I swore allegiance to the Boar, March 2010 badge_name_CY1_HHCA=Tao Level 1 badge_name_TWIQ2=Wolfpack Badge Lv 2 badge_name_TWIQ1=Wolfpack Badge Lv 1 badge_name_BR015_HHSG=Popcorn and Drinks badge_desc_GLA_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_SF002_HHAU=Space Juice Badge badge_name_WH1_HHSG=Habboween 2 - Evil Eye badge_name_EC3_HHSG=Nature Level 2 badge_desc_W25=WrestleMania 09 badge_name_BBBH1_HHCA=Remembering Old Habbo badge_desc_IT029=Winner of the Facebook Spring Photo Comp! badge_desc_DSX=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_HX5_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_name_HQ004_HHAU=Crime Fighter Badge badge_name_SFG_HHSG=Scientist - Level 1 badge_name_Z64_HHAU=Beta Lab Rat badge_desc_XMAS2_HHSG=This Habbo's certainly got into the spirit of Christmas. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! badge_name_OL1_HHCA=Habbolympics Gold badge_desc_DU3=Bronzed and beautiful, just like me! badge_name_HHL=Habbo Hockey League badge_name_BR015=The Movies Badge badge_desc_CHF_HHCA=Culinary expert! badge_name_BR011=Golden Palace badge_name_BR012=Silver Palace badge_name_BR013=Bronze Palace badge_desc_DU2=Silvery and shimmering, just like me! badge_desc_AR2_HHAU=Alhambra 08 Campaign badge_desc_DU1=Shiny and golden, just like me! badge_name_Z64_HHCA=Lab Rat badge_desc_HOT_HHSG=This Habbo's smokin' hot and received the most number of Hot Trophies during the Hot and Cool campaign. badge_name_AWSM3=Under My Thumb badge_name_HJ1=Hungry Jack's Badge badge_name_AWSM1=Thumbs Up Badge badge_name_RUN01_HHAU=Bronze Habbo Runway badge_name_OL1_HHAU=Habbolympics Gold badge_desc_RLX01_HHAU=Habbo Relax Campaign '09 badge_desc_HW09D_HHAU=Pixelated Proof Winner badge_name_CY3=Tao Level 3 badge_name_CY2=Tao Level 2 badge_name_CY1=Tao Level 1 badge_name_XM4_HHSG=Xmas '06 badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp10=Pet whisperer badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration4_HHCA=40 % True Habbo badge_name_SU2_HHSG=Mana Level 2 badge_name_SF8_HHSG=Engineer Level 2 badge_name_ACH_PetLover10=Zoo keeper badge_desc_EXE_HHAU=Suits vs Slobs 08 badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp7_HHCA=Animal trainer I badge_name_HW09E_HHCA=Hween Ghosthunter badge_name_HC5=HC V badge_name_HC3=HC III badge_name_OL3_HHSG=Habbolympics Bronze badge_name_HC4=HC IV badge_name_RUN01_HHCA=CA Runway Finalist badge_desc_HW09D_HHCA=I caught the paranormal on film.... Habboween 09. badge_name_LC1_HHCA=The Leviathan badge_name_AC6_HHCA=The Angry Ape badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver6_HHCA=Donate me badge_name_TWIQ1_HHSG=Quileute Tattoo 1 badge_name_GLJ_HHSG=Owl badge_desc_CAC_HHCA=My room is so cool it got featured! badge_name_WH7_HHCA=Diagnosis X badge_name_KIR_HHCA=Keep it Real! badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote10_HHCA=Notorius badge_desc_WH1_HHCA=Habboween 06 badge_name_HF1=Bend it badge_desc_NL002=Awarded to Habbos who helped in the search for the security cat, Kitty, during the Habbo heatwave of 2010. badge_desc_VA5_HHSG=The One Ring - for Habbos who married on the Habborella in '08, or were matchmade during Valentine's '09. badge_name_SF001_HHCA=Test-Tube Badge badge_name_HC3_HHAU=HC III badge_desc_SU3_HHSG=Awarded to the most powerful Shamans of the Tikitoa Tribe, during Summer 2008. badge_name_BR026=Rock On badge_name_GLE_HHSG=Fox badge_desc_EXE_HHCA=I was there for Business Week, May 08. badge_desc_HX5_HHAU=X Host (G) badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver5_HHCA=My pets get all the love IV badge_name_HG1= badge_desc_MYF=This Habbo's from Malaysia, the land of the Petronas Twin Towers and nasi lemak. badge_name_HF7=Habbofest 07 badge_name_HF8=Habbofest 08 badge_name_HF9=Habbofest '09 badge_name_HC3_HHCA=HC Club membership III badge_name_CO3=Wheat Level 3 badge_name_CO2=Wheat Level 2 badge_name_CO1=Wheat Level 1 badge_name_SFA_HHCA=Security Officer - Level 1 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver6=For giving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver7=For giving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver8=For giving 236 gifts. Worth 90 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver9=For giving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver1=For giving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver3=For giving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_SG4_HHSG=Nike 'Born From Obsession' campaign badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver2=For giving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_AU1_HHCA=Rock on! badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver5=For giving 46 gifts. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver4=For giving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels badge_name_HOP03_HHSG=Bronze Habbolympics Medail badge_name_CO6=Wheat Level 3 badge_name_CO4=Wheat Level 1 badge_name_CO5=Wheat Level 2 badge_name_HOT=Hot badge_desc_MH2_HHCA=Monsters of Habbo Fest 07 badge_name_AU1_HHAU=Black Bobbas badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry10=Level 10 - For hanging out in 200 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Time traveler. Gives you 40 pixels. badge_name_CN2=Chinese New Year badge_desc_HX6_HHSG= badge_name_Z05_HHSG=Habbo X Memorial badge_desc_WH1_HHAU=Habboween Campaign 06 badge_desc_TWIC1_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_name_HQ001_HHCA=Chef badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding9_HHCA=Give your pets at least 102200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_UD1=Dag or Not Campaign 07 badge_name_WD0_HHSG=Engagement Ring badge_desc_GLE_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_VA7_HHSG=For Habbos who have achieved the middle rank of love during Valentines 2009. Love 'em or hate 'em. badge_name_GLH_HHSG=Bear badge_desc_US03=Seventeen Magazine Poll - Blue badge_desc_US02=Alhambra 2.0 Competition Winner badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver10=Wealthy badge_desc_US01=Runner-Up - Scavenger Hunter 2009 badge_desc_US00=Amateur Scavenger Hunter - 2009 badge_desc_USK_HHCA=I went around the World with Puffin and Teetoo, 08! badge_desc_US07=Seventeen Magazine Fansite Event - Green badge_desc_US06=Seventeen Magazine Poll - Aqua badge_desc_US05=Seventeen Magazine Poll - Orange badge_desc_US04=Seventeen Magazine Poll - Red badge_name_AC6_HHSG=The Angry Ape badge_name_DS1_HHSG=DS Supernovae badge_desc_US09=Official Habbo Intern badge_desc_US08=Winning Crew - HSS FUSE Space Race 2009 badge_name_WH8_HHAU=Cure Badge badge_name_SF4_HHCA=Navigator - Level 1 badge_desc_TWIV1_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_name_SFA_HHAU=Security Badge badge_name_DE002_HHCA=Memory Keeper badge_name_HQ001_HHAU=Kitchen Survivor badge_name_HW09E_HHSG=Ghost Badge badge_name_EC3_HHAU=Nature Quest 2 badge_name_WH8_HHCA=The Pill badge_name_COL=Cool badge_name_SF4_HHAU=Navigator Badge badge_name_SMC_HHSG=Toque (Chef's Hat) badge_desc_TWIV1_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Quest 3 Winner badge_desc_VA8_HHAU=Valentines 09 badge_name_DS6_HHCA=Universum badge_desc_NEI=For participating in the Neon Party poll from November 2008 badge_desc_NEJ=I got the Spring Break balance, chilling and partying! March 2010 badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver2=Like me a bit more badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver3=Cherish me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver1=Greet me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver6=Donate me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver7=Value me badge_name_WH1_HHCA=Evil Eye badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver4=Adore me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver5=Respect me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver8=Be wild about me badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver9=Be hooked on me badge_desc_EAB=Awarded to winners of Easter (Island) Espionage competitions (bunny supporters). badge_name_Z26_HHCA=I was crowned Habbo CA Prom King of 2009! badge_name_ACH_AvatarLooks1=Looks that Kill badge_desc_EAR=Awarded to winners of Easter (Island) Espionage competitions (bear supporters). badge_name_LC6_HHSG=Crab Badge Lvl 1 badge_desc_US0P=An 8 Bit Trip literary master! badge_desc_US0Q=Successfully recreated a Time Machine! badge_name_TC2_HHSG=Wobble Squabble badge_name_DS6_HHAU=Universum Comp Winner badge_desc_US0M=Given out to those who know their New Moon trivia (2010) badge_desc_NEE=For participating in the Neon Party Competition - November 2008 badge_desc_US0L=Winner of the 2010 Habbo Film Festival! badge_desc_NEH=Nightclub Advertising art competition winner! badge_desc_NEG=I am a Spring Break party machine! March 2010 badge_desc_US0N=Became a member of the LIES group! badge_desc_US0I=Winner of Flag/Tattoo Competition 2009 badge_desc_NEA=Habbofest '09 Runner Up badge_desc_US0H=Winner of Ship Building Competition 2009 badge_desc_NED=For participating in the Neon Party Competition - November 2008 badge_desc_US0K=Earned for knowing their NASCAR knowledge! badge_name_HM1=Habbo Mall Designer Badge badge_desc_NEC=For winning an official Trax competition. badge_desc_US0J=You took the Pitch Black trivial challenge and won. December 2009 badge_desc_US0D=Helped decide the fate of a criminal. badge_desc_US0G=Winner of Pirate Day Event 2009 badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed7_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_AC9_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who have proved that they are a loyal and stalwart member of the Simian Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes competition. badge_desc_US0F=Got this badge for making the 5th Birthday group your favorite at 3:30pm PT on 9/1/09 badge_desc_ACH_MGM3_HHCA=Level 3 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 4. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 60 pixels. badge_desc_US0A=It seems that RewardTV is/was your favorite group! badge_name_EC3_HHCA=Nature Quest Day 2 badge_desc_US0C=Solved the Camp Habbo mystery. badge_desc_US0B=Winner of a game at Camp Habbo 2009 badge_desc_SFB_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Security Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_EC2=You earned this Badge for completing the Nature Quest Day 1 (April 2009) badge_desc_EC3=You earned this Badge for completing the Nature Quest Day 2 (April 2009) badge_desc_EC1=The Green Scene Campaign badge_desc_EC4=You earned this Badge for completing the Nature Quest Day 3 (April 2009) badge_desc_EC5=This badge was given to those who gave a friend a Gift Tree (April 2009) badge_desc_AR2_HHCA=Alhambra 08, the badge of a Magic World! badge_desc_TWIC1_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Quest 1 Winner badge_desc_NDG=Thanks for being a Reach Out group member! badge_desc_GLE_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_VA8_HHCA=I am part of Habbo's Most Glamourous Couple! Bollywood Valentine's, 09 badge_name_HQ008_HHSG=Team Hansel badge_name_WH1_HHAU=Habboween Eye badge_desc_NCD=National Compliments Day '09 badge_desc_SF2_HHSG=Given to the captain of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_HO1=Olympic Champion badge_name_SFG_HHCA=Science Officer - Level 1 badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration7_HHCA=Level 7 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 2 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_UKX=I am a Newsie journalist. badge_name_HOP03=Habbolympics Bronze Medal badge_name_OL1_HHSG=Habbolympics Gold badge_name_HOP02=Habbolympics Silver Medal badge_desc_SW1_HHCA=My attic is bewitched! badge_name_HOP01=Habbolympics Gold Medal badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote6_HHCA=Level 6- For gathering 200 votes on stage. Worth 40 pixels. badge_name_SFG_HHAU=Scientist Badge badge_name_Z64_HHSG=Lab Rat badge_desc_UKT=I have a sweet tooth! badge_desc_MDMWW_HHAU=Furni pack creator badge_desc_UK9=Japanese Campaign 07 badge_name_XM4_HHAU=Christmas Badge badge_desc_UKC=Given to Habbos who took part in the Habbo Media Habits Poll badge_name_Z63_HHAU=Beta Lab Rat badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3_HHCA=Level 3 - spending total of 8 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_SU2_HHCA=Tiki Mask badge_desc_MH2=Monsters of Habbo Fest 07 badge_desc_MH1=Monsters of Habbo Fest 07 badge_desc_VA4_HHSG=These badges were worn by the Habborella Crew. badge_name_SF8_HHCA=Engineer - Level 2 badge_name_CAH_HHCA=Stock Badge badge_desc_HOT_HHAU=Hot or Cool Campaign badge_name_HX6_HHCA=Safety X badge_name_PX0=Golden Pixel badge_name_PX1=Diamond Pixel badge_desc_NEI_HHSG=For party maestros and masterful music mixers during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_name_PX2=Holy Carp! badge_name_PX3=Onyx Pixel badge_desc_EHR=Given to those who participated in any Earth Hour event! badge_name_PX4=Collective Pixel badge_desc_DK009_HHCA=I swore allegiance to the Boar, March 2010 badge_name_PX5=HB Lead Pencil badge_name_PX6=HOLY FREAKING CARP! badge_desc_SW1_HHAU=Spiderwick Comp Winner 08 badge_name_CNY02_HHCA=Tiger Expert badge_desc_MDI=What's your caffeine quotient? Awarded to Habbos who took part in the MDIS College competitions and poll. badge_desc_OL1_HHSG=Awarded to the top-placed team in the 2008 Habbolympics. badge_name_SG5_HHSG=Project Habboway badge_name_OL3_HHAU=Habbolympics Bronze badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6_HHCA=My pets get all the love V badge_name_XM4_HHCA=Xmas 06 badge_name_CO5_HHSG=Farmer's Badge Lvl 2 badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10_HHCA=Level 10 - spending total of 2304 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_SU2_HHAU=Mana 2 badge_name_CI1=Cotton Candy badge_name_HX6_HHAU=Gold Habbo X Safety badge_name_CI2=Circus Balloons badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration9_HHCA=Level 9 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 4 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_SF6_HHSG=Given to the navigator of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_desc_MDMWW_HHCA=My room design made for the perfect Mega Deal, September 09 badge_name_CHF=Chef Boyardee badge_desc_ACH_PetLover6_HHCA=Own a total of 25 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_DN1_HHSG=Awarded to winning room designers in the Diner Dash competition, during the great Diner face-off of 2008. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover4_HHCA=Own a total of 10 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_CAL=Happy Thanksgiving! badge_name_CAK=Canadian I am badge_name_TWIQ1_HHCA=Wolfpack Quest badge_name_CAJ=Habbo CA 5 Years badge_name_CAI=Yearbook badge_name_CAH=Executive Quest 2010 badge_name_CAG=Scratch it! badge_name_HUB=Hubu badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver3_HHCA=For receiving 14 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote4_HHCA=Noteworthy badge_desc_HOT_HHCA=Cause I'm HOT to trot! Hot'or'Cool, Summer 09. badge_name_CAD=Sasquatch Catcher badge_name_CAE=Lest We Forget badge_name_CAC=CA Featured Room badge_name_CAA=InfoBus Personnel badge_name_GLJ_HHCA=Owl badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed10=Level 10 - For playing and winning Snow Storm or the game of Battle Ball 440 times. Gives you 340 pixels. badge_name_GLE_HHAU=Fox badge_name_TWIQ1_HHAU=Level 1 Quileute Badge badge_name_GLJ_HHAU=Owl badge_desc_BR015_HHSG=This Habbo's movie memory is astounding! Definitely the perfect pixel to take to the cinemas. badge_name_LC1_HHSG=The Leviathan badge_desc_ACH_Login6_HHCA=Level 6 - For logging in 60 days in a row. Phenomenal. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_JF1_HHSG=Awarded to winners of Kitsune's Sushi Parlour Competitions. badge_name_OL3_HHCA=Habbolympics Bronze badge_desc_EXE_HHSG=This Habbo certainly knows what's the hottest byword for 2010. They're veritable vocabulary wizards! badge_name_PT1=Poptarts Chocolate/Vanilla badge_name_PT2=Poptarts StrawBlueberry badge_desc_HOP02_HHAU=Team Snow Queens - Winter Habbolympics 2010 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver1_HHCA=I like your pet! badge_name_HWB=Vampire Badge badge_name_Z63_HHCA=Elite Lab Rat badge_name_HW1=Habbowood 2007 Director badge_name_GLE_HHCA=Fox badge_desc_DS0_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_desc_HQ006_HHCA=Fighting crime in Habbo, Oct 09. badge_desc_BR013=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_desc_BR015=The ultimate movie fan! badge_desc_WH1_HHSG=Given to winners during the Habboween 2006 campaign. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2_HHCA=My pets get all the love I badge_name_ACH_Motto1_HHCA=Master of Words badge_name_HUG=Free Hugs Day 2009 badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp9=Animal trainer III badge_desc_DS0_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_name_HW09H=Habboween 09 Treat Badge badge_desc_SU3_HHCA=I Tikied with Teetoo and Puffin in RangiRangi 08! badge_name_HW09G=Habboween 09 Trick Badge badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp5=My pets know some tricks badge_name_HW09F=Habboween 09 Investigation badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp6=My pets know a trick or two badge_name_HW09E=Habboween 09 Ghost badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp7=Animal trainer I badge_desc_BR012=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_name_HW09D=Habboween 09 Security badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp8=Animal trainer II badge_desc_BR011=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_name_HW09C=Habboween 09 Camera badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp1=My pet knows a trick! badge_name_HW09B=Habboween 09 Keyboard badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp2=My pet knows a trick or two! badge_name_HW09A=Habboween 09 Alien badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp3=I play with pets badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp4=My pet is tougher than yours badge_desc_SU3_HHAU=Tikitoa Campaign 08 badge_desc_USP=The Prom of the Dead King and Queen hold this badge proudly. badge_desc_USQ=You were infected at the Prom of the Dead. badge_desc_USR=You have been cured and are no longer a Prom of the Dead Zombie. badge_desc_USS=Brains?!? badge_desc_UST=Level 5 badge_desc_USU=Just like Mom used to make. Mmm, tastes like burning. badge_name_WD0_HHCA=Wedding Rings badge_desc_USV=The Symbol of a true Hero (2009) badge_desc_HOP02_HHCA=Member of the Silver team, Habbolympics 2010 badge_desc_USW=You get this Pickle Badge for winning an event during the Beach Bunny 2 - Revenge of the Cheeps campaign - April 2009 badge_desc_USX=You earned this badge for completing the Beach Bunny 2: ROTC Quest. go RICE KRISPY TREATS!!! (4/2009) badge_desc_USY=Awarded to the King and Queen of the 2009 Habbo Prom badge_desc_USZ=Seventeen Fitness Challenge badge_name_Z05_HHCA=X Memorial badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry7_HHCA=Level 7 - For hanging out in 120 Guest Rooms that you do not own .Gold digger. 20 pixels. badge_name_DU2_HHAU=Silver Duck badge_desc_BR026=Habbofest Red Carpet Owner badge_desc_XM9_HHCA=I trekked into the unknown, Xmas 08. badge_name_HQ001_HHSG=Steel Chef Badge badge_desc_VA7_HHCA=A Bollywood Valentine's, 09 badge_desc_US0=I spoke my mind in a Seventeen Magazine poll. badge_name_HQ008_HHAU=Franz Supporter badge_desc_US7=Seventeen Fashion badge_name_DU2_HHCA=Silver Medal badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver4_HHCA=Adore me badge_desc_USB=You sure like those Red Adidas sneakers! badge_desc_USA=You sure like those Blue Adidas sneakers! badge_desc_USG=You show support to Mr. Sinister. badge_desc_USF=You show support to Larry. badge_desc_USE=You show support to Smilla. badge_desc_XM9_HHAU=SnoSho Room Comp badge_desc_TWIC2=Level 2 Cullens Badge badge_desc_USK=I went around the World with Puffin and Teetoo, 08! badge_desc_TWIC1=Level 1 Cullens Badge badge_desc_USJ=WWE Rocks! badge_name_ACH_VipClub3_HHCA=VIP Member badge_desc_USI=You took part in the Habbo Royal Rumble in 2008. badge_desc_USH=You show support to Santa.3000. badge_desc_USO=You love Little Dogs. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration5_HHCA=Level 5 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 24 weeks. Worth 160 pixels. badge_desc_USN=You love Big Dogs. badge_desc_USM=There truly is No Way Out! badge_desc_TWIC3=Level 3 Cullens Badge badge_desc_USL=The year of the Rat! badge_name_MDMWW=Mega Deal Badge badge_desc_HOP03_HHAU=Team Officials - Winter Habbolympics 2010 badge_name_SF6_HHSG=Navigator Level 3 badge_desc_HX7_HHSG= badge_desc_ACH_VipClub1_HHCA=For joining the VIP Club. badge_name_1goal_HHAU=1Goal Badge badge_name_ACH_Login4_HHCA=High Roller badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8_HHCA=My pets get all the love VII badge_name_SG001_HHSG=Party Hat badge_name_ACH_PetLover4_HHCA=I'll soon have a kennel III badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote4_HHCA=Level 4- For gathering 100 votes on stage. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_XMAS0=Win a Holiday 2009 Game or Event badge_desc_XMAS2=Holidays Moments 2009 winner! badge_desc_XMAS1=You found the culprit who let the Pig into the Hotel. Dec 2009 badge_name_WH7_HHAU=Blood Diagnosis Badge badge_desc_XM6_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Santa3000's badge badge_name_Z05_HHAU=Habbo X Commemorative badge_name_DS1_HHCA=OmniTV badge_desc_TWIV1_HHSG=This Habbo manages to survive the dangerous quest at the heart of the Volturi stronghold. badge_name_ACH_Login10=Phoenix badge_name_DS1_HHAU=Omni Comp Winner badge_desc_MH1_HHAU=Monsters of Habbo 07 badge_desc_Z64_HHSG=This Habbo helped test Habbo Beta. A grey whiskery face in the crowd... badge_desc_VA8_HHSG=For Habbos who have achieved the highest order of love during Valentines 2009. Just one look and you'll fall for this Habbo. badge_name_EC2_HHSG=Nature Level 1 badge_desc_CAL_HHCA=I burned off my Thanksgiving dinner, Oct 09! badge_name_TC2_HHCA=WS Top Scorer badge_desc_HOP03_HHCA=Member of the Bronze team, Habbolympics 2010 badge_desc_MT2=Awarded to Habbos who correctly predicted 4-6 winners of the MTV Asia Awards 2008. badge_desc_MT1=Awarded to the Habbo who correctly predicted 7 out of 8 winners of the MTV Asia Awards 2008. badge_desc_DN1_HHCA=I Dined in Habbo, summer 08 badge_desc_MT3=Awarded to Habbos who correctly predicted 1-3 winners of the MTV Asia Awards 2008. badge_name_XMAS1_HHSG=Christmas Bauble 2 badge_desc_ACH_Login9_HHCA=Level 9 - For logging in 90 days in a row. Extraordinary. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_DS6_HHSG=Space Shuttle badge_desc_BR011_HHCA=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_desc_VA010_HHSG=For tipsy Habbos who get love drunk a lot. badge_desc_AC3_HHAU=Habbo's 5th Birthday Comp Winner badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2=Level 2 - spending total of 3 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence3=Level 3 - spending total of 8 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1=Level 1 - spending total of 1 hour in hotel. Gives you 30 pixels. badge_name_CNY02_HHSG=Tiger's Claw 2 badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding10=Give your pets at least 204600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver5_HHCA=Pet lover I badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8=Level 8 - spending total of 576 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9=Level 9 - spending total of 1152 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6=Level 6 - spending total of 144 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7=Level 7 - spending total of 288 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4=Level 4 - spending total of 16 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5=Level 5 - spending total of 48 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration10=100% True Habbo badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed2=Battle Royal II badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6_HHCA=Online time VI- Jet Stream badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed3=Battle Royal III badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed4=Battle Royal IV badge_desc_SG003_HHSG=This Habbo's ready to rise up the ranks of white-collar workers and show everyone who's the boss. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed5=Battle Royal V badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed1=Battle Royal I badge_desc_GLB_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_SFB_HHSG=Given to the security officers of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_HQ004_HHAU=Bang Bang You're Dead 2010 badge_desc_ESD=I celebrated Habbo Canada's 4th birthday in May of 2008! badge_desc_GLE_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_MS6=I defrosted Gingerly's brain and saved the Habbo Prom 09! badge_desc_MH1_HHCA=Monsters of Habbo Fest 07 badge_desc_XMAS0_HHSG=This Habbo may or may not be getting into the Christmas spirit. C'mon, smile! badge_name_HQ008_HHCA=Supporting Franz badge_desc_MS4=You're not that evil to warrant the Overlord title. Practise that maniacal laughter and hand-rubbing and you're well on your way. badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed9=Battle Royal IX badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed8=Battle Royal VIII badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed7=Battle Royal VII badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed6=Battle Royal VI badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration6_HHCA=Level 6 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for a year. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_ESW=I am a member of the Habbo Movie Maker Guild! badge_desc_XM7_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Archibald's badge badge_name_CAC_HHCA=Featured Room badge_desc_SMC=Winner of the Master Chef competition in 2007. badge_desc_DS1_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won a competition during Donnie Santini's Space Explore in Planet Supernovae. badge_name_DN2=Diner Race - Jocks badge_name_DN3=Diner Race - Geeks badge_name_DN5=Diner Race - Greasers badge_desc_AC7=You have achieved a Warriors status in your tribe badge_desc_AC6=You are now a member of The Sapiens Tribe!! badge_name_DN1=Diner Race Winner badge_desc_AC5=You are now a member of The Mariners Tribe!! badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed3_HHCA=Battle Royal III badge_desc_AC4=You are now a member of The Avian Tribe! badge_desc_AC9=You have achieved a Warriors status in your tribe badge_desc_AC8=You have achieved a Warriors status in your tribe badge_name_UKX_HHCA=Newsie badge_desc_WH7_HHCA=Evil Zombies are upon us! Habboween 08 badge_name_50S=50's Badge badge_desc_ACC=You have achieved a Chiefs status in your tribe badge_desc_ACB=You have achieved a Chiefs status in your tribe badge_desc_ACA=You have achieved a Chiefs status in your tribe badge_name_DK009_HHCA=The Boar Alliance badge_desc_ADM=Staff Roxors my Soxors. badge_name_SU1_HHAU=Mana 1 badge_desc_BBBH2_HHAU=The Big Ola competition winner badge_name_ACH_MGM7_HHCA=Housewarming badge_name_XXX_HHSG=Habbo eXperts badge_desc_MDMWW=Mega Deal room winners badge Sept./Oct 2009 badge_name_VA010_HHCA=Catching Cheaters badge_desc_XM1_HHAU=Christmas Campaign 05 badge_name_ACC_HHSG=The Simian Champion badge_desc_TWIC2_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_desc_WH7_HHAU=Habboween 08 Comp Winner badge_name_GLD_HHSG=Badger badge_desc_HO1_HHSG=Given to winners of the Habbolympics during 2007. Also given to winners of various Habbolympic competitions. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence4_HHCA=Online time IV - Blizzard badge_name_TC3_HHCA=SS Top Scorer badge_name_DKA=Mega Star badge_desc_HQ004_HHSG=This Habbo has climbed the ranks and now bosses around other Habbo inspectors. Also, he loves donuts. badge_desc_SNW=To show that you are a true master of Snow Storm. badge_desc_TWIC2_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Week 1 Winner badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding8_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_AC1=You've passed the trial by fire. Welcome to the tribe! badge_desc_JKR="wanna see a magic trick?" badge_desc_AC2=You've passed the trial by fire. Welcome to the tribe! badge_desc_AC3=You've passed the trial by fire. Welcome to the tribe! badge_name_TC3_HHAU=SnowStorm Badge badge_name_WBL_HHAU=Wobble Squabble Hall of Fame badge_desc_SG001_HHSG=This Habbo danced the conga and attended the party during Habbo's 5th birthday bash! badge_desc_SOS=Interstitial Design Finalists badge_desc_XM1_HHCA=It's all about Rasta Claus! badge_name_HO1_HHSG=Habbolympics '07 badge_name_DS2_HHSG=DS Alphatronics badge_name_WBL_HHCA=WS Hall of Fame badge_desc_HC3_HHCA=Level 3 - For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 300 pixels. badge_name_LBB_HHAU=LBB Gang badge_name_SG002_HHSG=Birthday Cake badge_name_PB1=Black Team Supporter badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10=Level 10 - spending total of 2304 hours in hotel. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_XM1_HHAU=Rasta.Santa Supporter badge_desc_SF5_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Navigator in Space, July 09 badge_desc_GRR_HHSG=Used when the band Gorillaz visited Habbo for a world-wide tour. badge_name_PB2=Pink Team Supporter badge_name_YAP=YAP Ambassador badge_name_DS7=Yggdrasil badge_desc_WD1_HHSG=Given to the blissful Habbos who have already proven that they're marriage material during the Wedding of the Century. badge_desc_TWIV2_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Week 3 Winner badge_name_XM1_HHCA=Rasta.Claus badge_desc_CO5_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who have managed to coax a wheat stalk to life during a trip to the countryside in 2009. badge_name_DS5=Bobbarians badge_name_DS6=Universum badge_name_DK007=Earth Hour badge_name_DS3=Clones badge_name_DS4=Hyperspace badge_name_DK009=The Boar Alliance badge_name_DS1=OmniTV badge_name_AU004_HHAU=Christmas '09 badge_name_DS2=MegaMecha badge_desc_KIR_HHCA=Keeping Habbo Real and Scam free! badge_name_DS0=Academy badge_desc_HC3_HHAU=Level 3 - 24 months membership. Gives you 300 pixels. badge_name_ACH_AvatarTags1=5 words of wisdom badge_name_VA010_HHAU=Split Up Badge badge_name_AU004_HHCA=Holiday Quest badge_name_CY2_HHCA=Tao Level 2 badge_desc_RUN06_HHCA=Need a Runway Show done? I'm your Habbo! May 2010 badge_name_PIG01=Boar of Baskerville Badge badge_name_TC1_HHCA=BB Top Scorer badge_name_LBB_HHCA=Queen of Habboween badge_name_TC1_HHAU=BattleBall Badge badge_desc_RUN06_HHAU=Runway Competition - 3rd Place badge_name_SFD_HHAU=Medical Badge badge_name_SF2_HHCA=Captain - Level 2 badge_desc_SB5_HHAU=Ultimate Streets of Bobba 08 badge_name_KO2_HHSG=Koala Eucalyptus badge_name_AC4_HHCA=The Soaring Eagle badge_desc_ACH_MGM2_HHCA=Level 2 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 3. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 55 pixels. badge_desc_JF1=Which side were you on? Samurai or Ninja? badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed3_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_TWIQ3_HHAU=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan badge_desc_JF5=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_desc_JF4=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_desc_JF3=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_desc_JF2=I had Sushi with Kitsune and Tanuki, Ninja Style 08! badge_desc_SNW_HHAU=SnowStorm Hall of Fame badge_name_SF9_HHCA=Engineer - Level 3 badge_name_VA4_HHSG=Valentines '08 Habborella Crew badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver10_HHCA=Want to go out with me? badge_name_ACH_MGM6_HHCA=Reunion badge_name_Z63_HHSG=Lab Rat Plus badge_desc_JFF=Given to those who supported Jeffoo in The Streets of Bobba. badge_desc_SFE_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Medical Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_SF2=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 2 badge_desc_SF1=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_desc_SF4=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_desc_SF3=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_SF5=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 2 badge_desc_SNW_HHCA=I was one of the top 25 all time SnowStorm players! badge_desc_AM1=Awarded to winners of Animax Girl from Hell competitions. badge_desc_SF6=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_SF7=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_desc_SF8=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank2 badge_desc_AM4=Awarded to winners of the Horror Anime Set Design competition. badge_desc_SF9=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_AM5=Awarded to Habbos who attended the Horror Anime Masquerade and chose Enma Ai as their messenger. badge_desc_AM2=Awarded to winners of the Tooomb of Dooom room design competition. badge_desc_AM3=Awarded to winners of the Girl from Hell pop quizzes. badge_name_SFF_HHSG=Medic Level 3 badge_desc_AM6=Awarded to Habbos who attended the Horror Anime Masquerade and chose Kikuri as their messenger. badge_desc_RUN09_HHSG=This Habbo loves everything couture -from the latest designers or the coolest clothes. Runway 2010. badge_desc_SFA=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_desc_SFB=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 2 badge_desc_SFC=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_SFD=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_name_CY3_HHSG=Yin & Yang Badge Level 3 badge_desc_SFL=Entertainer for the Princess - Cryogenic 2009 badge_desc_SFK=Given to those who supported Kedo in The Streets of Bobba. badge_desc_HF2_HHAU=Habbaroos Soccer Campaign badge_name_HW1_HHSG=Habbowood badge_desc_SFI=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_SFH=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 2 badge_desc_SFG=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1 badge_desc_SFF=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 3 badge_desc_SFE=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 2 badge_desc_SG5=Habbofest 08 badge_desc_SG4=test for Elkah badge_name_NEJ_HHCA=Good Times badge_desc_SG3=Given to the Habbo in first place as Habbo of the Month. Assigned at the end of each month. badge_desc_SG2=Given to the Habbo in second place on the Habbo Points Chart. Assigned at the end of each month. badge_desc_HQ007_HHSG=Love men with dark skin, balding, and smells like a fish? Then Herbert's perfect for you! badge_desc_SG1=test for Elkah badge_desc_HX3_HHSG= badge_desc_SFM=Entertainer for the Princess - Cryogenic 2009 badge_name_CNV_HHSG=Carnival Krewe badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver8_HHCA=Be wild about me badge_desc_SG8=Wobble Squabble Champion Badge badge_desc_SG9=Given to winners of the Habbo Awards held in January '07 and '08. badge_desc_SG6=Wobble Squabble Champion Badge badge_desc_SG7=Wobble Squabble Champion Badge badge_desc_SGD=SG Detective badge_name_MH1_HHCA=Guitar badge_desc_SGB=Awarded to weekly winners of Animax Slam Dunk Trivia Challenge. There are a total of 100 of these in Habbo! badge_name_DSX=HAL badge_desc_ACH_RespectGiven1_HHCA=For giving respect 100 times. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_SGC=Habbo photographers and artists capture a slice of pixel life. Those whose work is published are awarded this! badge_desc_AC4_HHSG=Given to those who have completed the Vision Quest and named the Eagle as their spirit animal. badge_desc_SGA=Awarded to weekly winners of the Animax Slam Dunk BattleBall: Rebound! Challenge. Only 30 of these exist! badge_desc_TWIQ3_HHCA=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan, 09 badge_desc_WD0_HHSG=Given to the happy Habbos who are ready to tie the knot during the Wedding of the Century. Also, it's a good napkin holder. badge_name_DU2=Silver Medal badge_name_DU1=Gold Medal badge_name_DU3=Bronze Medal badge_desc_SGF=This Habbo's from Singapore, the land of the Merlion and chicken rice. badge_desc_SGR=Happy Mother's Day! badge_desc_SGU=Given to winners of selected Create2010 competitions badge_desc_SGN=Pixel Press Group Member badge_desc_SGQ=This very rare badge is worn by the elite of published Habbo journalists and writers. badge_name_VA013_HHAU=Bling Badge badge_desc_SHA=Super Hobba badge_desc_SHB=Chinese New Year 2009 badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver8_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 300 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_SF3_HHSG=Given to the captain of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_desc_NEI_HHCA=I'm taking life easy during Spring Break! March 2010 badge_desc_KH2_HHCA=I won a Kappa Habbo Gamma competition badge_name_USD_HHCA=Sharks badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver7_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 110 times to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry4_HHCA=Day tripper badge_desc_AI5=Winner of an American idol Fansite related event. badge_desc_AI4=For winning the Habbo American Idol competition. (May 2009) badge_desc_AI3=For making the Top 12 in the Habbo American Idol competition. (May 2009) badge_desc_AI2=Winner of an American Idol Press Comp badge_desc_AI6=Winner of the American Idol Make Over competition. (March 2009) badge_desc_AI1=Winner of an American Idol Hollywood related competition (2009) badge_desc_SB6=You proved you were Elite in the Ultimate Streets of Bobba games. badge_desc_AI0=Winner of an American Idol Music related competition (2009) badge_desc_SB5=You earned this badge showing your Muscle in the Ultimate Streets of Bobba games. badge_name_MH1_HHAU=Guitar Badge badge_desc_SB7=You were a part of "The Mob" that ruled the Ultimate Streets of Bobba! badge_desc_ACH_AvatarLooks1=For finally putting some fresh clothes on. Gives you 50 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry1=Level 1 - For hanging out in 5 guest rooms that you do not own. Gives you 5 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry3=Level 3 - For hanging out in 30 guest rooms that you do not own. Gives you 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry2=Level 2 - For hanging out in 15 guest rooms that you do not own. Gives you 10 pixels. badge_desc_AF1=I am such a fool! I received this foolish badge on April 1st, 09 :P badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry9=Level 9 - For hanging out in 160 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Spaceman. Gives you 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry8=Level 8 - For hanging out in 140 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Orion. Gives you 30 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry5=Level 5 - For hanging out in 60 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Globetrotter.Gives you 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry4=Level 4 - For hanging out in 50 guest rooms that you do not own. Backpacker. Gives you 15 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry7=Level 7 - For hanging out in 120 Guest Rooms that you do not own .Gold digger. 20 pixels. badge_name_RA5_HHAU=Rare Crystal Patch badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry6=Level 6 - For hanging out in 80 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Out of towner. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_ACH_VipClub1_HHCA=VIP Member badge_desc_BBBH2_HHCA=I saw the end of Old Habbo, Nov 09 badge_name_SU1_HHCA=Tiki Frown badge_desc_NEI_HHAU=Club Hopper Competition Winner 08 badge_name_ACH_PetLover1_HHCA=Can I keep him? badge_name_GNO_HHSG=Garden Gnome badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed2_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_RA5_HHCA=Crystal Patch badge_name_ACH_MGM8_HHCA=Ball badge_desc_CNY02_HHCA=I'm an Expert, Hear me Roar! CNY 2010 badge_name_NL002=Lost Kitty Badge badge_desc_XM4_HHSG=Given to Habbos who were active within the hotel during December 2006. badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence9_HHCA=Online time IX-Tornado badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver10=Have someone scratch your pet at least 750 times to earn this badge. badge_name_SGD_HHSG=Detective badge_name_PN1=Pixel Ninja badge_desc_bbbh1=I saw the end of Old Habbo! badge_desc_bbbh2=We'll miss you Big Hand! badge_desc_DN5_HHSG=Awarded to faithful supporters of the Greasers, during the great Diner Races of 2008. badge_desc_SGN_HHSG=Published Habbo journalists and authors wear this distinguished badge. Also good for swatting flies. badge_desc_ACH_TraderPass1=Level 1 - Achieved by verifying your email, owning Habbo account for at least 3 days and being online at least 1 h. badge_desc_DS1_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_name_NEG_HHCA=Party Machine badge_name_DS3_HHAU=Clone Comp Winner badge_name_DN3_HHSG=Diner Geek badge_name_DN5_HHSG=Diner Greaser badge_name_DS3_HHCA=Clones badge_name_ACH_MGM9_HHCA=Fiesta badge_name_GLD_HHAU=Badger badge_desc_BBBH1_HHCA=Forever remembering the fall of old Habbo, Nov 09 badge_desc_DS1_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_desc_WH7_HHSG=Interesting specimens of the virus which infected Habbo during Habboween 2008 badge_name_HO1_HHCA=Canada 2010 badge_desc_TWIC2_HHSG=Given to Habbos who are intent on proving their love for Edward and the Cullen clan. badge_name_XMC=Quest Tree of 2008 badge_name_TC3_HHSG=Snow Storm badge_name_XMA=Happy Snowball badge_name_XMB=Mr. Frosty badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed5_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_GLD_HHCA=Badger badge_name_XM9=Snowball of DOOM badge_name_XM8=Bob Winner badge_name_XM7=Mr Sinister Winner badge_name_XM6=Santa 3.000 Winner badge_name_XM5=Smilla Winner badge_name_XM4=Xmas 2006 badge_name_XM3=Reindeer Badge badge_name_XM2=DJ-Bling badge_name_XM1=Rasta Claus badge_desc_GM2_HHCA=Email Verification Campaign badge_name_PR1=Green Pirate badge_desc_GWA_HHCA=Global Warming Awareness 08 badge_name_PR3=Treasure Chest badge_name_PR2=Blue Pirate badge_desc_USF_HHCA=Xmas 2007 badge_desc_DS4_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_desc_XM9_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who actively participated in the Penguin Welcoming Committee events during Christmas 2008. Also good for throwing around. badge_name_NEI_HHSG=Neon Flamingo badge_desc_GRR_HHCA=Gorillaz Tour badge_name_TWIQ3_HHAU=Level 3 Quileute Badge badge_desc_BBBH1_HHAU=I saw the end of Old Habbo badge_name_ESD_HHCA=Happy 4th Birthday! badge_name_GLB_HHSG=Bambi badge_desc_NLD_HHSG=Awarded to the 2nd-placed Habbo on the weekly Trax Charts. badges_tab_title=My badges badge_name_AC4_HHSG=The Mighty Eagle badge_desc_DS4_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_name_BR013_HHCA=Bronze Palace badge_desc_CO5_HHCA=I embraced the Country in Habbo, May 2009 badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry2_HHCA=Running Room Raider badge_desc_SF5_HHSG=Given to the navigators of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_WH8_HHSG=Virus Pill badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver6_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 120 times to earn this badge. badge_name_TWIQ3_HHCA=Ultimate Wolf Pack badge_name_PRE=Press badge_desc_HC3_HHSG=Level 3 - For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 300 Pixels. badge_desc_SG002_HHSG=This Habbo took a slice of cake by winning a competition during Habbo's 5th birthday bash! badge_name_EXE_HHAU=Executive Supporter badge_name_POP=Safety Survey Badge badge_desc_HUG_HHSG=I got a free hug from a friend! selected_badges=Currently wearing: badge_name_SF2_HHSG=Captain Level 2 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver10_HHCA=I've shared my love badge_desc_RUN06_HHSG=This Habbo can definitely sashay down the runway in couture clothes. Runway 2010. badge_desc_GWA_HHAU=Ecosystem room comp winner badge_name_BBBH1=Old Habbo Memorial Badge badge_desc_SB5_HHSG=Awarded for Streets of Bobba 2008 to the rank and file of each gang. They're one step above cannon fodder. badge_name_BBBH2=Brotherhood of the Hand badge_desc_SHB_HHSG=Awarded to the best room designers during the Chinese New Year Celebration 2009. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote5_HHCA=Influental badge_name_CY2_HHSG=Yin & Yang Badge Level 2 badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned8_HHCA=Been respected 766 times. badge_desc_SFC_HHSG=Given to the security officer of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_name_RUN09_HHAU=Habbo Runway badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver9_HHCA=For giving 366 gifts. Worth 100 pixels. badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver5_HHCA=Made of money badge_name_EXE_HHCA=Executive Pen badge_desc_HX3_HHAU=X Tech Std badge_desc_SNW_HHSG=Top 50 SnowStorm players of all time! badge_name_NEJ_HHSG=Host Badge badge_name_US0L_HHCA=Best Director badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding3_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_RU1=Given to Habbos who took part in the Habbo Patriotic Survey badge_desc_HQ007_HHCA=Because Hans is the better brother! badge_desc_RU3=This badge comes from the NoBobba Safety campaign from January 2009 badge_desc_RTS=Rock The Schools Comp 08 badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed7_HHCA=Battle Royal VII badge_desc_RS9=RTS 09 badge_name_SF9_HHSG=Engineer Level 3 badge_name_SFF_HHCA=Medical Officer - Level 3 badge_name_KIR_HHSG=Keep It Real badge_name_UK094_HHCA=St. Patrick's Day badge_name_ACH_Login3_HHCA=Frequent Resident badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed10_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver4=Scratch anyone's pet at least 20 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver3=Scratch anyone's pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding2_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver6=Scratch anyone's pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver5=Scratch anyone's pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_name_HOP01_HHSG=Gold Habbolympics Medal badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver2=Scratch anyone's pet at least 5 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver1=Scratch anyone's pet at least 1 times to earn this badge. badge_name_VA4_HHCA=Habborella Crew badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver8=Scratch anyone's pet at least 170 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver7=Scratch anyone's pet at least 110 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver9=Scratch anyone's pet at least 250 times to earn this badge. badge_name_CY3_HHAU=Yin and Yang badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver7_HHCA=Pet lover III badge_desc_HQ007_HHAU=Brother vs. Brother 2010 badge_desc_EAS01_HHCA=For the LOVE of Flowers! Easter 2010 badge_desc_HX1_HHAU=X Host Std badge_name_KH2_HHCA=Kappa Habbo Gamma badge_desc_HX3_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badges_window_title=Badges badge_name_CY3_HHCA=Tao Level 3 badge_desc_ACH_PetLover5_HHCA=Own a total of 15 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_TWIV2_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding6_HHCA=Give your pets at least 12600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_CNY02=Year of the Tiger Room Comp Winner badge_desc_CNY03=Solved the Year of the Tiger Quest. badge_desc_CNY01=Faced their inner Tiger at a Chinese New Year game. badge_desc_S10=Given to Habbos who participated in Chinese New Year events and competitions during CNY 2007. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver5_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 40 times to earn this badge. badge_name_HBA_HHAU=Gold badge badge_name_DK8=Superstar badge_name_DK9=Rising Star badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver6_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 70 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_SF3_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Captain in Space, July 09 badge_name_HQ006_HHCA=Crime Fighter badge_name_WD1_HHSG=Wedding Ring badge_name_DJ1=DJ XXXtreme - Grin badge_desc_HOP01_HHSG=Given to members of the Cool Cats team, who won first place in the 2010 Winter Habbolympics. badge_name_DJ3=DJ XXXtreme - XXX Bling badge_name_DJ2=DJ XXXtreme - MP3 Player badge_name_HBA_HHCA=Super Hobba badge_desc_GLD_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_XMAS2=Gold Holiday Ornament badge_name_XMAS1=Silver Holiday Ornament badge_name_XMAS0=Bronze Holiday Ornament badge_desc_XM4_HHCA=Celebrate the Holidays with this 2006 Xmas badge. badge_desc_RR9=Royal Rumble 09 badge_desc_SFL_HHSG=Given to Habbos who were chosen as part of the royal entourage of Prince Chuck when he fetched Princess Milla after 700 years of separation. badge_name_RUN09_HHCA=Habbo Runway badge_desc_HC1_HHSG=Level 1 - For joining the Habbo Club. Gives you 100 Pixels. badge_name_VA4_HHAU=Habborella Staff badge_name_SF001=Astro Bar Badge badge_name_SF002=Space Bar Designer badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence5_HHCA=Online time V- Haze badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub3_HHCA=For 24 months of Habbo Club Membership. badge_name_ACH_Student1_HHCA=Habbo Student badge_name_SU1_HHSG=Mana Level 1 badge_name_PHF=Philippine Flag badge_desc_EC4_HHSG=This Habbo's so green they're practically chlorophyll! Given out during Love the Earth 2009. badge_desc_GLD_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_KO2=*nom nom nom badge_name_ACA_HHAU=Eagle Badge badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned2_HHCA=Been respected 6 times. badge_desc_KO1=What a cute little critter! badge_desc_SF002=Winner of the Space Bar room competition. badge_desc_SF001=Helped rename a forgotten Bar in space. badge_desc_SF000=This Habbo certainly knows his way around Bunsen burners and test tubes! badge_name_NEI_HHAU=Flamingo Badge badge_desc_ACH_MGM1_HHCA=Level 1 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 2. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Worth 50 pixels. badge_name_BR015_HHCA=Movie Lover badge_desc_NWB_HHSG=Silver Hobba badge badge_desc_WH2_HHCA=Habboween 06 badge_desc_GLA_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ESD_HHCA=I celebrated Habbo Canada's 4th birthday in May of 2008! badge_name_MDMWW_HHSG=Deal Maker badge_name_NWB=Newbie Hobba badge_desc_LC3_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who discovered the mysterious mystery in Lemuria Island. badge_name_DN5_HHAU=Greasers Team Member badge_desc_WH2_HHAU=Habboween Campaign 06 badge_name_RUN02_HHCA=Canadian Runway Winner badge_name_DS3_HHSG=DS 01001001 badge_desc_WH6_HHSG=Interesting specimens of the virus which infected Habbo during Habboween 2008 badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed2_HHCA=Battle Royal II badge_desc_GNO_HHSG=Garden Gnome ambassadors - Habbos who have been particularly helpful and welcoming to the Garden Gnomes! badge_desc_XM4_HHAU=Christmas 06 badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver10_HHCA=For receiving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_U06=This badge shows that you are a Sparkplug Roberts supporter. badge_name_HC1_HHSG=HC I badge_desc_U05=This badge shows that you are a SpeedDemon supporter. badge_desc_ACH_Student1=For being guided by a Habbo Guide and to be confused no more. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_name_DN3_HHCA=Nerd badge_name_HC2_HHCA=HC Club membership II badge_desc_ACH_Name1=What ever could this be? badge_name_DN5_HHCA=Greaser badge_desc_U04=All winners from a Habbo 500 daily event earned this badge. badge_name_NEG_HHSG=Hospitality Badge badge_desc_VA013_HHAU=Valentines 2010 badge_name_BR015_HHAU=The Webbies badge_name_RUN02_HHAU=Silver Habbo Runway badge_desc_EC5_HHSG=I planted a tree for a friend during Love the Earth. Did you? badge_desc_ACH_PetLover7_HHCA=Own a total of 35 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_NZB=NZ Group Member badge_desc_UKT_HHCA=I have a sweet tooth! badge_name_RUN08=Winning Catwalk Director badge_desc_ACH_PetLover1_HHCA=Own 1 pet to earn this badge. badge_name_RUN07=Level 2 Designer Badge badge_name_RUN06=Catwalk Director badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub5=For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_RUN05=Pure Style badge_desc_LC1_HHCA=I found the lost city of Bensalem, Jan 09 badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub3=For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote9_HHCA=Glorious badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub4=For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub1=For joining the Habbo Club. badge_name_RUN09=Habbo Runway badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub2=For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. badge_name_RUN04=Style Badge badge_name_RUN02=US Runway Winner badge_name_RUN01=US Runway Finalist badge_name_ACA_HHCA=Tribe Eagle - Elite Member badge_desc_SFG_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Science Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_TC2_HHCA=I am a Wobble Squabble top scorer! badge_desc_SFD_HHSG=Given to the medics of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration1=10 % True Habbo badge_desc_HUG_HHCA=A friend gave me a HUG for Free Hugs Day 09! badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration4=40 % True Habbo badge_name_ESD=Happy 4th Birthday! badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration5=50 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration2=20 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration3=30 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration8=80 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration9=90 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration6=60 % True Habbo badge_desc_HUB_HHSG=For official Infobus partners badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration7=70 % True Habbo badge_name_DU1_HHSG=Gold Habbolympian badge_desc_AWSM3=This Habbo is certainly great at making their friends do stuff for them, like join a video competition. Good times! badge_desc_SFG_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_desc_AWSM1=Most Thumbs Up Trophies Received 2010 badge_name_DSX_HHCA=HAL badge_desc_ACH_PetLover10=Own a total of 75 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_DN3_HHAU=Squares Team Member badge_name_HC2_HHAU=HC II badge_desc_NEB_HHAU=Habbofest '09 Event Organiser badge_name_HQ009=Childhood Quest Badge badge_desc_VA1_HHSG=Worn by the Superlove Agents during Valentine's 2006 'Superlove Agent Invasion' campaign. badge_desc_USH_HHCA=Xmas 2007 badge_name_HQ006=Crime Scene Level 1 badge_name_HQ005=Crime Scene Level 2 badge_name_HQ008=Franz Badge badge_name_HQ007=Hans Badge badge_name_HQ002=Kitchen Survivor Level 1 badge_name_ESW=Movie Director badge_name_HQ001=Kitchen Survivor Level 2 badge_name_HQ004=Crime Scene Level 3 badge_name_HQ003=Kitchen Survivor Level 3 badge_desc_BBBH1_HHSG=This Habbo saw the end of Old Habbo, and the end of an era. *sniff* badge_name_NEI_HHCA=Chillaxing badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver10=I've shared my love badge_name_DSX_HHAU=Santini Winner badge_name_GLB_HHCA=Bambi badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry10_HHCA=Level 10 - For hanging out in 200 Guest Rooms that you do not own. Time traveler. Worth 40 pixels. badge_name_KO1_HHSG=The Koala badge_name_MMC_HHAU=Much Music badge_name_GLB_HHAU=Bambi badge_name_GM4_HHCA=Ruby badge_name_HW1_HHAU=Habbowood badge_desc_GA1_HHSG=The top 40 Habbos on the XP charts each month. Changes every month, depending on who's on top! badge_name_SB6_HHSG=Bobba Elite badge_desc_TC2_HHAU=Wobble Squabble Badge badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding3=Give your pets at least 1400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding2=Give your pets at least 600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding1=Give your pets at least 200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_MTV01=MTV EMA '09 Group Member badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding7=Give your pets at least 25400 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding6=Give your pets at least 12600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote3_HHCA=Unique badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub2_HHCA=For 12 months of Habbo Club Membership. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding5=Give your pets at least 6200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding4=Give your pets at least 3000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding9=Give your pets at least 102200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding8=Give your pets at least 51000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp3_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 10 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_MMC_HHCA=Much Music badge_desc_HQ003_HHSG=Given to the winner of the Kitchen Survivor showdown. This Habbo's a pro at 8-course meals! badge_name_EVB=Every Body '09 badge_desc_TWIV2_HHSG=This Habbo's in love with the power and glory of the Volturi and (secretly) wants to be like them. badge_desc_GRR_HHAU=Gorillaz Comp Winners badge_desc_EAS01_HHSG=This Habbo's discovered what makes Habbo plants grow! Easter 2010. badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration8_HHCA=Level 8 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 years. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_HW09A_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who successfully exorcised the ghosts out of Habbo during the Monsters' Ball. badge_desc_AU004_HHAU=Group page member badge_desc_ACH_PetLover8_HHCA=Own a total of 45 pets to earn this badge. badge_name_NED_HHSG=Neon Entertainer (Bronze) badge_name_SB5_HHSG=Bobba Muscle badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote1_HHCA=Level 1- For gathering a vote on stage. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_KH2=The real Habbo fraternity. badge_name_GLK_HHCA=Wolf badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned10=Level 10 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Gives you 400 pixels. badge_name_EXB=Executive Pen badge_name_SFD_HHSG=Medic - Level 1 badge_name_EXH=For loyal service on! badge_name_EXE_HHSG=Fountain Pen badge_name_EXE=Executive Badge badge_remove=Clear badge_desc_ACH_GamePlayed6_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_THA=Habbo Awards '09 Nominee badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver2_HHCA=Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours badge_desc_CAD_HHCA=I helped capture the Sasquatch in the hunt of 08! badge_name_SF3_HHCA=Captain - Level 3 badge_name_ACH_MGM1_HHCA=Baby Shower badge_desc_HHL_HHCA=I play in the Habbo Hockey League! badge_desc_EAS04_HHSG=This Habbo's shown us how to make their garden grow... on Facebook! Easter 2010. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote10=Level 10 - For gathering an additional 300 votes on stage. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_TWIC1_HHSG=Cullen Crest 1 badge_desc_HC1_HHAU=Level 1 - For joining Habbo Club. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login5_HHCA=Level 5 - For logging in 35 days in a row. Amazing. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_NEG_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who won during Party Central hour in the Neon Campaign. They shake it, not stir it. badge_name_ACH_RespectGiven1_HHCA=Nice as pie! badge_desc_HC1_HHCA=Level 1 - For joining the Habbo Club. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_TEO=Given to those who supported iomegadrive in The Streets of Bobba. badge_name_HF2_HHAU=Habbo World Cup badge_name_GLK_HHAU=Wolf badge_desc_HQ001_HHSG=Given to competition winners during the Kitchen Survivor showdown. These Habbos know how to boil water. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover3_HHCA=Own a total of 5 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_HOP01_HHAU=Team Boarders - Winter Habbolympics 2010 badge_desc_FAN_HHCA=Official Fansite Administrator badge_desc_EC4_HHCA=I completed the Day 3 Nature Quest! Loving the Earth, April 09 badge_name_SF001_HHSG=Test Tube badge_desc_AU004_HHCA=I solved the Prezzie Quest, Xmas 09 badge_name_SFK_HHAU=Alternate Band badge_desc_1goal=Education for all. badge_name_DS0_HHSG=DS Academy badge_desc_SFL_HHAU=Cryogenic Campaign '09 badge_wear=Wear badge_desc_HOP01_HHCA=Member of the Gold team, Habbolympics 2010 badge_save=Save badge_desc_FAN_HHAU=Official Fansite Staff badge_name_ACH_PetLover10_HHCA=Zoo keeper badge_name_HQ006_HHSG=Inspector badge_name_ACC_HHAU=Ape Badge badge_desc_EC4_HHAU=Love the Earth 09 badge_desc_LC6_HHSG=For underwater explorers who have dared to seek treasure below the surface of the sea. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver1_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 1 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_LC3_HHCA=I solved the mystery of Lemuria, Feb 09! badge_desc_XM1_HHSG=Worn by members of Santa.Claws' team in Christmas 2005. badge_name_ACH_PetLover7=Pet shop keeper III badge_desc_WH6_HHCA=I am Dr Goo, I will be treating you today. Habboween 08 badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry5_HHCA=Vacationer badge_name_ACH_PetLover6=Pet shop keeper II badge_name_bbbh2=Brotherhood of the Hand badge_name_USM_HHAU=WWE Badge badge_name_ACH_PetLover9=My herd is bigger than yours badge_name_ACH_PetLover8=Pet shop keeper IV badge_name_ACH_PetLover3=I'll soon have a kennel II badge_name_ACH_PetLover2=I'll soon have a kennel I badge_name_ACH_PetLover5=Pet shop keeper I badge_name_bbbh1=Old Habbo Memorial Badge badge_name_ACH_PetLover4=I'll soon have a kennel III badge_desc_GM4_HHCA=Email Verification Campaign badge_name_MDMWW_HHCA=Mega Deal Designer badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver4=Scratch scratch! badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver3=Pat pat! badge_name_ACH_PetLover1=Can I keep him? badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver2=Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver1=I like your pet! badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver8=Pet lover IV badge_desc_NWB_HHCA=Newbie Hobba badge_name_ACH_VipClub5_HHCA=VIP Member badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver7=Pet lover III badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver6=Pet lover II badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver5=Pet lover I badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver9_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 500 times to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver9=Pet lover V badge_desc_WH2_HHSG=Given to all winners of Habboween competitions, October 2005. badge_name_ACC_HHCA=Tribe Ape - Elite Member badge_desc_WH6_HHAU=Habboween 08 Event Winner badge_name_ACA_HHSG=The Avian Champion badge_desc_GNO_HHAU=Garden Party Winners 08 badge_name_WAR_HHAU=Peace Badge badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote7_HHCA=Level 7- For gathering 200 votes on stage. Worth 40 pixels. badge_name_OL1=HabbOlympics Gold badge_name_OL2=HabbOlympics Silver badge_name_XXX_HHCA=CA Habbo X badge_name_OL3=HabbOlympics Bronze badge_desc_JF5_HHCA=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_name_HC1_HHAU=HC I badge_desc_HO1_HHCA=I aced the medal count, Vancouver Olympics 2010 badge_name_XXX_HHAU=Habbo Experts badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote10=Notorious badge_desc_ACH_VipClub4_HHCA=For 36 months of VIP Club Membership. badge_desc_LBB=Habboween, October 07 badge_name_VA1_HHSG=Superlove Agent badge_desc_LAT=Advice session '09 badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver1=Nice one badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver2=Well heeled badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver3=Prosperous badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver4=Well off badge_name_HC2_HHSG=HC II badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver5=Made of money badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver6=Stinking rich badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver7=Loaded badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver8=Generous one badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver9=Rolling in it badge_name_HC1_HHCA=HC Club membership I badge_name_EC5=Love The Earth Tree Planter badge_name_EC4=Love The Earth Lvl 3 badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration3_HHCA=Level 3 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 8 weeks. Worth 90 pixels. badge_name_EC3=Love The Earth Lvl 2 badge_name_EC2=Love The Earth Lvl 1 badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned5_HHCA=Level 5 - For earning respect a further 100 times. Worth 100 pixels. badge_name_EC1=Eco Warrior badge_desc_HUB_HHCA=Hubu badge_desc_VA1_HHAU=Valentines Campaign 06 badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry3_HHCA=Ultimate Room Raider badge_name_DU1_HHCA=Gold Medal badge_name_DSX_HHSG=DS Red Alert badge_name_ACH_MGM3_HHCA=Block party badge_name_EAR=Easter Bear badge_name_ACH_HHCA=Mysterious Badge badge_desc_UKX_HHCA=I am a Newsie journalist. badge_desc_SFG_HHSG=Given to the science officers of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_VA013_HHSG=Watch out! This Habbo is definitely a player in the dating game. Valentines' 2010. badge_name_TC1_HHSG=BattleBall: Rebound badge_name_EAB=Easter Bunny badge_desc_EAS01=Helped solve the Will it Bloom Quest badge_desc_EAS02=This Habbo's ready to learn how to make their thumbs green. Easter 2010. badge_desc_GA1_HHAU=Monthly Games Top Scorer badge_desc_VA012_HHCA=The Heartbreak Hotel Project, February 2010 badge_desc_EAS03=A top-notch Habbo garden designer badge_desc_EAS04=Winner of the Extreme Garden Makeover video competition badge_desc_NEB_HHSG=Awarded to the second place winner of the Super Club competitions during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_name_MDMWW_HHAU=Mega Deal Madness badge_desc_GA1_HHCA=You're looking at a hardcore gamer, baby! badge_name_DS2_HHAU=Megamecha Comp Winner badge_desc_VA1_HHCA=Valentine's 07 badge_desc_NWB_HHAU=Newbie Hobba badge badge_desc_KIR_HHSG=Keep It Real campaign badge_desc_HUB_HHAU=Hubu-badge badge_name_DS2_HHCA=Megamecha badge_desc_Z26_HHCA=Prom King badge_desc_IT029_HHCA=I am a fan and I helped spring along on Facebook! April 2010 badge_desc_DS6_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_CAJ_HHCA=Celebrating the Sweetest Smelling Hotel in the world! badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8_HHCA=Level 8 - spending total of 576 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_TWIQ3_HHSG=Exclusively for the ultimate New Moon fan. badge_name_WD2=Wedding Bell badge_name_WD1=Wedding Diamond badge_name_WD0=Wedding Rings badge_name_AWSM1_HHSG=Thumbs Up! badge_desc_RA4_HHSG=Given to Habbos who survived the journey to see the legendary Beanstalk. Not afraid of heights. badge_desc_ACH_PetLover2_HHCA=Own a total of 3 pets to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp1_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 1 level to earn this badge. badge_desc_HQ003_HHAU=Kitchen Survivor '09 Winner badge_desc_JF2_HHCA=I had Sushi with Kitsune and Tanuki, Ninja Style 08! badge_desc_NEB_HHCA=Dance Crew Finalist '08 badge_name_EAS01_HHSG=Flower Power 1 badge_name_WBL=Wobble Squabble Hall of Fame badge_desc_EC3_HHCA=I completed the Day 2 Nature Quest! Loving the Earth, April 09 badge_name_MMC_HHSG=MuchMusic badge badge_name_ACH_BasicClub5_HHCA=Habbo Club Member badge_name_BR011_HHCA=Golden Palace badge_desc_RUN09_HHAU=Habbo Runway 2010 badge_desc_HW09A_HHAU=Exorcism Quest Winner badge_name_HW1_HHCA=Habbowood badge_desc_HOP03=Earned the Bronze Medal for the 2010 Habbolympics badge_desc_HOP02=Earned the Silver Medal for the 2010 Habbolympics badge_desc_HOP01=Earned the Gold Medal for the 2010 Habbolympics badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver2_HHCA=Like me a bit more badge_desc_AC4_HHCA=My spirit animal is freedom-loving, a dreamer and a drifter badge_desc_EC3_HHAU=Love the Earth 09 badge_desc_HQ003_HHCA=I was the winner of the Kitchen Survivor Challenge of 2009! badge_name_SFD_HHCA=Medical Officer - Level 1 badge_name_WAR=PEACE badge_desc_DS6_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_name_EHR=Earth Hour Badge badge_desc_SW1=You helped to protect the book and keep it safe. badge_desc_RUN09_HHCA=Moving the Habbo fashion industry forward! May 2010. badge_desc_VA012_HHSG=This Habbo saw the drama and fireworks when Mariah and Fabio broke up. Valentines' 2010. badge_name_GLK_HHSG=Wolf badge_name_ACH_Graduate1=The Graduate badge_desc_SF8_HHCA=I was a Level 2 Engineer in Space, July 09 badge_name_CNY03_HHAU=Year of the Tiger badge_name_1goal=1Goal Badge badge_desc_HW09A_HHCA=My room is haunted...... Habboween 09 badge_desc_JF2_HHAU=Japanese Campaign 08 badge_desc_WD0_HHCA=With these rings, I was wed! June 09. badge_name_GNO_HHAU=Gnome Badge badge_name_SB5_HHAU=Flaming Skulls 1 badge_desc_HQ001_HHCA=I am a certified Chef under ChefPiers of the Hotel Kitchen, Kitchen Survivor 09 badge_name_WH7=Blood Diagnosis Badge badge_name_WH8=Pill Badge badge_name_WH5=Habboween 06 Party Master badge_name_WH6=Goo Diagnosis Badge badge_name_WH3=Habboween 06 Room Designer badge_name_WH4=Habboween 06 Writer badge_name_WH1=Halloween Eyeball badge_desc_TC3_HHSG=Given to the top 20 SnowStormers of each month. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned1_HHCA=Been respected once. badge_name_HX4_HHCA=Game X badge_desc_STA=Sound The Alarm Campaign 08 badge_desc_EAS04_HHAU=Competition Winner Easter 2010 badge_desc_KR1=Keep It Real Campaign 08 badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver4_HHCA=For receiving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_SU1=The Tiki gods are greatful. badge_desc_SU3=The Tiki gods celebrate you! badge_desc_CNY02_HHSG=A Tiger Trainee student. Has learned how to paint orange stripes on a cat. Practises good grooming. badge_desc_SU2=The Tiki gods honor you! badge_desc_USL_HHCA=Chinese New Year 2008 badge_desc_SS2=Boost Mobile SnoSho 09 badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence6_HHCA=Level 6 - spending total of 144 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_XM5_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Smilla badge_desc_HQ001_HHAU=Kitchen Survivor Competition Finalist badge_desc_EAS04_HHCA=Baby, I will make your garden grow! Easter 2010 badge_name_CNY03_HHCA=Ultimate Tiger Expert badge_name_JF4_HHCA=Blue Dragon badge_desc_NEG_HHCA=I am a Spring Break party machine! March 2010 badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned10_HHCA=Level 10 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 400 pixels. badge_name_HX4_HHAU=Habbo X Game badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp1_HHCA=My pet knows a trick! badge_desc_BBBH2_HHSG=This Habbo joined in the Big Ola celebrations and said goodbye to Old Habbo in style. badge_name_SF3_HHSG=Captain Level 3 badge_desc_TC1_HHSG=Given to the top 20 BattleBallers of each month. badge_name_FR005=Habbo Event Host badge_desc_VA011_HHCA=The Heartbreak Hotel Project, February 2010 badge_name_BR012_HHCA=Silver Palace badge_desc_WH5_HHCA=Monsters of Habbo Fest 07 badge_name_DS0_HHAU=Academy of Space badge_name_DS0_HHCA=Academy badge_desc_VA011_HHAU=Valentines 2010 badge_name_FR019=Construction Badge badge_desc_MMC_HHSG=MuchMusic badge badge_desc_FAN_HHSG=The Fansite Badge is given to 5 representatives of each Official Fansite. badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver10_HHCA=Wealthy badge_name_EHR_HHSG=Earth Hour badge_desc_HQ006_HHSG=The gopher of all gophers. This Habbo is an expert at making coffee, writing police reports, and helping cats. badge_name_XM2_HHSG=Ram Bling badge_desc_HF8=Habbofest 08 Winner badge_name_HX3_HHAU=Habbo X Tech badge_desc_HF9=Habbofest '09 group member badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver10=For receiving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_SF5_HHCA=Navigator - Level 2 badge_name_70S=70's Badge badge_desc_HF1=Habbo Soccer World Cup 06 badge_desc_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence7_HHCA=Level 7 - spending total of 288 hours in hotel. Worth 20 pixels. badge_name_HW09F_HHAU=Habboween 09 Detective Badge badge_desc_HF7=HabboFest 07 Winner badge_desc_SU2_HHAU=Tikitoa Campaign 08 badge_name_NEH_HHCA=Megaphone badge_desc_ACH_Motto1=For editing your motto & letting us know how you're feeling. Gives you 10 pixels. badge_desc_WBL_HHAU=Wobble Squabble Commemorative badge_name_XM3_HHCA=Reindeer badge_name_XM3_HHAU=Reindeer Badge badge_desc_CO4_HHSG=Awarded to budding farmer Habbos during a trip to the countryside in 2009. badge_desc_TWIQ2_HHAU=Twilight: New Moon Week 2 Winner badge_desc_USG_HHCA=Xmas 2007 badge_desc_MS6_HHSG=You're the purveyor of all things evil. You love thwarting superheroes. You have a very fine collection of velvet capes. badge_desc_SU1_HHCA=I Tikied with Teetoo and Puffin in RangiRangi 08! badge_name_BOT_HHAU=Bot Badge badge_desc_VA014=Won the HBH Room Competition Feb. 2010 badge_desc_COL_HHSG=This Habbo's got the moves and received the most number of Cool Trophies during the Hot and Cool campaign. badge_desc_VA012=The Heartbreak Hotel Project, February 2010 badge_desc_VA013=Won a HBH Live Game (Feb. 2010) badge_desc_VA010=Got their Cheaters entry posted on the HBH Group Feb. 2010 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver7_HHCA=For giving 146 gifts. Worth 30 pixels. badge_desc_VA011=The Daily Crush winners from Heartbreak Hotel 2010 badge_name_FW1=Furni Warz Yuppie badge_name_FW2=Furni Warz Tattoo badge_desc_SU2_HHCA=I Tikied with Teetoo and Puffin in RangiRangi 08! badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned7_HHCA=Level 7 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACB_HHSG=The Teuthidan Champion badge_name_HC5_HHCA=HC Club membership V badge_name_TWIC2_HHCA=Cullens badge_name_SW1_HHAU=Spiderwick badge_name_CAG_HHCA=The Fountain badge_desc_CAL=I burned off my Thanksgiving dinner, Oct 09! badge_desc_CAK=Proud to be Canadian, eh! badge_name_PIR_HHCA=Habbo Buccaneer badge_desc_CAJ=Celebrating the Sweetest Smelling Hotel in the world! badge_desc_CAI=I was featured in the CA Yearbook of 2009. badge_desc_CAH=Solved the Executive a boss! badge_desc_CAG=I got it on the card, the Habbo scratch card... Jan 09. badge_name_GA1_HHSG=Games badge_desc_CAE=Never forget! Remembrance Day. badge_desc_CAD=I helped capture the Sasquatch in the hunt of 08! badge_desc_CAC=My room is so cool it got featured! badge_desc_CAA=Ontario Provincial Police, InfoBus badge_name_MYF=Malaysian Flag badge_name_HW09A_HHSG=Alien Badge badge_desc_HC5=Level 5 - For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 500 pixels. badge_desc_HC3=Level 3 - For 24 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 300 pixels. badge_desc_HC4=Level 4 - For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 400 pixels. badge_desc_HC1=Level 1 - For joining the Habbo Club. Gives you 100 pixels. badge_name_HC5_HHAU=HC V badge_desc_HC2=Level 2 - For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_MS6_HHSG=Evil Overlord badge_desc_TWIQ2_HHCA=The Twilight Saga: New Moon, November 2009 badge_desc_SF1_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Captain in Space, July 09 badge_desc_SU1_HHAU=Tikitoa Campaign 08 badge_desc_WBL_HHCA=Wobble Squabble Hall of Fame, exclusive to top 25 all time WS players! badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver9_HHCA=Be hooked on me badge_name_ACH_Login7_HHCA=Space dust on your shoes badge_name_VA8_HHCA=Bolly-Big-Love badge_desc_DS5_HHSG=Santini Bobba Trial Bobbarians 2006 badge_name_SW1_HHCA=Spiderwick badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver2_HHCA=For receiving 6 gifts. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_name1_HHCA=What ever could this be? badge_name_FR9=Metal Band badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding9_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_VA1_HHCA=Love Cruise badge_name_FR7=Official Auctioneer badge_desc_WH8_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who helped solve the Habboween 2008 quest, and who saved the Hotel from Rowena's Curse badge_desc_XM8_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Bob's badge badge_desc_CHF=Culinary Expert! badge_name_RLX02_HHSG=Zen Bull badge_name_VA1_HHAU=Superlove Badge badge_desc_CI1=For fun-loving Habbos who participated in the 2009 Circus Games badge_name_AR2_HHCA=Scimitar Snake badge_desc_CI2=For Habbos who love clowning around and participated in the 2009 Circus Games badge_desc_CAI_HHCA=Yearbook 09 badge_desc_NEE_HHSG=For the second prize winner of Habbo's Got Talent final competition during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_desc_HJ1=The burgers are better badge_name_BOT_HHCA=BOT badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver9_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 250 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote8_HHCA=Level 8- For gathering 300 votes on stage. Worth 60 pixels. badge_name_AR2_HHAU=Sword Badge badge_name_ACH_Motto1=Master of Words badge_desc_AC5_HHSG=Given to those who have completed the Vision Quest and named the Squid as their spirit animal. badge_desc_HHL=I play in the Habbo Hockey League! badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned8=Been respected 766 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned9=Been respected 966 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned4=Been respected 66 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned5=Been respected 166 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned6=Been respected 366 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned7=Been respected 566 times. badge_desc_HG1= badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned1=Been respected once. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned2=Been respected 6 times. badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned3=Been respected 16 times. badge_desc_HQ002_HHAU=Official Kitchen Survivor Position badge_name_VA2_HHSG=Love badge_name_HX3_HHCA=Tech X badge_name_EHR_HHAU=Earth Hour 2009 badge_desc_SF9_HHSG=Given to the engineer of the winning space team during the exploration of Habborella 3000 badge_name_ACH_TraderPass1_HHCA=Trade Pass badge_desc_Z67_HHSG=Given to winners of the Myth Bunnies safety campaign. These Habbos can separate fact from fiction. badge_name_LC3_HHCA=Iku-Turso badge_desc_SF001_HHCA=I helped save the bar at the end of the universe, Sept '09 badge_desc_LC8_HHCA=For exploring the Lost City of Bensalem, March 09 badge_name_SFL_HHAU=S.O.S. badge_name_WH2_HHAU=Habboween Smile badge_name_ACH_PetLover3_HHCA=I'll soon have a kennel II badge_desc_SF9_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Engineer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_MMC_HHCA=Much Music Staff badge_name_GM2_HHCA=Emerald badge_name_AC5_HHSG=The Giant Squid badge_desc_SHA_HHSG=SuperHobba badge badge_desc_TC1_HHAU=BattleBall Badge badge_name_RUN05_HHCA=Pure Style badge_desc_WH5_HHSG=Given to winners of Music Junkie Groups and Music Junkie Alt competition. badge_name_MT3=MTV Bronze Record badge_name_MT2=MTV Silver Record badge_name_MT1=MTV Gold Record badge_name_GA1=Golden Gamer badge_desc_TC1_HHCA=I was a Battle Ball top scorer! badge_name_ACH_Login2_HHCA=Preferred Guest badge_name_WH2_HHCA=Habboween badge_name_EHR_HHCA=Earth Hour badge_desc_HQ002_HHCA=I am a certified Sous Chef under ChefPiers of the Hotel Kitchen, Kitchen Survivor 09 badge_name_HX1_HHAU=Habbo X Host badge_name_USC_HHCA=Jets badge_name_ACH_EmailVerification1=True You badge_name_VA8_HHAU=Shalimar Badge badge_name_HX1_HHCA=X Host badge_desc_ACH_Login2_HHCA=Level 2 - For logging in 8 days in a row. Weird. Worth 80 pixels. badge_name_MS4=Evil Overlord's Apprentice badge_name_MS6=Brain Freeze badge_name_AC3_HHAU=5th Birthday Winner's Badge badge_desc_USE_HHCA=Xmas 2007 badge_desc_TC3_HHAU=SnowStorm Badge badge_desc_U04_HHSG=For Habbos who enjoy the speedier side of life. Given to winners of the Habbo Races competitions. badge_desc_ACH_AvatarTags1_HHCA=For tagging yourself with 5 tags. Use your words wisely. Describe yourself for a wicked match! Worth 50 pixels. badge_desc_TC3_HHCA=I was a SnowStorm top scorer! badge_name_CNY03_HHSG=Tiger's Claw 3 badge_name_MB2_HHCA=Yellow Card badge_name_AC2_HHAU=5th Birthday Badge badge_desc_RLX03_HHCA=I found my Zen, August 09 badge_name_HQ007_HHAU=Hans Supporter badge_desc_MMC_HHAU=Much Music badge_desc_ACA_HHAU=Vision Quest '09 badge_desc_VA012_HHAU=Valentines 2010 badge_desc_VA014_HHSG=Awarded to the 11 Habbos who made it to the top of the Heartbreak Hotel Crush Points chart. Definitely crush-worthy. badge_desc_ACA_HHCA=I am an Elite Member of Tribe Eagle, June 09 badge_desc_HQ008_HHSG=Love pale-skinned men and carrot gardens? Then Hansel's your soul mate! badge_name_EC5_HHSG=Tree Planter badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver2_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 10 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_HBA=Hobba badge_desc_SF8_HHSG=Given to the engineers of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_SF1_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_desc_COL=One Cool Habbo - Hot/Cool 2009 badge_name_SFB_HHSG=Security Level 2 badge_name_AC2_HHCA=Fire Maze Creator badge_name_TWIC2_HHSG=Cullen Crest 2 badge_name_WH4_HHSG=Brain badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry3_HHCA=Level 3 - For hanging out in another 30 guest rooms that you do not own. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_RUN01_HHCA=I was selected one of 15 CA Fashion Designers for Habbo Runway 2010. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding5_HHCA=Give your pets at least 6200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_UK079_HHCA=Member of The Flock badge_name_SFC_HHCA=Security Officer - Level 3 badge_desc_HC2_HHSG=Level 2 - For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 200 Pixels. badge_desc_CN2=Given to winners of Chinese New Year events and competitions during CNY 2007. badge_name_DN2_HHCA=Jock badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10_HHCA=Online time X - F5 Tornado badge_name_UKT_HHCA=Cotton Candy badge_desc_DS6_HHSG=Given to Habbos who took part in the Habbo Toy Survey badge_desc_SGR_HHCA=Happy Mother's Day! badge_name_EAS01_HHCA=Flower Love badge_desc_EC3_HHSG=This Habbo's sunny outlook on eco issues warms our hearts. Given out during Love the Earth 2009. badge_name_W25=WWE Badge badge_desc_CO4=Country 2009 - Events - Beginner Farmer badge_desc_CO5=Country 2009 - Events - So So Farmer badge_desc_CO2=Country 2009 Events - So So Farmer badge_desc_CO3=Country 2009 Competitions - Master Farmer badge_desc_RUN01_HHAU=Fashion Design Comp Finalist badge_desc_CO1=Country 2009 Events - Beginner Farmer slots_full=5 badges worn!! badge_name_LC7_HHAU=Crab Badge badge_desc_CO6=Country 2009 Competitions - Master Farmer badge_name_DN2_HHAU=Jocks Team Member badge_desc_AR1_HHSG=Awarded to winners of Alhambra competitions. badge_name_DS5_HHSG=DS Bobba badge_name_ACH_HappyHour1_HHCA=Happy Hour badge_desc_AF1_HHSG='Dynamic Badges'? O hai, you got pranked! Happy April Fools 2009! badge_desc_NLC_HHSG=Awarded to the 3rd-placed Habbo on the weekly Trax Charts. badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver4_HHCA=For giving 26 gifts. Worth 10 pixels badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration2_HHCA=Level 2 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 3 weeks. Worth 60 pixels. badge_desc_XM2_HHSG=Worn by members of Ram.Bling's team in Christmas 2005. badge_name_ACB_HHCA=Tribe Squid - Elite Member badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver3_HHCA=Pat pat! badge_desc_HUG=Someone gave me a hug! <3 badge_desc_BOT_HHAU=The hard working robots of Habbo! badge_desc_HUB=Hubu badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding10=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_ACH_MGM2_HHCA=Luau badge_desc_SU2_HHSG=Awarded to accomplished Shamans of the Tikitoa Tribe, during Summer 2008. badge_desc_GLI_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding1_HHCA=Give your pets at least 200 points of food to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectGiver8_HHCA=Scratch anyone's pet at least 170 times to earn this badge. badge_name_TWIV3_HHAU=Level 3 Volturi Badge badge_name_SB6_HHAU=Flaming Skulls 2 badge_name_TWIV3_HHCA=Ultimate Volturi badge_desc_TWIQ2_HHSG=This Habbo's the head of their wolf pack and following in Jacob's furry footsteps. badge_name_KO1_HHCA=Koala Badge badge_desc_PT2=You are a fan of the StrawBlueberry Poptarts flavor. badge_name_XM2_HHCA=Bling badge_desc_PT1=You are a fan of the Chocolate/Vanilla Poptarts flavor. badge_name_ACB_HHAU=Squid Badge badge_name_NO2=Aslan's Army Finalist badge_name_AC9_HHSG=The Simian Tribal Badge badge_name_FF2=Fashion Friendly Fighters badge_desc_HW1=Earned for being a Top 10 Habbowood Director in 2007 badge_desc_HW09A=Had a featured game/event for Habboween 2009 badge_desc_HW09C=Won the video competition from Habboween 2009 badge_desc_CY1_HHCA=Dragon Court Apprentice, CNY 09. badge_desc_HW09B=I write about the paranormal.... Habboween 09. badge_desc_HW09E=Won a competition during Habboween 2009 badge_desc_HW09D=Screenshot Entry chosen for Habboween 2009 badge_name_HW09A_HHCA=Haunted Home Owner badge_desc_HW09G=Participated in an Official Habbo Fansite Habboween competition. badge_desc_HW09F=Helped the gravedigger during Habboween 2009 badge_desc_GLJ_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_HW09H=Participated in an Official Habbo Fansite Habboween competition. badge_name_BBBH2_HHSG=Brotherhood of the Hand badge_name_NEB_HHSG=Neon Mirrorball (Silver) badge_desc_ACH_GiftReceiver6_HHCA=For receiving 86 gifts. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_BOT_HHCA=I am an automated (ro)bot on Try talking to me! badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote8_HHCA=Well-known badge_desc_GLJ_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_NLD=Silver Trax badge_name_NLE=Gold Trax badge_name_MS6_HHAU=The Brain badge_name_NLC=Bronze Trax badge_name_ACH_PetLevelUp9_HHCA=Animal trainer III badge_desc_VIP_HHSG=Used for special guests, such as celebrities or Very Important People. badge_desc_EC5_HHAU=Love the Earth 09 badge_name_GA1_HHCA=Golden Gamer badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote2_HHCA=Level 2- For gathering 20 votes on stage. Worth 20 pixels. badge_desc_BOT=I am an automated (ro)bot. Try talking to me! badge_name_XMAS2_HHCA=Holiday Moments badge_name_AR2_HHSG=Scimitar Snake badge_desc_ACH_RegistrationDuration4_HHCA=Level 4 - For true Habbos who have been members of the community for 16 weeks. Worth 120 pixels. badge_desc_BR012_HHCA=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_desc_NO032=Winner of the Crystal Cave room comp! badge_desc_EC5_HHCA=I planted a tree for my friend in Habbo! Loving the Earth, April 09. badge_desc_WH8_HHCA=I got rid of the infectious virus, Habboween 08 badge_name_HQ005_HHSG=Senior Inspector badge_name_GA1_HHAU=Games Badge badge_name_XMAS2_HHAU=Bauble Badge badge_name_FAN_HHSG=Official Fansites badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver10_HHCA=For giving 566 gifts. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_CAI_HHCA=I was voted into the Habbo CA Yearbook of 2009! badge_name_HW09A_HHAU=Habboween 09 Alien Badge badge_desc_PX0=Is it cheese!? *bites. Ow. x1 StrayPixels Winner badge_name_FAN=Official Fansite badge_desc_PX1=Sparkly Diamond Pixel. A Habbos best friend. x3 StrayPixels Winner badge_name_USF_HHCA=Larry badge_name_MS6_HHCA=Brain Freeze badge_desc_PX6=Something IS fishy around here. x15 StrayPixels Winner badge_desc_Z67_HHAU=Safety Campaign 2010 badge_desc_PX2=Smells fishy... x5 StrayPixels Winner badge_desc_PX3=It's like the Gold one.. but better. x7 StrayPixels Winner badge_desc_PX4=4 blocks never looked so... square. x10 StrayPixels Winner badge_desc_PX5=Not so good for taking tests... but great for showing off. x15 StrayPixels Winner badge_desc_HWB=Habboween Comp Winners badge_desc_HWB_HHSG=Given to all winners of Habboween competitions, October 2005. badge_desc_OL2_HHAU=Habbolympics Campaign 08 badge_name_HW09F_HHSG=Investigator Badge badge_desc_Z67_HHCA=Safety Expert badge_name_LC3_HHSG=Lemuria Badge badge_name_SG4_HHSG=Nike badge_desc_DU3_HHAU=Commonwealth 06 badge_name_SFL_HHSG=Prince Badge badge_desc_WH8_HHAU=Habboween Quest 08 badge_name_GLG_HHAU=Buffalo badge_desc_OL2_HHCA=My Team won the SILVER medal of Habbolympics 08! badge_name_BOT_HHSG=Habbo Bot badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned3_HHCA=Been respected 16 times. badge_name_CO6_HHSG=Farmer's Badge Lvl 3 badge_name_KO1_HHAU=Koala Badge badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence8_HHCA=Online time VIII- Meso Cyclone badge_desc_BTB=To show that you are a true master of Battleball. badge_desc_AC5_HHCA=My spirit animal is calm, peaceful, and goes with the flow badge_name_US09=Habbo Intern badge_name_US08=HSS Habbenger badge_name_NEA=Bronze Disco Ball badge_desc_Z05_HHAU=For previous Habbo Xs badge_name_US07=Seventeen Magazine 6 (2009) badge_name_US06=Seventeen Magazine 4 (2009) badge_name_US05=Seventeen Magazine 2 (2009) badge_name_US04=Seventeen Magazine 3 (2009) badge_name_NEE=Neon Silver Microphone badge_name_AC5_HHCA=The Squishy Squid badge_name_US03=Seventeen Magazine 5 (2009) badge_name_NED=Neon Bronze Microphone badge_name_US02=Alhambra 2.0 Winner badge_name_NEC=Gold Disco Ball badge_name_US01=Crazy Carl Level 2 badge_name_NEJ=Good Times badge_name_US00=Crazy Carl Level 1 badge_name_NEI=Neon Party Flamingo badge_name_NEH=Neon Nightclub Loudspeaker badge_name_NEG=Party Machine badge_name_GLG_HHCA=Buffalo badge_name_TWIC1_HHAU=Level 1 Cullens Badge badge_name_ACH_PetLover6_HHCA=Pet shop keeper II badge_name_CNY03=Tiger Paw Badge badge_name_CNY02=Tiger Peace Badge badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned6_HHCA=Level 6 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_HO1=I aced the medal count, Vancouver Olympics 2010 badge_desc_HBA_HHSG=Hobba badge badge_desc_HQ002_HHSG=Given to the Top 8 finalists of the Kitchen Survivor showdown. These Habbos know how to cook an egg. badge_name_CNY01=Tiger Claw Badge badge_desc_SG1_HHSG=Awarded permanently to all Habbos who earn at least 3 Habbo Points in any month. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp8_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 130 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_CO2_HHCA=I embraced the Country in Habbo, May 2009 badge_name_NCD=NCD Badge badge_name_HC4_HHSG=HC IV badge_name_FLA=Pink Flamingo badge_desc_RLX03_HHSG=This badge identifies a Habbo who has attained spiritual enlightenment. They can now draw a circle. badge_desc_PN1=Design comp winners badge_name_TWIC1_HHCA=Cullen Quest badge_desc_HM1=Winner of a Habbo Mall room competition. badge_name_US0K=Habbo NASCAR Racing Badge badge_name_US0J=Pitch Black Watch badge_name_US0M=Twilight at Target Badge badge_name_US0L=The Directors Badge badge_name_NDG=The Nudge badge_name_US0N=LIES: A Gone Novel badge_name_US0Q=8 Bit Trip Badge badge_name_US0P=Time Traveling Hat badge_name_US0B=Camp Habbo Games Badge badge_name_US0C=Camp Habbo Investigation Badge badge_name_US0D=Camp Habbo Punisher badge_name_NLE_HHSG=Trax Gold 5th Birthday badge_name_US0G=Pirate Day Plunderer badge_desc_DS7_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_name_US0H=Pirate Day Master Shipwright badge_name_US0I=Pirate Day Cannon Blast badge_name_HX1_HHSG= badge_name_US0A=RewardTV Badge badge_name_U04_HHSG=Checkered Flag badge_desc_HC2_HHAU=Level 2 - 12 months membership. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_MGM1=Baby Shower badge_name_WH4_HHCA=Brain badge_name_ACH_MGM2=Luau badge_desc_TWIV3_HHAU=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan badge_name_ACH_MGM3=Block party badge_name_ACH_MGM4=Dance Party badge_name_ACH_MGM5=Slumber Party badge_name_ACH_MGM6=Reunion badge_desc_HQ008_HHCA=Because Franz is the better brother! badge_name_ACH_MGM7=Housewarming badge_name_ACH_MGM8=Ball badge_desc_ACH_MGM6_HHCA=Level 6 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 10. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 150 pixels. badge_name_ACH_MGM9=Fiesta badge_desc_MTV01_HHSG=This Habbo's a fan of the 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards! badge_desc_RUN01_HHSG=This Habbo's well on his way to becoming a fashion legend! Runway 2010. badge_name_EC5_HHCA=Tree Planter badge_name_CO2_HHCA=Country Lovin' badge_name_WH4_HHAU=Habboween Brain badge_desc_POP=Received for filling out a Safety survey! badge_desc_NLE_HHSG=Awarded to the 1st-placed Habbo on the weekly Trax Charts. badge_desc_LC7_HHAU=Lost City campaign 09 badge_desc_TWIV3_HHCA=Habbo's Biggest New Moon Fan, 09 badge_desc_PRE=Habbo Press Members badge_name_EC5_HHAU=Tree Planter badge_desc_HQ008_HHAU=Brother vs. Brother 2010 badge_desc_HOT=One Hot Habbo - Hot/Cool 2009 badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote7_HHCA=Grand badge_desc_RUN08_HHSG=This Habbo's a legend in the fashion world. Runway 2010. badge_name_DS5_HHCA=Bobbarians badge_desc_XMAS1_HHCA=Host with the most, December 09 badge_name_VA7=Shalimar Badge of Love 2 badge_name_VA8=Shalimar Badge of Love 3 badge_name_DN2_HHSG=Diner Jock badge_name_VA9=Shalimar Badge of Love 1 badge_name_VA3=The Love Cruise badge_desc_PR2=Pirates Campaign 08 badge_name_VA4=The Cruise Staff badge_desc_PR3=Pirates 08 Campaign Winner badge_name_VA5=Wedding Ring badge_name_VA6=Bolly Badge (Lvl 1) badge_name_LC7_HHSG=Crab Badge Lvl 2 badge_desc_PR1=Pirates Campaign 08 badge_name_VA2=Valentine Heart badge_desc_HC2_HHCA=Level 2 - For 12 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_VA1=Valentine Gun Heart badge_name_RA4_HHAU=Magic Bean Badge badge_desc_ACH_MGM10_HHCA=Level 10 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 18. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 200 pixels. badge_desc_SFC_HHCA=I was a Level 3 Security Officer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_XM2_HHAU=Christmas Campaign 05 badge_name_AC1_HHCA=Fire Walker badge_name_ACH_Name1_HHCA=New Identity badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration8_HHCA=80 % True Habbo badge_name_ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence10=Online time X - F5 Tornado badge_desc_VA2_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won competitions during Valentines 2006 or were holding Valentines events. badge_name_XMAS2_HHSG=Chrismtas Bauble 3 badge_desc_AC7_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who have proved that they are a loyal and stalwart member of the Avian Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes competition. badge_desc_DN5_HHCA=I took the test and yes, I am a Greaser! Diner 08. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp6=Train your pets up at least 50 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp5=Train your pets up at least 30 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp4=Train your pets up at least 20 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp3=Train your pets up at least 10 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp9=Train your pets up at least 200 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp8=Train your pets up at least 130 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp7=Train your pets up at least 80 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_GLJ_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_NEF_HHSG=For the first prize winner of Habbo's Got Talent final competition during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp2=Train your pets up at least 5 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp1=Train your pets up at least 1 level to earn this badge. badge_name_EXH_HHCA=Hobba Service Medal badge_name_GWA=Global Warming Awareness badge_desc_CY1_HHSG=Chinese New Year 2009. For Habbos who are searching for balance. badge_name_DS5_HHAU=Bobbarians Comp Winner badge_desc_BOT_HHSG=This tireless staff member's here to help answer your questions and serve you, as long as you ask right! badge_desc_HC5_HHSG=Level 5 - For 48 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 500 Pixels. badge_name_GWA_HHAU=Love the Earth badge_name_DE002=Memory Keeper badge_name_TWIQ2_HHSG=Quileute Tattoo 2 badge_name_DS7_HHSG=DS Yggdrasil badge_desc_AC1_HHSG=I passed through the Trial of Fire, and emerged victorious! (And lightly toasted, but that's besides the point.) A warrior initiate of the tribe. badge_name_TWIQ3_HHSG=Quileute Tattoo 3 badge_name_AC1_HHAU=Lost City 2nd Place badge_desc_DS4_HHSG=Santini Battle Trail Hypersphere 2006 badge_desc_HX1_HHCA=Member of the former safety team. badge_name_ACH_Login8=Rotten tomato badge_name_ACH_Login9=Habbo Stayer badge_name_USK_HHCA=Around the World badge_name_AC9_HHCA=Tribe Ape badge_desc_DE002_HHCA=Keeping the memories alive. Habbo CA Memory Newsie, April 2010 badge_name_XM6_HHSG=Xmas '07 - Santa3000 badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry10=Pilgrim badge_name_ACH_Login5=A Piece Of The Furniture badge_name_ACH_Login4=High Roller badge_desc_BTB_HHSG=Top 50 Battleball players of all time! badge_name_ACH_Login7=Space dust on your shoes badge_name_ACH_Login6=Covered with moss badge_desc_DS3_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_name_ACH_Login1=Traveler badge_name_Z67_HHAU=Myth Bunnies badge_name_ACH_Login3=Frequent Resident badge_name_ACH_Login2=Preferred Guest badge_desc_XM2_HHCA=It's all about DJ-Bling! badge_desc_BR013_HHCA=Restoring Alhambra to its former glory, Jan 2010 badge_desc_RUN04_HHSG=This Habbo transformed from an ugly duckling to a gorgeous swan. Runway 2010. badge_desc_GLI_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_CY3_HHCA=Dragon Court Member, CNY 09. badge_name_SB7_HHSG=Bobba Lieutenant badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration5_HHCA=50 % True Habbo badge_desc_HW09C_HHSG=This Habbo has seen the monster under the bed, and lived to film the tale. badge_desc_RM2=Level 3 badge_desc_RM1=Level 2 badge_desc_RM4=Level 4 badge_desc_RM3=Level 4 badge_desc_ACH_GiftGiver1_HHCA=For giving a gift. Worth 5 pixels. badge_name_HQ005_HHCA=Titanium Crime Fighter badge_name_FAN_HHCA=Fansite Badge badge_desc_OL2_HHSG=Awarded to the team that placed 2nd in the 2008 Habbolympics. badge_desc_DS3_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_RM0=Level 1 badge_desc_ACH_Login1=Level 1 - For logging in 5 days in a row. Try it if you dare. Gives you 50 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login5=Level 5 - For logging in 35 days in a row. Amazing. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login4=Level 4 - For logging in 28 days in a row. Scary. Gives you 150 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Motto1_HHCA=For editing your motto & letting us know how you're feeling. Worth 10 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login3=Level 3 - For logging in 15 days in a row. Strange. Gives you 120 pixels. badge_name_CO6_HHCA=Country Wheat badge_desc_ACH_Login2=Level 2 - For logging in 8 days in a row. Weird. Gives you 80 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login9=Level 9 - For logging in 90 days in a row. Extraordinary. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login8=Level 8 - For logging in 80 days in a row. Sensational. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login7=Level 7 - For logging in 70 days in a row. Awesome. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_Login6=Level 6 - For logging in 60 days in a row. Phenomenal. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_RoomEntry8_HHCA=Sightseer badge_desc_CY3_HHAU=Chinese New Year 09 badge_desc_ACB_HHAU=Vision Quest '09 badge_name_GM3_HHCA=Sapphire badge_desc_MB2_HHCA=Madball 08 badge_name_ACH_Name1=Mysterious Badge badge_desc_DN5_HHAU=Diner Campaign 08 badge_name_RLX01=Relax Games Badge badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding10_HHCA=Give your pets at least 204600 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_FAN_HHAU=Official Fansite badge_name_RLX03=Zen Paintbrush badge_name_RLX02=Relax Friends Badge badge_name_HUG_HHSG=Free Hugs badge_desc_ACB_HHCA=I am an Elite Member of Tribe Squid, June 09 badge_desc_ACH_BasicClub5_HHCA=For 48 months of Habbo Club Membership. badge_name_CO6_HHAU=Wheat Badge badge_name_USO=Little Dogs badge_name_USN=Big Dogs badge_name_USQ=Prom of the Dead Zombies badge_name_USP=Prom of the Dead King and Queen badge_name_ESW_HHCA=Movie Director badge_desc_RA5=I purchased a Rare Crystal Patch in May 2010 badge_name_USS=Prom of the Dead Brains badge_desc_ACH_AIPerformanceVote9_HHCA=Level 9- For gathering 300 votes on stage. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_RA4=I purchased a Rare Giant Beanstalk in March 2010 badge_name_USR=Prom of the Dead Cured badge_desc_RA3=Helped in finding the St Pats 2010 Leprechaun. badge_name_USU=Thanksgiving '08 badge_name_UST=The List badge_name_USG=Xmas Mr. Sinister Badge badge_name_USF=Xmas Larry Badge badge_name_USI=Royal Rumble '08 badge_name_USH=Xmas Santa.3000 Badge badge_name_USK=Around the World badge_desc_OL3_HHSG=Awarded to the team that placed 3rd in the 2008 Habbolympics. badge_name_USJ=WWE Badge badge_name_USM=No Way Out badge_name_USL=Chinese New Year badge_desc_AC8_HHSG=Awarded to Habbos who have proved that they are a loyal and stalwart member of the Teuthida Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes competition. badge_desc_RLX02_HHCA=I am a master of the Feng Shui Art. Try me! Aug 09 badge_name_USA=Adidas Blue badge_name_USB=Adidas Red badge_name_USE=Xmas Smilla Badge badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration10_HHCA=100% True Habbo badge_desc_ACH_MGM10=Level 10 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 18. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_US7=Seventeen Fashion badge_name_ACH_Login1_HHCA=Traveller badge_desc_GLD_HHSG=Sorry, this Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_HX5_HHCA=Host X badge_desc_HBA_HHAU=Hobba/SuperHobba badge badge_desc_USD_HHCA=Bring it on: In it to win it! badge_desc_ACH_Login3_HHCA=Level 3 - For logging in 15 days in a row. Strange. Worth 120 pixels. badge_name_HC4_HHCA=HC Club membership IV badge_desc_GLC_HHCA=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_name_USX=Revenge of the Cheeps badge_name_USY=Habbo Prom 2009 Winner badge_name_USV=Heroes badge_name_USW=Crunchy Pure Evil badge_name_USZ=Seventeen Fitness Challenge badge_desc_GLC_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_DU3_HHCA=Bronzed and beautiful, just like me! badge_name_HBA_HHSG=Hobba badge badge_name_EAS04=Professional Gardner Badge badge_name_EAS03=Flower Patch Badge badge_name_EAS02=Flower Power 2 badge_name_EAS01=Flower Power Badge badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding10_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_name_HC4_HHAU=HC IV badge_name_HOP02_HHSG=Silver Habbolympics Medal badge_name_HC2=HC II badge_name_HC1=HC I badge_name_US0=Seventeen Magazine (2009) badge_name_CNY01_HHSG=Tiger's Claw 1 badge_name_HX5_HHAU=Gold Habbo X Host badge_desc_HBA_HHCA=Hobba badge_name_HBA=Hobba Service Medal badge_desc_HC4_HHAU=Level 4 - 36 months membership. Gives you 400 pixels. badge_desc_HC4_HHCA=Level 4 - For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. Worth 400 pixels. badge_name_GWA_HHCA=Global Warming badge_desc_GLI_HHAU=Sorry. This Achievement is not available at the moment. badge_desc_WH4_HHCA=Habboween 06 badge_desc_RE2=Reach Out! Competition Winners badge_desc_RE1=Official Reach Out! Staff badge_desc_RUN08_HHAU=Runway Competition - 1st Place badge_desc_SFK_HHAU=Habbofest 08 badge_name_ACH_VipClub3=VIP member badge_name_ACH_VipClub2=VIP member badge_name_ACH_VipClub5=VIP member badge_name_ACH_VipClub4=VIP member badge_desc_WH4_HHAU=Habboween Campaign 06 badge_desc_RUN08_HHCA=I was voted best Runway Show director of Habbo, May 2010. badge_name_ACH_VipClub1=VIP member badge_name_HOP01_HHCA=Gold Medal badge_desc_DS2_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won a competition during Donnie Santini's Space Explore in Planet Alphatronics. badge_desc_WD2_HHCA=Working the wedding, let me through, please! Chloé + Reginald, June 09. badge_name_ACH_AvatarTags1_HHCA=5 words of wisdom badge_desc_TWIV3_HHSG=This Habbo's the Ultimate New Moon fan! badge_name_ACH_GamePlayed1_HHCA=Battle Royal I badge_name_HOP01_HHAU=Gold Medal badge_desc_JF4_HHCA=Habbo Ninja 08 badge_name_Z27_HHCA=I was crowned Habbo CA Prom Queen of 2009! badge_desc_LC7_HHSG=For the ocean adventurers who have participated in expeditions to the Lost City. badge_name_SFH_HHSG=Scientist Level 2 badge_desc_VA2_HHCA=Valentine's 07 badge_desc_SB7_HHAU=Ultimate Streets of Bobba 08 badge_name_DS7_HHAU=Yggdrasil Comp Winner badge_name_CAK_HHCA=The Maple Leaf badge_name_UK045=Pig Pet Badge badge_name_UKT=Cotton Candy badge_name_UK049=Gold Santa Hat badge_desc_SF1_HHSG=Given to the captain of the space crews who has at least 3 Team Points during the deep space exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_name_UK046=Terrier Pet Badge badge_desc_VA2_HHAU=Valentines Campaign 07 badge_desc_DE002=Keeping the memories alive. Habbo CA Memory Newsie, April 2010 badge_name_UK051=Bronze Santa Hat badge_name_UK050=Silver Santa Hat badge_desc_WBL_HHSG=Top 50 Wobble Squabble players of all time! badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver6_HHCA=Pet lover II badge_name_UK9=Stone Lamp badge_name_HC5_HHSG=HC V badge_desc_ACH_PetRespectReceiver1_HHCA=Have someone scratch your pet at least 3 times to earn this badge. badge_desc_BTB_HHAU=BattleBall Hall of Fame badge_desc_ACH_RespectEarned8_HHCA=Level 8 - For earning respect a further 200 times. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_GF1=Hot or Not badge_desc_AC7_HHCA=I am a member of Tribe Eagle, June 09 badge_name_UKC=spokesHabbo badge_name_ACH_RespectGiven1=Nice as pie! badge_name_XM1_HHSG=Rasta Santa badge_desc_MS6_HHCA=I defrosted Gingerly's brain and saved the Habbo Prom 09! badge_name_CO4_HHSG=Farmer's Badge Lvl 1 badge_desc_BTB_HHCA=BattleBall Hall of Fame, exclusive to top 25 all time BB players! badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp5_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 30 levels to earn this badge. badge_desc_COL_HHCA=Cause I'm a COOL cat! Hot'or'Cool, Summer 09. badge_desc_USM_HHAU=No Way Out 09 badge_desc_RUN07_HHSG=This Habbo has the perfect eye for fashion design. Runway 2010. badge_desc_AC1_HHCA=I conquered the Fire Walk Challenge, April 09! badge_desc_CNV_HHSG=This Habbo's so cool, they lit up the entire parade during Carnival Week. Zzzzssst! badge_desc_ACH_PetFeeding4_HHCA=Give your pets at least 3000 points of food to earn this badge. badge_name_WBL_HHSG=Hall of Fame: Wobble Squabble achievements_desc=Achievements are tasks that you can do in Habbo Hotel. For each Achievement you receive a badge and some pixels. badge_desc_NED_HHSG=For the third prize winner of Habbo's Got Talent final competition during the Neon Campaign 2008. badge_name_UK039=Habbo Awards 2009 Top 3 badge_desc_COL_HHAU=Hot or Cool Campaign badge_name_TWIQ2_HHCA=Wolfpack badge_name_UK032=Chipettes fan badge_name_DS7_HHCA=Yggdrasil badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver7_HHCA=Value me badge_desc_MS6_HHAU=Villains 'R' Us '09 badge_name_UK031=Chipmunks Fan badge_name_SF5_HHSG=Navigator Level 2 badge_name_ACH_GiftReceiver1_HHCA=Greet me badge_desc_HX1_HHSG= badge_desc_SU1_HHSG=Awarded to fledgling Shamans of the Tikitoa Tribe, during Summer 2008. badge_desc_AC1_HHAU=Fire walking - April Collectible badge_desc_SF001_HHSG=Given to Habbos who helped the Space Bar attract more customers, and had an extra packet of tissue handy. badge_name_ACH_RegistrationDuration1_HHCA=10 % True Habbo badge_name_TWIQ2_HHAU=Level 2 Quileute Badge badge_desc_ADM_HHAU=Habbo AU Staff Member UKX=CA Newsie badge_desc_ACH_PetLevelUp6_HHCA=Train your pets up at least 50 levels to earn this badge. badge_name_ACH_PetLover2_HHCA=I'll soon have a kennel I badge_desc_ACH_RoomEntry4_HHCA=Level 4 - For hanging out in 30 guest rooms that you do not own. Backpacker. Worth 15 pixels. badge_desc_CAE_HHCA=Never forget! Remembrance Day. badge_desc_DS3_HHSG=Given to Habbos who won a competition during Donnie Santini's Space Explore in Planet of the Clones. badge_desc_AR2=Watch out! These snakes bite. badge_desc_AR1=From when the Genie took the Hotel to a new and enchanted land. badge_name_JFF_HHAU=Electronica Band badge_desc_CY3_HHSG=Chinese New Year 2009. For Habbos who have learned to balance. Like riding a bike. badge_desc_AU3=Streets of Bobba Campaign 07 badge_desc_AU2=Streets of Bobba Campaign 07 badge_name_RLX02_HHCA=Feng Shui Bull badge_desc_AU5=Habbo AU's 4th Birthday badge_desc_AU4=Streets of Bobba Campaign 07 badge_name_HUG_HHCA=*HUG* badge_desc_ACB_HHSG=Given to warriors who have successfully defended the honour of the Teuthida Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes trials. badge_desc_AU1=Monsters of Habbo fest 07 badge_desc_Z67=Safety Expert badge_desc_Z64=Given to all original members of the Habbo Beta group. badge_desc_Z63=Given to those in the Beta group that have contributed to the testing. badge_desc_ACH_HappyHour1_HHCA=For spending a Happy moment in Habbo! Log in on Happy Hour to receive this achievement. Worth 100 pixels. badge_desc_AUB=Joined official AU group badge_desc_UK078_HHCA=Friend of Fang badge_name_HQ007_HHCA=Supporting Hans badge_desc_SF002_HHAU=September Collectible Campaign '09 badge_name_ACH_PetLover7_HHCA=Pet shop keeper III badge_name_MH1=Guitar badge_name_MH2=Producer 666 badge_name_MB1_HHCA=Red Card badge_desc_NEE_HHCA=I will fill the Talk Show shoes of Oprah! Nov 09. badge_desc_Z76=Got hitched July '09 badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned7_HHCA=Been respected 566 times. badge_desc_ACH_EmailVerification1=For activating your email address and for making it easier to retrieve your password. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_name_VA8_HHSG=Bolly Badge (Lvl 3) badge_name_GNO=Garden Gnome badge_name_UD1=Dag or Not badge_desc_ACH_RespectGiven1=For giving respect 100 times. Gives you 20 pixels. badge_desc_AUW=Winter Meltdown Campaign 08 badge_desc_AC8_HHCA=I am a member of Tribe Squid, June 09 badge_name_HQ007_HHSG=Team Herbert badge_name_MB1=Madball Red Card badge_name_MB2=Madball Yellow Card badge_desc_USC_HHCA=Bring it on: In it to win it! badge_name_CAJ_HHCA=Happy 5th B-Day! badge_desc_RLX02_HHSG=This badge identifies a Habbo on his way to become a true Zen master because he has caught the bull. badge_desc_OL3_HHCA=My Team won the BRONZE medal of Habbolympics 08! badge_name_WH2_HHSG=Smile badge_desc_ACH_Login8_HHCA=Level 8 - For logging in 80 days in a row. Sensational. Worth 200 pixels. badge_name_ACH_PetRespectReceiver7_HHCA=My pets get all the love VI badge_desc_OL3_HHAU=Habbolympics Campaign 08 badge_desc_SHA_HHAU=Superhobba badge badge_name_ACH_GiftGiver2_HHCA=Well heeled badge_name_SFC_HHSG=Security Level 3 badge_name_ACH_name1_HHCA=Mystery Badge badge_desc_LC8_HHSG=For the deep-sea detectives who have uncovered the mysteries surrounding the Lost City. badge_name_MDI=The Joe Badge badge_desc_DU3_HHSG=Given to the third-placed Habbo during the Habbolympics 2006 & 2007. Also given out for various other Habbolympic competitions. badge_desc_Z39=Completed the Hotel For Dogs quest badge_desc_Z38=Hotel For Dogs Design Comp 09 badge_desc_Z37=Hotel For Dogs Design Comp 09 badge_desc_Z36=Hotel For Dogs Design Comp 09 badge_desc_Z35=Completed the Hotel For Dogs Mega Maze badge_desc_SHA_HHCA=Super Hobba badge_name_MTV01=MTV Badge badge_name_ACH_MGM10_HHCA=Prom badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote4=NoteGives youy badge_desc_AR1_HHCA=Alhambra 08, the badge of a Magic World! badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote3=Unique badge_desc_Z01=I was spotted in the Weekly Newsletter badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote2=Hidden Talent badge_desc_Z02=The Earth is burning up, do something! Earth Hour, 2010 badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote1=Unknown Star badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote8=Well-known badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote7=Grand badge_desc_Z05=Ex-experts but still here to help! badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote6=Famous badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote5=Influential badge_name_ACH_AIPerformanceVote9=Glorious badge_name_NEH_HHSG=Neon Megaphone badge_name_ACH_PetFeeding1_HHCA=They're eating all my credits! badge_desc_AF1_HHCA=I am such a fool! I received this foolish badge on April 1st, 09 :P badge_desc_SF7_HHCA=I was a Level 1 Engineer in Space, July 09 badge_desc_SGR_HHSG=Given to winners of Zen Labyrinth in 2007, and nominated friends of winners. badge_desc_AR1_HHAU=Alhambra 08 Campaign badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned10_HHCA=Been respected 1166 times. badge_desc_HC4_HHSG=Level 4 - For 36 months of Habbo Club membership. Gives you 400 Pixels. badge_name_Z67_HHCA=Myth Bunnies Badge badge_name_ACH_VipClub4_HHCA=VIP Member badge_desc_SF7_HHAU=Space Explore '09 badge_name_GM1=Diamond Jewel badge_name_GM2=Emerald Jewel badge_name_GM3=Sapphire Jewel badge_desc_IT6=This Habbo pledges to uphold peace and to encourage tolerance towards all Habbos. badge_name_GM4=Ruby Jewel badge_name_ACH_RespectEarned5_HHCA=Been respected 166 times. badge_desc_IT8=Habbofest 08 badge_name_ACH_PetRespectGiver8_HHCA=Pet lover IV badge_desc_IT2=Juicy Fruit Beach Party 07 badge_desc_IT3=Silver Cup badge_desc_IT4=Bronze Cup badge_desc_ACH_MGM9=Level 9 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 16. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 180 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM8=Level 8 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 14. For For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 170 pixels. badge_desc_DS2_HHAU=Space Explore Campaign badge_desc_ACH_MGM4=Level 4 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 6. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 130 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM5=Level 5 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 8. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 140 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM6=Level 6 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 10. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 150 pixels. badge_desc_ACH_MGM7=Level 7 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 12. For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Gives you 160 pixels. badge_name_GLB=Bambi badge_name_GLA=Bunny badge_desc_ACH_MGM1=Level 1 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 2. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Gives you 50 pixels. achievements_tab_title=Achievements badge_name_GLD=Badger badge_desc_ACH_MGM2=Level 2 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 3. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Gives you 55 pixels. badge_name_GLC=Otter badge_desc_ACH_MGM3=Level 3 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 4. For inviting one real life friend to Habbo. Gives you 60 pixels. badge_name_GLF=Lynx badge_name_GLE=Fox badge_name_GLH=Bear badge_name_GLG=Buffalo badge_name_GLJ=Owl badge_name_NEF_HHSG=Neon Entertainer (Gold) badge_name_GLI=Eagle badge_name_GLK=Wolf badge_desc_DS2_HHCA=Astronaut of the Habbo Space Explore 06 badge_desc_ACH_Login10=Level 10 - For logging in 100 days in a row. Breathtaking. Gives you 200 pixels. badge_desc_WD2_HHSG=Given to the members of the wedding agency that planned and executed the Wedding of the Century for Marcel and Chloe. badge_desc_SFE_HHSG=Given to the medics of the space crews who has at least 10 Team Points during the exploration of the Habborella 3000. badge_desc_Z27_HHCA=Prom Queen badge_desc_ACH_MGM8_HHCA=Level 8 - For creating your own fellowship - party of 14. For For inviting two more real life friends to Habbo. Worth 170 pixels. badge_desc_SB7_HHSG=Awarded for Streets of Bobba 2008, this badge marks the big guns of each gang attempting to take control of Bobba Street. badge_desc_ACA_HHSG=Given to warriors who have successfully defended the honour of the Avian Tribe during the 2009 Lost Tribes trials. badge_name_SFB_HHCA=Security Officer - Level 2 badge_desc_ACH_EmailVerification1_HHCA=For activating your email address and for making it easier to return your password. Worth 200 pixels. nav_venue_snowwar_lobby_name=Snow Storm Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_2/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_cafe_gold/0_name=Kultakahvila nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_0_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_chill/0_name=Zen Garden nav_venue_skylight_lobby_name=Skylight Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_7/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_2/0_desc=Free for today! nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_0/0_desc=Practice your moves here nav_venue_the_chromide_club_name=The Chromide Club nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_4/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_4/0_desc= nav_venue_welcome_lounge_4/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_0/0_desc=Fight for your right! nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_desc=For the accomplished Snow Stormers. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_4/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_6_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_median_lobby/0_desc=A mean place to hang - with five Room-O-Matics nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_5_name=Amateur Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_bb_arena_3_name=Battle Ball Keskitaso nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_1_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_main_lobby_name=Main Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_desc=Amateur battle ball! nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_1_name=Amateur Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_arena_2_name=Battle Ball Amatöörit nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_5/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_3_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_club_mammoth_name=Club Mammoth nav_venue_bb_game/0_name=Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_4_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_6/0_desc=Pelaa Battle Ballia nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_1/0_desc=All skill levels can play here! nav_venue_the_dirty_duck_pub/0_desc=Stop in for some Habbo grog and grub... nav_venue_sun_terrace/0_name=Sun Terrace nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_3_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_star_lounge_name=Star Lounge nav_venue_tearoom/0_name=Chinese Tea Room nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_6/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_13/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_1_name=Beginner Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_10/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_12/0_desc= nav_venue_chill_name=Zen Garden nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_7_name=Battle Ball Tournament 8 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_6_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_1_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_12/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_7_name=Beginner Battle Ball 8 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_desc=Come and play. It's free! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_0_name=Battle Ball Tournament 1 nav_venue_sw_arena_intermediate_name(0)=SnowStorm Keskitaso nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_2/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_cinema/0_name=Shrek Forever After Cinema nav_venue_sun_terrace/0_desc=Sip a cool drink and get a supertan treatment! nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_0/0_desc= nav_venue_the_den/0_desc=Great for a bit of R and R nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_2/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_welcome_lounge/0_name=Welcome Lounge nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_0/0_desc=Experts only! nav_venue_picnic/0_name=Picnic Garden nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_0_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_name=Rooftop Rumble nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_6/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_1_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_desc=Practice improves a Snow Stormer's aim... Oops, missed! nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_1_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_theatredrome_valentine/0_desc=Love, hearts, and a really big bear. nav_venue_space_cafe_name=Space Cafe nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_2/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_9/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_3_name=Battle Ball Tournament 4 nav_venue_sw_arena_amateur_name(0)=SnowStorm Amatöörit nav_venue_club_massiva_desc=The club where you can do it all - rock, talk and chill nav_venue_sw_arena_expert_name(0)=SnowStorm Expertit nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_desc=Yes, get some snowballs and hit the enemy teams. Easy, isn't it? nav_venue_netcafe_name=Net Cafe nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_0/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_netcafe/0_desc=Who needs food when you have the interwebz... nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_1/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_theatredrome/0_name=Rock the Schools Assembly nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_5_name=Beginner Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_rooftop_name=Rooftop Cafe nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_ii_name=Rooftop Rumble II nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_2/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_8/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_13/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_1_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_5_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_4_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_desc=Expert battle ball! nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_7/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_2_name=Amateur Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_theatredrome_easter_name=Theatredrome Easter nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_3/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_arena_intermediate_name=Playing intermediate game nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_2/0_desc=Battle Ballia amatööreille nav_venue_orient_name=Dragon's Lair nav_venue_ballroom_name=Sports Arena nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_2_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_8/0_desc= nav_venue_the_den_name=The Den nav_venue_ice_cafe/0_name=Ice Cafe nav_venue_orient/0_name=House Of Flying Carrots nav_venue_cafe_ole/0_desc=Organic, healthy and just plain good food and drink at this cafe. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_2_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_3/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_the_dirty_duck_pub_name=The Dirty Duck Pub nav_venue_sw_arena_expert_name=Playing expert game nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_8_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_4_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_pizza/0_desc=Gino and Carlo's palace of perfect pizza. nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_1/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_median_lobby_name=Median Lobby nav_venue_beauty_salon_general_name=Beauty salon nav_venue_theatredrome/0_desc=Rock the Schools powered by A Brand Called Ed visits 70 schools each year from May until August. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_7_name=Amateur Battle Ball 8 nav_venue_gate_park/0_desc=Harmony, symmetry, and beaming lions. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_4/0_desc=Battle Ballia amatööreille nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_11_name=Battle Ball Tournament 12 nav_venue_gate_park/0_name=Peaceful Park nav_venue_bouncer_room_3_name=Semi-profs Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_ballroom/0_desc=Anyone up for a game? nav_venue_sw_arena_beginner_name=Playing beginner game nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_2_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_9_name=Amateur Battle Ball 10 nav_venue_sw_arena_tournament_name=Playing a tournament game! nav_venue_tearoom/0_desc=A soothing atmosphere and amazing tea brews. nav_venue_sport/0_name=The Habbo Gym nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_6/0_desc= nav_venue_hotel_kitchen_name=Hotel Kitchen nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_8_name=Amateur Battle Ball 9 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_desc=Beginner battle ball nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_5/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_4/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_1/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_12_name=Beginner Battle Ball 13 nav_venue_park/0_desc=parking allowed here nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_2_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_bouncer_room_4_name=Experts Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_8_name=Beginner Battle Ball 9 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_9_name=Beginner Battle Ball 10 nav_venue_club_massiva/2_name=Dancefloor nav_venue_tv_studio_2/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_lido/0_desc=Splish, splash and make a dash in your bathing suits. nav_venue_floatinggarden/0_name=Floating Garden nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_0_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_6_name=Battle Ball Tournament 7 nav_venue_beauty_salon/0_desc= nav_venue_tv_studio_general/0_desc=Suosikki rules! Musaa, leffoja ja staroja! nav_venue_pizza_desc=Tunnelmallinen pizzapaikka kiireettömään nautiskeluun. nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_2/0_desc= nav_venue_welcome_lounge_3/0_desc= nav_venue_emperors_name=Emperor's hall nav_venue_hallway_name=Hallway nav_venue_sw_arena_free_name=Playing a free game nav_venue_library/0_desc=There's nothing like a good book... nav_venue_habbo_lido_ii/1_desc=Sorry but the diving board is closed. nav_venue_beauty_salon_loreal_name=Beauty salon nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_5/0_desc= nav_venue_bouncer_room_1_name=Beginners Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_welcome_lounge_2/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_1_name=Battle Ball Tournament 2 nav_venue_old_skool_name=Old Skool Habbo nav_venue_pizzeria_name=Palazzo Pizza nav_venue_club_mammoth/0_desc=Monumental and magnificent. nav_venue_cafe_gold_name=Cafe Gold nav_venue_sunset_cafe/0_desc=Let yourself be lulled by the gentle pixel waves... nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_4_name=Beginner Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_theatredrome_name=Theatredrome nav_venue_habburger's_name=Flava Burger Bar nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_2/0_desc=Todellisille lumisotureille. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_0/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_habburger's/0_name=Habburgers nav_venue_rooftop_rumble_ii/0_desc=Are you ready? nav_venue_sw_arena_beginner_name(0)=SnowStorm Aloittelijat nav_venue_theatredrome_xmas_name=Theatredrome Xmas nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_10/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_4/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_3_name=Beginner Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_eric's_eaterie/0_desc=The perfect place to mellow out nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_5_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_11/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_7_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_space_cafe/0_desc=Hangout for habbonauts nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_desc=Intermediate battle ball! nav_venue_bb_arena_0_name=Battle Ball kaikille nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_5_name=Battle Ball Tournament 6 nav_venue_cafe_ole_name=Polarity nav_venue_floatinggarden_name=Tranquility Garden nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_4_name=Expert Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_park_name=Park nav_venue_hotel_kitchen/0_desc=Chef's cooking up a storm... nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_12_name=Battle Ball Tournament 13 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_5_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_welcome_lounge_name=Welcome Lounge nav_venue_orient/0_desc=Exotic mystery and danger awaits. nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_0_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_branded/0_desc= nav_venue_rooftop/0_desc=Hang out on the very top of Habbo Hotel! nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_3_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_9/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_main_lobby/0_desc=The heart of Habbo Hotel - plus four Room-O-Matics nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_0/0_desc=Learn how to play Battle Ball nav_venue_hallway_ii_name=The Promenade nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_6_name=Amateur Battle Ball 7 nav_venue_chill/0_desc=Take some time out. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_3_name=Amateur Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_hallway_ii/0_desc=More room to play tag! nav_venue_hallway/0_name=Hallway nav_venue_theatredrome_easter/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_6/0_desc= nav_venue_star_lounge/0_desc=The place where everyone can be a STAR! nav_venue_basement_lobby_name=Basement Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_14_name=Battle Ball Tournament 15 nav_venue_bb_lobby_5_name=Battle Ball Kaikille nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_3/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_0_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_hallway_ii/0_name=Hallway II nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_9_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_floatinggarden/0_desc=Tranquillity and flowing water, soothes your pixel soul! nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_3_name=Expert Battle Ball 4 nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_3_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_hallway/0_desc=Play tag in the Hotel Hallways! nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_3/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_2/0_desc=Free for... nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_7_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_8/0_desc= nav_venue_club_massiva/1_name=Chill-out Room nav_venue_theatredrome_halloween/0_desc=Once you're in - you CAN'T GET OUT! nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_3_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_tv_studio_2/0_name=MTV nav_venue_club_massiva/0_desc=Massive partying here! nav_venue_tearoom_name=Serenity Tea Room nav_venue_theatredrome_habbowood/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_1/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_10_name=Battle Ball Tournament 11 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_6_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_sun_terrace_name=Sun Terrace nav_venue_habbo_cinema/0_desc=See Shrek Forever After only at the movies from June 17. nav_venue_bouncer_room_0_name=Battle Ball Competitie Arena nav_venue_old_skool/0_name=Old Skool Habbo nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_4_name=Amateur Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_picnic_dudesons/0_desc= nav_venue_ice_cafe_name=Ice Cafe nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_6/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_club_massiva/2_desc=Shake that thing! nav_venue_club_massiva/1_desc=Marinate between sets. nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_9/0_desc= nav_venue_ice_cafe_joepie/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_0_name=Beginner Battle Ball 1 nav_venue_bb_lobby_free_0/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_11/0_desc= nav_venue_pizza_name=Slice of Life nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_9/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_7_name=Snow Slingers Lobby nav_venue_club_mammoth/0_name=Club Mammoth nav_venue_bb_arena_4_name=Battle Ball Expertit nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_desc=Play battle ball tournament! nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_2_name=Battle Ball Tournament 3 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_5_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_beauty_salon_general/0_desc=Treat yourself to a day of beauty! nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_0/0_desc=Todellisille lumisotureille. nav_venue_club_massiva_name=Club Massiva nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_0_name=Amateur Battle Ball 1 nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_7/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_14/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_5_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_5_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 6 nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_7/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_4/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_9_name=Battle Ball Tournament 10 nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_3/0_desc=Battle Ballia amatööreille nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_1/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_arena_1_name=Battle Ball Aloittelijat nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_0_name=Expert Battle Ball 1 nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_2_name=Expert Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_sunset_cafe_name=Sunset Cafe nav_venue_theatredrome_halloween_name=Theatredrome Habboween nav_venue_bouncer_room_2_name=Gevorderden Battle Ball Arena nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_1_name=Expert Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_9_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_theatredrome_valentine_name=Theatredrome Valentine nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_14/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_13_name=Battle Ball Tournament 14 nav_venue_snowwar_lobby/0_desc=Snow Storm Lobby - Come and be a Snow Stormer! nav_venue_bb_lobby_amateur_1/0_desc=Fast Battle Ball games for only 1 ticket! nav_venue_habbo_lido_name=Habbo Lido Deck I nav_venue_welcome_lounge_1/0_desc=New? Lost? Get a warm welcome here! nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_1/0_desc=Todellisille lumisotureille. nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_1_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_ice_cafe/0_desc=Cooler than an Eskimo's freezer nav_venue_gate_park_name=Peaceful Park nav_venue_dusty_lounge/0_desc=A dignified lounge for sitting back and enjoying a licorice pipe nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_4_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 5 nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_13_name=Beginner Battle Ball 14 nav_venue_basement_lobby/0_desc=For low level loafing :) nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_8_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_14_name=Beginner Battle Ball 15 nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_8_name=Battle Ball Tournament 9 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_4/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_11_name=Beginner Battle Ball 12 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_9/0_desc= nav_venue_$$/0_desc=Nieuw? Verdwaald? Hier word je warm onthaald nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_7/0_desc=Pelaa Battle Ballia nav_venue_picnic/0_desc=Pack a lunch! nav_venue_eric's_eaterie_name=Eric's Eaterie nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_8/0_desc=Kaikki eritasoiset pelaajat voivat pelata toisiaan vastaan. nav_venue_habbo_lido/1_desc=Sorry but the diving board is closed. nav_venue_kattoterassi/0_desc=Challenge your opponent. nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_1/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_2_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_0_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_dusty_lounge_name=Dusty Lounge nav_venue_beauty_salon_loreal/0_desc=No Pixel Surgery, only natural make-up! nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_5/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_8/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_6_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_habbo_lido_ii_name=Habbo Lido Deck II nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_7_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_rooftop_rumble/0_desc=Play Wobble Squabble! nav_venue_sw_lobby_amateur_3/0_desc=Astetta rankempaa lumisotaa. nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_0_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 1 nav_venue_sport/0_desc=I'll race you there!!! nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_6/0_desc= nav_venue_cafe_gold/0_desc=Cafe Gold is not so old. nav_venue_sport_name=The Habbo Gym nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_1/0_desc= nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_10_name=Beginner Battle Ball 11 nav_venue_the_chromide_club/0_desc=All styles, all beats, all comers. Tables in the front room, dance floor in the back. nav_venue_habbo_lido_ii/0_desc=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_venue_sw_arena_free_name(0)=SnowStorm - kaikki kaikkia vastaan nav_venue_sw_arena_amateur_name=Playing amateur game nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_0/0_desc=Test your Battle Ball skills nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_4_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_4_name=Battle Ball Tournament 5 nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_5/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_8_name=Tournament Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_9/0_desc=Pelaa Battle Ballia nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_0/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_3_name=Snow Bombardiers Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_intermediate_1_name=Intermediate Battle Ball 2 nav_venue_sw_lobby_tournament_desc=For stand-alone Tournaments. nav_venue_library/0_name=Library nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_4_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_bb_lobby_expert_4/0_desc= nav_venue_tv_studio_name=Habbo TV Studio nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_6_name=Beginner Battle Ball 7 nav_venue_habburger's/0_desc=American classics - burgers, fries and shakes. And ketchup, so much ketchup. nav_venue_habbo_lido/0_name=Habbo Lido Deck nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_0/0_desc= nav_venue_habbo_cinema_name=Habbo Cinema nav_venue_bb_lobby_tournament_8/0_desc=Pelaa Battle Ballia nav_venue_bb_lobby_beginner_2_name=Beginner Battle Ball 3 nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_desc=For the William Tells and Robin Hoods of Snow Storming. nav_venue_tv_studio/0_desc=Film your own reality show... nav_venue_old_skool/0_desc=A set of rooms inspired by the original and legendary Mobiles Disco, the progenitor of Habbo nav_venue_welcome_lounge/0_desc=Get a warm Habbo welcome here! nav_venue_sw_lobby_intermediate_3/0_desc=Lumisota sen kuin vain kovenee. nav_venue_skylight_lobby/0_desc=Lift your spirits on the top floor - Room-O-Matics plus water cooler nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_2_name=Snow Rookies Lobby nav_venue_emperors/0_desc=The glory and majesty of Ancient China nav_venue_sw_lobby_beginner_7/0_desc= nav_venue_sw_lobby_expert_2_name=Snow Marksmen Lobby nav_venue_sw_lobby_free_9_name=Free Game Lobby nav_venue_tv_studio_nike/0_desc= nav_venue_theatredrome_xmas/0_desc=The holidays are finally here! nav_venue_theatredrome_deli/0_desc= nav_venue_pizzeria/0_desc=Gino and Carlo's palace of perfect pizza.