How to decompile a DCR You can't directly convert a dcr, and there's no known way of getting the scripts out of a dcr, but you can get most other elements: Import the dcr as a cast member. Place it on the stage, in sprite 1, frame 1. Make sure the playback head is on that frame. Next, open a script window, and paste this: --------------------------------- on extractAssets mov = sprite(1).movie repeat with cn = 1 to mov.castlib.count tCast = mov.castlib(cn) repeat with mn = 1 to tcast.member.count tMem = mov.member(mn,cn) if tMem.type <> #empty then tMem.copyToClipBoard() newMem = new(#bitmap) -- type doesn't matter newMem.pasteClipboardInto() = newMem.unload() put "extracted "&" (mem "&mn&" castlib "&cn&" - "&tMem.type&")" end if end repeat end repeat end --------------------------------- Next, check that the script type is set to 'movie' (in the property inspector). Hit the little lightning button in the script window toolbar (recompile all scripts). Now open the message window, and type: extractAssets Hit return, and voila!, your cast is filled with the cast members from the dcr. Any script cast members will be empty though. Can't help with that. hope this helps, 50vil