i:Teleporters n:Teleporters l:ctlg_productpage3 s:Teleport! h:Beam your Habbo from one room to another with one of our cunningly disguised, space age teleports. Now you can link any two rooms together! Teleports are sold in pairs, so if you trade for them, check you're getting a linked pair. g:catalog_doors_headline1 w:Select an item by clicking one of the icons on the left. e:catalog_door_a,catalog_door_c,catalog_door_b, p:Telephone Box Dr Who? 5 s door 0 1,1 a2 ovi p:Portaloo In a hurry? 4 s doorC 0 1,1 a2 ovi3 p:Wardrobe Narnia this way! 3 s doorB 0 1,1 a2 ovi2