HAI. Thanks for downloading the script :) It's pretty cool and usefull for fansites so yeah, I hope you enjoy it! To install it, import the SQL (found in the /iot/ folder) into a database you've made and then edit the config.php file in /includes/ with the correct SQL Information. The $site_name thing means the name of your site (What people will see at the top of the Helptool - "Yoursite's Help Tool"). The $from_email thing is the email people will see in their Email Program/Site/etc when you reply to a message, I suggest it to be a no-reply@something.com email! Finally the $root_user thing is the MAIN account of the help tool. The variable is there to stop other people deleting the main account! So yeah, once again enjoy and check out my other scripts (They usually start with 'POWER' :P). ------------ Simon / Invent! on Habbo UK